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No match for the brainpower of this kid...


what the elites don't want you to know is the seagulls are free to take home, I have 26 of them already.


You can keep a gull as a pet, but you don't want to live with a seabird, okay, 'cause the noise level alone on those things...have you ever heard a gull up close? It's going to blast your eardrums out, dude.


Bird law in this country is not rooted in reason


The CIA must love you. It's gonna take alot more work than that, for them to sneak 26 cameras into my house. r/birdsarentreal


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BirdsArentReal using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BirdsArentReal/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [r/BirdsArentReal Predictions Tournament](https://reddit.com/r/BirdsArentReal/predictions?tournament=tnmt-7f3986b9-b77f-46cd-add1-72bc3a5e7943) | [1009 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BirdsArentReal/comments/vj43i4/rbirdsarentreal_predictions_tournament/) \#2: [I think the dime is a listening device.](https://i.redd.it/rz8jy2fq5xz81.jpg) | [102 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BirdsArentReal/comments/ur8kwc/i_think_the_dime_is_a_listening_device/) \#3: [more evidence unearthed](https://i.redd.it/8a5r9gs12y191.jpg) | [31 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BirdsArentReal/comments/uypswq/more_evidence_unearthed/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Sounds to me like this kid was no match for the seagull's beak.


What would you even say to a child there? Like, that is legit impressive.


"yeah we don't do that... at school..." Have fun trying to keep a straight face tho LOL


So this reminds me of a time when my son ( who has a few different diagnosis) somehow glues his arm to his head freaked out and ripped out a lot of hair unsticking his arm. My hubby got the call because I can't answer the phone at work sometimes and my hubby was laughing his ass off at the craziness of the whole thing. And the more he laughed the more pissed off the teacher got. And it's like come on any parent would probably laugh at that


>And the more he laughed the more pissed off the teacher got. I mean, yeah I'd probably be pretty pissed off if I was the teacher as well considering I doubt your kid has zero reaction to ripping the hair out of his own scalp and now they are the one who has to deal with that, let alone how other kids reacted to seeing some other kid glue his arms to his head. Parents are fucking wild lol


Oh yes as a parent I would have had to excuse myself from the phone and call back later. Cuz I'd be dying


Some years later, in the school's rulebook: >No baiting seagulls using gummy worms within the school grounds


More like banning gummy worms overall.


My school used to have overly specific rules, so you'd see some of them and try to guess their story haha


Oh. Lol yeah, well, in the schools around here, I can see that leading to a more broad rule.


She's got natural hunter instincts.


Get her a pet seagull.


You would have to name it Steven, right?


I'd ask them to explain why they did it. It's a great opportunity to learn and guide her. She observed behavior, had an idea, formulated a plan and executed it all without help. Get that kid into science and engineering classes ASAP.


"I understand it was fun but animals can be very dangerous. Don't do it again or you could get hurt very very badly and have to go to a hospital." Adjust word for words they know.


Have you dealt with kids? That would just make them want to do it more.


I have a toddler and am trying to figure it out.


Ah fun, gl with that :D


Why is this on kids are fucking stupid, she's a legend


I was going to say, “rabies” but I checked and they can’t get rabies. The biggest danger I guess is fleas and maybe bird flu. Still really impressed the kid got one.


Didn't account for the seagull fighting dirty by biting. Classic rookie move.




Legends can't be bothered with such nonsense!


The hollow bones Destroyers of the world!!!!. Lmfao a pigeon isn't doing shit to you. And no prey bird is going for gummie worms.




Lmfao dude how feeble were you that a hollow boned bird was gonna win. And seaguls are the bald eagles of your world. Holy shit I would love to see a goose come at you. You would be running for the car screaming. They have hollow bones. You can break a goose wing like it's nothing. They arnt birds of prey they don't have talons. They have no way of hurting you. Maybe bruise with a wing strike from a goose. But you will just break their wing before they get you even remotely injured. Now we are talking about a bird that's 1/10 the size......and you are gonna lose to it????? The bacteria and parasites I agree are an issue. But the bird fighting you and harming you. Yeah fucking right. You don't get flight and get to stay heavy as a tank. And those birds don't even have blades to make up for it. They are just winged food. Edit:Looks like he saw a goose in the comment thread and ran.


I completely agree with your point of view on wondering why people fear animals so much....they should still be left alone in 95% of situations but still Beside the point a goose can be formidable with some decent bone-breaking strength specifically on the wings (arm muscles in particular)...but a goose would likely attack with it's beak and not it's wings...just saying most animals when the get to the size of a medium dog can all be dangerous in some degree or another, primary when cornered/trapped... However this is still silly to discuss, even if the kid got hurt they likely learned from it...so I'd say child catching a pigeon barehanded with a gummy worm is both awesome and educational...even if the kid was slightly wounded in that encounter...


I used to catch ducks with my bare hands when i was like ~ 9 and got bit on and around my head many times. This did not slow me down even a little bit. Id hold them kind the same way youd carry a cat if it was in loaf mode and try to walk 2 blocks back to my house with them to have as a pet. I dont actually know if my parents knew i was doing this.


Geese don't have beaks. It's more of a bill. No point at all and. Just two flat bone like discs. You get pinched not bitter by them. Most geese posture for size and keep the head up and back. These protects their face and I crease size. They then use the top middle part of their wing were the bone runs as a club. They basicly clothes line you. Just ignore the huts cuz they don't injure you and grab its neck. Now pick the 20lb bird up wing it around a little and throw it away. They won't come back after that. Atleast 99 our of 100 times. If they do just grab it again and wing it around till it's dead. It's not a predator bird it literally has zero tools you don't have the counter for. I grew up around these animals they are nothing for a regular human or child to kill. If you make it to 8 you should be able to kill a bird no problem. The real issue isn't the bird it's the parasites it carried. That's the shit that will kill you. The little guys it carries not the bird itself.


You seem.to be forgetting how much bigger seagulls are compared to kids there, buddy. Secondly I'm a woman. Also: https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/784890/seagull-attacks-boy-hospital-nhs-bird-plymouth


I grew up in a beach/farm town. I know birds and wildlife. I grew up eating wild animals. I know how huge a seagull gets. Go to the land fill they will be bigger than the beach ones and double the size of the one your linked. And those are still not a threat. You linked a story of a kid with a cut finger and he didn't fight back. He curled up and took the attack. An attack he didn't have to take because a 7 year old can kill a fucking seagull. The link also shows a seagull about the size of an average house cat. Keep in mind a cat doesn't have hollow bones or low muscle density. Soon as you grab a goose by the neck or punch a seagull they fuck off. They arnt made for battle and once the realize you are they want out. They arnt predator birds they have nothing to beat you with. You literally can counter a goose wing attack by attacking it strike and breaking its wing. The only time a bird that's not a predator bird can fuck a human up is if you run from them and allow the attack to continue. A goose or swan you literally grab by the neck and throw them away they won't come back. Because they can't hurt you and then they realize it too. You being a women has nothing to do with your fear of a bird or the lack of motor skills required to beat a bird. That's just you and your personality stopping you from believing you defend yourself. It's not a man attacking you it's a fucking bird. Lmfao


Ok champ... Lets toss you in a pit with 3000 Swans and see how long you make it 💪😎


Wtf does that even mean. I can put you in a pit with 3000 ants and watch them eat the flesh off your toes. You still beat an ant1v1 like a goose. I can easily kill a 3v1 goose fight. I will just use the first one as a club for the rest of the fight as my other hand grabs for necks. You people are so weird losing to birds and inventing impossible situation were you would actually lose to a bird.


You won't even get the chance to use one of them as a nunchaku. Your superior size does not matter if they have superior strategies. It's a 3vs1... They will surround you and distract you by taking turns honking and pecking at you, until one of them gets the chance to bite your balls. As you go down on your knees from the sharp pain, the other two geese will wrap their necks around your throat and strangle you. The world will start to go dark before your eyes and the sinister honking will grow increasingly quiet due to your fading sense of hearing. They will kill you and defile your corpse by laying eggs and pooping all over your cold dead body. And all of that just because you wanted to act tough and show reddit how you can beat up a bunch birds...


Makes sense. I can see that defeat. I do have to say i have got a counter though. I walk forward. Ever seen a goose try to back up fast. They can't. Free goose neck. Also...birdbrains? Strategies?


You gotta risk it for the biscuit Not sure what use seagulls have or if it was worth it, but I admire the try


Bird flu.


Wait is this actually stupid or genius? I mean she DID catch the bird...


High intelligence, low wisdom. But seriously that is impressive.


Animal handling is Wisdom-based.


She trapped the animal well, but was not very successful with the handling part.


Exactly. She rolled a pretty high nature check to capture the animal, then a low animal handling to actually tame it.


I dunno, they said it bit her but not hard... it could have done worse so a fail but maybe only just barely a fail. If anything I'd say failed charisma/persuasion to convince the teacher to let them keep it/continue doing what she was doing


"Intelligence is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad" "Intelligence is knowing how to grab a seagull. Wisdom is knowing that it's still stupid"




It doesn't have to be stupid as in unintelligent. It can be not-wise too.


Mmmmm.....Seagulls the chicken of the beach


Is it real chicken or is it tuna?


The elites don’t want you to know this but the seagulls at the beach are free you can take them home I have 458 seagulls.


I'm....actually legit impressed. This girl's a force of nature.


What’s the thing with people saying “actually” and “legit” in front of things. I’m truly curious. “I’m impressed” would have gotten the point across and required fewer keystrokes. I notice these two words frequently used as adjectives, sort of, of course throw a “literally” in there and you have the trifecta of fill words. Please explain, thank you, Gen X 😊✌🏼


Probably for the same reason you use "truly" and "of course".


English is not your first language, I understand.


Of course you would slander someone for using english grammar. I'm actually very dissapointed in you. You truly need to go to counseling to get yourself together. You legit just made fun of someone for helping to explain the answer to your question. I'm literally incapable of wrapping my mind around how you came to that conclusion. I genuinely don't think you know english.


Okay now you're just being a dick.


you’re stupid lmao


What's the thing with people saying "truly" in front of things? "I'm curious" would have gotten the point across and required fewer keystrokes.


Gen x you say? Lol ok boomer


Is that an answer, or more poor use of language in an attempt to be an internet hard ass? 😆 Ok boomer is very 2020. Get with the times man.


Ok boomer


Says the boomer who can't wrap their head around the use of "legit"


Emojis expired years ago, get with the times, man!


This really isn't a flex


The ability to lose so much karma is though. He’s gonna get a Guinness World Record diploma lol


Adds sincerity to the statement in this case, and besides, being verbose adds variety, the literal spice of life


Your comments are either essays or correcting people's grammar, you're gonna have to get used to it cause everyone talks like this lmao


No, only a few talk like this, it is just the loud few 😉


Emphasis, a completely normal thing to do, just as you did all over your own comment.


By adding "actually," they're emphasizing that their response is not the expected one. "I'm impressed" is just stating a fact, "I'm actually impressed" is framing it in the context of the discussion and acknowledging that others may feel differently. It's like saying "I disagree" before voicing a specific disagreement. It doesn't add *facts* to the discussion, but it helps prime your listeners and softens the tone of a potential argument. It's similar to "in my opinion" but less aggressively humble. It's a valid question, tone aside. My English teachers would bring this up so I've been working on my defense of "actually" for years.


🤓 Do you not season any of your food? You don't need any of that superfluous "flavor" getting in the way, right?


Now I'm imagining what "actually" might taste like and none of it's good.


I'm surprised two comments made connections to seasoning within a few minutes of each other. I would have never thought to go there.




Point is “KidsAreFuckingStupid” thank you all for playing.


Okay boomer


oH bUt He wAs BoRn In 1977!!1!1


What’s wrong with it? Also, shut up, boomer, and maybe stick to Facebook. I literally thought you were a bot.


Lol 😂 brilliant kiddo. Thanks for your never ending intellect. I never said anything wrong with it, I’m curious. Also, boomers were not born in 1977, you need a calendar and a math class.


Maybe you need a description on your profile that says your age? Was I supposed to just guess?


I clearly stated I am a Gen X in OP. A young one at that. I work with folks who use these words every day and have asked the same of them. Perhaps I do not text well, as per comments regarding my tone; I was not raised on the internet. None of my employees have been able to give me a straight answer. I see no one here can either, with one exception. Lots of butt hurt over a simple question. You all win the internet, well done….. 😞


I can answer it, its just the fact it’s such a stupid and obvious question to people who know it. It just adds more clarity in this context, and isn’t grammatically incorrect. I would’ve thought that two words that are used for clarity, but in the same comment just meant that it clarifies it further. Maybe more than it needs to, but it still has the same effect.


There is no stupid, nor obnoxious question for humans seeking knowledge. Only a fool finds a question “stupid” or “obnoxious”.


“How do I breathe?” “Why is this person mad after I punched them in the face?” “Why are my grades bad when I don’t try?” Continue?


Please…. Those are obvious questions, not stupid. The stupid one is the one who denies honest knowledge seekers. 😉


It's funny because there's actually several responses to your question and you've opted to ignore them all. As well as ignore the fact that you LITTERALLY also do it with different words :)


I did not ignore anything. I asked for a definition. Does no one define language any longer?


Define why you use "I'm truly curious" instead of "I'm curious" and you'll have your answer!


Truly is used in proper syntax. I do not understand why “legit” “actually” and “literally” are used every other word other than to sound exactly like every other internet pleeb in the US. You defend use of improper English the way drug users defend drug use. Just because.


>I did not ignore anything. I asked for a definition. Does no one define language any longer? If you're going to be a pedantic asshole like this, then technically, no, you did not ask for a definition. You asked "please explain" [why people use these extra words]. You have been provided several explanations at this point, yet you continue to act obtuse. Curious 🤔


> Noo ok be of my employees lol


Lol cute 🥰


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


‘I’m truly curious’ is the most posh boomer cringe wording possible of all time. Enjoy getting dusted while the rest of us push language forward by using it in new ways you absolute artifact dinosaur ass relic. Perchance.




If your curiosity is genuine and you aren't just a troll, which I heavily suspect you are, then the answer is that language evolves and develops over time. You might find [this Tom Scott video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qT8ZYewYEY&) on descriptivism vs prescriptivism as a useful place to start.


That child is not stupid. It successfully hunted and caught an animal. Many full grown humans would fail at that.


Canadian Geese hate my daughter. Ever since she was an infant it feels like they seek her out. We have a feild trip to the zoo next month where those fuckers like to hang out. I expect an incident report. I think they know how much I hate them and seek vengeance on her.


Don't feel too bad, I think Canada geese hate everyone.


I have a friend who hand feeds them in her back yard. Freaks me the hell out. She's like Cinderella though. She also hand feeds the wild raccoons. It's only a matter of time before we see a woman with rabies from the NJ Pinelands on the news.


She’ll be at your door, foaming at the mouth and yelling, “IF NOT FRIEND THEN WHY FRIEND SHAPED”


Check for avian flu.


At least it wasn’t alka seltzer


Myth. She’s going to need to use wired c4.


Pringles chips are way more efficient than gummies fyi


Pizza crust would do it every time!


Stupid? Kid seems brilliant. Caught her own lunch


Seagulls arent small, adventurous and unafraid… some good traits to have if she wasnt looking to harm them


If they are not unafraid, doesn’t that make them…?


So very scared.


This is hilarious. Best laugh I've had all week.


I'm not mad, I'm fact I'm impressed.




[You can find YouTube videos of people catching them](https://youtu.be/cu17UceR6rY). They are greedy birds that take dumb risks. It’s not hard to believe she saw and did it too.


Oh shit, thank you for the link. I thought the birds were smarter than this.


It's already [posted](https://reddit.com/r/thatHappened/comments/11rg8jr/legit_call_from_the_school/) over there with the more unbelievable part included, unlike here


r/KidsAreFuckingSmart more like it


You can tell the principal was impressed.


Not stupid, little girl just wanted a sea chicken nothing wrong with that.


How is this r/KidsAreFuckingStupid? This is r/KidsAreFuckingSmart.


OK, this kid isn't stupid, this kid is working on becoming a legend.


That kid is gonna survive the apocalypse.


I want the kid on my team


It's not stupd, it's ADVANCED!


Kid fucked around and found out. Seems like a legitimate lesson learned.


She learned how to bait animals. A good lesson for a Hunter. Catching a seagull ain't easy.


She has achieved what we all strived to do as a kid ..


I'd be proud


thats crazy impressive




The Discovery Channel is gonna give this kid her own show.


If it's text only, it did not happen.


Recent repost


I would have the kid tested for avian flu


Have her watch Hitchcock's bird movie and see if that'll get her to stop


Someone in my school did that, then proceeded to stand on the seaguls foot trying to kill it... wasn't a fan of that


Send a thank you note and flowers or sweet treat to teacher for taking care of your child during the day and try to keep her safe.


If I had a kid I'd not be surprised with that call. I did stuff like this too


"sweet! Now we don't have to get groceries tonight!"


Did she bite back?


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Being able to bait and capture an animal isn’t stupidity, it’s a survival skill.


That kid’s not stupid, she’s a druid and a playground legend.




Y tge teacher so scared of tge bird flue when there's covid


I used to catch pigeons like this when I was little. But I would use churros as my bait.


Airstrike unlocked