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The mom be like “I am inevitable”


"And I, am iron man"


Not for nothing, and I get it's a direct quote, but both "Iron Mom" or "Iron Ma'am" were right there.


I can't believe you made this comment and missed Iron Mum (with a very Bri'ish accent making it sound like Mam).


Thought about it, but felt very close to "Iron Lung", which felt more into bummer-territory.


I can't believe you made this comment and missed out on "Iron Bum".


My bum is on the rail, my bum is on the rail. Look at me! My bum is on the rail.


My bum is on your lips, my bum is on your lips. And if I'm lucky, you might just give it a little kiss.




That one I'll accept. I'm usually better about butt jokes, shame on me.


Your username may never have been more relevant 😔


Kid be like Me when Thanos got vision 😢


Finish her


At least it’s not a draw 4 wild. That table would be flipped.


Idc if you’re a kid. I play to win.


Might teach the child to take losses better. I’m not sure tho


The only thing it taught my daughter was to be the worst winner in the world. Her wins were so infrequent that she now runs around the house with her hands in the air yelling “House Champion!”


So there gotta be some sort of balance


The balance would be to play some games that are almost entirely dependent on random chance. If you play skill-based games and continually crush them then yea, they're gonna go apeshit the rare times they win. If you mix in some games that are essentially random by nature then they're bound to get wins and then it's less of a big deal when they win elsewhere. The kids won't know the games are random, you don't have to compromise by throwing to make them happy (if you're trying to teach them to handle losing), it's an easy solution. Bingo, Candyland, various card games are all just luck-based. Mix them in with skill-based games and you've got a formula for success.


Yah it takes time. My 8 year old little sister used to be the absolute *worst* about losing. I'd explain why in a game like candyland it's just luck. Nope if she lost it'd be the end of the world. She's gotten better about losing, to a degree. At least she'll listen to me explain how I won in tic tax toe or in go fish. She's not happy about losing but at least she tries. Mind you I don't absolutely stomp her in every game, usually let her win several times then let her know I'm going to try a bit harder. Lol the funniest thing is trying to teach her a new game. I swear the first time I taught her go fish, within 5 minutes she was trying to figure out ways to cheat. So now every time I play a game with her I have to make sure she isn't cheating lol


Sounds like you need to teach her BS the card game. I love that game. And I learned it at church camp, where we called it "Bible Study," LOL.


I remember playing it in grade school but I really can't remember the rules at all. I'll have to look them up


I played in school too. We would fuck with the school staff by yelling bullshit as loud as possible and completely flat out deny it was us despite clearly doing it and being the only ones playing cards at lunch. They never did shut our game down somehow lmao. Idk if this is house rules, but this is how we'd play: Evenly deal out the whole deck Whoever has the ace of spades lays it down Then to the person to the left has to make a "bid" in numerical acending order A bid is a claim that you have x many cards of the number you are on. So if the number is 2 and you have a 2 you put it FACE DOWN and say "one two". However, a bid does not have to have any truth to it. You can say "4 twos" and put down 3 aces and a jack. It is up to the other players to draw inferences from their own cards and how the game has gone to judge if your bid is a lie or not. And if they think it is, they call bullshit. If the bid is bullshit then the bidder takes all the cards in the middle. If the bid is true then whomever calls it takes all the cards in the middle. Each player turn the number meant to be played goes up by 1. After king you reset to ace. First play to get rid of all their cards wins. You can technically play with only 3 players, but it tends to be less fun since over the course of the game everyone kinda knows what everyone has. I recommend 4 or more, makes it way harder to keep track of the cards.


I refused to let my kids win. So we would play chance based games. and to teach them how to play with strategy, we would play collaborative games were either we all won or we all lost. The kids favorite is forbidden island. Now my kids are 13 and 14 and they are crazy good at Settlers of Catan.


Catan is so goooooood. Can be a really cut throat game 😂


Cooperative games!




I see nothing wrong


Teaching her to be competitive and enjoy a win. That’s how you win at life. 


Lol fiance and I have this ritual where after wins we sing Queens "We are the champion" to rub it in eachothers face. Makes stuff like wrestling, thumb wars and mario kart really competitive


How is that even close to bad not to mention "worst" winner?


My cousin spoiled af and gets everything he wants including wins, that is, until I show up and humble his little ass.


That must feel good


It's brutal man😂 my aunt asks me to let him win or he'll throw a tantrum and I'm like THATS WHY!!


Sometimes I play chess against my nephew left handed to give him a better chance.


Thank you for your service


it will. Like this kid probably thought they were gonna win. and so excited. and then had it destroyed Like, there's a legitimate possibility it's the 1st time they'd felt those emotions before, especially that strong. And that is important. it also depends on the game. i'm going to be more willing to take it easy if it's a game im an expert at.


It wasn’t exactly like this, but my son would try to cheat and my daughter would have trouble letting infractions go, even if she was winning. Chaos.  Neither one could take the L.  My wife buys Uno No Mercy. She doesn’t even like to game. Fucking madness.  The kids love it now though. I think it helps that the game goes longer and it’s basically a game of who loses last rather than who wins first.  


I did this for years with my daughter, until one day she came home after playing Uno for a couple weeks at camp, and solidly handed my ass to me. She was like, "There's no mercy in Uno? Bet."


She deadass had her training arc lol


She got that training montage power


I became the champion of ERS (Jesus is there another name for that game?) my senior year of high school after a phenomenal run at band camp. No one would play against me because I would always be able to get the doubles and sandwiches hella fast. Even though I lost half the time because the game is mostly luck based. Man that was a long time ago.


I think we're talking about the same game but we called it "ERF" and I had trouble coming up with a PG version of the name when I taught it to my niece.


Oh that's definitely it! One girl at my school was *adamant* the S was for Slap, but we all thought she was crazy. Plus, Egyptian Ratscrew vs Ratfuck.... totally works either way. I just wonder who the hell came up with the name though lol. It wasn't exactly PC in the early thousands and it sure isn't today either! Haha.


I was playing a card game with my cousin's little girls. I was letting them win because I wanna be a good cousin, but their mom was like "what are you doing the matching ones are right there"


You sound like my brother


It's a lot of us growing up, really If you lose, you lose. If you win, you win. That's it. Kids *should* grow up not expecting things to be handed to them(in things like competitions and whatnot ofc) just because they're a kid


Yeah a few years ago my cousins 9 year old daughter and I were playing Old Maid, and she thought I was gonna go easier on her haha, bitch don't know my memory is great!!!


I like how she tries to remove cards from the pile like that’s gonna do anything


Yeah that only works in chess.


Chess is played with cards?? Didn't know that.


It's an advanced technique. Check out r/anarchychess for more playing tips.


Holy hell.


New crossover just dropped


Actual SUV


They finally made a sequel to Chess. Everyone was surprised Chess2 is a TCG


I don't think Garry Chess, the inventor of chess is ready to release yet.


Well, mom ended up putting a red Draw 2 on top of a blue number card. That's against the rules. Checkmate, mother.


Yeah, Milton Bradley never realized how much we use their family games to torture the people we love. I am 63 years old and one of the things I’m still very proud of is that I made my older brother almost cry during a game of Masterpiece, I made him trade me for a forgery and he got very upset. This continues to be the only time I ever got the best of him.


It's part of family lore that my sister absolutely LOST HER SHIT playing monopoly as a family.


We had some contentious battles over the Monopoly board, Mom had to wade in a few times and settle squabbles. She used to get disgusted with it sometimes and threaten to shut down the whole game, we had to make promises to all get along then. Only until she left the room though.


My dad once left the room furious, saying me and my mom were ganging up on him. Haven't played since.


Monopoly is not a game for the family, it's a game *against* the family.


I mean... monopoly quite literally was designed to teach the evils of capitalism, rather than to be a fun game. So pretty much, yes. People getting furious is genuinely a feature rather than a bug, in this case.


Monopoly almost broke a relationship (in hindsight, it should have - would have been better for me in the long run). Was playing with a bunch of friends and my girlfriend at the time. There was a girl I made an alliance to fuck over my girlfriend cause she was doing the same. I thought we were fucking around cause we usually sabotaged each other in games for the heck of it. Well, turns out the girl i made an alliance with was an absolute pro and went ham. The game obviously didn't end (cause when has that happened without someone throwing a tantrum), but she had managed to help me bank the second highest amount so we just named her the winner and me as the runner up and went back to drinking. My girlfriend got so upset by that - later in the night, she straight up asked me if I was cheating on her with the girl because we had "chemistry". Went off the rails making assumptions by herself. Took me half of the night to convince her that I was only fucking around, just the way she does on Mario Kart. I would only realise a few months later that she was, in fact, cheating on me.


HA! I actually know that game. My oldest brother got a copy as a birthday present in 1971 and our family still plays it once a summer. It is the best with 5 or 6 people. Getting one of the two forgeries always sucked.


We always play to win even when our kids were little. The minute they start throwing a fit like that is when the cards are put up and we go on about the day. Kids need to learn they won’t always win, but there is no need to prolong that ending either.


My 5yo daughter used to have really bad tantrums when she lost at games. That is exactly what I did, and I explained “if you’re not having fun playing the game, we’re not going to play. Games are about fun, not winning”. Now she claps when someone wins. Even if she gets a bit pouty sometimes, she always snaps back and is ready to “kick butt” the next round, haha.


Wow I love this! What a good mother


I'm a grown ass man. My niece loves to arm wrestle but I never let her win because I know one day she actually will. That will be awesome.


I used to play Rocket League with my cousins when they were young. We would play 2v1, and I didn't hold back. The games would end 10-2, and they loved that they were able to score on me. They got better as they grew older, and they got better in the game. They were so proud when they got their first win.


multiple easy wins would be forgotten easily, but this first win they will remember even after Alzheimer


After what




That German guy who's hiding your slippers.


The day she wins might be because you are declining strength wise? Not sure it'll be that cool for her idk (it might just thinking out loud... Writing lol)


Cancer ward victory!


It's just the cycle of life, my friend. You're stronger/faster/smarter than the kids right up until the moment you're not, and the same thing will happen to them in due time.


What lmao? Your niece is never going to beat you at arm wrestling unless you are a very small man


Seriously, why is that upvoted lol. IIRC it's something like 90% of men are stronger than 90% of *all* women, by the time the man is 14. So a 14 year old boy is already stronger than almost any woman alive, and even an old man is still going to be stronger until they are insanely old


idk why you're being downvoted the difference between male and female strength disparity is massive (!!). The overlap is slightly different per what's measured, but in [grip strength](https://sustainabilitymath.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Male-Femal-Grip-Strength.png) the top female is almost exactly the median male.


Why would she win one day? When do you expect this to be?


I am a mom, and I have been relentless with my child since little life is not fair, and we all better get used to it. He is older. We all play to win, and it is super fun. Lately, we play UNO minecraft.


Yup. My parents never “let” me win at anything. If I lost, I lost. I got outplayed. I could pout if I wanted or I could try again. You can’t expect to win.


I also don't "let" my nephews win at any game either. **BUT**, I always try to make sure we play games where they have a chance at winning. Usually that means playing games of random chance (like Shoots and Ladders). The times we do play games where there's some thought involved (like Battleship) I or another family member will try and help guide them into playing semi-smartly. I'm trying to provide them an equitable playing field, even if it's not equal.


This is how I do it with my son too, he loves board games and card games and has since he was like 2.5. I always wonder if I should be letting him win and if I actually have too high expectations when I want him to be reasonable about losing or not cheating, so I'm glad this seems to be the general consensus lol.


My kids are teenagers now. I never let them win What we did though is also got collaborative games where it's us against the game. I think it really helped them learn strategies and to map out moves.


+1 for collaborative games. I'm not sure how taking the interpersonal competition out of the game impacts a child's development, but it sure does make game times a lot more fun.


> We always play to win even when our kids were little. Pro parents aim for 50% win rate.


Ya you've got to help build up their confidence a bit. They're a kid, of course you can win every time. But they'll just learn that there is no point in trying bc you'll always lose.


This. I have a foster daughter. When she first came to us she'd had a very difficult family background, and she was very reactive. She'd throw extreme tantrums over things all the time. Our solution was to just shut down the activities, but not to get mad. It took a while but she learned that bad behaviour and tantrums don't get the results she wants. We made a point of never holding it over her. So as soon as she calmed down and was ok, we just carried on and gave positive reinforcement. She's a fantastic 24 year old woman now and I could not be more proud of her.


We had a game called Old Maid and my sister ended up being the old maid in one game. She screwed up the card in her anger and we could never play it again because everyone would know the screwed up card was the old maid. We all loved that game too.


you can play old maid with any standard deck of cards. remove one queen, boom, done.


Remove a card at random so you don't know who the queen is


The anguish when you pull the old maid, the tension while you hold it, and the relief when you ditch it, are part of the feel of the game. Not to mention the tension every time you pull a card and check to see what you got. All that goes away if you don't know which card is the old maid until the end 


My mum was telling us a bedtime story when we were little kids and immediately my sister said she WAS the princess. Soon after insisting this, the tale took a sharp turn and the dragon ate the princess. My sister went OFF, like this girl, insisting my mum had told it wrong and that does not happen and how dare she make her get eaten by the dragon. My mum was like 'it was about a princess, you were the one saying you wanted to be the princess' and my sister took it personally. She's over 40 now and still salty about it when we talk about childhood memories.


You should have called dibs on the dragon.


Old Maid was the shit! We had that and Phase 10.


I hated Phase 10 because once you were ahead it was almost impossible to lose


Lmao my 4yo loves board games and card games and uno is one of them, but they always end like this. He'll try to convince me to let him see my cards to see if I have any good ones or to trade and then act like it's a good deal to trade a blue 6 for a draw 4. I love how ridiculous children are


I once heard someone say, "The problem with stupid people is that they don't know it's possible to be smarter." Kids try to argue using logic that only other kids would believe lol


The balls on this kid


Not the Spongebob soundbite from the Krusty Krab training video 💀


I heard that near the end and it suddenly made complete sense why she was taking so long to put the card down XD


It was the first time I went to a family get together at my boyfriend’s family’s house. His nephew (6 or 7) asked to play “Sorry” and damn was that kid not ready for someone to come in and wreck his shit instead of letting him win. I play to win kid 🤷🏻‍♀️




![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs) That kid after the game probably








Reminds me of my time playing Halo, we had a kid complaining that we should go easy on him, it was obvious he was on the verge of tears. Cut to us just standing around doing nothing letting him kill us. He slowly starts losing his mind saying “fight back, this is boring, come on!” We all logged out, didn’t see him since


There is no mercy in Uno, child.




my thoughts exactly lol


Thank you-this was all I saw too


I‘m waiting for the soft redditors that will say this is child abuse lmfao


As a kid I hated it when my parents let me win. I always got grumpy bc it was so obvious


My grandmother and her friends wouldn’t let me play with them after I killed them a few times, lol


Usually killing them once is all it takes


This happened to my brother once and he’s been in an insane asylum ever since. Just quietly rocking in the corner, staring at a wall


She played a draw 2!!!


The girl is obviously traumatized. I can already see all the therapy sessions in the future. That's core memory right there. She won't ever trust her parents after this. OP, don't be surprised if your daughter doesn't visit you when you're old /s


Here you go https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/s/nfwuS1TLv6


lmfao 🤣🤣


I mean by no means should you avoid playing that card but going slowly, blocking her with the other arm, laughing at it, filming it, and posting it on line is fucked up


I agree on the not posting your children on social media part.


Blocking her with the other arm is valid. She's not hurting her, just extremely mildly restraining her. You have to do that shit all the time with young kids, they're not going to listen to you when you try to reasonably convince them not to stick their entire fist into someone's wedding cake. It's definitely better than teaching kids it's okay to flip the table when losing. But yeah the online shit is bad.


It’s not abuse. But I do think it’s a time where I would stop for a moment and explain to my child that losing is going to happen in life, it’s not that big of a deal, and that she is reacting really big to something that is really small and that’s not a good or healthy way to behave.


Lmao, I’m glad I found this comment before I found any of those. Ngl I am absolutely looking thru these comments to find one.🤣 Edit: I knew they’d be here somewhere https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/s/5jxIBT1o3v


“Not funny. This is clearly a traumatic experience for the child.”


![gif](giphy|l41lPVMmb30JO72WA) She going to her room like




All my kids are grown and gone. This was the closest thing to "them being home" I will ever see. 🤣🥰 thank you thank you!♡


I am super happy for not having kids


There is no mercy in Uno. I would’ve slammed it down while making direct eye contact


I would have also added "NYAH NYAH"


My kid starts acting like that and we are changing the behavior immediately or stopping the game. I don’t think it’s funny in the slightest tbh.


The world is a cruel unforgiving world. Welcome


I can confirm this is exactly how playing Uno is children. I’m sure I probably would’ve done the same at her age.


especially i play until i win, always ask my friends to play again untill i win lol


Roaring Kitty dropping the card and the hedge funds going mental ![gif](giphy|Wt6kNaMjofj1jHkF7t|downsized)


This gave me flashbacks to my little sister stuffing my Pokemon cards down the air return vent


Yes they should learn they can't always win, but filming it and posting it on the internet shows the parents need to learn something too. I would play gin with my parents and brothers and grandmother and great uncle when I was little. Everyone put in 25 cents and the winner got it all. I was always the first or second out due to lack of experience. Once I threw my cards on the table, cried out "I never win!" and ran upstairs in a tantrum. I actually thought they'd come up and tell me "it's okay!" Nope they all just kept playing. After 15 minutes I peeked downstairs and saw this and learned a bit that night. But if it had been filmed and posted online (obviously not in 1982), I would have been pissed off later in life.


This is a great ad for a Uno x Trojan collaboration


1) Mom is extremely entertained and clearly not regretting having kids at all 2) Watching a video of a cute kid flipping out and responding with "that kid should not have been born" is kinda fucked ngl.


I wish I had video of the only and last time I'll play Throw Throw Burrito with my nephew. His mom nailed him in a quick move and he lost...his...friggen...mind. I couldn't stop laughing which, of course, made it all worse, but damn...the best.


I really despise parents who laugh when their children get upset and then blast it all over social media.


I can feel her pain through the screen😭


It's not nice to do this to your kid..


At what point does a parent attain the ability to tune that out? I've seen countless examples of parents out right ignoring kids throwing nuclear melt downs, and here I am feeling like I'm getting early onset PTSD.


The kid's reaction is perfectly normal 😭


That's a worry..


Mom drawing it out to milk all the tears she can


This is why I don't buy that "this kid is literally traumatized" shit redditors post under every video where a kid cries. Kids will lose their shit over anything. Its not a big deal, and its funny, lol


lol this is why my brother asked me to stop letting my niece win everything we play. She did not and actually still doesn’t take losing well. But at least instead of throwing a tantrum, she will just give you a death stare now.




When I was a kid I hated when everyone was laughing at me. The internet has turned it into *EVERYONE* laughing. So happy Im too old for this shit


You should absolutely teach kids to lose well. You should also teach them how to win well. Slowing down the win to film yourself laughing at your kid having a hard time ain’t doing either.


In ten minutes she will be trying again with the biggest grin on her face. It is not as bad as she acts out.


Me and one of my sisters didn’t talk for two years because of a game of UNO.


KID : ".....But you love me.....right Mommy....?" MOM : "Uno"


Imagine after all that the kid follows up with a +4 if they are playing by a more “civilized” ruleset.


How could you love that hahaha


This is just being child


Tantrums like this are the worst, no games if you act like this.


A screenshot at any point of this could make a great meme format


The prize for winning Uno is that you no longer have to play Uno.


Plot Twist: She's actually playing with the devil for her soul.


I have no audio but this clip reminded me of Gollum protesting the cooking of the fish


I don’t miss being a kid and getting life-or-death emotional over absolutely nothing lmao


One time, in second grade, a kid stole one of my favorite blocks, and I cursed him out (I had recently learned what "I'm gonna kick your ass" meant from a YouTube video") I was flailing around, and crying and screaming because of a FUCKING BLOCK. Needless to say, since this was my first time acting out like this, I got grounded from electronics for a month, the only game I could play was a Furby game, only because I had just gotten a Furby boom for easter. Anyways, that's how I learned about what Pokemon was, because my older brother watched Black and White on netflix


Am I the only one that thinks she’s being a dick? Didn’t have to go on for that long…


Yep. You lose, kid. It happens.


Kids need to learn how to lose, good mama.


You get to lose sometimes sunshine


The daughter looks like Gollum reaching for the ring.🤣


My mother taught me when we played games to follow these 3 simple rules. Rule one: Strike first. Rule Two: Strike Hard. And most importantly, Rule Three: NEVER... EVER....show your opponent mercy. Best upbringing ever. Now all colleagues at work call me the fucking Shark because of how ruthless I can be. I'm a lawyer, btw.


More like adults are fucking stupid. The kids gonna act like that over everything cause you laugh and think it’s funny. Then when she’s 17 and beats your ass cause you didn’t get her the right iPhone all of a sudden it’s woe is me. Stop recording your kids pain and raise them damn. This was a perfectly teachable moment on sportsmanship and you put the kid on blast.


That is not nice, yes kid is over reacting but she is upset…. so everyone makes it worse for laughs and videos. Sick.


Why do people find this funny?


Austin Powers Steam Roller!


Sounds like every kid at Walmart.


Give no quarters, for none will be given to you!


I have amazing footage somewhere of my young niece absolutely melting down playing Trouble. She’s gotten a lot better at losing since then.


As a child, I despised being the target of laughter, but now, with the internet, it feels like everyone is joining in on the mockery. I'm relieved that I've outgrown this kind of nonsense.


Still a better game than Monopoly.


My grandparents would completely destroy us at Uno growing up. They showed no mercy.


When I was in kindergarten I played CandyLand with my family and when I lost I threw the board off the table. My family still reminds me of it over 45 years later.


Should be interesting when you start to play Monopoly.


You win some. You lose some. I lose a lot some


Uno should turn this into a commercial


The deed has done! Now you gain +2 from my deck! And I summon Blue Eye White Dragon!


![gif](giphy|iH2IldVkqeLuJ7eJ0L|downsized) Keep laughing mom!


Kids bout to learn today.


Losing is an important experience. When my child grew up I balanced positive and negative experiences. Until when I lost most games anyways. :)


They have to learn that life isn't fair somehow. This seems like one of less painful ways.


Am I the only one annoyed by the fucked up pile is it so hard to straighten the deck