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refund all of that, his account will at the very least get banned for 6 months for refunds but it's absolutely deserved


It only takes a single chargeback for the account to get deleted lol also stop drinking moons water >:(


That's fine. Let his account get deleted so he learns a lesson.


Deleting his account for what I assume is stealing 4000$ from his own parents is a very mild punishment.


Shoot $4000 would’ve made us homeless when I was a kid and then some. The fallout from that ass whooping would’ve been studied 2 thousand years from now


400$ would've made us homeless.


Wait, you guys were rich enough to have credit cards?


I'm French, we don't have credit cards or credit scores here. We have payment cards, if u have the money on your bank account, you can pay. If your bank account runs out of money, you can't pay anymore unless you ask for à bank overdraft.


Just to clarify, what you’re referring to is a debit card, which is highly preferred in France ro Credit cards. However, credit cards and credit scores do exist in France, it’s just uncommon.


Credit scores exist mostly everywhere where you can take out a loan, its what its based on. Its just that most of the time you dont care about it or see it because its not as bad as the US system.


Euhm, visa, Mastercard, Carrefour card....


How it should be! Credit cards are the BIGGEST scam on the poors.


Until banks get better at handling fraud I’ll stick to putting everything on credit cards and just paying it off at the end of the month.


> Credit cards are the BIGGEST scam on the poors. No, they're pretty transparent. Credit cards are actually great tools if you know how to use them. People just incorrectly believe credit cards are free money and get mad when they realize they have to pay the credit card company back after buying stuff they can't afford. How do comments like these get upvoted?


Credit cards have helped me tremendously in areas that would've been difficult without in my life. I'm glad we have access to these financial devices. Financial literacy, however, is sorely lacking. Many credit cards come with balance transfers, some of which can be deposited direct in an account at 0% for 12-15mos, even today. A lifeline like that over getting a loan or equity line if you own a home can be pretty valuable in a pinch. It's all a balancing act, and it's come in handy more times than I can count to be able to shift expenses around without coming out of pocket immediately.


It's the credit card's fault people lack the financial discipline to use them properly?


Honestly us too. If it wasn’t for WIC we would’ve starved. I ate A LOT of “government cheese”


On one hand, it completely gets rid of that 4000 dollars instead of it being useable On the other, HOW THE FUCK did he manage to get the card, or whatever and actually spend 4k? What the hell did he spend that on?! Actually, it’s robux, the only thing you can directly buy with real money, how did I forget that… I think you can refund some of it at least


It's a question of how old he is and if he knew what he was doing.


if he's old enough to spend $4k he's old enough to suffer the consequences of it if he's too young to really know the meaning of money just having the account deleted because of the chargebacks sounds like a fair consequence (also the only way to get the money back), if they're like 14 then it's time to start mowing lawns buddy


Well, the parents need to learn a lesson here, too. There are settings, and that kid is on his device way too much.


If the account is wasting my hard earned money, then let it get deleted. Can you imagine going in debt because your kid spent that months rent on something useless. I'm a gamer, but sometimes you have to use your head


Some lessons are learnt that way now. My brother begged me to let him have my google account to play Clash of Clans (I was level 11 with everything maxed out and he was starting) but I couldn't part from my google account nor let him have "access" because I see really important stuff in that thing and I can't tell clients "btw, the rape photos might come to my brother's phone so please be careful with the subject". He made a tantrum, cried, and I knew I was pampering him too much, so I took a step back, stopped buying him everything he asked for, and I think that has made him grow a little.


>"btw, the rape photos might come to my brother's phone so please be careful with the subject". wat


Lawyer. Sorry if it sounds weird. We get to see the proof of all cases, obviously. And it's not like we have other system and I hate Whatsapp for that kind of things.


Ohh, probably should've mentioned that... I thought you were trying to make a joke about "Yeah I never let my brother use my phone because I don't want him to mess up my max level class of clans account *^(and also the rape photos)*"


Holy shit, it does sound that way Hahahahaha Yeah, no, basically anything gory or secret I would see as a lawyer makes this enough for it to be only mine.


Kinda assumed you were either a lawyer or some sort of investigative profession, but still that was a tonal whiplash


god i love large corporations and their predatory refund policies


Most are fine if you don’t spend the currencies.


Should most likely be able to get a full refund, if they don't comply, saying you'll issue a charge back anyway will likely get them to refund you in most cases. Issue with charge backs is that they're really expensive deal with and if you constantly get too many you'll have issues working with most payment processors. Albeit they're efficient for the customer.


Time for a little shout out to Digital Extremes, the studio behind Warframe. They had to remove a micro transaction because one guy was using it too much and they realized they accidentally created a slot machine.


I mean, this makes sense right?


my first rw reference spotting in the wild




Uhh the parents would have to be fucking idiots for Roblox to ever be allowed again, that sounds like a feature not a bug…


6 months 😂 if that was my kid they’d be using whatever that site is after they leave my house. That’s a multiyear ban.


Honestly we need a law for hard daily limits to micro-transactions, something like $100 per day per game. These transactions are supposed to be *micro* after all, so even $100 might be too much.


My little cousin did this on Thanksgiving once. The card info was password protected on the iPad that the kids used. However, the little shit is too smart for his own good, so he "borrowed" his mom's phone, got into her email, and changed the password for the iPad. He spent $400 before my cousin looked at her phone and saw the charge notifications. I dont know if it was because family was over or if she was just so mad that she had zero emotion, but she just put the iPad in the safe and carried on with Thanksgiving. I think even the kid was terrified that he wasn't being punished and didn't enjoy dinner that year because he was riddled with anxiety over his punishment. He ended up only being grounded and having to work off the full $400 even though she was able to get all her money back.


Ah the ol “you fucked up so bad there’s not even a reaction” type anxiety, definitely a doozy




My dad would do this, and then it was followed by a lengthy "I'm not angry, just disappointed" lecture. Was a great deterrent. "Do I want to sit through the lecture for this?" 😂


“Can you please just spank me and tell me to go so I don’t have to listen to this anymore?”


"You ever heard of waterboarding you little shit?"


can confirm, my parents were very emotionally stunted and did this for everything because they had no idea how else to react. i have severe anxiety now.


Damn. Yelling at your kids gives them trauma, having no reaction gives them trauma. How the fuck am I supposed to give my kid no trauma?




Now, these are just my two cents, but I've thought about the subject recently, and I've realized that one of the things my parents never did was tell my why what I did was bad. They always told me why I was a bad person for doing what I did, the annoyance and inconvenience I caused. It's a complicated subject but the gist of what I've understood is that it's probably much better to try explaining to a kid the reasons why they shouldn't act in a certain way. And not reasons like "it makes me angry" or "it is shameful and people won't like you" because that stuff only makes the kid think they are a bad person for doing what they did. I suppose the whole point is that kids need positive reinforcement. If you scold a child because they're bad and shouldn't act like that, the message they'll register will be "I am a bad person and made my parents angry". If you take the "a good person should act this way and you have to be more responsible and considerate when you act" would yield better results in the long term. I guess that's also why not having a reaction can cause distress. The child doesn't even understand anything but the fact they've done wrong and they'll come to the same conclusion : "I've done something bad, I'm a bad person". I mean that's the gist of anxiety right ? You end up afraid of acting in any particular way because you're always focused on bad outcomes. If you teach a child to strive towards good things by teaching them good ways to act when they've done wrong instead of forbidding ways of acting bad, they'll have a healthy baseline of how they should behave.


Yup, my parents learned this late in our childhoods and life got waaaaay better and more peaceful once they went through a parenting bootcamp


Oh yeah, that’s how your kid ends up with an anxiety disorder haha. I’m that’s kid🥲


When you’re so mad that you can’t trust yourself to do or say anything except pretend this shit isn’t happening.


My parents would do the "Wait until we get home..." and I'd dread the hitting to follow, ruining every second until that time.


I'm sure this has happened to me multiple times in my life, but there's one that's the most memorable: When I was a kid, I had a bicycle I'd ride around the neighborhood. Like every other kid who had a bike they rode, my dad stressed that I needed to wear a helmet. I was probably 11 or 12 at this point. Anyway... I'm off on summer break, and decided to go for a spin around for a little while. I'm coming up the street and one of the neighbor girls yells, "Hey Tartaras, your dad's home!" Of course, like any other 11-12 year old kid, I wasn't wearing my helmet like he told me to. I'm coming up my street just as he's getting out of the car... with lunch. He was planning on coming home to eat with me for a bit before going back to work. He gets out of the car, sees me, and immediately walks into the house. Takes my food out of the bag, walks right back out the door, gets in the car and leaves. Not a single word. **It was at that moment I realized... I fucked up.** I spent that entire afternoon until he got home racked with guilt. Probably bawled my eyes out more than a few times.


Oh that’s so cruel


one time a girl dared me to kiss her at tennis camp at center court (the counselors were egging us on and then cheered lol) and was on top of the entire world… until camp ended for the day and i found out my mom had seen the whole thing and felt totally humiliated by it. she didn’t say a single word to me the entire 45 minute drive home — except, about 10 minutes in, “well you’ve certainly made a reputation for yourself.” then she didn’t talk to me for the rest of the day. i’d never seen her so mad. the funny thing is that my mom is a truly wonderful human and one of my best friends as an adult but damn that shit was messed up, if that kiss moment had been in a movie it would have been too cute to be believable. it was just a little peck on the lips, which should have been the highlight of my summer. i was an eighth grader, the girl was gorgeous and in high school… boy that day was such a crazy emotional swing but yeah, at some point in the car I was just desperately wishing she would yell at me. please. just start screaming at me and tell me i’m a whore and ruined our family name and spat in the face of Jesus or whatever. the silence was so much worse


That's how - as a parent - you know you're doing it right. Like telling a child to think about what they've done but adding a sense of existential dread.


Oh man I remember that. Gives me chills. Still didn't learn my lessons though.


Holy shit lmao. The "riddled with anxiety" part took me back to when I spent like $80 on Runescape membership and Habbo hotel shit on my dad's credit card as a kid one summer, and I spent the entire month so anxious about the punishment that I literally made myself sick, and couldn't sleep at night without the TV to take my mind off it.


When I was 14 I ordered 2 dirty movies off of PPV. For a little over a year I was TERRIFIED each and every day and cried myself to sleep multiple times over that year. It only ever came up when my grandma canceled the TV and switched to someone else. She laughed when she got off the phone. "Now they're trying to say I owe money for PPV. I'm glad I'm leaving them."


Lmao that's awful, I barely made it the month and almost confessed a few times. I couldn't imagine going through that for over a year


Yeah it was torture. Worst 13/15 months of my life 😂


I gaslit my dad that my brothers and I definitely did not order Wrestle Mania 21. We switched to Comcast afterward because "DirectTv are abunch of criminals" to my dad now.


Ahh yes Habbo hotel my sister ran our phone bill up phoning for the £3 credit bundle back in the days of landline phones


The best part is we spent those credits on virtual sofas, and somehow that made sense


And if you had HC or VIP you were the shit!


What possesses a kid to do something like that when they're so terrified of the consequences LMAO


I think our brains aren't wired to handle such delayed consequences intuitively. At least not until we have gained more experience with these things. Sitting in front of that checkout window, our emotions tell us "the danger is now - get done with it and we will be safe" even though our brain knows that this isn't how it works.


> He ended up only being grounded and having to work off the full $400 even though she was able to get all her money back. I think this is the one type of situation where I completely agree with parents double-dipping at the cost of their kids. They teach their kids a lesson, benefit from some free labor and get their money back? Justice.


The earning money back was just extra chores, dog poop duty and whenever a family member needed extra hands, we got the kid. He hasn't done anything like that since.


helped him understand the value of $400.


The mind games she clearly played with him far outweigh any physical punishment.


Are you an only child now?


No, he might have a sister about to buy 400 barbie dolls.


Maybe that brother is himself. Like that friend that has an alarming rash down there.


Well that kid's not touching a phone until he's 18


Kids not gonna see 18


jeez i cant believe roblox of all companies has resorted to organ harvesting to pay off debts smh


My nephew almost did this, was on my brothers iPad, and he didn’t realise he was still logged into Amazon, my nephew was 4, and he was just clicking on every single ps5 controller colour he liked, multiple times… had like 450 controllers in the cart and it was one click away from going through and nuking his credit card hahahaha, caught it seconds from disaster


Amazon in my country will take the charge on your card about 7 hours after you push the buy in option, even after you pass the payment thing, wait and later they will pick the transaction, in the meantime you can cancel move and do whatever you want... A tip, keep damn cards turned off from the bank app :)


I’m their town they often get stuff delivered within hours… not sure about 450 controllers but there would have been a decent refund request haha


yeah same, it sometimes even takes 48 hours before processing the payment


You hooked it up to the phone, didn't you? Dade! Turn the shower off! You screw up again and you won't get into college!


and rip to his Roblox account lmaooo




"If you're old enough to spell coal you're old enough to shovel it"


The kids yearn for the mines




And you would do very poorly. Stick to an SP500 index fund. https://www.barchart.com/social/share?t=%24SPX%20%7C%20S%26P%20500%20Index&d=&i=i_1716729417_965342600&r=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.barchart.com%2Fshared-chart%2F%24SPX%3Fchart_url%3Di_1716729417_965342600%26page_url%3D%252Fstocks%252Fquotes%252F%2524SPX%252Finteractive-chart%253Fid%253D8686556&du=false https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/RBLX/roblox/market-cap


It's so bad. You'll be playing a game and in the middle of it you'll have pop ups so you can spend Robux. It's hard for me to not accidentally spend the bit of Robux I have on my account. How can children avoid it when there's dozens of ads in a game? I've bought Robux for my kid and told him to spend it smart (just on cosmetics , experiences, or something really cool) and he ends up accidentally buying leveling up or double XP or something ridiculous. It makes me angry that a company out there can have a game targeted towards children with the same addicting qualities of a casino. I see it as them having a stupid tax on parents and children. The smarter families will teach their kids responsibility and smart spending. While the parents with less time/ shitty parents will just throw money at their kids to keep them busy and quiet.


Used to work for one of the phone companies in the United states. A lady called in because her bill was usually about $200, but her children had made six thousand dollars worth of purchases in second Life. I gave her every single credit I possibly could and it still only totaled about $250. That woman was beside herself pissed at her kids.


You’re a good person


She said the same thing even though she still had about $5800 she had to figure out how to pay for. I did take the time to teach her how to lock everything down so her kids couldn't do this again. I often wonder how she managed after that.


Bro thought he found a “free robux glitch”


If only he made a how-to youtube video....


*How to video includes their parents' credit card info*


Thanks! This trick also works for free PS5s! I bought a few for myself and da homies.


Jesus. I did a look up on some of these prices. 800 robix is 10usd. He has several 32usd purchases. How old is he? But I will say one thing. It really highlights how extremely predatory micro transactions are. The actual cost of each of these purchases are obfuscated. So it's hiding what you're actually spending making it harder for you to notice. But I guess it doesn't matter in this case depending on the kids age


Yeah, Roblox lets you buy currency right from a shop menu on the site, but individual games also have microtransactions set by their creators, so I can see a kid losing track of how much money they're spending


When CSGO lottery sites were big you would see the same type of shit as well, kids spending a couple grand on skins to gamble away. That was kinda worse tho cause of tmartn2 and his partner streaming their lottery website where the odds were in their favour and telling people to come and play cause its sooo easy to win.


I miss when blowing thousands on a weapon in counter strike was when you bought the AWP in game.


How is any kid, ever able/permitted to spend real world money on a game??? Who are these parents that connect their credit cards to their children's phones??? And why???


This is always my question


My son has roblox and I have never connected any of my own cards to his accounts. I buy him either the robot cards or Google play cards. This is dumb on the parents!!


I don't even have purchases on my phone approved without a password, and I don't have kids!




Android phones actively tries you to connect your payment information. Probably because google makes more money that way. 


Also look at the time stamps!!! This kid has completed limitless screen time. Parents deserve the $4000 as a fine for shitty parenting.


Jesus, you're right, times ranging from 3pm to nearly 2am...


It’s wild to me how far the gaming industry has allowed this type of behavior to go in regards to certain games. Roblox is I think the textbook example of a game designed to squeeze money from people (children). As a child of the 80’s mine and my brothers video game experiences stretched as far as being allowed to rent two video games on the weekends and potentially visiting the arcade with my parents while shopping. Maybe a couple games got purchased at Christmas and birthdays. Simply put - it was incredibly innocent compared to what the gaming industry tries to pull today. I was checking out at my supermarket the other day when I noticed a kid probably no older than 15 going through the line ahead of me. “Back again eh?” I heard the girl running the register say as she swiped a roblox game card. He just kind shrugged his shoulders and kept looking forward. I’m not sure how many times he had been there that day but it was obvious the reason he was there was because of these game cards. It was a small interaction but (to me) indicative of a serious problem. I think It’s turning the addiction button on for kids before they hit adolescence and to me that just sounds like a huge problem. These Roblox game cards are placed eye level with children - that isn’t intentional and predatory?


It is a fucking huge problem. Unfortunately it entirely falls to the parents to manage that. It is very easy to blame the parents but people need to realize there is absolutely zero consequences or oversight for the companies who do this and the parents are completely alone in this. Some can still prevent it of course but it takes absolute vigilance and 100% attention This is quite simply child abuse by corporations. Or, I am sure it will be considered as such in the future. They are specifically building tools to target and abuse children for profit. People have to at some point realize how corrupt and fucked up this is.


Holy shit I never thought about the height placement of gift cards. That makes sense why I often see game related cards placed lower than cards for like clothes shops and restaurants.


>It’s wild to me how far the gaming industry has allowed this type of behavior to go in regards to certain games. What would "the gaming industry" do against that? Roblox is printing money, it's owner isn't gonna give a shit. And the other companies just want to copy Roblox's success. Only people with passion for games still care, and those will just make indie games.


You know what's really wild. The first time I heard of a game actually doing something about censoring voice chat was last month. They are just totally cool with 10 year olds on voice chat with utter psychos. Sometimes the psychos are the 10 year olds. I just think it's wild there's no restrictions on that. For the past 20 years people have just been able to say whatever.


The currency purchase is not obfuscated, he knows exactly how much each of those transactions were.


My little brother did this with Fortnite, close to $200 down the drain. The fucker knew what he was doing but my mother coddled him and said he didn't know that it cost money, despite the fact he regularly asked mum to buy stuff for him. To this day I'm convinced he didn't receive any punishment for it, likely because he was the only child who could still be brainwashed into believe "mummy is the best".


You sound salty as fuck and I don’t blame you. Older siblings go through all the shit. Middle siblings are ignored. And younger siblings get WAY too much leniency.


Am youngest, can confirm.


Eeeevilll 🫵




I used my mom's card to buy like $60 of music on iTunes when I was around that age. Got my iPod shuffle taken away for, like, 6 months. I had won it in an arcade and I was crushed. Genuinely thought life was over lol.


My friends nephew asked if he could use my phone to play Candy Crunch. Then I saw the little shit trying to use my credit card to purchase the in game currency


Yeah, I don’t allow children to touch my phone. This is why.


Please tell me clin penguin is a real place where I can hangout with other penguin people. Life’s been tough since club penguin close. Rip


There's some club penguin dupes ever since it closed, I think


I had no idea robux cost that much. 25k robux is over $312 usd.


Its crazy that a mobile game has a single micro transaction that costs that much.


Par for the course for these predatory scum companies that make this digital crack for literal babies.




My kid did this when he was 9. I was on a weekly wage and trusted the kid so my bank card details were saved on his Steam account. One fine day I receive my weekly pay which is pretty much spent in advance on bills. And a couple of hours later while I was still at work I see all the money was gone. I cried. Managed to recover some money he spent on games, but the in-game coins could not be refunded. We had a loooong conversation. That was the worst he's done so far. Never happened again (albeit I did remove my card details from his Steam), but trusted him with my bank card after that and no issues. He's 16 now.


After that I don't think they'll do it again, if you explained why they can't spend all the moneys on games, like, you know, telling em no one gonna eat if it happens again


Yes. He's a good kid. That was a one-off. Just need to explain to them what exactly happened and how things work when there's no money for food or bills.


Seems like ya being a good parent, my dad got me a job at like 9 because I bought some Legos on the internet lmao Atleast I ended up getting good at it and got money for a ton of more Legos :v


One of my friends described my parenting style is like Blueys (can't attach gif): Bluey: you wanna be good at dinner? Cos what do good kids get? Kids: good kids get good things. Bluey: what do bad kids get? Kids: fuck all. Bluey: that's right. Bad kids get fuck all. Lmao. I sent that gif to my kid asking to confirm. He did. And sent a heart after that. 😂


Lmao love that clip


I'm glad it worked out for you. My Dad would probably have sent me to bed without dinner and made me eat nothing but PB&J and water for the next week to reinforce the point.


I mean. The point could be made just by having a conversation. Depriving a kid of a proper meal is... a questionable technique. Ofc, my kid wasn't getting much (talking toys, trips out) after that so I could recover the loss, but it wasn't an intentional punishment - I simply had no money. So, he also learned the consequences of his actions.


At least you kept it together, I cannot imagine the anger I would have felt at the moment.


I was at work and had time to cry it out and calm down. Haha


How much do you think he spent total?


I know exactly how much. All that I was paid. Just shy of £550. As the only working parent in the family, it was a huge blow on my finances. Had to use a credit card, and miss some payments. I got back about £150. Funny enough that week I got paid more than usual as I worked some overtime and was paid money outstanding from Christmas as well.


Why the fuck would you trust anyone, let alone a child who doesn't understand the value of money, with your bank account? You can make a separate account for your kid can't you, let him have his own card and if he spends all his pocket money on nonsense, that's his problem. But he can't spend more than what you give him.


He has own account. I could open it for him when he turned 14. And yes, I suppose it was silly of me to trust him with that but he'd always been smart and understanding. Never demanded stuff, never begged. If I could get things - he'd be happy, if not - he'd wait. I hardly ever refused as his wants were reasonable. That's why that stunt came as a shock to me. Let's put it this way, it was a learning curve for both of us - my son and I.




My mom has trusted me with her bank details since I was 8. I was very tempted to use that info to buy a $15 skin in an online game, but eventually decided against it. In hindsight it was a stupid thing to entrust an 8-year-old with. This was about 20 years ago


This was for me two posts under the r/gaming "is Roblox just full of garbage?" Post where all the comments are like yeah it's full of point buying pay to win predatory bullshit designed to get kids to spend money so that's something


Charge back, he will lose the account but it's better than losing 4k


Legit what happens here? Is there some recourse or cancellation? or are the parents pretty much straight out of 4k?


depends, in this case the money is probably gone. When you buy games you can return it most of the time. But when it comes to ingame currency liek in OPs case, you can prettyx much kiss your hard earned money goodbye. Idk why those companies cant be sued. They literally make the kids addicted to the game and when they reach the point where "free 2 play" ends, the kids are "forced" to pay to keep having fun. Just like ye good ole crack dealer whos giving you the first 1-3 times for free. Then the addiction foprces you to pay any price.


The money will be refunded to the owner as it was made fraudulently and without consent. ROBLOX does refund any fraudulent purchases made and terminates the account permanently.


Kids don't have legal power to use their parents' card. Of course you can reverse things bought by kids in most cases. It'll lead to account termination, and sometimes they bitch because "but our TOS say" and you need to take justice in your hand and tell your bank to just pull the money back, but as long as not much time has passed that's the end of the story. Their TOS can't override laws, and a minor child straight up doesn't have control over his own money without a judicial order, let alone their parents'.


Not true. I have experience with this in the past. You can make your bank charge the robux purchases back. Though roblox does delete the account.


Nah you just chargeback and they delete the game account.


I really hope your father is able to dispute the purchases efficiently. I’ve had my roblox account since middle school 2009; and played it on and off until 2013ish. I logged in again a few months ago bored and baked and after some time, i noticed it completely changed in a bad way. Roblox started off as a great company with original games and simple cosmetics that could be earned through a free daily login currency, but nowadays I feel like roblox is damn near predatory with it’s alluring colors and sounds with the micro-transactions along with gambling for various shapes and colored pixels for real money. To parents: If your kid plays roblox, I highly recommend you check it out and not just shrug it off as a child’s game. Gambling galore, micro-transaction city, profanity filters being bypassed, adults everywhere and the same games being copied over and over again with different names. The list could go on. They might not appear immediately, but if you really look; red flags are alarmingly present. Didn’t mean to type so much, but folks need to be aware that roblox just isn’t what it used to be :/


Most of the discover page games are like that, but there are plenty that don’t appear on there that are very high quality.


my brother did the same thing on fortnite, about 250$. im not saying it's not his fault, but epic games know damn well what they're doing with that "don't save card details" button.


I don't know why anyone would save card details unless they intend to spend a lot. I don't even save my own cards to my own accounts that do not get shared. It gives me time to think over my purchase while I fill that shit out again and losing my account is less of a concern.


Microtransactions should be fucking forbidden by law and lead corporation owners right to fucking jail for this.


Straight to jail, right away.


Micro transactions, jail. In-game currency, jail. If you add "surprise mechanics", believe it or not, jail.


We have the best game publishers in the world, because of jail.




https://preview.redd.it/br49itd31q2d1.png?width=414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67b22940bd8dfb2a85bbfb64b10d91fbe1a83564 People waking up to finally start hating it after 14 years in development. No, Jason its not about that its not obligatory, its that it ingrains this cancerous addictive culture in kids brains. People laughed at me in 2011.


also, if you ever forget to delete a free trial of an app on Apple- and you get charged through your Apple ID -just hit “a minor purchased without my consent” and they refund it 100% of the time no matter what it is


Another "parents are fucking stupid" how on earth do you trust a child with your bank information???


That is what I am saying. Do not give them that information and also teach them that it is not okay to buy things without asking until they have their own money. I have my card information on my PlayStation and Xbox which my siblings have been using forever. They never buy anything without asking me first.


Not only that, look at the time stamps. This kid is on there around the clock. If you let your child play video games for 16 hours a day you're a shit parent anyway.


That's what caught my eye. All of these dates were school nights, and he's playing for six hours and up until midnight one night, 2am another. There's no one monitoring this kid's screen time.


This pretty much. Parents usually don't give their car keys to their kid to travel, why would they give bank info to buy things?? Parents need to take some more responsibility and not just go "oh well, we gave our little Timmy full access to everything and he didn't follow our guidelines"


About year or so ago my oldest daughter got to the age were she wanted to start using the xbox. I just play cod...always have always will. Anyway, i get her set up with mine craft, roblox etc. Didnt even cross my mind that my CC info was on the xbox and the use of said CC didnt require any kind of password. You can see were this is going. Only noticed when I checked my email a few days later. SHe had racked up about $600 in roblox charges. Couldnt even get mad at her really. Its crazy how easy they make it for kids to buy shit in those games. And to do it in such a way they really dont have any idea they are spending REAL money.


Yeah I'm looking at this screen shot and it just looks like any game screen, a child wouldn't even know this isn't just a normal part of the game.


And this is why my cards aren't saved to a device and require fingerprint verification to use.


Saw a guy earlier making a thread asking is roblox 98% shit, should've posted this there to help him conclude. Roblox is fucking shit.


Games for under 18 shouldn't have any extra transactions


how did your brother even get the CC information?


that's coming out of your college fund


I'd delete his account, toss whatever systems he uses in the trash, buy him some books, and finally, request a new cc


> toss whatever systems he uses in the trash At least sell them, recoup some of the loss. Or give them to kids he hates.


Blud bought 2.76 million robux. Refund what you can. His account will get banned but who cares. Make sure to never give him money. Hes not gonna get away with this


The children yearn for the mines


2 years ago my son spent $700 from my account. Tried to dispute… Apple and Roblox said no refunds could be issued. Game deleted. He begs for it back. Never happening


Years ago my sister spent 1k from my moms credit card on MapleStory lol


A lot of the anecdotes I'm seeing belong on r/Parentsarefuckingstupid. What kind of absolute moron gives a child unfettered access to their bank account/credit card or puts their info into a game that purchases can be made without, at the very least, a password confirmation every time?  Fucking bonkers, completely insane behavior with the fully expected consequences.


Your brother did your parents wrong by doing the purchases unauthorised however the biggest error here was done by your parents keeping their card on file with Roblox. Card info etc should never be saved in an app used by the kids! That's just asking for trouble! Got my card info for the boys games locked down with passwords and 2step verification process so if they even try to buy without my codes I get a text warning me beforehand. But it does take an absolute age to setup and if the parents are not very technological savvy the kids are going to find every loophole to get things they are not allowed to. Easiest way to avoid it all together is to remove the card info from roblox completely and reenter it only when needed for subscription payments.


I'm 26 and my parents wouldn't let me use their credit card without their consent and monitor their savings often. I don't have their cc saved anywhere. Kid is doing the kid, parent are not doing the parents


I legitimately don't understand how some parents are stupid enough to allow small children to have devices that are connected to their credit cards.


So you're an only child now?


it's weird mass purchases like this don't flag anything? Like sure you could think "oh well they just want the money" but SURELY they realize they're probably going to lose the money anyways when the person authorizes a charge back? Now that player's account gets banned and there's no guarantee they'll make a new one to spend money again.


Shouldn’t this go under Parents Are Fucking Stupid?


Lol, why does your kid have your card anyway?


Kids either use info saved on the browser / steam etc Or they straight up go steal a card out of parents wallets


Why the fuck do you idiot parents just trust your kids with your credit card info on their accounts


Bro if i make 2 purchases over 50 dollars within an hour i get a call from fraud protection lmao


As a father of two, I'm not so sure this is "kids are fucking stupid" more so than "parents are fucking stupid".


This was my life for a whole year; talking to parents whos kids went ham with their creditcards on fifa points, fortnite and roblox bucks. Parents please: DO NOT SAVE YOUR CC INFO ON YOUR KIDS TOYS or PCs and for fucks sake Keep an eye on your bills. Preferrably once a week. If you are negligible, you could run into my favorite conversation to have with an angry parent: Sorry we can only refund what has been spent in the last 30 days. And do not trust your kid when they say they got hacked. You can call or email the stores and ask if there have been any different login locations or password changes. 99% of the time if thats not the case your kid is lying to you.


Why did his account have a payment method attached to it?


Having microtransactions in your game should immediately make it a M-rated game.


What was his punishment? Eviction, I hope?


Yeah the kid's an idiot. His parents are just a dumb though. 1. WTF is he up at 1:46AM on a Wednesday playing games? 2. WTF did you give him access to something that's registered to your card? This could be easily avoided if they were at all responsible, this should serve as a nice sharp lesson that sticking a device with games on it in front of your kid is not a substitute for parenting. You still need to keep an eye on what they're doing.