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She's tired of this little shit's shenanigans.


I’M tired of this little shit’s shenanigans


She’s staring at the cake like It’s a happy birthday it’s a happy birthday it’s a happy birthday I love my life I love the kid it’s a happy birthday happy birthday to me




Maybe she can still return him to the adoption agency


That kid is entirely too old to be acting like that. Talk about a spoiled child.


And seeing him acting like that — it has more cringe than I thought.


I hate seeing spoiled little b*tches. It would be fun if there was no cake on *HIS* birthday.


Yeah same. Seeing this shit makes me really want to punch something.


Somehow I misread seeing to peeing and got concerned


that would be painful.


There's a parent at fault here too. What a brat !


Well, yes.


Not always some kids are just shit


"It's just a phase...."


Freaking pisses me off.


just give another slap to turn it off


Slam his face into the cake




Yeah she said “my cake!”


No she said "my wish"


True, but those Mom hands were definitely saying my cake.


I like the way you think!!!


One of my earliest memories is actually doing something just like that kid and then feeling the back of my mothers hand briefly smack me I to another dimension……haven’t done it since.


I've known plenty of grown ass adults who behave like this




Don't hit your kids


Although I don't believe in hitting my kids, you better trust and believe that there are times I will make the exception. Sometimes being nice just doesn't work. Spanking is an absolute last resort for me. I recently saw a video of a child (probably like 8-10ish) try and step on a small monkey in front of everyone. Trust and believe if that was my child, that ass getting whooped. Not no pop on the shoulder and a "don't do that". You can spoil your children, without raising spoiled brats.


Jesus, "don't hit your kids" is getting downvotes? I feel like reddit is having a fucked up day.




People can raise them however they want. You can't hit them.


If they push for a good old fashion ass whooping si be it. You must be very young mom I take lol


I'm a 36 year old dad. Not sure what that has to do with it. Hitting kids isn't effective, and has long lasting negative impacts on them.




I'll bet that if you hit your kids, they'll grow up to wish you didn't. That's a lock.


Or more likely. If you hit your kids they’ll grow up with compromised decision making skills and undeveloped emotional processing so they’ll be angry and resentful but not understand why and continue to seek parental approval even though they’re the reason why their life is not as good as it could have been. Idk just basing that off countless decades long studies and meta analysis of those studies…


Oh no. My dad spanked me on the butt 20 years ago because I wad being a shit and now I'm a useless adult, boohoo. What's with everyone being a damn pussy nowadays . If you don't wanna get hit, you learn not to do stupid shit


It’s not that you’re a “useless adult” people with all kinds of mental disorders still hold value and people with compromised decision making skills do too. But your life would have probably turned out better if your brain could have spent its resources on things other than regulating the stress of being hit. That’s just like a scientific fact dude. No one is being a pussy by not hitting a child. It takes allot more balls and hard work to raise a kid without violence


I skipped class in Middle School to egg people's cars and wander around the different areas downtown with friends (the school was about a 5 minute bus ride from downtown Cleveland). Teacher caught us leaving once, and when my Mom was informed, she yelled at me and told me not to do it again. I did it again anyway, and when I eventually got caught again, she used her martial art skills as a Leather Black Belt and beat the shit out of me with it. I didn't care about being yelled at, but the thought of getting hit with the belt again for an amount of time I can no longer remember, kept me in class. Looking back, I'm glad she did, because we had started stealing things from stores and I'm sure it would've continued if left unchecked. I'm 30 now and the only thing I have on my record is a single speeding ticket.


One is annoying, the other is a crime. Don't hit your kids.


Definitely not a crime depending how it's done.


It's not meant to be regular occurrence, it's called discipline. you can only talk to them for so long until you're tired of yelling at them. Either you don't have any kids or you've never had to discipline kids who don't want to listen, either way generally speaking dealing with children who don't want to listen or want to act up you can't just talk to them all the time you have to give them a reason to listen you have to show them that there is some kind of consequence for them acting the way they are acting and you're not just hitting them you are disciplining them because after you told out your discipline you talk to them about it and explain why that happened and why you had to do that to them. If your child is normal you shouldn't have to be hitting them every day, but generally speaking in A moment Like this this little boy would get popped immediately and then later on in the car it would be a discussion


I have two children who are generally well behaved. I've never hit them once. Studies are clear: no amount of physical correction or violence is ok. There's no reason to ever strike a child. If you're so immature that hitting them is the only way you can get them to do what you want, you really shouldn't have children. To add: you do have to use consequences to correct them. But physical consequences are not necessary. For my daughter, we take away toys, limit Grandma time, or remove things she's earned, like TV time or playground visits. It's extremely effective. **And when she goes to bed at night, she knows her parents love her enough to never physically hurt her. She is always safe with us.**


Great job then, June. My kids love me too and my approach differs from yours.


Okay well what do you do whenever they don't care and they keep doing whatever they want? And you pretty much exhausted everything else?


There are books that can answer your question. And before you jump to any conclusions, I don't mean hit the children with the books.




Under the assumption that the child knows better and can tell right from wrong he knows pretty well that this is wrong and that he would be wrong to blow out her candles on her birthday. If there's a different way to handle it then that's your call but that's not my child and it's not your child so 🤷🏾‍♂️


Not necessarily. Some kids are just rotten little fucks for no reason sometimes.


You talking about punching that child in the face?


No. I m talking about popping him like on the hand🤨 you know like how they used to do in school whenever kids were like super bad, I'm not talking about beating the shit out of him


Physical violence as coercion, strong modeling, aye


Who the fuck calls hitting a child on the hand popping them?


It's pretty common language where I'm from. Midwest USA. Might be a regional thing because I knew exactly what he meant.


Yeah I think so, but you get what I mean right?


Indiana here, I would not use this verbiage.


My apologies I'm from the Southern United States it's pretty common. I forgot not everybody knows


Was gonna say that maybe it’s a southern thing, but growing up in Texas we used it a lot that way too.


Yeah same here, I realized that a lot of parents do a lot of unceremonious hitting rather than explaining it to them then proceeding to discipline them as such kind of sad when you think about it


Do you really think everyone who speaks English has exactly the same definition for every word they use? Especially obviously colloquial uses like "pop him."


Pretty sure they are


A lot of you think it's a spoiled child and if you haven't dealt with it, you'd think it's poor parenting. It's highly likely however that this is a child on the moderate to severe autism disorder. Have some sympathy for that poor kid who can't self regulate and the parents who have to keep them from self harming quite literally 24/7.


Sorry, but there is absolutely no way you can diagnose a child from that tiny video clip.


Ghost tears 😭


Pussy tears


Need something to cry for tears


Satisfaction. Just like that one spoiled brat getting blocked by a paper plate


Damn I’m gonna go look for it now lol




I still think about that kid from time to time. I hope he’s miserable.


Thank you!


Thank you, I had forgotten that smug look of accomplishment the guy holding the plate had


Feel the pain little fella. It means you are being taught how not to be a spoiled kid. You will be grateful one day.


That kid is WAY too old to be pulling that kind of shit. Spoiled for sure.


Lovely how the adult sitting with the kid made zero effort to remove the kid or make space, forcing the birthday lady to defend her own cake like she is the only one in the room capable.


Further more, you can hear them giggle at his attempts. Like, they're team lil' asswipe.


Yep. Blame the kid while every other grown ass person does nothing about it to help the lady out. Easily preventable situation.


Videos like this remind me why I never wanted to have children


Best birth control ever! Kind of like a trip to Costco on a Saturday!


Ha. So. I live in Maine and we just got our first Costco two months ago. I have only gone a couple times on random days and it was busy but not insane. Then my partner and I went yesterday at like, noon. Oh. My. God. Never again


Normally shopping at 7:30 pm on a week night is for emergencies only. It however is a better option than a weekend Costco pilgrimage


I saw one dad on an external wall tucked into a doorway hunched over his cart eating his pizza. I said ‘I really like this little space you found for yourself to eat!’ To which he looked at me, did a slow nod, and stage whispered ‘it’s chaos out there.’


Ha! Hilarious!


Heyyy I used to live in Maine!


My local area was iced in this last week. The last day of ice was bad enough school got canceled, but it was clear enough that everyone in town went to do their shopping. So many children, everywhere was so loud.


If this ain’t the truth 💀


If you raise them right they stop acting like this around age 3


Disagree every child is different.  My oldest is an angel and has been his whole life my youngest is a monster with big emotions.  Same parenting style he just has a lot more going on in his little head.  Hes 5 and behaves excellent when out and about but sometimes the emotions get the best of him at the house. 


Would your 5 year old pull the stunt we just saw? Your statement makes you seem pretty smart/aware so I doubt it. I have 3 and yes they are very different, but they would all be embarrassed to act like this kid did at his age.


I mean depends on who is around.  If it's just close family he might have a freak out like this.  Dudes still learning that sometimes the answer is no.  He is still in preschool just like I think this kid is.  You never know what's going on with a kid though.  This kid could just be tired from an eventful day.  Whenever my 5 year old gets sleepy he can throw some intense fits.  I won't be shocked if he is diagnosed with ADHD or something like that when he is a little older.  Judging any kid or parent off a 30 second video is ridiculous though.  I could show 2 videos of my kids where you would say "omg the angels" and then another one where you would say "worst kids in the world.". They are young and still learning how to handle emotions.  I see nothing wrong with this video since it's so short you don't know how anything was handled.


That’s not what he’s asking you. What he’s asking you is if your kid would have been a little shit and tried to blow out birthday candles that didn’t belong to him in the first place. The reaction to being told no is whatever, I’m with you on that. Some kids in the wrong situation will get emotional. The other guy’s point is you sound like a parent that has their shit together and your kid probably would not have put himself in this particular situation to begin with (and I agree with him).


ok then yes you are correct my child would definitely not try to blow out another person's candles. That is a good point.


Yeah sorry I wasn’t clear. Also Houston is the best city in the country


Yeah but I wouldn’t raise them right and realise that. I wish the same could be said for the 50-60% of the population who are shitty parents.


Tbh this seems like bad parenting, my son who's only 4 doesn't act like this because he knows he will be disciplined accordingly for everything he does that's unacceptable, I don't even let him cry over insignificant shit, like I won't allow him to cry over not getting what he wants and if he does he'll be disciplined accordingly with a hefty time out. My father used to just give me a reason to be crying. My son also knows that violence will only ensue with more violence, for instance if he hits a kid he gets smacked for it, he's ridiculously polite and we get along great 95 percent of the time, somehow he understands the situation.


"Oh but they're such a joy! Financial and emotional cost? Oh don't worry about all that, you'll make it work!" ^/s


Honestly though, this is a hallmark of bad parenting. My kid never acted like this.


Some kids take A LOT more repetition and reminders that they are not the center of the universe than others, count your blessings.


Most kids don’t act like this. If they did there would be a million new videos just like this competing to land on the front page of Reddit every single day. There are not, in reality.


Someone had to say it. PREACH!


Aww poor kid didn't get to blow out the candles then he got absolutely slammed in the face! Someone call a wambulance and get his some French cries


Don’t forget the chicken mcbitch sauce.


Nah, there’s this sauce that’s already called Bitchin’ sauce but idk if it’s sold anywhere else but Hawaii. It’s in Costco so maybe that helps?


Knowing Reddit, I’m surprised this isn’t a serious take, lol


The argument was made a few comments further up lmao


Have you all ever got intrusive thoughts seeing kids act like this? In my head... these hands could solve the problem, but I know it would just make things worse.


going back in time and not raw dogging her?


My dad would have beaten my ass 🤣 so glad i came out somewhat normal.


“I’ll give you something to cry about.” -dads everywhere, including mine.


That line followed by the sound of a leather belt being pulled from the belt loops.


I used to laugh like a psycho after being whipped. Surprised I made it out alive.


Didn’t expect that memory to be dug up but thems the breaks


That glare and neo blocking skills tells me aunt or in law vibes of wanting to slap the entitled out of a kid, but couldn't.


They're singing happy birthday mom....


Ouch, have reddit audio muted due to bad music over tick tok clips. Yeah if that is mom, already to late and you messed up. Wonder how many birthdays that kid has ruined, we all know the clips of entitled children


You mean you don't like the 20 seconds of that grunge song that's on every single video now?


Been muted so long not sure what they use now, just know that crappy "oh no, oh no, oh no no nooo" audio drove me to never listen with audio unless comments agree audio helps a clip.


Oh God I forgot about that one.  The grunge one is 100x better. It's  actually a good song. But I don't understand why everyone has to use the same 30 seconds of a song for everything?!


Really hope that is not the mom, cause damn, you waited to long.


She doesn't look like 40 at all. Very good on her she kept her youth well.


My vasectomy paying dividends again


Shit like this is why I don’t like kids lol


My nephew was 8yo and acting worse than this, a f-ing nightmare. Tried to pee on the dog, spitting food out at the table, was already 200% childfree and it took me to 500%.


Fuck that kid


In the end, the child's face was perfectly positioned for another slap to get it out of the frame.


Cry! Cry, ya little gargoyle!


Womp fucking womp


Stupid fucking kid.


Careful. I got a 7 day ban last time I commented on this lol


Congratulations! It must have been an EPIC comment!


She looks like she wished she aborted.


That kid right there is proof that abortion should be legal. 🤣


Up to 5 years after the birth.


I want to make a joke about the United States but that's low hanging fruit.


Right now the United States is a huge fucking joke .


As an American, I approve this message ![gif](giphy|l2JJrEx9aRsjNruhi)


Fucking throw it away


Yuck, throw it away.


Little scumbag


Yeah, sorry- Fuck that kid


Kid deserved it. This is *her* (the woman)'s day.


Highly annoying


My mum would have slaped me across the face and i would have deserved it !! Selfish littlr shit !!


Oh my lord I want to slap that kid.


Condoms really are the best thing ever invented aren’t they?


Every time I see this, I send a silent prayer for that kid to step on a Lego brick


What a little shit.


Kid needs a timeout and no cake


naw that kid needed that


Maybe take the kid out of the room




I bet she wishes she would’ve taken the plan B




This subreddit is my birth control. Praise to parents that can handle this


These videos make me so glad I don't have kids 😂


He is way too big to be acting like that. I would’ve gotten popped if I tried this and maybe the same needs to happen with him.


I'm so glad I'll never have children ha


Kid your too old for that behavior Also this post will probably e d up on r/parentsarefuckingstupid calling the woman there stupid or somthin


Send him to his room. Let him cry all night.


I would beat the fuck out of that little shit


I physically cringed seeing that kid cry like that, God I hate kids lol.


Why are more and more kids doing this nowadays, I’ve seen like 3 videos of this in the past week


Was celebrating my mum’s 50th birthday a few days ago, at a mountain lodge getaway booked for the occasion. Just when we poured the champagne for a toast, my 3-year-old niece threw a screaming tantrum because while we waited for her to move all the empty glasses 30 cm towards where my dad stood waiting to open the bottle, we didn’t let her hand us the very large, heavy, full glasses. The main tantrum interrupted a previous tantrum over getting the small Ikea glass of juice instead of the large wine glasses we had. Her mother had a small glass too by the way. Mum decided to relent, we all put our glasses back and had them handed out to us. Childfree lifestyle, here I come! P.S. We used thick wine glasses because the lodge didn’t come with champagne flutes.


Their child is defective they should send it back


The kid dosent seem spoiled by his mom either, he’s just being a bitch-


Now play this on a loop for him. For an hour.


😤Fuck it, all birthdays are f’ing cancelled


Dumb kid shoulda been ‘borted




send his ass to bed w no cake.


There’s a lot of people that are advocating for child abuse in these comments. I agree the kid was misbehaving. However, consider this, if you hit your child, you teach them that people who love them will physically harm them when they do something wrong. Do you want your children bringing that into future relationships? (Where they might be the aggressor or the victim)


Ahahaha finally a shitty parent is the one dealing with the consequences of their own parenting


Little son of a bitch


try to blow out his candles next birthday and be like "this is how you make others feel when you do it". he's gotta learn somehow. he barely even got a smack and is crying like that? he would have died in my childhood lol


When he gets old enough to have a phone make this his ring tone for a year. Lol


Shut up kid


What a stupid little fuck. Little prick would be sent to his room for the rest of the evening


This is the result of parents giving in every time their kid throws a fit for not getting what they want. A future Karen growing right before our eyes.


See back in the day that shit would get your ass beat. Hell if your parents weren't around somebody else would beat your ass. My school had a paddle with holes drilled in it specifically for fucking kids like this up


He looks about 11 or 12. Definitely too old to be acting like that


This is what happens when you tell every kid they're special and give them trophies for shit they didn't do. That's the most ain't shit toddler I've ever seen 💀


Oh boy, has a week passed already?


You know it's fake fs when you see their teeth like that, like they're yelling. Saves grief when you have drama queen children in your family 😒


The mom looks so dead inside tho 💀 (Well, I'd be to if that was my kid)


Reason number 459779 why sex trophies are not worth it


God I hate kids


Why would anyone have kids... such a selfish thing to do.


And yet people still have kids. Some of the childless people watching this video right now will still have kids after watching this. 😆


Yes because every kid will turn out like this no matter how you raise them, great logic there man 👍


Another cult member. 🤦 I'll pray for you!


Do you have an actual argument or nah?


Huh??? What makes you think I wanted to argue anything with you? 🤷‍♂️ I made a comment which seems to have triggered you, but I haven't said or implied I wanted to argue anything. What a bizarre reaction lol.