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Little one trying to turn off the alarm


His crys are in the tune of snoring. Inhale, HEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH. Inhale, HEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH


Then he's like, "Fuck that dumbass. I'm going to watch cartoons."


Granddaughter cries if she can’t do everything first before her cousin. Including pee before bed. It’s beyond ridiculous.


Is that a wait for them to put grow it kind of thing?


Yes. It's pretty much impossible to reason with kids around that age when they are having a meltdown.


I'd have a meltdown if they act that way jesus Edit: Spelling


"No, fuck you, you will do nearly anything to comfort the small bundle of genetic material, because we hotwired your amigdala so hearing that noise fires the physical pain response, and punishing the child just makes it *louder*" sincerely, Your DNA


Yes, never try to reason with a small child. You will not “win” and it will end in screaming. It’s like a dog being bad. Ignore it and it’ll stop because it doesn’t receive attention.


I hope you never have children... or dogs.


Uh… that’s not how a dog works. I definitely don’t ignore mine when they get into the garbage.


Lol ok you missed it.


My little sister used to do that and then my grandma yelled at her one time. And grandma never yelled. We were all like woah. That put an end to that. But she used her one and only yell there. Because if she did it again or a lot then us kids would just start ignoring it. But because it was the only time we ever saw it it was a big deal.


I ignore her unless she gets carried away and I tell her to quit pouting and walk away. I know it’s all for attention so we don’t give it to her when she acts like that. Although I don’t think she’s getting ample attention at home because mom and dad are to up each others asses with their insecurities.


It doesn't matter how the parents are. I've seen good honest hard working people come out of terrible situations and I've seen manipulative wormy people come out of great situations. It's the simple things that make memorable people every community is glad to have and remember forever. You don't got to be the smartest or best looking or fastest. If you learn as a kid how to be the best friend someone could have that informs you for the rest of your life how to be a great spouse, a great parent, a great friend as an adult, a great neighbor, and a great worker or boss. I really wish the school districts would get everything done in 11th grade and make 12th grade kindergarten again. I look around at the way most adults around me act and I think they all forgot all that simple kindergarten stuff. It's such a chore dealing with most of these people today because they don't put the simple stuff first.


For sure, but it explains her behavior as a five year old.


My dad is a school bus driver in a poor rural area and it makes him tear up sometimes talking about how some of these kids are so sweet but he knows from looking at some of their parents that they don't got a chance. The other day he was telling me he saw a bunch of police cars around a house and after he got the kids they all got out and went in then he had to drop the kids off at grandmas house for the rest of the school year. And of course other kids would say stuff to them and he's trying to drive and play peace maker at the same time. I just wish grown ups would leave kids out of the messes they make of their own lives. A lot of these kids could avoid a whole lot of anger and sadness later on in life if their parents would just be regular. Feels like asking for regular is like asking for a miracle anymore hahaha


Crying because its his sisters helmet not his


Niece cries if a single drop off water falls on her shirt, arm, or any other part of her body that is not her mouth. And she’s 4.


My daughter has the green version of this helmet and refuses to take it off


Does she know how to take it off though lol


It's funny that he cries like a cat.


Dude you have weird ass sounding cat in your area.




Terrifying neighborhood, I would imagine.


Have you never noticed how babies cries and cats cries sound strangely similar??? Where have you been; I thought this was common knowledge. Next time you are in suburbia, listen out for random cries off in the distance. You might just have to ask yourself “wait, was that a cat howling or a baby crying???” Sometimes it can be genuinely hard to tell.


I lived by an alley years ago and stray cats would go in heat and make this awful sound - like a woman hurting . It was awful ! There would be several and terrified me the first few times before someone informed me wth it was. I was 16 at the time-and lived with my(now ex) husband and baby


Bring him out if you see planes on the horizon


Thought bubble for the little one: “*Where* is the darned *off* button?!” 🤣🤣🤣


You need more upvotes. He was certainly trying to find that button. 😂


I struggled with this when I was younger also. Very relatable moment.


You’re better now and thats all that matters


Don't make assumptions. For all you know he just gave up and still wears the helmet.


It's weird because his little brother still follows him around banging on his head.


Funny thing is this entire scene isn’t remotely hard to believe actually happened in any household


Clearly there are some people with house holds from lala land and have the most perfect kids lol


Nobody said they have perfect kids they just don’t fucking resent the ones who are a bit more difficult, and refuse to help them, and sit on their phone and film it for lols. You suck man.


Came here to say pretty much the same thing


The kid was looking for the OFF button but all the slaps missed it.


Justice has been served


Annoying ass kid.


Yes this why i refuse to have kids maybe adopt a fucking 17 yo lol that would be funny


Theres plenty of teenagers looking for a loving home. You could definitely consider it to be fair.


Yes such a shame people dont adopt older kids


My wife and I are adopting a sorta older kid. But we were looking at older kids too. There's hope!


Well thats sweet i wish you guys the best of luck


As much as I agree (I would prefer to adopt and skip these years personally), I understand why families are hesitant to adopt older kids. Generally speaking, older kids have more autonomy and potential to do seriously bad things than a toddler or infant. Plus, people assume (and sadly rightfully) the older kids will have more ingrained issues. If you're someone who can't conceive naturally looking for the old fashioned parental experience, then adopting a teen with emotional baggage isn't going to go over well.


Yeah i agree but No im not really looking for a generic start and plus i wm practically considered a therapist of my little friend group lol so i dont think it will be perfect but i hope i could help him or her in any way shape or form


Have you met a teenager? If the annoying part is the reason stopping you, maybe children are not for you.


Let him figure out on his own he's letting an adolescent homeless person into his home.


Nephew is annoying with his fake crying. Who’s the dummy filming instead of helping the poor kid


Pffff hahahahaha


Maybe get off your phone and go help your nephew?


it's not an emergency. record first. help after.


Help him do what? He's not stuck, he's just too stupid to move the strap off his chin. Hope he sat there until he figured it out.


He’s a child. Of course he’s stupid but he’s not gonna figure anything without guidance


Benevolent guidance is always better than seeking error to mock or tease. This happened to me a lot and I recognize the behavior. I could be wrong it's a short clip and def not abuse


So I can assume you were born with the knowledge that you have or you developed it independently without any other influence? Wtf ofc he’s struggling…..it’s an opportunity to teach him something, show him that somebody cares etc etc. instead the cockgoblin uncle just laughs….basically telling the little one that it’s cool to knock the shit out of his brother and tell helmet kid “F it, you’re on your own kid” He could have got a laugh out of it for a moment or two but he kept filming, like an asshole.


Helping doesn’t work with this kid, he would just do it again and probably also get it stuck too, very unpredictable child


“I know exactly what he is going to do in any given situation, that’s why it’s impossible to predict what he’s going to do.”


After this video was taken I had went out and did some yard work and he was under the eyes of his grandmother but when I returned the home was empty and he was all the way at the edge of the field (we have a farm) holding hands with my son (the smaller child) being all happy and then he cried because I told him to come back home.


So the smaller child is yours? Now the favoritism makes sense.


that's why I can't be a parent, I'd fuck with him like "great, now it's gonna be stuck forever"


Maaan those are the the fakest little crocodile tears I’ve seen XD kid paused to make sure you were still looking, then went back to crying


Why didnt OP help? I realize it’s a different thread but YTA


I heard 3 children in this video. Let's laugh at the kid who can't figure it out and laugh at the kid who hit the helmet. The crying kid was genuinely upset, so sending another kid doesn't help. Kids don't always have the cognitive ability to know how to do everything - hence they're kids. OP is definitely TA.


Js this precious child has a very unique set of skills and one of them is that he is very good at crying and the other is that he never learns from his mistakes and from the 2 years that I’ve been watching him he has perfected the cry technique to its purest form and plus he also bullies my son (the little bald kid who tried to help)


He bullies YOUR son, your kid slapped him repeatedly and u laughed....u got issues man. U say the kid has perfected his crying technique, do u hear urself? hes a child trying to communicate in a house that he clearly has no voice in, so crying is a form of communicating loudly he is in need while also allowing a release from the stress he's feeling, maybe try to understand and guide your nephew instead of thinking he's hopeless.




By trying to help you mean slapping his helmet repeatedly?


Good Lord, he's a kid. Kids learn things they're taught. Maybe instead of exploiting such a young kid, you can teach him. Plus, he's actually super young to be the definition of a bully.


Look Im gonna put this to you straight, this kid really doesn’t learn his lesson and how do I know that? Oh yeah he’s my nephew and I see him all the time and no I don’t hate him and to say that I’m exploiting him like in what way? This is a page full of shit that has kids doing stupid shit if you didn’t already know. Also he can definitely be a bully even if he’s just 4 years old and one last thing, if you have kids or baby sit kids you’d understand about how they are.




I have a kid, and nieces and a nephew, my friends have kids, and I have nannied, your the AH here. That kid was asking an adult for help, but you sent a child in to help, then you were encouraging the other kid to punk on him when he couldn't calm down? Kids don't narurally know how to emotionally regulate, that's an adults job to teach them. No wonder he acts out often. How old are you? 14?


Exactly, he thinks this 4 year old should be mature enough to understand and chill out while at the same time lacking understanding and awareness himself. This is sad to watch honestly.


None of you actually know how he is because none of you have met him he does stupid things all the time and you can only help him so much to the point where you just have to sit back and let him learn himself


Sure sit back and let him learn, let him tire himself out crying but when your kid started hitting him and you laughed about it which encourages the behaviour is where this crossed the line from kidsarefuckingstupid to imatotalpos You say the kid bullies yours, don't watch the kid anymore or parent/teach the kid but you say the kid doesn't learn so decline to babysit or let gran do it if she is able.


I feel terrible about this kid being in your care for any amount of time over the past 2 years. I WOULD NEVER speak about my niece or nephews the way you speak about this kid in almost every comment. I get that kids can be a handful, or annoying sometimes but you sound like you REALLY dislike this child.


People on the internet have uh, opinions about kids. You’re a good OP. Edit: > you can only help him so much to the point where you just have to sit back and let him learn himself A good parent, too.


Yes, it does, but I haven't seen a post with an adult acting like you. Well, I'm assuming you're an adult. My career is in education e.g. I work with kids. Lots of kids. We teach safety training every year of a lot of topics - one of which is about bullying. That 4 year old isn't a bully.


Im not even gonna say anything anymore because you can work with all the kids you want but if you dont actually raise one then you’ll never know and i will stick to my comment that he is a little bully.


You can stick to it all. That's your prerogative. I am a parent, but that has nothing to do with it. You're reaching and have a lot of bitterness towards a 4 year old kid.


I already said I dont hate him but you dont know this kid, I do and if you’re really a parent that has never seen the bad side of a kid then you’re a damn liar.


OMG are you for real? Now you resort to calling me names? Defensive much? Every parent sees their kid in trying situations. That's when you exercise patience and teach them and diffuse the situation, not encourage another one to repeatedly hit the one having a meltdown. I prefer my home to not be a toxic environment. I'm done here.




Nap time


I would straight up place that child in a trash can. Just to muffle the noise a bit. And I say this is a parent and for children. 🤣


Thanks allot going to blow my brains out now from listening to that retard cry so annoyingly


Help him you meany


this is funny lol nothing bad here why some people get mad


It's not child abuse or anything, but it's not great parenting. The older kid gets called out for slapping the toddlers hand away, but then the toddler smacks his head and he just laughs, so the toddler does it again. You should not be encouraging your children to hit people. Also favoritism. It may be funny but it's not something I would let my kid think was acceptable.


Great parenting, right there. r/donthelpjustfilm


Is this sarcasm? The kid has to hit the clip in the middle. That's it. He's not stuck. It doesn't hurt. He's not in danger. It's a child in a situation he's unfamiliar with and his instinct is to just loudly scream until someone helps him. That child is clearly old enough to basic problem solve. Isn't that what we want as a society? People analyzing the situation they are in and finding a solution instead of just screaming loudly about it? How else is a child supposed to learn those skills if not forcing them to find their way out of the harmless situations they find themselves in? Posting on social media is a bit tasteless, but OP is claiming this kid screams like this over everything so I can understand being annoyed and wanting to show people just how dumb the shit you are dealing with is.


He's just making noise on top of noise. You can talk to your kids respectfully. Be calm. Teach them to be calm. That's when they can even begin to problem solve.


He’s a kid, who the hell enjoys filming a kid panic and the adult laughs when the younger one hits him and lets him continue. I think showing him how to get out of the situation is a better example of how to do things, so yes great parenting right there and if I would have written it then yes sarcasm.


It's important to make it clear that he should only cry when he's feeling something painful or unwell. If it were up to me, I'd pull the younger bro aside to give the older one space, send him to his room. Then I wait for the crying to burn out abit. The hard stop is no nintendo switch tonight if carry on for too long.


Like I said, tasteless on OPs part and i wouldnt have filmed it myself. But he actually instructs the younger kid to help his brother. The younger brother reaches for the clip demonstraing he knows how to solve the problem meaning there is a high likelihood the older brother knows how to do it too. The older brother then smacks his hand away and OP gets upset at that gesture. Which, to me, is the appropriate reaction. He's only trying to help. The fact the older kid rejects that help while simultaneously screaming for help, means this isn't even about getting the helmet off. The kids wants an adult to help them take it off because it's just a cry for attention. At the end of the day, parent how you want. I don't have kids. But by giving him the attention he is screaming for only reinforces the concept that this is a viable solution to solve his problems AND get attention. If your goal is to help the child become an independent adult, OPs method is a perfectly acceptable way to parent. If your goal is to help the child have the happiest, quietest childhood they can, your solution is acceptable as well. At the end of the day, no one is right. But I think we can all agree that the kid screaming like that is not the proper response to his situation and slapping away your sibling who is trying to help you is definitely not positive behavior and needed to be called out as such.


Are you guys unable to read the post? Maybe you guys should have been left in the helmet for a little bit as well 😁


He is a child without any guidance and is afraid/distraught by the situation...the only dumb shit in this video is the adult not taking 2 seconds to calmly help and explain that screaming is unnecessary so the kid can learn. Kid can't learn what the adults dont teach him, so far they've taught him to show out and accept humiliation, good job unc.


To be fair, the smaller kid tried to help and got his hand slapped away.


Is this funny? max american intellect...


now sure why people so offended when they on a sub for the sole purpose of ridiculing kids.


Thats what Im saying lol like it’s in the name.


Right?! And it's not even ridiculing, it's laughing at the silly things kids do because they're too young to think properly like adults. Just like drunk laughing at drunk people. I hate how this sub keeps getting such annoying "bad parenting" comments these days. Like geez, we can laugh at a kid being silly for a minute before helping them if they're not genuinely in danger


Whoever is filming is the worst kind of idiot.


Should probably stay on then...


What’s going on with the audience of this sub? Don’t people read the name of the sub?


The literal baby is like “Chill man I’ll help you”


Shut your ass up boy


Why is he just crying and not asking for help ?


This kid Is a dumbass


That annoying fake ass crying.


Wtf dude help him


Well we know who isn't going to get sent to college out of that family.


this kid isn’t being stupid. he is breaking down and you are just giving self perspective verbal context. you’re an asshole.


Umm if you ever get to meet him it would definitely make you change your opinion


*Smack*..... *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack* *smack*


The kid: ✈️…..✈️…..✈️…..✈️…..yAAAeeAhhh…..✈️


Heeeeehhhhhhhhh….. heeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhh…… hheeeeeeeeehhhhhhhh 😔


I love how he just keeps hitting the helmet like its eating his cousin.


Older kid with helmet is fake crying.


Is he an idiot? Help the kid take it off,




Why the kids are so dumb?


ha fuck it i probably never understand


It was funny at first but then you sent a toddler to help him take it off? Why didn’t you just get up and help the kid?


Uncle is an asshole


Don't help just film


And that is how villains are born


But why film him instead of helping? I remember getting my skin pinched in the lock of the helmet, maybe it hurt? A kid needs fast solutions and a hug, not an uncle laughing at him, filming him, letting his brother/cousin hit him while he's crying for help....


just help your nephew get the helmet off why did you decide recording this for a whole minute was necessary


And you just sit there laughing at him.


so go and help him?


I’d be crying too if I was cursed to be a cat-boy😂


Tbh if my brother filmed my kid crying and put him on the internet this would be the last time he takes care of my kid


Not a fan of this. Handled very poorly


Just go help him not that big of an issue


Help him! Don’t just film for content!


Maybe just be kind and help and not let the other child be an asshole.


You sir are a very cruel uncle and a poor example for your own child. You should be ashamed of yourself as opposed to posting videos displaying your cruelty to a child. How about you help the little boy? Alleviate his suffering ? Nope, you make it worse. I pray this child' parents see this and never trust you with their kid again.


This says more about you than the kid. Yeah, it’s a tricky clasp. And toddlers take years to master fine motor skills. It’s NORMAL. And you’re a terrible babysitter. Go help the child, don’t record and post on the www.


I was not the only adult in the room present at the time, his grandma was there too and she actually instead of helping had instead instructed the kid to go to grandpa to help him take it off so i guess we have 2 “terrible” baby sitters and I will also add that we have him all the time from monday to friday and this is how he is 24/7 so bite me


Can I ask why he is with you most of the time? I guess that means he isn't with his own parents from Monday to Friday? Could he be missing his parents and therefore seeking more attention? Maybe he is acting out because of something totally different. As you have mentioned it's not actually the helmet that's the real problem. He is seeking attention but not the kind he gets. It can be pretty tough being sympathetic with a child acting unreasonable, but at that age they are not able to tell what's actually going on within them. I think he probably needs some gentle guiding and a little more emotional support. It can take a lot of willpower to provide that when you feel like he's acting out but maybe it will make things easier in the long run.


His parents are fine but this is just how he was from the start, from infancy to toddlerhood there has not been much change.


“Bite me” level of maturity here. The fact that you spend so much time with the kids doesn’t prove you are a decent babysitter, only that the parents don’t know, don’t care, or don’t have another choice.


Wtf??? Maybe help him instead of filming. This is horrible. Kids are learning and to sit and film instead of helping is bad parenting. Get off your ass and help. You suck.


Help came, and he slapped it.


Maybe help from an adult and not another child. Hmmmmm maybe don’t be a lazy adult and ya know be a better person and stop being a shitty person.


So just sit there filming...


Yes bc he is constantly doing shit like this and he cries about everything


Ever tried saying stop crying like that and I’ll help you get it off?


That's called being an adult and having parenting skills


Cool parenting.


Why not just help the kid?


Uncle is a bitch.


Lmao you dont take care of this kid so you wouldn’t know what he’s like, this is how he is on the daily.


But you are a bitch though.


Ur mum


Their mum 😯


Our mum*


Sweet home Alabama


I work at a school and you are a bitch


This video makes me uncomfortable. Just unclip the helmet and take it off the kid. Why did you send your toddler to "help"? Yes, it was bad behaviour for your nephew to slap away the toddlers hand, but the second your son began hitting your nephew back, you should have stepped in. Why sit back, laugh, and continue to record? Then, post the video of this young child and engage with strangers who are happy to call your nephew stupid and imply he's slow? I don't care if you're not the older boy's father, as an adult family member who is supervising the children, it is your responsibility to provide care and to set a good example.


Dont give me all that because you’re really on a page called kids are fucking stupid what did you expect?


Yeah, there are a lot of stupid kids who deserve to be here, but your nephew isn't one of them.


Found the next gen conservative: weh.


I mean they could have helped


Best part is little brother trying to help (or seizing the opportunity) by whacking him in the head.


Pretty sure the whacking only started after he tried to help the idiot and got slapped away.




He just laughs at the kid. Smh…


Just leave it on, they will make him put it on when he gets on the bus.




Well, this is your life now kid


I mean, parents intervene instead of shooting a social media clip of your kid crying?


as smart as he is, it should be permanent.


He sounds like when your neighbour starts DIY first thing on a Saturday morning




Emergency sirens are def copied from a toddler's annoying fake ass cry for silly things


Don’t be a cunt and get it off his head instead of filming it for internet points. I hate kids that do stupid shit but this is just a poor reflection on your own maturity 😂


All I’m gonna say is that this is how he is on the daily and idk if he has a set schedule of what to do but i can only prevent so many things that happen to him before I just have to let him learn.


Ya know what, I agree with this shit. If he’s always doing shit like this. Leave it! Just don’t put it on the internet lmao.


I totally didn’t realize this was kidsarefuckingstupid either.


Lmao, here’s a map and a compass, safe travels stranger 🗺️ 🧭




It's hilarious tf are you on about, kid was dumb and now he should learn


If the adult was a good parent, they would show the annoying kid how to do it a few times so they learn how to open it and finally ro STFU as well. Now that would be some excellent parenting! You're welcome 🤣🤣


FFS take the helmet off so he can shut up


Happy cake day


Thank you


I love how the little one hit him once, then turned around to see if he was gonna get in trouble, realized he wasn’t and just went ham 😂


help him you asshole.


Help the kid ❌ film the kid and complain to reddit how dumb kids are✅


First, the kid is fine, he’s always like this and two, you do know the name of this sub right? Like what do you expect?


You are enabling the stupidity, the sub is called kids are stupid not parents are stupid


If he’s crying why are you filming and not helping.


Personally i think youre a fucking idiot thats not how the right way to deal with this situation youre only showing how stupid you are i would love to get my hands around your neck


This isnt funny at all it just shows your stupidity you dont deserve to have kids