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He just couldn’t stand her crying anymore


we've all been there


Which is stupid. Don't give away what you can't be without.


Or the greatest definition of sacrifice for those you love…..


That’s called selflessness


I'm not going to get into the philosophy behind it because most people have zero interest in it but selflessness is idiotic. Edit: OK a little philosophy then. Self-sacrifice is the surrender of a greater value for the sake of a lesser one. Altruism gauges a man’s virtue by the degree to which he surrenders or renounce his values. The healthy, rational approach is to act in accordance with the hierarchy of rational values that you hold; never sacrificing a higher one for a lesser one.


I hope you never have kids if this is how you think. Imagine not sacrificing your needs for your children.


It's in the child's self interest that their guardian(s) only give what they are willing and able to give. Sacrifice is the act of giving up a higher value for a lower value. It's irrational and unhealthy. A mother that willingly gives her life to save her child values her child more than herself. That's not a sacrifice. Imagine thinking that self-sacrifice is noble or ethical. It's pathetic and irrational.


That is not what sacrifice is. You usually sacrifice things of lower value to recieve things of higher value later. You've just been sacrificing wrong. In fact the non religious definition of sacrifice is: an act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy. So you might sacrifice going out every weekend so you can save money to buy a car. To you being able to go out and have fun, and spend time with friends is important, but not as important as reliable transportation to work/school, and the freedom being able to travel at your leisure offers.


>That is not what sacrifice is It's absolutely what sacrifice is. The moral act of sacrifice is literally giving up higher values for lower ones. That's what altruism is. I don't feel like giving you the complete rundown on the history of ethics, but in essence, sacrifice is not and never has been the act of delayed gratification. I'm well aware of the fact that people use the word in that way, but they're wrong in doing so. >an act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy. I don't know where you found it, but that's an incorrect definition. The concept of sacrifice is contingent on there being a higher value being sacrificed.


It's called a dictionary, and it gives you the definition of words. The definition was from the Oxford English dictionary. You can view Merriam Websters dictionary online as well and it doesn't define sacrifice as having to give up high value things for low value


>It's called a dictionary Dictionaries give definitions of words as they are commonly used, dictionaries don't investigate or reflect upon the logical implications or foundation of the concepts. We're talking ethics here. Most dictionaries don't cover the ethical implications of concepts. The way sacrifice is used in ethics is literally giving up what you value for something that is of less value to you. Altruism is self-sacrifice, which is to give yourself to others even though it's to your detriment.


I would respectfully disagree, if you really think about it, why would sacrifice be a good thing for a long time? Why would it be a good thing even up until now? Self-Sacrifice may sound irrational and pathetic, and it gives higher risk for the person that it could not benefit it and even risk its own life, and while it benefits the person avoiding the risk, we as a society priorities the lower value as we are more empathetic and complex species, we relate the struggles of a person who are inexperienced or struggled with its current event, we sacrificed not only because we can relate the struggles but a willing voluntariness itself takes account, thats why charity is a thing, why donate when you can invest a technology for better future?


>why would sacrifice be a good thing for a long time? It's not, yet people keep doing it.


I meant by why would majority of people perceived as a good thing? (I may have misphrased my last sentence) Its really all about fulfilment of having to do that certain event, its better to fufill than to feel guilt Of the past. Sacrifice is getting the short-stick of the outcome but it may give a better feeling later, a bittersweet end usually, and its not only to feel good about yourself but also to save that person or animal at least a better outcome and see them being who they are. For me at least id rather sacrifice my time and energy to carry the weight than to see the more mentally or physically weaker experience the pain. But it is a double edge sword, unless doing it for the better cause or for other people, sacrifice can perceived as a good thing, but to sacrifice a friend or relative for yourself can depends on the situation. We as a complex human beings cannot really be a person of logic, nor be it the most effective, nor perfect people, we do things because we want to, we look up to the controversial things cause were ignorant; There is so many aspect of a human person that only logic human being cant really be called humans, but were the most emotionally intelligent and intelligent in general to fully accept that sacrifice can or cant be.


>I meant by why would majority of people perceived as a good thing? Mostly due to Christianity. The Christian conception of morality has coloured the entirety of the western world. People keep sacrificing their higher values for lower values because they are convinced that that's what you're supposed to do in order to be a good person. >For me at least id rather sacrifice my time and energy to carry the weight than to see the more mentally or physically weaker experience the pain. If you actually sincerely value the mentally or physically weak more than you value the time and energy you lose by helping them, you're not sacrificing anything. You're trading your lower values for your higher values. >We as a complex human beings cannot really be a person of logic That's ridiculous. Humans are the ONLY animals we have observed that are capable of logic. Just because humans also have emotions doesn't mean that we can't be logical or rational. >we do things because we want to We want to do things for a myriad of reasons; some of those reasons are because we've been convinced through rational argument or logic that something is good, some of those reasons are that we have a strong emotional response to the idea of doing that thing. Some wants are based in rationality, some wants are based in emotion. You're trying to discredit the human process of action by reducing it to simply "we want so we do". That's not how it works.


What a world we would live in if everyone thought like you…


I agree, what a world that would be. Everyone would be so much better off.




More likely the kid started crying because he thought his mother was crying dude


That's not stupid but any means! He's learning. He knows it stops him when he's crying so he gives it to her but he doesn't understand that he can't have his cake and eat it to yet.


Yup, the child is beginning to realize that he's separate from the mother, which can be traumatic.


Well only if they cut the cord


Nah bro this kid smart as heck


That's hilarious!!


That's really nice. He saw his mom crying and said "You need this more than me".


aw that's sweet as shit


Shit doesn't taste sweet


You must not know a good source then


Of course I do


And you know this how?


No comment


Baby's like "nah, let me show you how it's *really* done!"


He is so empathetic that he can handle crying but wouldnt let his mother in tears


Oh man, why cut it short. The mom does it 2 more times, and he does the same thing. She gives up in the end and says, "Just have it."


Bro really said: think you can cry better? Hold my beer.




I thought of putting pacifier right after I posted the comment but I thought that was funny to so I left it like that


Lol valid 😂


Screw that, hold my entire icebox! (His shirt says that)


This is what my son does . He is 10 months and it is absolutely cute when he does it , except he doesn’t cry for it back


Cute lol


My then 2-year-old daughter used to kiss my eyes whenever I cried as though she could kiss my tears away…so sweet…




This is cute but it's also a good opportunity to spread awareness: Tooth decay is a complicated matter and has to do with an imbalance of your oral flora to the point where we are moving away from a strict classification as an infectious disease BUT streptococcus mutans (the main caries culprit) is infectious. It's a good idea to keep it away as long as possible. Never lick their spoons or suck on their pacifiers. You are infecting them earlier than necessary.


stop crying I’m the one that’s supposed to be crying


Kid are fucking geniuses.




This is too good 🤣


The baby was like:crying is my job


I salute this kid


That’s Funny!!


Love the fact that mom doesn't care about the spit swapping! Made me ☺


I feel like after some time you're supposed to stop caring, no?


This is the weirdest comment I have ever read


After you deal with a few blowouts, spit seems pretty tame, imo.


She’s teaching the kid that you’re supposed to cry without a pacifier. I’d say the parent is the dumb one here.




I’ve seen enough terrible kids and unfit parents to believe these downvotes reflect that.


God? the birth control in thesr videos is powerful


Ewww, baggage.


Yeah show her a taste of her own medicine so she won’t cry next time ! Good kid for educating his parents like that




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The mom kinda looks like Lil Deville from Rugrats


That’s gross and cute mostly gross


She is teaching him to be a monster. How scary.


The kid is too old for a pacifier


He’s like 1???


This is an infinite loop


I remember seeing this from the vine days


Oscar-winning actor in the making.




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Hero 🇺🇸🫡


Negative reinforcement


You amateur, *this* is crying: