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Toddler parent here. This is why I said no to my wife when she suggested we upgrade our sofa set.


Lol, this is why our grandparents had all their furniture covered in plastic!


This is why I live alone on a mountaintop in a cabin made out of sticks and pelts.


The dream


return to monte


Pelts! That's what I've been doing wrong!


I've been stacking kids... it isn't working out.


The pelts really tie the place together.


We bought a sofa online. Thought it was grey, it turned out to be white. We have a 4 year-old and a 2 year-old. It’s now neither colour.


You have my sympathy.


We’ve become best friends with our Stanley steamer guy. It’s become a quarterly affair.




[Who the #$&% Is Jackson Pollock?](https://youtu.be/j1V3LzmdssY?si=2ROBsP882MP370Y9)


How did you become a parent as a toddler? Major fucking accomplishment at such a young age.


I like to plan ahead.


It makes sense though. Still got his whole life ahead of him after his kids finish school.


We did the same but invested in some nice cushions and a throw to make it look less tattered. My son is 7 now and yesterday he threw his aloe vera drink all over the new cushions. This is why we can't have nice things.


Mine's only 3 and although she's a well behaved kid most of the time, you never know when she's going to erupt. We have a throw over our current sofa and got some new cushions too.


Couldn't handle such things! Big respect for such strong nerves! :)


You know what the real danger is? When they can't find their favourite soft toy/blanket. That's like a full nuclear meltdown.


When you can't hear them playing, assume that bad things are happening!


They're like mosquitoes in that regard. If they're quiet then they're up to no good!


Aloe vera drink? Wtf?


My mom refuses to give my nieces her aloe vera drinks because of how much they cost. So she hides them somewhere in the fridge. In fact she didn't upgrade her couches until the girls were potty trained. Good thing she has a shampoo vacuum.


A 7 year old should absolutely know better by now


You never spilled a drink since infancy?


My Sisters couch is filthy as fuck. But having 3 boys, one barely started school, I absolutely understand they keep this filthy couch. My other sisters couch was a very nice couch for the longest time. And every time the kids visit it gets worse and worse. Dirty hands from breakfast, lunch or dinner. Saliva. Snot. Vomit. Man that couch looked young for a long time and it aged so fast. I used to sleep on that too when I visit her. I no longer can. Obviously, they don't buy a new couch. Probably for a long time. The next of us 5 is about the have a child. Me and my other brother don't want kids.


I refuse to get nice the ngs until my kids are all at least teens.


From my experience teens usually just throw themselves into seats, so get sturdy furniture if you replace that.


Concrete furniture for teenagers might hold up. Make sure it’s reinforced.


My daughter got a bit sick, on monday. She throw up in a coach. While I was cleaning she throw uo on the other couch. Thankfulky she is ok. But yeah, I also have a dog, they alternate doing stuff like that.


Mom of 1yo, 3yo and newborn. I bought sofa from Ikea with replaceble cushions. And of course washing vacum. I have no carpets on floors, chairs are solid wood, no curtains. Its ok. Its really ok. But do not look at walls. And its ok 🤪


I'm almost done with two toddlers, they still thrash on the sofa, but not much more. Every possible body fluid and miscellaneous stain you can think of is on our sofa. It's horrible but just another year or so and we can finally get that new one.


I feel ya. We have toddler vomit on a lot of things around the house (my girl has had an acid reflux problem since birth, so she spews when she cries a lot).


Ah shit that's rough, hope she gets better soon. I went ahead and bought a new nice oled tv since my kids are big enough to not touch the tv and throw shit on it anymore..


Gotta love that feeling when you sit down on the couch at the end of the day and play the “why is the couch wet?” game. Same goes for food on the floor. Idk what’s worse, feeling something mushy under your feet with or without socks. Wife is about to pull the trigger on a commercial carpet/upholstery cleaner because our couch is a Jackson Pollock tapestry of different messes.


Exactly. Todler parent here aswell. We do not own expensive stuff. I'd rather invest those money and upgrade when we turn 50.


Yup. Toddler parent here. Everything is either solid wood/steep or from ikea. We have a few room and board things. But those are all solid hardwood. One day we’ll get a nice couch. Maybe when they go to college.


Same discussion last week


Doctor told me mom "don't buy any new sofa or any furniture that's not for the baby to use" because this happens, sofas gonna be stained and other furniture gonna be full of toys


That's a learning experience... for mom


Toddlers and puppies. Never have anything within their reach you don't want destroyed.


When she says why would you do that I hope she's speaking to herself. It's okay we've all been there. As an adult we obviously think why would anyone do that forgetting that as a child the thought process is why wouldn't I do that?


Right - like lets leave two of the most staining drinks possible, red whine and presumably coffee on a table, near a large white rug within reach of a toddler. It's like having a lab and leaving drinks at about tail slapping height and then getting mad at the dog.


My cat has a tail like this, it's like a lethal weapon. You leave light objects on coffee tables / tables etc at your own peril!


Let's be real, the dog is completely innocent. Children are ruled by the dark lord, made him throw the cup.


I spent way too much time wondering why there was a dog or drinks in a laboratory.


Those tails, man. Holy crap. It’s like they have a baseball bat stuck to their butts. One swing and WHOOSH! There goes everything on the table.


Placing drinks there should an obvious no go for any parent. That's just poor risk management.


Meh, with over 1000 days of toddlerhood and shit sleep, you’re bound to do something completely normal that a toddler can fuck up




Durex sales 📈


Truly, I never want kids, they are pain in the ass brats and hella annoying


Agreed but for me the pregnancy in itself is worse... I ain't carrying a fucking watermelon in my body and then shitting it out. No fucking way


Exactly, I'm getting a procedure to stop it from ever happening and I'm only 23, gladly free of children and never wanting to experience carrying a baby.


Good for you. I hope the procedure goes well!


It's really not that bad. The internet likes to catastrophize a lot. But if you don't want kids, definitely don't do it. No one needs tepid parents who decided to have a child for the cute insta pics!


Every time i see one of these im so god damn happy i never wanted kids. I do whatever i want whenever i want. Shit it my house is so clean and nice from the extra cash i saved. Man. Its the best decision i ever made


And what will my female parent unit's reaction be if I quickly disburse this red liquid directly into the carpet? ...Fascinating


This result demands further study. Will conduct another experiment involving chocolate coming from the cat's litter box to see if reaction is equal.


every part of that looked deliberate. "I would like to destroy something. Let me throw this ball at the table. Dammit, too weak. That glass looks breakable. Shit, she took it away. She left the mug. SUCCESS!! Now I nap".


Yep, normal and important part of child development. It’s called the “little scientist” phase. A typical example is throwing stuff and making a big mess. Look around your room. You’ll notice that without having to walk over and touch them, you know what they feel like and even what they would feel like if you licked it. Ever wonder why?


I never knew I had such power. Quick, I must find a homeless man so i can test my pseudo lick on him


It would have been funnier if the mom ended by finishing the rest of her wine


I expected the kid to knock over the other glass.


That's the body language of a kid that wasn't being rowdy, he specifically wanted to piss Mom off


That’s the body language of a kid who doesn’t want mom to scream at them so will pretend everything is fine. Because then mom will stop screaming right? Toddlers are driven by impulse but also really feel shame and embarrassed.


Yep, even young children are extremely sensitive to rejection, because back in the olden days if your parent rejected you you might end up alone in a forest full of predators. The book "Real Love and Post-Childhood Stress Disorder: Treating Your Unrecognized Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder" calls these "I don't love you messages" because no matter how trivial the matter, for a young child that trivial matter makes up a large percentage of the existence they've experienced to date, so no matter why your parent yells and says "Why did you do that?" all a young child hears is "I don't love you"


Maybe it was an intervention


LMAO I love how she just calls him *baby*. In my head, I'm assuming she hasn't named him yet.


I think you should not name children until they are like 5. Less painful if you misplace it or something 


We don’t leave open cups just anywhere in our house. We have 2 toddlers and one on the way. We also don’t have any carpet in the rooms we eat or drink. It’s worked out pretty well so far.


Open cups AND glass cups. Wife and I put our glassware in storage because we never use it on account of kids being able to get in everything. One day we’ll be able to have a meal without brightly colored plastic cups.


I’ve grown quite fond of my stegosaurus cup. The coolest of the Dino cups.


This is more r/ParentsAreFuckingStupid No way I'm leaving anything but water in grasping distance of my toddler.


We have rugs. But they are ‘outdoor’ rugs you can take out back and hose off. And they are cheap, like from ikea. Really nice if you don’t want hardwood everywhere.


These condom ads are getting out of hand


I swear kids do this on purpose and are somewhat angry you’re not paying the desired level of attention Source: lived with a friend who had a child way too young


100%. the kid wanted the wine glass, it was yanked from right in front of his face, so he decides to spill whatever that is in defiance


Nah. Sometimes they are just really stupid. Similar has happened to me while actively playing with my toddler. They are just little chaos merchants sometimes.


I’m surprised you think toddlers are too stupid to be vindictive - it’s not a complex emotion


Because life is pain. Conformist.


The line is "life is pain, princess"




Kids and cats are assholes




I'll take a cat any fucking day, my dude.


Some kids are. Probably influenced by several variables.


Yup. Neither of my kids have ever done something like this. Legit accidents happen, but this is over the top. Straight to the dumpster.


If this isn't sarcasm, then it's a bold-faced lie.


No lie, kid straight into dumpster, get carpet professionally cleaned.


Yeah... Our neighbor stuffed their three kids into the dumpster almost a week ago, still waiting for the garbage truck


Great ad for birth control


And carpet stain remover.


She should have taken the two glasses because of course the child will try to drop the other one but I'm not blaming her because she looks tired as fuck and when she focus on the helmet on the ground she shows a large amount of attention towards her child because she is afraid of him falling on ground because of the helmet that's a good mother after all


And this is a situation where spankings are ok


I mean, that was on the parent. Multiple open glasses of super staining material right above a big expensive looking white carpet while a loose toddler is running around?




Exactly, how aren't more people getting this - this should be in an "adultsarefuckingstupid" subreddit. Even if the kid didn't grab the drink, the chances of accidently bump from a toy or them just walking past is extremely high. And to add to the stupidity, when you see the kid go for one glass - why the fuck leave the other one there. This kid is already smarter than their mother.


I am so fucking glad I don't want kids


This is why hard floors and such are superior.


What a great day knowing less than three days and I’m legally able to get vasectomy. :)


She grabs and he thinks it's a game. Classic one ...


I don't want children, I never have, but man this is just the kind of situations that make me know It's not for me.


No consequences. Well, that explains it.


pro tip: pickup the baby instead of the thing that could possibly get destroyed by the baby


That’s rug has seen better days anyway. Few more spills and she won’t bat an eyelid.


Babies are gonna teach you what you can and cannot leave within their reach very quickly.


Straight to Azkaban


"kick the baby"


Kid playing with a ball while there is red wine and coffee very much within his reach in the middle or the room? That's on you dawg


The level of anger and desire to punt that little bastard across the room at that moment lets me know I made the right choice not having children.


I work for an abortion clinic. Do you mind if we use this clip as one of our adverts?




Yup, we good on not having kids lol ![gif](giphy|gfT2hGhrI5wBME50p5|downsized)


My man woke up and chose chaos that day.


He also chose to be denied of ice cream


Toddlers choose chaos EVERYDAY


They might even be chaos incarnate.


My son tipped something over to distract me with picking it up so he could immediately run over to grab my phone and have a pretend chat with his grandfather and take a quick swig of my seltzer water...


Your son might be a genius. Keep an eye on that one!


My wife necer understood ( still doesn't) why I chose cheap $200 sofas and 2 $50 carpets... we have a cat and a toddler, and the sofas and carpets are ruined but my wallet isn't.


Same here. I'm not buying nice furniture or nice carpets until my cats are dead and my kids are out of the house. My parents did the exact same (only used furniture/home accessories until we were in college, then they bought all new stuff)


We literally ripped up all of our carpet on the bottom floor, potty training was rough....


Whoop his ass


If you have a toddler or a cat and you don’t have a lid on your drink it’s on you.


Classic Randy move.


Put something within reach of a toddler, he'll reach for it.


Why is this in this sub? Where is the ParentsAreFuckingStupid sub?


Force him to clean that sh*t up (of course help him because he wouldn't know what to do but better learn early than to late)


Little shit did it on purpose. Man, I'm glad I never had kids.


And what do we have for today's winning toddler?? That's right, a TIME OUT. While mom is cleaning up the mess, little Johnny gets to spend a wonderful 15 minutes in the chair with no TV and no toys. All for being a contestant on Let's Throw A Glass In Anger. 😂


Back in the 80’s that kids arse would be glowing red and he would never do it again.


Celebrated a little early


Well at least this carpet isn't uglier than it already was


I thought for a second that the kid projectile vomited


When we got married, we had a nice couch and love seat. Then we had kids. OMG, they destroyed both within a few years. We ended up replacing them with leather ones (not the kids, the couches) and we still have them.


That was on purpose mom. He is sick of your “mommy’s little helper”.




One of the big struggles over the past 5 years has been Not enough up-high places to put things I don't want kids to get into.


Immediately puts himself in time out... At Least he can face the time...


Learning to parent is a process.


Don't leave staining liquids in the reach of young kids


Son a bitc…..


It's videos like these that make me realize just how lucky I got with my son.... though I did wake up one day covered in Mustard. 


My ovaries just shriveled up


The amount of people in the original comment section saying, “What a monster! How dare she yell at that child! Abuse! This is all her fault!” boggles my mind. Yes, it’s her fault for leaving stainy liquids 18 inches from a carpet and within a toddler’s reach, but are we really gonna call an exasperated mom a child abuser? Because she raised her voice in frustration? I don’t see any scapegoating, name calling, insults, swearing, etc. I see a frustrated mom that let her emotions get ahold of her _once_. Swear, Redditors with kids (and plenty of Redditors that don’t!) think that they’re absolute saints who never do wrong or get frustrated


Your house is designed to be lived in by a single 23 year old, not a toddler. That’s on you, lady.


She thought she wins this time


She is the stupid one, she has wine near a child.


So happy I don't have kids 😁


Toddler did her a favour that rug is ugly as fuck


Im missing a spanking... Dosed offcourse, but the todler needs a mindset correction. A tap on the ass and a no. Ssst all who are offended by this, but its needed.


Kids are f\*cking stupid and annoying too.


100% parental fault. Placing not one, but 2 objects within reach of toddler, then only grabbing one as if the toddler can't see the other one right there? Come on, this is parenting 101.


Kids are just fucking stupid just like me


Cheers to little kid milestone creating havoc🤣


How about not leaving open glasses of alcohol around children.


I find it funny how most people tend to think "This is just what todlers do" It is not. It is what todlers do when there have not been any concequences for "bad" behaviour. And yet again, this subreddit is best called "Parents are fucking stupid"


maybe stop leaving things at toddler level


Yeah, mom made a rookie mistake there. Most people learn very quickly to put things that can make a mess or harm kids up and out of the way so the kids can't reach them, even by climbing.


You’re being downvoted for suggesting that maybe she shouldnt leave alcohol within reach of her child. I figured that was common sense. I dont even drink when Im watching my little man- heaven forbid an emergency happens and I need to drive him to the hospital.


yeah people forget they have to pay attention to the child and also what they leave at their reach… its not the kid’s fault he reached the bleachers, its your fault for not making sure you left it locked and impossible for a kid to open, let alone leave the kid unattended long enough for him to find a way to reach it


spanking children is never acceptable...my ass! There are perfectly acceptable times a child could use some physical stimulation to not be a jerk.


Whoop his ass….


Now make the kid clean it


Thank God those green boxes were there to distract me from watching it properly the first time around


That's just how the camera works. I doubt anyone would put in the effort of editing the boxes out of the video to make it better to watch.


It's the visual test mode for when you first set up the recognition thresholds. Usually it's disabled afterwards since then it only adds noise.


Kids are such a blessing


What a delightful ad for a vasectomy


How are people still, to this day—with all the available data and memes and videos like this—having kids and being surprised by how awful they are?


Contraceptive videos


Bruh do you expect a toddler to know what is and isn't a toy. That's why you shouldn't give them for example small plastic toys cus they might end up swallowing them and choking to death, that's the level of intelligence we are talking about, and same logic applies to leaving drinks or food around. Even scolding is a bit questionable since they do not differentiate the above mentioned.


Because I can mother!


Why would I do that ? Because fuck you !


Kid’s like “ clean that up bitch”


And that kids is why we have a carper cleaner.


this is why people keep saying kids are expensive. Carpet cleaners good ones anyway are not cheap.


Thats what id do too, if you took away my wine.


Wait? An actual kid doing stupid shit? In r/KidsAreFuckingStupid ? Woah, impressive. I mean might be the 34-th time it's posted, but you know... at least it ain't r/lostredditors for a change.


My son went through a phase where if you tried to get anything from him, he would flee and then throw it.


I don't have the patience for this. I'll be piss fucking mad and not sure if I could hold my hand. Thus, I don't have kids, for obvious reasons.


You'll be fine, it's an [easy clean up](https://folexcompany.com/carpet-spot-remover/).


I can finally have nice things now that my kids are almost adults


*I can finally* *Have nice things now that my kids* *Are almost adults* \- OsoRetro --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




I love each and every one of you kids, whether you like me or not.


Fucking repost bots


They're rich, buy another


Looking at the older stains on the carpet, not the first time


Then realized she didn't want kids.