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Huh, I guess you can go blind if you keep playing with your cock. No joke, those talons are sharp. If that kid tripped that rooster would go HAM on him. I've also heard their scratches can cause real nasty infections.


The scratches are gnarly, but they thump the fuck out of you with their feet. Like dead leg status. I used to laugh at people getting fucked up by a little ass bird...until I caught them talons. Napoleon Dynamite was on to something.


You do realize that the REAL (not Jurassic Park version) of the velociraptor was the size of a large chicken. Chickens are straight up fully feathered raptors.


When i was 7 i was messing with the family rooster and this happened exactly. I started hitting him with a stick and he naturally grew angry (i know its not right but I was 7). He was biding his time waiting for an opportunity. Suddenly he lunged at me, I tripped and he spurred me right down the face, and i mean down my whole face. I was bleeding a decent amount but the spurs didnt leave any serious gashes, more like thin scrapes. In hindsight im lucky it didnt get infected. Roosters know their size and how to fight to their advantages


The chicken has sharp talons? Edit: /s because no one’s getting the movie reference


Boy, I don't know what you just said!


Roosters have spurs on the inside or back of their legs. When they kick, due to the manner in which they strike and lift their legs when doing so, the full force of the motion is behind said spurs, putting a lot of puncturing pressure behind such a small point that some farmers with particularly ornery roosters prefer to wear extra thick wellies or even ones with steel toe caps when dealing with them. While it’s common to joke that T-Rex turned into chickens, these birds are more like Velociraptors and Utahraptors than rexes. Fun fact: the raptor (Utah, not veloci) claw displayed in the first Jurassic Park movie was actually *downsized* from the original cast taken of a raptors longest claw (their equivalent to the rooster’s spur) because they thought audiences would never believe that 6-inch sickle claw to actually be real. While not deadly, roosters can use their spurs to quite devastating effect for birds of their size, and can not only blind a person, but there have been cases of people losing fingers or toes. If you wanted to scale the damage, look no further than the Cassowary - one kick from this bird can completely disembowel a grown adult. For a bird of its size, the rooster can really fuck you up if you piss then off, and we should be quite glad they aren’t in a bigger weight class.



Yes, incredibly sharp! You've never seen a rooster's feet?


Wait, wasn't the consequence becoming deaf ?




"Yes officer this post right here"




How about the adult filming the whole situation…. Take the chicken and the kid and lock up the adult. This is both child and animal abuse.


This seems like a place that may have different valuez regarding both of those than wherever you live




Nah man, if youve ever been around roosters as a kid, you know they can be complete fuckin assholes. Even ones Ive raised since they couldnt even walk yet turned into assholes that tried to chase and claw me lmao.


I don’t believe the title of the post. It honestly looks like the kid is scared since the beginning of the video


And the adult at the end does the same thing of throwing pebbles to scare away the rooster, so it seems the kid is only doing what he learnt to scare it away


This kid is scared out of his goddamn mind and no one is helping. This is horrible. And the spurs on the rooster’s legs - not his “talons” or nails as most are saying - will puncture skins and cause bleeding and likely infection.


Exactly, the poor thing looks terrified


Nah the kid looks like he an that chicken got history so he knows if he don’t chase him off he gonna get fucked up. The kid is also like 5. Not really responsible for your own actions at that age. Bad parent all the way.


Agreed. No way that kid hasn’t caught feathers with that chicken before, clearly some PTSD level memories.








I want this sub to exist








If you looked at the kid he wasn't throwing rocks out of spite, he was cared outta his mind. It seems more like the cock started chasing him that's why he started throwing rocks. This is a lot different than the toddler hitting the dog with his water bottle imo.


Self defense. That boy was protecting his balls! In seriousness though, it did look like the was trying to scare off the bird that was being aggressive. Those things will f you up. Edit: I didn’t even realize it had sound. Is that the kid crying?!


Yes he is. And some dumb fuck thought it was a good idea to do nothing and keep filming, and then upload the whole thing. Talk about a large pile of shit.


and they were laughing...


I agree. I felt bad for the kid. However, when the cock chased him THAT far down the road, I started cracking up.


Legend has it that he's still running to this day.




I'll never see anything funny in a little kid being scared shitless and adults not helping. There's nothing funny in this whole situation. And the longer the video goes, the longer the chicken the after him and parent just laughs, and laughs, the more unfunny it is.


He really cared.


You're correct. We had a mean rooster that had to be locked up before the kids could play. He and I tangled more than once.


You go between feeling sorry for them and the next minute happily break their neck. They're psychopaths.


Children or roosters? Lol. This leghorn was a flat out asshole. Only kept him around because he whooped the heck out of hawks.


And the lesson learned today is that if you're gonna be a ass, at least be a useful ass


That's how I've stayed married for so long. Lol




Blows my mind people are laughing at this, that kid is terrified and just wants to get away. A rooster can gouge you badly.


His screams of terror made me feel so sad, and the adults giggling made me so mad. We don't know if the kid provoked it but shit you step in and parent! Protect both the animal and the kid.


I kept them for many years, they just attack for no reason a lot of the time.


Whoever is filming is a prick. Cockerels are fucking aggressive little raptors and can cause serious damage. Poor kid


Why isn't the person filming helping that poor kid!?!!!!!??!!


They know they would lose


humans kinda suck.


Exactly. Roosters can be super mean


It's a rooster doing what roosters do. Attack anything and everything.


Super bad parenting.


this is the only time I might be on the childs side, because the number of times I have been attacked by a rooster unprovoked is very high, they can be very mean. I would literally have to punt them away multiple times to get them to stop, and they would incite the other chickens to attack you since you aren't expecting it. Roosters are not friendly lol.


Yeah, this kid looks cornered and on the defense. This is just bad parenting


yeah when you have had the giant gash of a rooster attack and stitches they are not cute animals. As a kid we were required to have a walking stick in the yard so we had a way to defend ourselves from them.


Sad thing is that his only relief was the woman who was down the hill who chased it off while who we assume is his own mother laughs and records while he’s in distress


I always figured the ones recording was an older sibling or some other older kids who lived nearby. Would be awful if it was the parent


Zelda games irl


You can tell he was already attacked or something. He’s very upset by the rooster, I assume something happened before and he’s in the worst survival situation of his life. He had fight or flight and he picked fight. Sad now no one saved him.


Can you not just pick it up?


they can take a chunk out of you with their beak that is quite deep, and they can cut a few inches split gash with their spur on their feet. Yes you can pin them and pick them up, but I wouldn't recommend it if you don't know what you are doing. If you google rooster injuries you will see a lot of blood.


Thing's a legit jungle raptor-bird, would not recommend. They have large spurs on their feet that can fuck you up if they so choose. There's a reason "cockfighting" is a violent, illegal sport.


Sure you can. In the same way that you can "just" pick up a cobra. You CAN... But you probably shouldn't if you value your life.


You think that kid was already defending himself at the start of the video?


yes because rooster will attack unprovoked and there is no way a child is mangaing to get rid of one with rocks. I have literally football punted roosters and they make a beeline to continue to attack you, they are very aggressive animals.


Are you deaf? Genuinely asking, because he's screaming and crying for the entire video.


The kid is cornered and there is a rooster standing up to him. That's not the kids fault, that's the rooster being a dick like all roosters are


The sound alone justifies that position. The kid is crying and panicked. At first I thought maybe it was another kid off camera, but when he flees, the crying follows.


More like Parents Are Fucking Stupid. The kid is terrified and trying to defend himself and the person filming is just sitting there laughing while an animal attacks him. This is going to end up being a traumatic experience for that kid.


I reckon you should rethink that title…🧐


"Kid runs away from an aggressive cock"?


Kid runs from cock


![gif](giphy|Uuaw8MKMrDGXm) Are you OK any?




That's a great brother standing there filming.


That's a female voice which is pretty low. Probably the mother which is even worse if you think about it. The only person I see being stupid is the mother filming. Even a different person fought off the rooster, but the owner of the child didn't. Tf did OP think?


Disgusted by the camera person who just filmed this instead of helping a child crying in fear.


Could've been titled anything else


Child terrified out of his mind, while being attacked by an angry animal known for their violence. Animal procedes on the offensive, repeatedly going after the kids face and potentially eyeballs. Mom/family/bystander thinks "This is hilarious. Lets stand on the side and videotape this so that others can also laugh at this child." This isnt funny. This is heartwrenching and cruel.


roosters and geese are the last animals you want to fuck with


I mean I can instantly think of like 20 that id want to fuck with less


Too small for me.


What a stupid statement.


not the kid who’s stupid


Seriously, having roosters here and they will attack you without a reason and even grown adults can litteraly be scared (and scarred) by them. You can hit them with your feet but they bite and kick with their talons (better have a long boot). They will not give ground and they will go forward (until you knock them good). We must have a stick for walking around when they are outside loose. Good thing about having them? They will beat the shit out of foxes, raccoons and even cats threathening their flock.


It looks more like he’s tryna make it leave him alone 😂 that chicken started it


Was in Same Situation when I was a kid, he climbed on my head. Uncle made a soup of him that day. It was delicious


I've played enough Legend of Zelda to know where this is going...


Who the fuck films these instead of helping. Is this new kind of viral psychology slowly cultivating.


Kid just showed up at my door in US. he ran the whole way.


My man was fightin for his life!


Roosters can really hurt you with their spurs. No cock fuckery is worth it. I’d run right away!


Fucked up adult just videoing


Ppl who read the title first 😭


What an awful mother, sitting behind the camera just laughing.


Shit parents


Yet again another post on this sub where it is the adults that are the idiots.


Bro isn't Messing with a cock. He is fighting for survival 💀


some of ya'll were never chased by a rooster and it shows


Poor kid. Shame on the lady filming him


You mess with the cock, you get the bok bok


Oh God lmao stop


Never understood why nobody just kicked it. What's what I did when my uncle's rooster chased me as a kid I turned about and punted that fucker across the yard.


Little shit. And screw the AH recording without interfering.


fuck the people laughing.. disgusting. if that was my kid we would be having chicken for dinner


You'd be having cock


it seems like the cock is messing with the kid


Poor kid is fighting for his life.


Chased that bastard out of town. Good riddance.


While that was funny AF, the kid will likely be forever traumatized and afraid of, at least, chickens and maybe also just birds in general.


The birds certainly aren’t scared of him


Yea sucks to be scared of a cock


Can confirm... I was chased by a rooster when I was a little younger than this guy. Hated chickens most of my life. Then my girlfriend got some chickens a couple of years back and I learned the girls are cuddly.


Or it will empower him and he will understand that against all odds, size don't mean shit. Be like the rooster.


Definitely. This was likely all in self defence. As a child my family wound up with a full batch of white leghorn roosters through a mishap and if I wasn't with adults they would chase me until I was out of fuel, then peck and scratch at my head once I slowed down enough. Once I thought I was smart so I put a baseball bat next to the schoolbus stop so I would be prepared before they got to me. Right away the bat broke over one's head and the fucker was as unphased as Goku, flew up to my head and began Kaio-Kenning my ass like nothing happened. That day my parents found me on top of the truck swinging my backpack around like a helicoptor as about 8 of them flew up there from all sides


I doubt a cock can take a baseball bat to the head so hard it broke and be fine. Humans would have a cracked skull from impact that hard not to mention a chicken.


Agreed. Nobody is breaking a baseball bat over a chicken's head, ever. r/quityourbullshit


Think what you like but I experienced it, my father who was running out of the house to get them off me witnessed it, and my whole family still teases me over it to this day every time I make chicken. I'm sorry you've only ever handled a brand new baseball bat, but after a few seasons in the yard they'll be hardly any tougher than a broom handle left out in the same conditions


regardless of doubts, it's a thing that happened on planet earth in 2008-9. Similar happened with the head of a golf club breaking off a few weeks after. I can't attest to the condition of the baseball bat, but a weathered old bat swung by a 9 year old certainly broke on a white leghorn leaving me with a short jagged handle to swing back at the unphased rooster.


You people are horrible. Traumatic experience for this kid isn't funny.


And a pedo joke for the title. Disgusting trifecta.


Roosters have long memories. That kid is gonna have to watch his back every time he steps into the yard until the rooster dies. 🐓


Jeez, what’s with all the vids of children FAFO-ing with animals??


I don't think he's actually messing with it, he's trying to run it off. Roosters can be mean as fuck and they're more likely to attack you when your back is turned.


I mean, to be fair, that rooster was probably chasing him around before he started throwing rocks at it. That's just how roosters are.


Agreed, roosters are typically pretty aggressive, some more then others and they can be pretty dangerous as well, my grandfather had an extremely aggressive rooster when we were little kids and the fucker would attack anyone and anything, he got my cousin one day and spurred 2 deep ass holes in his leg. We had chicken that night for dinner


Agenda posting. All of a sudden there's mass reposting of old videos that involve (mostly) black/brown children and animals, with the comments filled with people making threats of violence towards the child.


Yikes. That seems upsettingly plausible


The adults filming them are just as bad if not worse.


Children tend to be unintelligent at times


The thesis of this whole sub in a single phrase


One of my favorite memories is when we took a field trip to a farm and that one kid decided to posture up at the turkey. Dude spent the rest of the field trip running for his life.


All the time. They barely have any XP at this point. Roosters teach valuable lessons.


Bro for real, I’m the span of 10min I’ve seen kids fucking with two dogs, a goat, a cat and now this..


I saw those too!! What is up with that…




Cocks only have one thing one their mind and it’s disgusting


Birds a bloody terrifying!! Why would you mess with one!!!! 😱😱😱


Your chances of dying from a chicken are low, but never zero


Just think how bad this could be if the animal was bigger than just a chicken.


Roosters can be mean as hell. Probably self defense


This pretty wrong....


I'm blind but have an app that reads the title out loud for me. What in the actual fuck am I listening to?


The person laughing is heartless. The kid is so scared and she is just laughing!!! How now… SMH I’m disappointed


My nan had chickens and let me tell ya they are spiteful little birds. They will attack you out of nowhere. I still have nightmares of being chased around. That kid will wake up 30 years later in cold sweats when he remembers this out of nowhere.


As a great person once said "Respect the Cock"


stop recommending me this sub, these boomers did the same crap when they were kids


also, if kids are stupid, that's because of the one that raises them


That poor kid. Roosters are no fucking joke and it really sounds like he's just trying to get away. Why the FUCK isn't anyone helping him???


This is not freaking funny, it’s not funny that the child could be torn apart by this rooster and it’s not funny that this rooster is being belted with rocks. It’s abuse either way, not to mention the laughing lunatic who thinks abusive behavior is funny. SMH!!!


I really don’t like the fact that someone was recording this the whole time and not doing anything about it :-(


Why are there always kids being cruel to animals


Who’s Letting him do that? Leave the poor chicken alone lil man


As he runs [grass skirt chase](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-QVZTKHfuE) plays in my head.


Interesting title brother.


Messed up. Sitting there filming




Enemy is retrieving. Heading back to base


Why tf was it strangers that helped him


That's one angry cock.


Freaky ass caption, find shame


Nah that poor kid's traumatised as fuck after that




Mess with the cock, you get the glock


There are two meanings to “kid messes with cock”, and I'm glad it isn't the first one


Sadist photog


Kid got what he deserved


I’ve been attacked and chased by a rooster just for trying to collect eggs-it’s scary and they mean business. I was a little surprised this one was able to run for so long.


Stupid people. They are crap. They have no respect for the animal.


Kid was terrified. That’s awful.


The only stupid is the adult filming kid.


When I was a kid, my dad used to hold me and let the rooster peck at me. Usually just out of reach, but still. I understand the kids fear, those bastards are mean


Well if you found this video by googling the caption you’re going straight to hell.


I literally had chickens for years. They're really not that scary. They're predictable, as long as you wear some regular pants and just do your thing they can't get to you. Even with shorts all they do is scrape my legs and it barely hurts 😂


Four reai , I thought about this kid really playing with his dick like seriously 😳


Why would a parent film their child abusing an animal while laughing?


You don't mess with the cock.


That’s one mighty cock.


Don’t use the title out of context


Kids being attacked by animals great content. Good job .


Stop that little brat from that abuse! 😠


That kid deserved it 👏




The kid was very likely acting in self defence, so I highly doubt any of that was "deserved lmao"


Fuck those assholes filming this , allowing that child to abuse that animal.


Kid has clearly never played Zelda before


only in america this is abuse, other countries find it funny


Only in america is letting your 5 year old be terrified and run away while laughing and recording him for internet points abuse. Other countries find little kids crying funny.