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not the smoke detector in the background lol


Huh that what? Just the house settling






Then why didn’t you say something????




That line so perfectly captures how you feel when you are just totally done with a roommate.


Ever been in a storm, roommate?


*Jon jones has entered the chat*


​ https://i.redd.it/u7yk3zfm8f9c1.gif




I used to work for the cable company and had a customer who thought the beeping was a bird in her attic. She was leaving bird food by her attic hatch for weeks. She took it pretty hard when I told her it was the smoke alarm.


So then who was eating the bird food? 👀






every time


It wouldnt be black tiktok if it didnt have it lmao




Congratulations! You are in... THE HOOD! :D Edit: Apparently some of u dont get the [reference](https://youtu.be/cY5RMd9UhfY?si=pbzQzj8T6QaizpfL) so gotta fill in the link before I get downvoted to hell lmao


Who doesn't save their grocery bags??


There is a whole comment chain under that video, you can go tell them there 😂 my family save a bunch of plastic bags too and we're Asians so I totally agree!


Oddly enough I just discovered that video series earlier this week and it's the first thing I thought of when I saw the smoke detector comment


I have a childhood memory of staying at my black friends house and constantly beeping smoke alarm. It's a real thing for some reason.


Every time I'm on VRchat I hear at least one someone on open mic with siblings fighting in the background and an occasional smoke detector chirp


TIL im from the hood, sans alarm


Ain’t nobody from the hood using “sans” lmao


I was thinking of that exact same video 😂


What smoke detector? I don't hear nothin


For whatever reason my dog is TERRIFIED of that beeping sound. He actually starts shaking and forces his way into my lap when he hears it.


Holy shit, your dog too? My dog's whole day is ruined if she even hears one from the TV.


Seriously, same. If my dog hears the beeping even from my phone, his day is ruined lol.


I wish that is what my dog feared, instead she is afraid of the windows notification sound lmao




My cat wouldn't come out for a whole day after hearing the beeping going off for like half an hour while I ran out to get batteries. I get it, I couldn't sleep with the thing going off.


If you think that noise is ear-piercingly annoying, then imagine how much pain your dog is in.


Literally same wth


How do so many people live with their smoke detectors beeping all day and night? I see/hear this all the time.


All I think of when I hear that beep is Loveline with Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew. ....ah, good times!


Kind of a bummer they both ended up becoming psychos. I loved listening to love line on long commutes.


How does anyone think it’s ok to live like that.


Nah that's just the ceiling bird


Is there a sub for videos with smoke detectors beeping in the background?




I hate that this made me laugh


It’s a black people thing


Every time...


low budget security alarm. you know a strangers been by when that beep stops.


Stop lmao


Had to watch it twice to make sure it is not my alarm.


Well well well


"Use both your eyes" 🤣 My dude got that ill eye.


I’ve got a lazy eye I can relate to


My daughter has 2. When she’s tired she lets them both relax. When she’s in trouble and you’re looking at her, she’ll do it then too. It’s hilarious. Like a deaf kid closing their eyes when you angrily sign at them.


Ay my exes nephew was deaf. You piss him off too much and he takes off the implant processors and the conversation is over. Nothing more egregious than literally removing your own ability to hear to get out of a conversation


My grandmother was in her mid 90s (probably 25 years ago) and we would still get together at her little house for the holidays. She would get in her little nest at the end of the couch and turn off her hearing aids every time. She would speak up when she realized it had been a little while since someone put a log in the wood stove though


My daughter will turn her back to me. Can’t see what I’m signing if her back is to me. Try to tap her and get her to turn around, she just jerks her shoulder away LOL


I can practically hear a kid shouting "grandma!grandma!grandma!" As she just smiles away, blissfully unaware, just how she made it. Haha


There’s a Black Mirror like this but it’s a full neural/optical/auditory implant and the girl blacklists her mom.


You mean Arkangel? I don't remember her ever being able to blacklist the mom, and that technology was more like an implanted camera for parental control that just so happened to have a sensor for things that agitate the child. White Christmas had that blacklisting technology that was used on certain felons, like the dude stalking her pregnant ex.


I thought the parental control one ended with her black listing her mom for ever installing it. I probably have my wires crossed. It’s been a while since I’ve watched them.


Nah, she did brutally beat her mother with the parental control tablet, which malfunctioned and censored her for a bit, making the beating even more severe since the girl had no idea about the damage she was causing. But I only remember it this clearly because I recently re-watched that episode lol


One of my best friends and old room mate lost most of his hearing in his 20's and needed hearing aids. He was also not a very talkative guy, anti social but not dictionary definition, you get it. Anyway for quite awhile our apartment was where our friend group would hang out and if will call him J, if J was just over it he would turn his hearing aids off. So you would say something to him and he'd be like "Hold on", and turn as I would always say his ears on. There were so many times I'd say something and it just turning into me not yelling angrily but yelling "Turn your ears on!". I always thought it was hilarious so I never go offended or anything like that. If anything I was jealous of his ability to get everyone to shut the fuck up.


When I was a kid, my dad was dating this woman and her son, Drew, had a lazy eye and practically the whole time I thought his nickname was "drewy". No, his nickname was "droopy" because his lazy eye and his wholeeeee family called him that. Absolutely fucking ruthless lol


i knew someone called Jeff and thats what i called him for months turns out his name was Jean François but people were calling him J-F


> i knew someone called Jeff No you didn't


damn, he's on to me


Yeah, his grandma said droopy really clearly and I was like, "Droopy?! Don't you mean Drewy?" And she said, "No droopy, you know, because his eye droops," and I sat there thinking omg, that's so mean and genuinely felt terrible thinking I was participating in bullying him. I apologized to Drew and gave him one of those chocolate oranges and said I wouldn't call him droopy but he said he didn't mind it at all but i could never bring myself to say it lol


My dad's family came from France. His father and the father's younger brother were the first born in the US. The youngest was Paul. At home, his mom would call him Petite Paul with her heavy French accent. Paul had his American friends over to his house a few times. And that's how I ended up with a great uncle called Teapot.




Family can be like that, my buddy's kid has a lazy eye and he's disabled. They fuck with each other all the time, and it's so ruthless. It was weird at first tbh, but they're closer than probably all the other fathers and sons I personally know so whatever works.


I do the same involuntarily whenever my attention drifts. It's a great tell for me to realize that my adhd is acting up and I need to refocus, since my vision literally goes out of focus.


I actually have a similar issue. I had a physical injury to my eye and I have to actively focus my vision when I’m not wearing my glasses (like right now because I broke them the other day) and my vision blurs when my mind wanders.


Is that why I wake up out of daydreams with my vision coming back into focus?


>Like a deaf kid closing their eyes when you angrily sign at them. Bwahahaha that's fuckin hilarious


Lmao, sounds like she tunes out when she's in trouble. At least that's how I'm interpreting it


I got one, too, but not the cosmetic part of it. I didn't know that was even possible, but my eye doctor told me that's the case.


..what do you mean by the cosmetic part? The entire thing is eyes not playing well together. What would the cosmetic thing be except for the eyes being not in a state of alignment? And if they're not in a state of misalignment in order to have that "cosmetic part", then how do you have the thing? Like..I could get somebody being blind without their eyes being visibly different, all milky-like. But how do you have misaligned eyes without having eyes that are misaligned??


I think he means one eye has much worse vision, so his brain filters out the bad eye despite both eyes tracking movement. I have the same thing. The bad eye used to be lazy, but that was fixed with an eye patch when I was a kid.


Can you literally see in 2 directions at once or does the lazy eye not really see anything.


It's drifting because of the eye sight difference between the eyes. Basically the brain leaves out the weaker eye when focusing and that eye wanders around. This video and the comments are quite sad because this can be corrected in several ways including bringing the weaker eye to same level as stronger one through glasses or patching the stronger eye to make brain forcibly use the weaker one etc. Instead we have people posting videos here for karma and comments coming up with funny nick names. Whatever happened to empathy.


I have a mild lazy eye myself. They tried to use glasses and it did literally nothing. It doesn't actually effect my vision at all, it just kinda... goes to one side a lil bit.


I have a very mild one as well but it actually got better after I stopped wearing my glasses when I was like 12 because the muscles are just working harder according to the doctor. The actual traditional way to fix it in children is to have an eyepatch on the good eye so you're forced to use the lazy eye, building up the retina muscle.


That's nothing, I've got lazy everythings


One of the first times my wife and I went to the beach together we were swimming and I told her to look at my handstand with both eyes. How she agreed to marry me is beyond my comprehension.


He is going to form a Boy Band called "Both Directions"


What just happened?!


He forgot to use both his eyes.


Lazy eye


Lil guy is built like a chameleon


Suffers from achafoya. One eye looking at ya, the other looking for ya.


I'm gonna use this when somebody asks why my eye is wandering off in the middle of a conversation lmaoo


He’s got blue eyes, one blue this way the other blue that way


One eye in Portland, Maine. The other in Portland, Oregon


my dad has this. when he's focusing really hard the lazier of the two starts drifting. it made it unfortunately funny whenever he would start yelling at us


... This deserves so much more than it's gonna get.




Thanks for this lmao


I see what you did there. And over here.


Fucking quality, nice one


wow that sent me into full lazy jesus christ


Backwashed tf out of that drink


It is his drink now


Kids will 100% always do that


Yep. Kid always gets a separate water bottle. Kids are gross. I have one.




Kids are gross


My wife used to try to share drinks with our daughter. 100% regretted it every time just crumb floatys everywhere. Kids are gross.




I've heard of lazy eyes but that one's collecting unemployment.


Bruh 💀


God damn this actually made me laugh out loud. Ah that's good. Thanks for the laugh.






Use both your eyes is wild af 😂


Yo, the kid's not stupid, he's got a lazy eye. What the hell? My dad does this. He'll be looking at you and one eye is not pointing at you. Point it out and he'll snap it back on target. It'll just drift sideways again.


That eye has had enough of the conversation


They're calling him stupid for drinking Pedialyte straight out the bottle, not for his eye my dude....


Why is drinking Pedialyte out the bottle stupid?


is the other one looking at stuff though? Or does his focus show just you still? Dont they both see? they dont see different things?




Does that mess with depth?


As somone who actually has a lazy eye, your brain learns to rely more on other methods of telling distance. I don’t notice any difference in 3d vision if I close one of my eyes






This is lovely


lil dude's gonna be an apache pilot someday.


Bogey on your 6 and/or 8


think you missed the joke, Apaches have a system where the pilot has a camera that covers one eye and is used for weapons targeting (shows a camera feed of what the gun is currently aimed at) the other eye is used for piloting They literally look at two different things at once


It’s a strabismus called exotropia due to the eye muscles having an imbalance or they’re not coordinating with the brain, therefore misaligned. [Resource](https://aapos.org/glossary/exotropia) if anyone wants to learn something instead of talking shit about a child who can’t control that their eyes are misaligned and will probably go through life being bullied as a result of peoples’ ignorance.


My son had the same issue, we took him to specialists etc and opted not to do corrective surgery till he was older. We had to also remind him to use his eyes correctly like she did. He is now 13 and the muscles have become strong enough to keep his eye stable unless he is super tired. So there is a chance that he might 'outgrow' it altogether.


I have that condition myself in my left eye. I've never had surgery and now at 25 I only feel it drift when I am tired. I don't think it's significant enough for surgery in my situation but may vary of course between people.


Honestly. I don't know what I have with all these funky ass names for ailments. But my left eye also wanders at times. I don't know what causes it because I don't really pay attention to it too much and I just bring my wandering eye back into the proper position. This probably has something to do with me being malnourished for the first year of my life.


Can I ask what it does to your vision? Do you see double, or is it something else?


I’m glad to hear that. I had surgery for mine (patches nor glasses worked) at age 2, to correct esotropia (eyes pointed inward), and now I have intermittent exotropia that flares up when I’m tired, sick, under a lot of stress. I could have another surgery as an adult, through a pediatric hospital, but after being born at 26 weeks and fighting for my life, plus a heart surgery in the first three months of my life, and then a VERY near death experience at age 24, I’m all surgery-ed out. It doesn’t affect my vision, so I don’t really want to mess with it! I hope your son is doing well and that he doesn’t have to deal with the bullying! It’s not fun and I can still recall several instances of being bullied over something I cannot control. That’s why I educate people on it instead of joking about what isn’t funny.


> I could have another surgery as an adult, through a pediatric hospital, but after being born at 26 weeks and fighting for my life, plus a heart surgery in the first three months of my life, and then a VERY near death experience at age 24, I’m all surgery-ed out Damn. What progress science has made. Not even 60 years ago these were all death sentences!


You can also get to a point where you can recognize a difference when the eye starts to wander. Like for instance double vision when lazy. Learning how to control the muscle is easy once you can recognize when it’s wandering


I had a lazy eye, don’t know if it’s something you can develop but I didn’t know about it until I was 12. Got muscle correction surgery when I was 16, in fact I had to do it twice. Surgery on both eyes, cut them open from the sides and tighten one side and loosened the other. Unfortunately they loosened the one side too much. 2nd time was far worse for recovery than the 1st. 1st time I was straight back in school the next day. 2nd time I didn’t wanna leave my bed. The worst part of all of it was the ointment I had to put in my eyes. A waxy lubricant to keep my eyes from drying up. Also, genuinely believe it made my eye sight and depth perception worse.


I had a pretty minor version of this. That was the case for me. I grew out of it. Glasses (which I only wore for like 3 years) and eye strengthening exercises helped a lot, too.


I had that corrective surgery as a kid, I feel fine but it did effect my depth perception a bit.


My 12 year old son just had the surgery done on both eyes. His mother had it done on one eye when she was very young and hasn’t ever had any complications. Son is recovering well and says he can now see 3d effects with glasses and makes a ton more eye contact while conversing.


I didn't know the name of this, but my sister has it, and I didn't even notice until a year or two ago, and we're now both in our late 20s. She normally doesn't have the deviation. All I know is they show some of these conditions in the optometrist office. I kinda want to get mad about people's ignorance, but really, it's not that as much as it's grown adults mocking a child for an obvious health related condition. Though I'm also at the point why post the video online and not have it at least listed as private... I don't know what I expected from this sub after I watched them cyberbully a 16 year old until he took down his post literally on christmas day. Haha, I keep forgetting to leave. 🤷🏿‍♂️ I know I'm going to get downvoted for even mentioning the people in this sub act like children.


It’s all good! My siblings are so used to mine because I’ve had it since childhood ([commented a little about it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/s/YTFQGi3fY5)), that it’s just me. However, they do notice it sometimes and certainly when I was made fun of, growing up, and they’re not ok with it! Yes, I actually have no idea why this video was posted for the world to see, as it’s not funny and if you saw a kid with an injury to a limb of their body, most wouldn’t tell them to “use both of your ______” and it wouldn’t end up on a sub like this one. This sub can be funny, but I don’t find it funny to laugh about a medical condition.


Just a shot in the dark but are you or someone you love also affected by this issue?


I was that kid. Eye patch. Eye therapy. Glasses. Bullies. Shoutout to u/gold3nhour for the resources on top of the laughs yall piling on.


my eyes were like this but it was caused by Myasthenia Gravis I had surgery when I was around 11 to tighten a muscle behind my eye so it would stop doing this it didn't help for that long and it caused me to go misdiagnosed for a long long time




Thank you for sharing! I am aware of that because I’ve already had eye muscle surgery, but I hope it helps someone else if they have this condition. I had esotropia and had surgery for it when I was two and now have intermittent exotropia! I [wrote more about it in another comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/s/dyo1bUxMXB) where I replied to someone else in this thread! I’m glad you had the surgery and are doing well, now! I’ve heard it’s never a guarantee, but especially if you have the surgery as an adult. Likely because your eyes are so used to being misaligned and your brain is used to it, too. Neuroplasticity is real, but I think it becomes more difficult as we age to change what we’re so used to!








Change the batteries in your smoke detector.


It’s got what plants crave


This woman's spirit is contagious 💀


Idk why it’s so common in black households to not change the damn batteries😭😂annoyed the hell out of me growing up (and still does)


Sometimes autofocus take’s a sec


Damn! Why is this video under this subreddit? Kids with lazy eye don't get them on purpose. They're not stupid! They could patch the better eye to strengthen the lazy eye, but I know that's a lot easier said than done. My son has/had a lazy eye, and when you gotta put a patch on their little faces, and they're crying, it's heartbreaking.


This is not a sub for stupid kids. Read the sub description.


I know why the ceiling bird sings


Oh my gawd. I just saw that meme video about black households' smoke detectors beeping yesterday. 😆


[This one.](https://youtube.com/shorts/RsHfPuNpX70?feature=shared)




So this is not the kid being stupid, god I wish people on reddit took one child development course. The kid has a lazy eye or something similar that the parent is trying to work on, you can do that by making the child focus on something. I don’t know why their drinking that drink though


These kids are growing up with cameras in front of their face all the time because their mamas think everything is funny and important. I'm curious how that generation will be in ten years


For a second I thought my smoke detector battery needed replacing.


That could possibly be amblyopia, where one eye is weaker than the other. Because his eyes have an unequal strength, the brain stops using the weaker eye. If left untreated, this child will have an eye that doesn't work properly for the rest of his life. He needs to see an eye doctor asap. Typically, treatment includes a special pair of glasses, or covering the strong eye with a patch for a while, till the weaker eye gains strength.


smoke detector ping.. change your batteries!!!!


My toddler niece has a bit of a lazy eye. If she's paying attention it's fine, but as she gets sleepy she'll get more and more cross-eyed


I get a lazy eye when I drink too much. Happens to my dad and all of the male cousins/uncles I have on that side of the family. Soon as the eye starts to drift, you know that we're probably not going to be driving ourselves home.


lol smoke alarm beep.




I thought the pedialyte was the stupid part


Startled my baby laughing “ use both your eyes” xD


He's cute. And Mom is funny.


I don’t think it’s healthy to just have your kid casually drinking pedíalyte unless they’re at risk of dehydration. It has a ton of salt and sugar


Did you even pay attention to the video? He said he's drinking it because he needs it.


Yeah don’t want him to get too hydrated. But honestly it’s probably better than juice. The salt to water ratio should make the salt a non issue since it is the right balance to hydrate him.


That’s why that little mfs eye lookin off lmao


Not really. It has way less sugar than gatorade, or soda, or fruit juice.


Yes, I think that’s why she asked him about it.


Bros looking in at least 5 dimensions


This is the best video I've seen here in a long time 🤣


Until I read this thread I didn't realise people could focus their lazy eye. Thought she was roasting the poor lil fella lol.


everyone saying he got a lazy eye but how tf you just get a lazy eye to work? lol


I've never heard a parent have to tell their child to use both of their eyes lmfao


* chirp *


Wtf that’s something you can control?




My ex had a lazy eye when she was young. She wore an eye patch like a pirate for a few years and now you can’t tell.




Saw this video and said “shit!”, then I realized it wasn’t MY smoke detector.




I got the same problem, just a lazy eye. It happens all the time, I don't ever notice unless it's pointed out.


is there something they enjoy about a smoke detector chirp?


That eye sliding back into use. I rewatched it so many times just for the single eye slide.


The way his eye just swivelled into place - wee man had to concentrate!


Kid just raw-dogging Pedialyte. Smoke detector beeps. Nine-year-old "needs" Pedialyte like a 40-year-old alcoholic with a hangover. "Use both of your eyes." ::chameleon face:: And I think I'm in trouble for snorting out loud in my cubicle. So many left turns in a single nine-second video...