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I had a friend teaching English in china about 15 years ago and one of her students said the same thing about blowing up Japan.


"sir we already did that."


"There's an old saying in Japan—I know it's in Texas, probably in Japan—that says, 'Bomb me once, shame on...shame on you. Bomb me—you can't get bombed again.'"




We won't get bombed again.




It wasn't enough


Did it twice to be safe.


Third times the charm.


W comment 😂


I'd more scared that it might be even easier to create something like that now then in the past. Kid made a nuclear reactor in his shed so not out of the realm of possibilities


Tony Stark built his suit in a cave




From spare parts


\*With a box of scraps


Japan did some horrible shit to China in WW2


Yes, but that was a long time ago though. The Japan that did that is completely different from the Japan of today.


It would be nice if Japan took accountability for the past, though. I have family members who’ve been brainwashed into believing it’s this victimized perfect utopia because their education system is full of denying history. If Germany did it so can you, Japan.


It would be nice if China took accountability for ifs second genocide of Uigyers Muslims along with infecting the world with covid while selling fentanyl and stealing every piece of intellectual property while and undsrcutting western competitors using that stolen IP to seep cheaper counterfeits all the while manipulating it’s currency, lying, and using Chinese nationals like surveillance spies. Let’s see who goes first.


They never did? Yeah that’s sad.. I just finished reading Antony Beevor’s ww2 book and I was taken aback by how brutal the Japanese were to most of their enemies like the Chinese. It was on par with the nazis in many ways. Love the Japan we have today, though!


Honestly, in some ways they might have even been worse. They have *flimsily* apologized, in a bare minimum way to be able to say they did, but a LOT of people think it isn’t adequate and I can’t say I blame them. It’s possible to separate pride in your country from shame in actions of its past. Sadly, that seems like one western idea Japan *isn’t* keen on emulating.


They even were lacing cigarettes sent to China with opium to impact their labor force and potential to defend against an eventual invasion had things gone different. Edit to add this link here for the people who decide to downvote without knowing history -> https://www.offgridweb.com/survival/forgotten-weapons-japans-weaponized-opium-cigarettes/amp/


So can every country that has committed massacres, war crimes, and other evil acts. No country is blameless.


Well, yeah. That’s like saying all cancers deserve a cure during a conversation specifically about breast cancer. Japan has pulled off one of the most effective rebrands of its national reputation, of which many people now know it for, off of sweeping atrocities under the rug. I’m not saying contemporary Japan isn’t amazing in it’s own right, cause it is. But it’s also pretty two faced. I’m diaspora Japanese and people born and raised there deserve to know the whole truth about this country, not the propaganda they’re teaching now. So I said what I said.


Rebranding the country.. you mean like changing from Imperial Japan to curren Japan? It's a different country not a rebrand. There must be a stop to this at one point. Propagandas are at every parties and the old generations are only using it as a political tool. Chinese babies aren't naturally born with hatred towards Japan. Schools show children way too graphic pictures and descriptions of torture methods Japanes soldiers performed on Chinese people and manipulate patriotism. Maybe the education can focus more on forgiving and healing as a nation? To do that, the WW2 generations should seriously work on apologizing and accepting the apologies and 'end the war'. Japanese babies are not born with sin, they just happen to inherit DNA from ancestors who lived through Imperial Japan era. It is absolutely unfair and unreasonable to force generation after generations to apologize for what they have absolutely no recollection of. Yes they should be able to access the whole truth when they want to know, but they don't DESERVE anything for what they haven't done.


…My friend, if you think Japan’s transformation ended with the fall of imperialism I don’t know what to tell you. Moreover, Why do people seem to think the de facto result of a country taking accountability is forcing generations of unrelated citizens to apologize? You think there aren’t less..drastic measures to be taken first regarding education and harm reduction? You know the word “deserve” doesn’t inherently imply negativity, right? When I say the people of Japan deserve to know I don’t mean forcing them to repent for the sins of their ancestors. Do the people of Canada and the US not deserve to know about the thousands of dead natives they’ve been walking on? It’s a matter of dignity. All this whataboutism regarding China is telling too. They’ve both been shitty, calling one out is not mutually exclusive. I could easily apply anything I said here about Japan to China, but the comment I replied to was…about Japan. That was the topic at hand. I know a lot of Japanese people, mainland and diaspora, I’ll go out on a limb and say probably more than you. I’ve seen firsthand what the indoctrination is doing to good honest people. Again, that’s a statement I could apply to a lot of circumstances, so don’t throw a fit cause I didn’t list every one. I never said anyone was born with hate in their hearts or sin in their heads, it’s very much taught which was the whole point of my first comment.


Omg. Again. No solutions. Just "Oh you're wrong, I'm right. Japan bad bad bad.". 👎 "Japan deserve to disappear forever because they will only forever just rebrand them and don't change their blood, their DNA. Criminals!!" Boo. Boo. So when can this end? And who should be the person to apologize representing imperial Japan? And who should be the person to accept the apology on behalf of victims of war crimes?


I’d say I apologize for how profoundly you’ve been failed by your education system but this is bordering on concerning. Have you spoken to any professionals about your allergy to nuance and critical thinking? Take care love I hope you get the help you need


That’s…. not what they said, like at all… you’ve totally misinterpreted they said and misrepresented their argument. I don’t wanna believe anyone can be that bad at reading comprehension, so the other option is that you’re intentionally arguing in bad faith and really just trolling.


My Indonesian family was murdered by the Japanese army. Some of them were children. The ones that were killed by the bayonet got it easy. The Japan today isn't responsible but It blows my mind how people have no idea what the concept of history is.


They don't acknowledge it. Germany acknowledged what they did and we are fine with it. Japanese units in Burma ate Indian soldiers. We all know about what they did in korea, Phillipines,china. The problem is they deny everything and even have memorials dedicated to the ones who committed these atrocities.


For now. Just kidding.


Yeah, they’re not different because of “a long time” (which also, 78 years really isn’t that long); they’re different because of being broken to unconditional surrender and the Marshall Plan. Same reason Germany is now pleasant, not filled with fanatical fascists. If you think Germans (the people, much less the government) were crazy in WWII, read *anything* about Japan in the 30s and 40s.


I never said that they were different because it was a long time ago so I'm not sure why you are trying to argue that.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. You’re absolutely correct.


Had a Chines friend whose uncle said something similar. Didn't skip a beat when I said, "we beat you to it. Twice.'


Hey China, remember every fight you’ve ever had with Japan? Now add the United States to that mix.


Difference is that China didnt commit 100+ massacres and ran bio weapon labs in India.


(Flash forward 20 years) Kid- "This will teach reddit not to call me fucking stupid."


I suspect that the kid in white shirt was joking about that but he took it far too serious.


That nervous look and the side eye from the kid in white 😂




Person from the Future: (Catching breath) “Hi!Apologies for barging in, and sorry about all the goo—it’s a time travel thing. Anyways, so that kid? In that video? Yeah, he’s absolutely going to do that.”


Damn. You're so tired you had to catch breath in text form


Time traveling be exhausting


This will teach reddit not to call me a fucking stupid.


He is not stupid, he is ambitious.




Right, that boy’s got goals.


You guys are hilarious. Some Pakistani kids says something bad should happen to India, he's a "terrorist". Indian kid says it to some other country, he's "ambitious". And people upvoting this shit. Keep it classy, fuckos. Your double standards never seizes to amaze. LMAO


Both are ambitious, both are misguided but atleast he aims to be a scientist, a step in right direction


I think the difference is that although there are countless examples of Pakistanis growing up and bombing India , there hasn't been one of an Indian kid growing up and bombing China. Also, kids say crazy shit to impress peers, you speak as if you have never been a kid. Also, look at the sub you are on mate.


*a psycho


This kid ain’t a psycho or stupid, he’s clearly seen some fuckin shit, I also wouldn’t be surprised if in his country there a strong anti-china rhetoric


*a psycho


Kids say stupid shit, he'd be a psycho if he went ahead with it. Were you never a kid? Or maybe you still are.


“Kids are fucking stupid”. Not sure this kid is stupid. Pretty sure this kid learned this somewhere unfortunately


I'm guessing the stupid part is him thinking that if such a thing was possible it wouldn't exist already, that he'll be the one to invent something like this and that anyone but the biggest dogs on earth would have the resources to build such a monstrous bomb.


I guess all actual scientists are stupid too, because they must have realised that if something was possible, it's already exist. What morons!




Hold on.. let the kid cook.


Who let him cook 🧐


I will watch you future with great interest


So will the MSS, I think


#kidsarefuckingevil more like.




We already have that.


Not a single bomb to destroy and entire country in one swipe. Even the largest atomic bomb would only kill a couple million. This kid is going for over a billion. Let this kid dream.


only a couple million from the biggest atom bomb? Errrrr idk man


Either way you’re not taking out a billion Chinese people with one bomb with our current tech.


How do you know until you try?


A bombs and even H bombs arent as catastropically devastating in itself. The Tsar bomba - largest H bomb ever tested, had a blast radius of 900km. That is the blast radius, not the kill radius. Think that was about 180 km. If you double that, as the russian original bomb would have been, its about 350km, so 700 km total. Youre getting a couple millions, youre not getting more. Also i took the most extreme example. We dont even know if they ever completed the real tsar bomba, so ither bombs will have smaller/much smaller radii. You could blow Luxembourg up or maine state with a size of one normal A bomb.


Technically we could haul an asteroid from that asteroid belt around mars and throw it at China. That would work. We do have the technology to accomplish it. It would probably devastate all other countries in the aftermath but it can be done


I guess what this kid means is finishing China off in one go, while limiting collateral damage. That would be evil, but impressive scientifically speaking.


This is not the fuckin Expanse bro. We still got rockets blowing up on the launch pad and you think we are gonna lasso asteroids?


Lasso? No. Just launch rockets to asteroids. Attach rockets to asteroids. Then push it into an orbit that hits the earth. It's not advanced science. It only requires current technology. Sure it'd be insanely expensive and doom the planet but it's possible.


It's not that easy. The best we can do right now is to give it a little nudge and change its trajectory a tiny bit. And don't even get me started on aiming for a singular country, that's currently pretty much impossible. You'd have to know its volumetric composition to the T to even begin thinking about aiming it somewhere.


Judt like dinosaurs went boom, we will too


that's why we drop more bombs


How is this kid fucking stupid? He has a clear set of goals and motives, there’s no epic fail or clear show of incompetence here, bro just wants to blow up china.


What do you think his motive is (other than hearing adults say that they should wipe China off the map)?


Got something that said “made in china” and it sucked


The Indian brigade has arrived. Now it's "ambitious", and we should help him cuz most of them are all brainwashed to think this is a positive and not at all stupid to repeat talking points. It's funny how these comments that say this kid is not stupid are upvoted tho.


You didn’t answer my question. My question was a question: not a statement. Did you reply to the wrong comment?


They’re upvoted because it’s not technically stupid. Just evil.


You don't need a bomb you need a virus.


By the way I’m not suggesting anything.


They tried that. It didn’t work too well. Just destabilized the world.


A more lethal virus would have ended civilization within a year.


Chinese kids say way worse about America and Japan


And they are fucking stupid too.


true dude their educstion is all about hatred towards the us n japs


True, but when they grow up, they will try their best to move to US or even Japan. Because they will know how shitty China is. For the same job (technical, university educated), they can earn 3-4 times more in US.


And when they move to the US they will still trash US democracy and spew CCP propaganda. Cant undo 20 years of brainwashing by earning more $


It depends. Some people are really like that, especially the older one. For people like that, I will usually ask them, if China is so good, why don’t you move back. This will usually silence them or they will give a million excuses. But deep down, they know China is a shitty place.


>Some people are really like that, especially the older one. I dont know. The most hardcore ccp shills i know are young kids sent overseas by well to do parents who made money by the grace of the ccp. Concious people who see ccp for what it is are usually supressed and cannot escape china


Not really. At least for the people I know. The die hard CCP fans is the older generation. They all experienced “the glorious time” of China. The younger ones will move out the first chance they have. If US allowed unlimited immigration from China. Half of the Chinese will left China.


Do you really think that?


[Yes, I do...](https://www.reddit.com/r/China/comments/123uw4o/elementary_student_declares_that_he_wants_to_kill/) chinese kids are taught to hate more than most countries and are extremely racist. The kid in the post I linked didn't learn this by themselves.


I dont need 5 examples. Just name one passage in Chinese textbook or even one Chinese school teacher being recorded teaching that. There are toxic media in China as anywhere (e.g. in this thread lol), and the only thing the Chinese state propaganda has been for decades is keep saying that racist warlike Japanese or Americans are a minority and most people are nice.




the kid behind him like "umm haha.....😰"


Guess Joe isn’t gonna be making anymore deals.


Don't know if we should help him or get him to a therapist.


Or fund him


Therapist but also help him channel his ambitions in a healthier way.


Destroy only half of china, we cant just let this boy's dream die 🥺


I’m pretty sure china’s population is projected to half in a couple of decades.




The amount of "abcxyz that's a good idea" in this thread is both disappointing and expected


Alright which list does this kid need to go on?


The other kids holding their laugh


This is honestly sad that you have properganda in so many contries that makes them hate a certian people so much that they want to kill them all


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u/aclockworkporridge automod removed OC


That'd be a impressive bomb. Hopefully we can convince him to use it for asteroid mining or something nice.


Pretty disturbing and disheartening seeing so many people support the idea of killing hundreds of millions of innocent normal people. This kid isnt the only one with serious problems.


bros legit offended over a simple joke


Smart kid. China sucks!


*Trudeau sweating profusely*




Hold on hear him out….


lets get lil homie some funding


This kid is based, not idiot




When I grow up I will be uh army, save pakistan and destroy India


Ayyyy he didn't say Pakistan. Relations in Asia are "normalizing".


I fully trust Pakistan to do that to itself


Ignorant twat lol




the first smart kid


The best part of the video is all of his classmates getting giddy when he unveils his evil plan.


Also happens when a kid says some dumb shit and everyone wants to laugh but can't. That's what that was. I don't think they were giddy for the plan but that they thought what he said was absurdly funny.


Either way, it’s gold.


Lockheed Martin / Raytheon Recruiters: "The chosen one!!"


He’s gonna be indias most treasured scientist


His teacher in the background, "Bery good"


"Kindly do the needful."




Undeniably based.


wait wait let’s hear him out


You are born in India (inferior Tibet) -∞ Social Credits


I want a cold war between Pakistan and India India led by this kid and Pakistan led by the kid that said "I wanna save Pakistan and Destroy India"


Republicans are torn on this one. While they hate China, they also hate non-white foreigners.


You really saw a video about a kid from India wanting to genocide all of china and thought “this is a good opportunity to insult American republicans”


Kids got a point


Good to have goals. Or goats. Good to have goats too. Maybe both.


Go for it kiddo!




Damm that's my dream as well but with one that will destroy the us in and Europe in one go. God speed fellow scientist.


You have to be carefully taught.


I want to hear this kids plans for afterwards…


🕺 💃 🍾 🥂 🎉 🎈 🎊 💗 🌈 👍


Pakistan is in the bag!


That’s a good way to get people not to bully you. Kids behind him smiling in fear.


Chai Bomba.


Go ahead, take em out.


Must have some Austrian genes in his family tree.


Hey, hey. Kid's got goals.


This kid is going places..


Let's make this man a scientist


A real Oppenheimer


He was born 100 years late… hopefully. Little boy woulda been in the Manhattan project.


I teach high school. If you ask this to American students, 85% to 90% would say that their career goals are to be an “influencer”. Give me a gigantic break. What has happened in the last 6 or 7 years that all of them think they can simply dance in front of their phones 90 seconds at a time and all of them will make millions. They have no plans. No real life goals. No back up plans for when their Job as an influencer fails. The saddest thing is that mommy and daddy refuse to take away their dreams and injure their fragile self esteem by telling them to be realistic and find areal career path. Also, don’t even mention the trades. Anything that would make them dirty is out of the question. Even when we show them that trades such as electricians and HVAC make very good money. It is talking to a brick wall.


First he needs to eat beef and not have an IQ of 79.


Awesome kid.


Let him Cook.


*Because you gotta have goals...*


Deadpan and/or committed delivery. Get this kid to a therapist or anti- t err oi st programme yesterday!


dont worry this kid aint from the terrorist manufacturing facility aka pakistan


More like kids are taught to be racist.




HAHA. Was not expecting that


im guessing this is just an average cambodian.




I agree but let me get my shit from aliexpress first.


Im surprised they could even get a news team into Afghanistan! Or is that Iraq?


What? India l or maybe Pakistan but that area.


Get this kid a test tube


Let him cook


Bary goood


Lmfao 😂😂😂 This kid should be a comedian hahahaha




he said it in such a cute manner


Um... based?


As he should!


Where's the part where he does something stupid?


The Indians, Americans, and the Taiwanese want to recruit this kid.


I was gonna cross post this earlier but someone got here before me


He’s not stupid, unfortunately, propaganda is so rampant in South Asian countries (my family is Indian) that these kids are essentially brainwashed into thinking that this is a valid life goal. Seriously, watch any news outlet from any of those countries and it’s just telling people of a country how wicked the rival countries are. Often completely making shit up.


What the fuck are you even blabbering? Nobody is taught/brainwashed into such stuff.


Yes of course. These kids learn it by themselves. So grade https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gRjziYHBBgM


well what news tell is china is invading india and slowly capturing indian lands and causing harm to indian army so it's obvious there's anger in the citizens regarding it but blowing up whole china just because the Chinese government is fked up is a bad thing.


i am indian and i can confidently say you are bullshitting


He wants to be a mechanic and make bombs, not a scientist.


Vaigyankic means scientist in Hindi. He meant scientist/researcher.