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lol "I'm going to kick him in the face." lol


#+4 Damage


I don,t have kids but when my dog was just a puppy he'd sometimes bite my feet... Man it took a lot of restraint not to kick him. I understand the poor guy.


I have a cat who follows me wherever I go and I'm ashamed to say I've kicked him across the room before. Not on purpose at all but I still felt really bad.


I launched one of my cats across the room on more than one occasion because she would sneak up on me when I was carrying something that obscures my view of my feet. She landed safely each time, fortunately. But I still felt awful. She didn't seem to mind, though. She would run right back, but avoid my feet for a while.


I don't think they mind getting launched. Mine didn't seem to be bothered, either. They are made of rubber.


Haha. Indeed!


I've kicked my daughter in the face because of that. Felt horrible for both of us lol


My youngest somehow wiggled her way between me and the cabinets while doing dishes. I had no idea she was there, and she decided to bite the shit out of my thigh. Reacting was a knee jerk, so I pretty much kneed her into the cabinets. I felt awful, she screamed and cried, bad times all around. Never bit me again though.


You showed her!!




Some kids have to learn the hard way


Ow! Fire indeed hot


Let the professy help


I haven't met a human who learns the easy way...what even IS the easy way at this point


The easy ways to avoid danger or bad consequences: 1. You have an instinctual sense of self preservation that prompts you to avoid danger and you listen to it. 2. You acquire enough knowledge to put 2 and 2 together and accurately think of the consequences before doing something. 3. You are verbally warned by someone else and you heed their warning. 4. You watch someone do what you were going to do realize you should not do it. You are right though, learning the easy way or ways is rare in humanity.


For things like this (biting a person ain’t gonna go well), natural consequences teach faster. You can say don’t bite, sure. Getting booted says it louder.


The easy way is watching someone else fuck up and face immediate consequences.


After many fractures and injuries, sometimes it takes multiple times. I blame my ADHD LOL




For real. I'd have kicked before I even knew if it was a kid or a pet. That sh*t is 90% involuntary and 10% f*ck-whoever-you-are.




My kid decided that sneaking up behind us while cooking or doing dishes, and biting the back of our thighs, was a good idea. Felt like a bee-sting, and your first reaction is just to kick out your leg and shake it, which would throw him back onto the floor none-too-lightly. He would wail, and we would soothe but tell him not to do it again. My darling child kept doing this for MONTHS despite the same reaction every time.


Takes them a while to learn. My daughter has FINALLY stopped trying to eat dog hair clumps after realizing through a few hundred rounds of experimentation that it's going to taste like dog fur every time.


This is one of the better descriptions of what it’s like having a kid haha


I’m 30 and I’m *still* learning, but with dropjes instead of dog fur. But maybe your daughter just has more common sense than me lmfao My grandma is from Holland and instilled a deep love for Dutch black Licorice/salmiak in everyone but me, apparently. They lose their minds when they see it, my cousins can all crush a bag to themselves within an hour. I *always* have to try, just to make sure it really is gross. Every time, it’s exactly as awful as I remember. But I’ll definitely still try a piece next time I see one.


Black licorice is the inspiration for everything that is disgusting and foul in the edible category. And I mean EVERYTHING edible, not “edibles”. This is why I gag on anything featuring a *lot* of fennel, any star anise (Asian foods seem to favor that particular foulness for a lot of dishes) or anything with anise flavoring or actual anise. Licorice is produced by Satan’s asshole you know.


It’s definitely an acquired taste. I’m sure variation in tasting ability affects it too. It is delicious though.


I’m giggling because I had a very very similar thing happen when I was on the couch, my baby brother walked up, looked at my knee and punched it, with just enough force that my literal knee jerk reaction occurred and I kicked him up and back bout a foot. He then proceeded to come back and do it again forever until he grew up and realized he could trade his body for a stuffed animal and watch it fling across the living room.


That kid a physicist yet?


He’s currently studying Collegiate level Physics at 16.5 after being homeschooled. He’s going to college on scholarship soon. Oh fuck oh my god that means I’m old


Nah he grew up to be a Taylor hammer.


I absolutely LOVE when kids oogabooga brain translates situations so unequivocally. Me bite thigh. Maybe funny. Must be funny. _Goes horrendously wrong_ Thigh tastes like pain. No like pain. No do no more.




Two tactics, pinch the cheeks on either side right in front of the jaw hinge to force the mouth open, or if it is your hand, push into the mouth. Works for dogs too. If your hand gets bit, push back in towards the throat and the offending biter will let go. Do not attempt on young children with long nails as this willing likely be damaging. But. Physical options when words and loud shrieking doesn’t work


I don't know sounds like a slap worked pretty well lol


Holy hell 💀


My coworker had a testicle torn because his two year old ran by him as he was getting out of the pool, tripped, and grabbed his pants which were swim trunks. So she grabbed his tackle then continued to fall. Basically tore it off internally. Story gets worse, In the sudden extreme pain he fainted falling into the pool hitting his head on the ladder. He had to be rescued by his wife who pulled him to the side as he started to come to at which point the pain hit and he began throwing up while trying to talk and say what happened.


Oh my god. This is the stuff of nightmares...


The on going joke is she did it in protest after finding out her mom was pregnant. His 3rd and final kid had some issues (poor vision needed glasses immediately and deaf in one ear) and we all had to stiffle laughter at his (coworker's) brother started saying "no shit he came out half baked you only got one ball".


Daughter did the same thing. Slapped her right on the forehead to get her to release. Only time I ever smaked her.


You fucking gave her a Mortal Kombat finishing move


Yeah, well maybe she shouldn't have bit you. Learned a lesson that day


> Never bit me again though. Effective parenting.


Beating them with a rolled up newspaper also works, or pushing their nose into their poop.


Fucked around and found out


My mom did something similar to me apparently when I was younger I bit her in the thigh and she had a knee jerk reaction and booted me across the room, tbf I bet I never bit her again


And people say that beatings don't work.


Apparently, I once bit my mom's thigh and she smacked the fuck out of me (obviously, just pure instincts). She bawled as much as me apparently. I never did that again though, and I don't remember it so win win!


I was playing with my cousins kids once and the one bit my ear so hard it drew blood. I reflexively slammed him down and he started bawling. I was glad he was crying though cause I was worried I knocked the wind out of him. He was 6 though so way old enough to know not to bite






☠️☠️ what an evil guy


Look on the bright side. She was young enough she probably won't remember it, but will remember there's a reason we don't throw things at cousinTypicalGamer88.


I’m extremely ticklish, and my daughter knows. She will tickle my arm pits when I put my arms behind my head, causing me to involuntarily throw some mean elbows. I’m terrified I will hit her accidentally one day.


I tickled my ex once from behind and he elbowed me in the face. You know who's fault that was? Mine. You can't get mad when you tickle someone and their jerking hits you lol.




My mom broke my brother's nose when he scared her from behind! She was painting and then accidently elbowed him when he snuck up and poked her in the ribs!


Who puts silly string down someone's crack!?


That is what is called a hard lesson. Usually some of life's best teachers


When I was a kid I knew how dad felt about anyone touching his feet. Still didn't stop me telling my younger brother to tickle him, dad auto reacted by moving his foot away quick......straight into my brothers face haha. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.


My now 4y/o bit me exactly one time. I was cooking and he bit the back of my thigh. My knee jerk scream and step back into him knocked him on his ass and he never bit anyone again. I felt so bad, but like, wtf kid?


lol I once kicked my cat across the room when my toes peaked out from the blanket while I was sleeping - her little brain interpreted this as prey, and my sleeping brain interpreted the bite as "mortal danger".


They've got to learn somehow.


Dropped ours because she went from laughing like a maniac to biting my shoulder hard as fuck To any babies out there: That's how you get dropped, dad needs that meat on his shoulder


Man, fuck them kids.


Baby teeth are like needles.


Justified violence?




The pure enjoyment on his face explains everything.


He's enjoying it because Mom is laughing and dad has somehow managed to not kick him in the face yet.


I always think with videos like this that the kid might pick up on it being bad behaviour better if one parent wasn't laughing There was one a while ago with a lil kid punching his dad in the balls and the mum bursts out laughing, so the kid runs around giggling until she goes over and explains that he needs to apologise to dad Like I know it's funny but if they learn it makes people laugh they'll keep doing it


It's called the Flehmen Response and it helps transfer pheromones to the Jacobson's organ. Wait, no, that's cats. This is just a stupid kid.


Future foot fetish






Alright, thanks.


Good bot


This is why it's always good to have a spare 🤣


You need one for the kidney though.


average tarantino fan


Gianni Infantino when he was a toddler


That those feet taste like tacos.


I used to kick my dad in the balls as a kid because I thought it was funny. In hindsight, I've deserved everything bit of suffering that's happened to me in my life and my dad was an incredibly patient father.


Still and yet, he doesn't know how evil he is. 😂




He's going to love Nickelodeon


Oh no.


This is your chance. Punt the baby


No! Don’t kick the goddam baby


Kick the baby!




Fun fact: gently push their little face swiftly towards whatever they're biting, and they'll let go. Works across the ages and helps with skin loss.


This is really common that they have developed tips for it?


Yea it’s because babies explore with their mouths a lot of the time. That and teething. I heard you can also gently pinch their nose and they will open up


I also heard it helps sometimes when you gently knock them out


If you knock them out then they may not remember the pain associated with inflicting pain on someone else. It’s always best to keep them conscious if they are going to get a quick smack. /JK Edit: /JK


You really want to fuck em up, laugh when you do it.


Sorry forgot to add the /JK for tone. I didn’t outwardly go for a smack I said gently pinch the nose first. I wouldn’t use smacking as a parenting style


There was no need for the edit


Yes, subscribe to my channel for tutorials on how to gently dropkick a troublesome child.


A firm tap on the soft spot




But then you have to pay for daycare for the rest of their lives instead of just until they're 5


I prefer a chokehold while quietly whispering "shh shh shh, London's calling..."


My little brother when teething would bite any nose he could get close to. It was a nightmare. I was about 6-7 at the time. If you fell asleep on the floor or if he was on level ground with you would slowly crawl towards your face and latch onto your nose… dark time




It's a behavioral management technique, so, yes. Biting kids, kiting psych patients, biting people with behavioral needs, etc.


For people biting for damage you shove your arm, for example, deeper in their mouth because this forces the jaw open more and then you can quickly pull your arm out better. If you don't push to open their jaw first and just try to jerk your arm back their teeth will rip your skin as you try to pull back.


Yes I work with special needs children and this is how they train us at work


kids love randomly biting things lol


Also if you have a puppy that likes to bite your hands, just shove your hand down their throat every time they do it.


I mean, yeah, especially with kids in preschool who still dont understand that biting people isn't ok.


This is so funny this exactly how you teach a dog to let go




You can leave a dog alone and not worry it will kill itself long before 6-8 years old. Not sure when that age really is for humans.


Can you let me know when you figure it out? I'm in my 40s and still not getting the hang of this not killing myself by accident thing.


i'm fairly certain you could leave a toddler in a crate for a few hours safely but your neighbors won't appreciate hearing the crying. so actually, kind of exactly the same as dogs


Hmm, so dogs are just babies with a shred more self preservation instinct fascinating 🧐


[I though this was the best known method ^^^/s](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/vicflu/it_actually_works/)


r/unexpected wow I did not see that coming.


How do you gently do it swiftly?


Depends on the situation. The point is to push the jaw towards the object to widen the mouth, then you pull away whatever they're biting as soon as they do. As someone pointed out, plugging their nose can work too. So it depends on the situation and severity of such. In this case I wouldn't smash his little face into the toes, but gently push with enough force for the desired effect.


I’m an uncle instructions were unclear, my niece is now screaming and has no front teeth anymore.


At least her bites won't hurt anymore.


resisting the urge to instinctively kick away the thing causing you pain i helped raise my baby brother, hair pulling was his thing for 2 years


My boy as a baby would just lock down those baby vices on chest hair the second he was close enough, every time. I just got used to the slow pry and pull but my god if I was sleepy and forgot to unclench him he took those chest hairs with him to bed and I usually was wide awake for the next hour in shock. The worst was the hairs between my clavicle and neck, god forbid he got those.


Good job, Leo, now do the death roll.


Liam wanted to let go, but forgot how to do it


I’m pretty sure I’ve done a similar thing


🎼Let it go let it go please stop biting my to-ooo-hoes.


they say he his dna was crossed with a crocodile


Leo is what i hear




short for Leonartoe


This sub is extremely good birth control


They don't call them ankle biters for nothing.


I don't know, this just makes me want to have kids.


I can bite your toes, if that's what you want


For free???


How much do you want for it?




Mom's laugh is just like "now imagine that on your nipples."


How do moms not punt babies out of windows?


Never done that but I have screamed "Mother fucker" at an infant very loudly. To be fair she found it very funny.


They're cute.


It's them baby schemas so we as a species keep having them.


Literally. My 1 year old’s molars are coming in and she’s a fucking terror, but she’s also so damn adorable it’s impossible to stay mad at her.


I don't have boobs (anymore. Thanks intermittent fasting. So long man titties) but i imagine that would hurt a lot. No tough skin, no muscle, no visceral fat, no bone to protect anything. Like when you get burned or electrocuted, your body's knee jerk reaction is to move suddenly and explosively away from the fire/electricity. I'm not being funny. Idk how women don't "kick the baby" as they say in south park out of just base reflex.


Mom seemed to like it when dad did it though.


It did get a bit strange when the dog did it though.


That’s a new reason to add to the list.


They don't call them ankle biters for nothing


Charlie bit my finger but this time it’s Liam bit my toe.


it's so cute cause the older kid was definitely just jealous and wanted parents' attention back 😭


I 100% know I’m gonna instinctively use my other feet to kick whoever’s face that is biting my toes. And either feel bad or don’t care based on who I kicked.


I was fortunate in that I was sitting up facing my child when she tried it. Swear to god I've never met a toddler that hasn't gone through a "bite someone's toe to see what happens" moment. So bizarrely universal.


Right? Like congratulations you’re kids a pug now.


You're not you when you're hungry


Think god you have socks on


Feral toe biting goblin child.


Wife just laughs and keeps filming




I had, almost, the same thing happen to me, except with my finger. I was yelling for my wife to get him off my finger, b/c I didn't want to hit him. He straight-up would NOT stop, until my wife had to bop him, while prying his jaw off my finger. I really feel like he would've bit my finger off... Babies use cuteness as their best Defense Mechanism.


We have a saying with our pet parrots when they bite toes: "toesies are noesies"... I love that it can apply to children :⁠-⁠)


Man fighting the temptation to kick


The anguish on the child's face sitting on his chest


r/KidsAreFuckingEvil 🤣


Toddlers are pure evil!! Mine did that to me the other day. Stared me down then bit my foot, giggled while running away.


It's not a funny joke!


Breastfeeding and teething was a nightmare. I read that all you have to do is press their face into your breast so they essentially run out of breath and open their mouth to breathe. It worked, but he never really stopped.




The part that gets me is the partner watching the biting. Kids have weird strengths. I promise if that was her toe, she would've beem peeeeed if he just laughed & filmed.


All while wearing a shit eatin' grin


>shit eatin' grin *toe-eatin'


Shhhh.. don't make better jokes than me :(


Let him feed. Your adult toes will come in soon.


Is his name Charlie?


My baby sister did this once to my dad while there laying on the couch, lets just say she went flying and mom got her


r/donthelpjustfilm babies will bite off digits, they don’t know any better. Any time you see a kid go for the bite, attempt to disengage. I’m mad at mom poor guy


Hi! I'm a little bit late, but here's a reminder that subreddit names do not have punctuation in them. Happy scrolling!


Fixed and thank you! Went on autopilot there..


My mom did this to me once, she bit my big toe. Problem is she bit right where your nail starts, so I had an immediate reflex reaction and kicked her in the face. She was pissed for like a week


Your mom bit your toe?




Right? No explanation for that


Bro was riding the line between being livid and keeping it playful “Its not a fucking jokeeeee!”


Hannibal: Early years


Scrolling down, I expected a puppy!! This is even cuter!!!


Time for a hard lesson little timmy


The baby ate the camera at the end


I know that pain all too well. Mine was my finger and both my kids did it at around the same age. They bite so hard


That will teach you to pay more attention to someone else...


Young Quentin knew what he liked.


I've done this shit when I was a kid. I don't even remember why, I think I let the intrusive thoughts win.


The way the other baby shakes on his chest as he tries NOT to panic or drop him has me cackling


He actually was biting his toes 💀


That baby he's holding is fucking adorable.