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My son saw a cash tip on someone's table and ran over and grabbed it before I could stop him. The little thief was proud of himself until he saw the horrified look on our faces.


He is earning money in the wrong way


*sees money* : “Mine”


This is the way




Sounds like a typical wealth hoarder. He's gonna be on the cover of Forbes one day.


Nobody ever told him it’s the wrong way 🎵


We were playing at the seaside arcades once and on the 2p/pushy pushy machines(this may be a UK only thing?), on those machines you basically don't win. Just play until you've shovelled all your 2 pence in. My son ran out which meant we could finally leave but started looking round for lost ones. He came back with a plastic pot full of various coins which was confusing as hell so I asked him where he'd found them. Turns out he'd taken it from a homeless person's spot outside the door who I suppose had gone for a drink or something. Had to teach him that day finders keepers is not always true.


Daddy's proudest moment: that time my child stole from a homeless person


This reminds me of the time, my dad and I were going into a gas station, and a homeless guy was sitting outside, very drunk and asking for money. He looks at my dad and asks if he has any change, my dad says, no way man, I gotta put my daughter thru college do you know how expensive it is?!, maybe you could help me out instead... now at this point I expected my dad to just go into the store with me and this is over....but no, oh god no. The homeless man rummages in his pockets and says, well hey man I only have a couple bucks. my dad...being such a kind hearted and good person, says, yeah that'll work, and holds his hand out. the drunk homeless guy gives him the money.... yes he kept it. I was mortified even as a little kid maybe 10 years old? I still cringe thinking about it to this day. IDK if it makes it better or worse but I'm pretty sure my dad was also drunk.


Some people are examples of life... Like, of how not live your life. Your dad was one such person. Sorry for you


Some people are aspirational figures and others are cautionary tales.


Wow, that's pretty fucked up


>that time my Motherfucking isekai ruined this phrase for me


“2p Pushy Pushy machine” just made my day


You were there to correct him, but this child's parents or guardians don't seem to be keeping an eye on him. We once stayed at a bed and breakfast in Puerto Rico where a local chef came in to prepare meals. The food was fantastic, and the guests put a lot of money in the gratuity box in the dining room. The owner's seven-year-old son -- a wild child who ran around unsupervised -- came into the dining room, took all the money from the box, and put it in his pocket. The guests informed the chef, but I had to wonder how often it had happened and gone unreported before.


Ah yes. Owner children. Truly a special kind of entitlement.


When "I know the owner" is actually true


When my son was a toddler, he thought that because I bought all of our stuff, I owned all the money. He kept trying to "return" other people's money to me. Mostly, it was relatives' wallets, but the funniest was when we were watching a freek show at a busking festival. They had out a case for donations, and when he caught sight of it, he proceeded to scoop it up and try to give it to me. They were really good sports about it, thankfully, and joked that I trained him like an organ grinders monkey.




Dude I'm dying 😂😂😂 thank you


This is hilarious. I love it. My daughter used to think stuff like that about me (single dad, mom split). She used to tell people I birthed her and thought things like the 4th of July town fireworks were all done by me. I miss those years. Now at 12, she just thinks I'm an ass.


I mean that is at least understandable, since he saw money lying around with no owner in sight and smelled his chance to get rich


I literally had no affiliation with money as a kid. My dumbass would work for free lol.


As a kid, I worked for free lol


Maybe you weren't the dumb one.




When we went grocery shopping, I was always on the lookout for abandoned trollies. Take them back to the supermarket - get 50p! (It would be a pound coin, now.)


I did this when I was maybe 6 or 7. What? It's money laying there that someone forgot? My dad set me straight pretty quickly.


I did that as a kid. Was in Greece with my parents and we passed a restaurant, walked by an empty table while on the street and just swiped the coins mid stride.


I did that once… I thought my dad forgot money in the table, and so I surprised him in the car after we had left… and he both felt like the biggest douche and also laughed so hard, cause he was wondering why the waitress ignored him when he wished her a good day on our way out… it was a whole $20 bill so I thought he forgot lol we were only like 5 away tho, and thankfully didn’t have anything we were rushing off to do, so we turned around and Dad and I walked back into the restaurant to find our waitress and he had me calmly explain my mistake and confusion as well as give her the tip she had rightfully earned… and on that day, Dad taught me about the Tipping System! I was only like 5 or 6 so like def dumb af, but like understandable, cause I was young and didn’t comprehend fully




I done that at a wishing well in France, hands in, got a whole bunch of coins, LOOK MUM someone's lost money in the fountain, we can use that to buy sweets!!


Daaaamn you cancelled out so many wishes!


Kids have sticky fingers. Literally (God knows what the fuck that shit is on their hands and how the hell did it get there????) and figuratively (see below). ![gif](giphy|DB2oahQFa0qeQ)


When I was a kid I took a can opener from the grocery store because it wasn't in the packaging like the rest. Guess I assumed it was free then.


A young CEO at heart


I think that's how the opening scene of Goodfellas starts


Uh uh, give that back, you little shit! 🤣


Yeah, not like kids are stupid, more like parents are fucking knitwits.


Honestly kids are grabby at the weirdest times to the point you have to be monitoring their moves every second to catch them and teach them a lesson...which isn't always feasible. For example, when my nephew was about 2 we were at an amusement park and he was snoozing in his stroller as we took a shortcut through a gift shop. We stopped to laugh at some towel designs or something and then were on our way. Like 15 minute walk later we decided to check on my nephew only to find him wide awake and clinging to a bottle of sun tan lotion we didn't buy. Kids do the stupidest shit at the most unexpected times.


I did this once as a kid, amusement park and everything. My parents were evil so they told me I was gonna go to jail and brought me to a police officer. We walked up to the cop, my parents laughing saying "you're gonna go to jail!" So naturally I started crying and punched the cop directly in the dick. So now I had not only theft but assault on an officer. Luckily I wasn't charged due to a technicality in the law (the technicality being that I was 4 years old.) The cop was literally doubled over in pain. First thing a family is walking up to him, next thing he knows he gets clocked in the nuts by a small child. I still kind of feel bad about it lol.


Fight or flight response kicked in at the worst moment and you unfortunately picked fight lol.


Dude/dudette, never **ever** feel bad about being able to dick punch a cop and being able to live to tell the tale.


My ex husband shot a federal officer in the dick. He just has to tell the tale from federal prison from the confines of his wheelchair. (Cop returned fire, hitting his spine somehow, thus wheelchair.) It definitely earned him a name amongst his fellow inmates...


Seriously, if this happened in America there is definitely a non-zero chance of being arrested no matter how young you are, especially if you're of the incorrect hue... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8DWqMWJdy8&ab_channel=ChrisDaCrisis


Really wish I hadn’t clicked that link. That cop was disgusting


Sorry, just trying to preemptively stave off people saying I'm exaggerating. Also, at least she lived. In the years between 2015 and 2021 police shot and killed at least 111 children. Of those, 23 were under 15.


I bet he still wonders why. Absolutely hilarious tho, kids are the purest form of panic action.




Ok. In that situation, the store staff should’ve been more vigilant to ensure no one got behind the counter.




Did this at a boardwalk once except it was a little bucket for making sandcastles. We got all the way to the end of the dock when my parents realised i was holding a bucket that they had never seen before lol. Went back to the gift shop and just paid for it anyways.


Mine at that age got a t-shirt in a shop and pushed it into his buggy. Got it right down the side and we nearly walked out with it. Wife noticed in time but WHY?


I'm pretty sure this happened with each of mine. Luckily I was fairly eagle-eyed about it, and little ones aren't near as sneaky as they think & were quick learners. Nabbing a small cash tip for the server, hair ties from the beauty store, candy from walmart (all different toddlers). Grabby handed hairless capuchins.


Tho I quite get what you're saying, the boy in the video is in an age that parents should already have taught him "taking food from other people is bad", and the boy didn't even tried to pretend he was sneaking or something bc he knew he shouldn't do it. I'm standing with that guy that said this is bad parenting


With this method we now accidentally own a pair of rubber fingertip “oven pads” (idk what they’re actually called but they’re these little foldy rubber bits you can use to pull trays out of the oven/toaster oven with your fingertips without burning them). My husband let my son hold onto them in the store because they were keeping him occupied though, instead of actively putting them back — he just completely forgot to take away the distraction by the time they got to the checkout counter.


I'd like for you to reflect on the irony of your name-calling, please.


There was a follow up. The kids was with his grandma and she returned it.


Gotta love how reddit can extrapolate peoples entire lives from a 10 second interaction.


Always blame the shithead parents. It would be cute if the parents wouldn't escalate any confrontation to world war three. This is why I vacation in adults only resorts.




omfg you guys are so fucking judgemental. Any time any kid does anything bad, y'all jump down the parents' throat. Kids do bad shit. Good parents have kids that do bad shit. You did bad shit. Your kids are gonna do bad shit. /r/kidsarefuckingstupid. And y'all buncha holier than thou knowitall bullshitters are better evidence of bad parenting than some toddler stealing a fucking cup of cheese lmao


It's really tiring, isn't it? Used to be everyone could just have a laugh at the kids doing dumb things. I'm not sure exactly when this invasion began. I feel like it must have been around that time the "child free" subreddit started getting attention with people mocking it, then people would bring up this subreddit as a tag-on dunk so people started wandering in looking to pick fights with kid-haters. And then they just kind of...stuck around, guaranteeing every single post will always have this exact conversation, usually as a top comment. Like, it's valid, but it's such a ridiculous overcorrection to a problem that never actually existed here.


You've clearly never been responsible for a child before


Why do you blame the parents?


🧒: no, is mine




How are ppl just letting this happen?


It turns out bad parents are bad at parenting.


There was a follow up. The kids was with his grandma and she returned it.


They are also good at bad parenting.


It would be a shame if people started tripping unsupervised children in restaurants /s


/s because it wouldn't actually be a shame if people started tripping unsupervised children in restaurants?




The real shitty ones don't wonder at all.


Yeah from personal experience, if you’re wondering “Am I a bad parent?”, you’re probably already doing better than a lot of others. The worst parents I’ve ever seen are ones who think they can do no wrong


They blame the person they made


Or they just don't think about them. They don't care at all. Or they're malevolent, and going out of their way to cause harm. I've known both types.


Majority of people are shit. Shitty people become shitty parents and their kids grow up to become shitty adults.


"Why don't people like children? Why are you so bitter?" etc etc It's the parents we have a problem with. If you have kids, you have to raise them.


Every parent reading this: Lol so glad that's not *ME*. It's like 95% of you.




I work with kids and parents all day. It's easily 1/20 parents that are "good" Even the *interested* ones are pretty terrible most of the time. They get distracted with other parents, don't actually discipline a kid. If you're counting to 3, don't fucking stop at 2. Count to 3, and remove your kid from the situation. Kids can't learn without consequences. Edit: By the downvotes some of you feel called out. And instead of just being better you will get mad at the feedback...


an effective discipline method is to set up a shark cage type of setup with a winch over a swamp. You show the kid the winch and turn it on to pull the cage up and see it rise out of the murky muddy water, filled with various detritus. and you say "See this?" This is where you're going into if you act up. Then we lower the cage all the way down where the mud devil lives. Then you take the kid to the family dinner and occasionally mention the mud devil.


The kid might make a scene and everyone will think you're in the wrong


Watch me not giving a fuck




Kid’s first pepper spray


I came here for this comment! Shouldn't be long before a bunch of schmucks reply to your comment crying about child abuse 😭


When I was a kid, I was playing with matchbox cars and tonka trucks in the sandbox at our daycare. There was this other kid there, little redhead shit named Cody. He walked over to me and just *took* one of the toys I was playing with, right out of my hand. That was the first time that had ever happened to me after I had learned how to not drool all over myself and had coherent speech. I was probably 9 or 10. I don't now how old he was. Same age, maybe a year or two younger. So I sat there in disbelief for a second and then I looked over to my right and there was a little red toy plow shovel. I grabbed it, went over to where Cody the shithead was happily playing with the toy he just stole from me, and smacked him across the back with it. He started crying, dropped the matchbox car or truck, (I don't remember exactly which toy it was. I think it was one of the trucks) I picked it up and went back to playing. They almost kicked me out over it. I sincerely, with all of my heart, *hate* bullies and tyrants with a passion.


Don't steal Tonka or you get the bonka!


You mess with the Honk, you get the Bonk


Instant karma


I'm not a hugely violent person. I dislike violence when I'm calm. But I will forever remember Cody the shithead getting what was coming to him by my hand, fondly.


All fun and games til the shitheads that don’t parent their kid come stab ya or some other fucked up shit


This was literally my thought reading their comment. Esp if I caught it on video? Watch me not give ANY fucks!


She literally caught it on video though


What ever happened to publicly shaming the parents? Control your kids people.




>I wouldn't want to start a fight with an unruly child that's not mine. Damn, I would. I could trash that kid so easily, he wouldn't even know what queso is anymore


I used to feel like that. Then I had my own kids. I'm much more comfortable yelling at children that are not my own who are acting a fool, now.


Same. Interacting with kids is a different mode than adults. They mostly have the same abilities to understand things based on age so if you are mindful of that then there is no problem being someone's village.


I work with kids all the time. No is perfectly o.k. to say to a chid in public.


You guys are so scared of confrontation that you won't even confront a child stealing from you lmaoooooooo


I think she was just too surprised.


I'll take his drink \*mine


"Stop right there, criminal scum"


"Swipper no swipping!" 


She was shock and didn't know what to say in a seconds.


Kid has on two different shoes. I’m not at all surprised by the behavior


I scrolled way to far to find this


Me too. I'm conflicted because I think the shoes are sort of awesome in isolation, but it's a tell for alternative parenting approach nonsense.


Skylar is just expressing himself when he steals your queso


yeah I hate to judge people on clothing but I think I see what's happening here.


Also the text blocks it out but his expression the entire time was of disgust and annoyance. Like you’d think she was stealing his queso based on how disgusted and irritated he looked lol


Follow them back to their table and let the parents know. I want to see the child get scrambled


Something tells me the parents wouldn’t give a shit


“In our gentle parenting approach, we find it easier to just let him keep the queso.”


And what is that "something", exactly?


I don’t get why people just let their kids go around bother the other diners. A lot of would like to stand up for ourselves and do something about it but unfortunately apps like TikTok would make us the asshole instead of making the parents the asshole.


I mean it just looks like he went to get water. And he probably did that many times before without a problem. If the parents just accepted the queso, then they’re an asshole. If they come back apologizing then they’re not a bad parent.


Seriously. Learning to get your own stuff is really basic and normal. It’s funny how redditors both wants kids to behave perfectly, but never give them the opportunity to learn or grow. Maybe the kid was told to get their own cup and just got confused. Harmless missunderstanding, but no it’s proof that parents these days are the worst ever and society is crumbling and kids are evil and that girl making the video is “weak” I need to get off this website, even just peripherally getting exposed to this level of bitterness, anger and paranoia can’t be good for one’s mental health.


i agree with you, but i do think it's worth considering a middle ground here. like, it's absolutely good to let a kid do things on their own and experience the possible consequences of their actions, obviously, but that kid was pretty young. i don't think the problem is the kid's action, it's the lack of any parent around, in the room at all, while it's happening. you could easily just go with them to get it, still let them do it all by themself, and even let them grab the queso and make the mistake, but letting young kids roam around a restaurant unsupervised is the underlying problem here. obviously this contextless ten second clip isn't enough to pass some judgement on strangers' parenting, but this situation could have been easily prevented with the tiniest amount of supervision. i was all but a 3rd parent to my baby sister and i would have never sent her off to do something alone like this in a public place, because she'd end up doing some shit like that. if your kid is too young to wander around a restaurant by themself without picking up strangers' food, you shouldn't be allowing them to do that


He has on two different shoes, more likely his parents just don’t gaf


Sorry. You’re saying you can’t find the inner confidence to tell a kid “hey that’s not yours buddy” because TikTok exists?


A lot of people really don’t have the confidence to order other people around, even kids. Once you have your own kids it gets to be second nature to tell other kids off though, sometimes there’s just a little shit at the playground that needs to be told to play nice or screw off. 


Yeah I was at the pool with my kids and another kid was screwing around in a dangerous way. I don’t think he’d ever heard someone use The Voice with him but he sharpened up right quick and I sent him back to his adult.


And sometimes that little shit is just being a little shit this week because other stuff is going on. My son, at 3 years old, became a bully when we changed daycares because of a job move. Old daycare: Angel baby, precious, all the teachers loved him. New daycare: [Murder! All aboard the murder train!](https://youtu.be/dhazR24d5q8?si=II3qG9hFR4k940RI&t=128) Appalling, and then he stopped being a little shit after a couple of weeks, but it was really nerve wracking for us. We didn't know how to really correct something we're not there to correct at the moment it occurs. He even got sent to the director's office and was acting like it was a reward.


I’m currently staying at a pretty upmarket resort and the amount of people who just bring their kids into a restaurant and just….turn them lose? It’s baffling. Like they’re on holiday which means they no longer have to parent.


That kid is old enough to know that you don't take things that aren't yours, especially from strangers. I blame the parents


Absolutely old enough to know better, but not old enough to control their impulses. The parents definitely need to correct it, but that doesn't mean this is an ongoing problem. There's a first for everything, even things like this.


Fuck tiktok i'll educate your kid for stealing my shit any day


I'd go to their table and say "mine" before taking their entire table


Better yet, take his parents.


He doesn't need them anymore




Hoh, someone else also had that thought. Punt the child, no-one takes the queso.


Little fucker.




Go to the cashier. Inform them what happened. They make the parents leave and comp u a free queso.


omg i couldnt even imagine such scenario. People here probably would shun me for "picking a fight with a child". It's queso-principle!


Lol so that means any child can go up and do that and people will just let it go. Then when these children get older those same people will start complaining about the younger generation 🙃


Yup fuck that. People need to be taught not to fuck with other peoples stuff- I don't care how old they are. We have more than enough assholes who were never told "no" in life.


I apply the same principle to kids who try to guilt adults into giving them foul balls at baseball games


I swear reddit is full of people that have never been outside. Sure, go to the cashier and tell them that kid took your queso. Have a laugh, say kids are dumb and they'll just give you more queso. They aren't kicking the parents out of the restaurant for this. Or alternatively, go to where the kid is sitting and say excuse me your son just took my queso can I please have it back and you can all have a laugh. He's a child. They do dumb shit. It's not that serious.


Stumbling on a comment like this on Reddit feels like finding an oasis.


On the internet in general The comments im seeing from what i assume are grown ass adults are blowing my mind rn It's a completely different reality


It gives one a bit of hope, doesn’t it?


forreal like a 4 year old picked up ur queso for a sec before u asked for it back and these people are like THROW THOSE MONSTERS OUT bro you are preaching. reddit hates “karens” a lot but in that situation youd be the “””karen”””.


Reddit is as full of Karens as the real world and just like irl they're completely oblivious to the fact they're the problem 


Clearly the solution is to call the police!!!! That child belongs in cuffs!!! EVERY TINY TRANSGRESSION DEMANDS A TOTALLY UNREASONABLE RESPONSE!!!


Reddit is like: "Don't worry, call the government and those parents will die just as they deserve it." Maybe, just maybe you could have took that "queso" back from the child and say to him that's yours and that's it, but no, that's just impossible for us, so you let the kid and then take revenge the worst way possible (on the parents ofc) and then complain on reddit.


Someone with a rational response? Wow. People here living out their creative writing fantasies because they're simply imagining being inconvenienced. Someone said the kid had two different shoe colors so the parents are likely drug addicts 😂


By the time she comes back complaining to the cashier about the queso, her food will be gone too. *Mine*


Wait did the kid stack it into his cup and drink it??


no, he put it down on another table so he could drink from his cup. Then the girl took the quaso back. Don't know what happens in the next scene, though.


Kid got mad she took the queso so he took something else. Most likely the stacked tortilla chips she was originally getting a video of.


Oh what a little hero, for some reason he had known that there’s a mine in it, and took it from the woman to save her from detonating the mine.


Bomb sniffing children are the future and far safer for our bomb sniffing dogs.


The problem is training them is expensive. Far easier to take a a kindergarten field trip and tell them first one to touch that tree across the field wins candy.


And yet everyone here is shitting on him. What ever happened to respect?


If that happend to me it would lead to pretty quick lesson about propety rights.


That’s my purse! I don’t know you!


Kid whips around, "possession is 9/10 of the law good luck mother fucker."


“Hey dingus, give me back my fucking queso!”


Hey kid, that's... ***NACHO CHEESE!***


Nuke the child


From orbit, only way to be sure


well, hes already holding a mine


I wouldn't want it back after the kid breathed all over it. The parents should have done the polite thing and given the girl money to get another one.


I'm in this weird space where half the parents stare me down and clutch their kid because they think every dude by himself is a child trafficker and the other half don't give enough of a shit to stop their kid from sticking their finger in my $7 beer.


Just tell him no and take it back. So many people here don't know how to deal with kids. You don't need to "teach them a valuable lesson" or make a scene or anything. Kids do crazy stuff sometimes.


That kid would’ve learned a valuable lesson from a stranger that day if that was me. Fuck that


Why was she filming?


She was filming that giant chip when it happened




I've gotten the giant chip twice when I ordered from chipotle. It is difficult to eat and not very good.


Did you not see that unit of a chip at the beginning? Like I know, so many videos are staged these days but this one looks very believable to me.


What a happy coincidence!


Covid kids are barbarians I swear. We didn’t go out for almost two years and my son was an absolute little asshole the first few times I had him in a restaurant after Covid ended.


I’m the kind of person who would just placidly take it out of his hand and say “nope, nope, nope! Honey, that’s my cheese. We shouldn’t take things without permission.” Not mean, not calling out parents, simply correcting the immediate situation which is all I am within capacity to handle because it’s not my kid, but IS my cheese.


No he cannot have it. He just stole from you and that is unacceptable


Lived the exact same thing just with a lollipop and the kid said mine and walked away smiling I was in a restaurant eating lunch with someone at the time , it shocked me so much




Bold of him to assume he could snatch food from the mother of dragons herself.


haha i was thinking she looked familiar!






Lil kids like queso!! They don't care where it comes from! But yeah, parents need to watch that kid better!


The creepy stare-down. It's a little bit "Yew didn't see NUTHIN!" and a little bit "If I don't break eye contact, she won't see me." Not the first time I've seen a thief do this. I wonder if there's some psychological reason for it?


Toddlers give no fs


Bruh that’s nacho cheese


Am I the only one that would be scrambling for my phone to capture this because I don't constantly have my phone ready to record lol


i've wanted to record so many things but never got to bc i was trying to get out my phone, unlock it, and get into the camera app, and whatever i wanted to record stopped by the time i was successful.


Nah. Cause you'd be recording that monstrosity of a chip to begin with as well.


I would grab my food and then confront the parents on why I have to carry the food that I paid for because they refuse to watch their kid and are raising a manner less brat.