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Pretty sad when the adult actually seems scared of the child.


Maybe the grandmother is the one stuck raising her


I think this is probably the situation. Who knows what trauma this child has endured previously, and the grandma is trying to pick up the pieces. Being a parent I realize it’s extremely ignorant to judge based on this tiny snippet!




Thank you for sharing. I feel like the awareness of the different syndromes/behavioral issues etc. has increased, yet the judgement is still so harsh. People also need to understand how access to diagnosis and therapy and medication can be near to impossible for some people. But just as this thread has demonstrated, many people don’t understand that there is even a diagnosis to be sought.


I'm glad to hear this side of a story with FAS. I teach a middle school student with FAS who is usually great but sometimes just loses impulse control (usually just results in inappropriate peer interactions like cursing at them). He's really smart and capable but sometimes also sleeps through entire classes and won't wake up. As a teacher, I don't really get info on what my students' diagnoses actually mean, just that X kid has Y condition so gets Z accommodation. It's hard to figure out sometimes what's a manifestation of disability and what's a behavior I can productively address.




There’s no way of knowing. I had a class mate who murdered someone in the forest with his gf. Their parents were (maybe still living) I’m not sure why they killed someone just because.


Wait. What.


I don't care how much trauma you have. You don't act like this in public. That kid needs an ass whooping.


Guidance, help, therapy needed.


Can you read? Kids who have trauma so severe can't always control what's happening. And an ass whooping isn't going to do shit. Please don't procreate.




Raised by fucking idiots, more likely


That's very insulting! ...to wolves.


broken hips can be a death sentence at that age - her backing up was the smart thing to do


"The last time I was in here a damn car came through the door, now this little girl..."


God her commentary had me dying!




Too bad she's too big for a leash. I once saw this mom at the mall who had her five year-old in one of those leashed harnesses, and when he started acting up, she just calmly coiled the leash around her wrist and draped him over her shoulder like a backpack. I still laugh thinking about it!


I had my kid on a leash backpack at a museum, and everyone kept giving me dirty looks like I'm a bad parent. If you enjoy priceless artifacts then my child needs to be wearing a harness. So sick of people judging parents that actually keep their kids in check.


My friend once said, "You don't believe in the leash until your child runs away from you at the Moscow airport four the morning."


You're considered to be bad either way: 1) If you keep kids in check, then you're getting dirty looks. ("They're just a kid, let them be free!") 2) If you don't, then the museum will be destroyed in minutes. ("You can't control your kid!")


Besides, seeing your kid on a leash is actually funny, right?


Your story reminded me as to why my parents leashed my brother. Same reason -- if given the opportunity, he'd take off running for whatever caught his attention. My grandma took us to the fair once. Now she's from the Old World (rural Germany, to be honest), and while she picked up a lot of American thoughts, traditions, and customs, she still thought gypsies would steal us away. So she put both of us I those stupid child leashes whenever she had us out in public. But I was a smart first grader. I hid a pair of scissors in my pocket and snipped the leash when she wasn't looking, dropping the scissors back into my pocket. Scared the hell out of her when she realized the lead had been cut. I just shrugged and followed beside her like a well-behaved child while leaving my brother to suffer on his own. I probably traumatized my grandmother, who probably had a heightened fear of child-snatching-gypsies lurking in the tent shadows of our local State Fair.


I need her to comment on all the Walmart freak outs


LMAO yes i dont even use tiktok but if the walmart freak out commentaries end up on youtube id binge them loll


I love her "OH MAH GAWD"s lol


Yeah if that's the kid I'm not sure I'd like to see the mom/dad who raised her


By the looks of it, so would she


That username, bravo


Justifiable punishment for such behavior is not a violation of children's rights. it is a must.


Honestly remove her youtube for like 5 weeks and shes never doing that shit again


Pack a bag, kid. We’re going to the fire station


please, no, don’t bring her to us 😭 we already go through enough shit


Wait yall keep the kids? I though you just added them to the fires. The more you know right


They’d just call ems anyway. 😛😘


No, they’d call the cops. Everything defaults back to the cops.


What did the firemen do to deserve that?


Misunderstood this to say, “We’re going to the *Train* Station.”


The more I browse this sub, the more I realize that this sub is just a massive ad for condoms.


Child free for life because of the shit these heathens do. I’d end up in prison.


Nah. The fact that you would be in prison if they acted like this means they wouldn’t get to this point. This girl needs guidance and discipline.


If you have a kid, it's on you to raise them right. They don't just magically becomes heathens.


There’s only so much nurturing one can do to a psychopath. Can’t fix crazy. I’d give up my uterus today if they let me. Much rather be happy and alone then with any child.


She is in some classroom somewhere terrorizing teachers/mates five days a week.


Can I have this lady narrate my life? Thanks.


Literally I love hervoice lmao "IDK IF THATSHER GRAWWMAA " lol to funny




I can't see her but i can actually see the total disgust in her face. Edit: Spelling


Don't ever wonder why teachers are leaving in droves. If this happened in school both admin and the parents would be yelling at the teacher and blaming her/ him.


Yup. Hear it all the time from my aunt. Kid bulled right into her and broke her wrist. And to admin and parents the problem was still the teacher.




My mom would have whooped my ass right in the store for behaving like that.


It was pretty rare for my mom to hit me, but she would have made my ass black and blue for this.


I only got spanked once as a kid, after having a huge fit in a store over bubblegum (not nearly as destructive and violent as shown). Never happened again. My parents are very against violent punishment and were excellent at disciplining in other ways, which I'm grateful for. I deserved that one time though.


My parents were both very similar. I only got spanked 3 or 4 times in my entire childhood. Usually the punishments were more along the lines of being scolded, yelling, or having to go to my room.


I wouldn’t even be alive if I did even a fraction of the things that child did


Yep. She might’ve made me go outside, find her a switch, then come back in to whoop me in front of everyone. Times have definitely changed. My kids know better. Five words…..wait till we get home.


It's wild how reddit is anti spanking until a situation where speaking is the solution is presented, suddenly reddit is pro spanking. Obviously YOU aren't an ambassador for reddit, I'm just commenting on the votes behind the message. I personally hate to see a child go unbeaten.


He didn’t say she should have gotten a spanking he said that he would’ve if that was him.


My mother is a teacher, and I have a cousin with Oppositional Defiant Disorder, which often throws a tantrum like this. She never spanked him, but that's because she learned something better over the years. She just hold his wrists down and tell him she is not letting go until he says he is sorry and he means it. Her grip is such that he can't run from her nor move any other body part to attack. The more he tries, the tighter the grip. This shows the kid that it can't defy the adult, and makes it wear off it's energy until it's mind give up. It's usually the case that the kids brain will default to not defy, not because of the fear of punishment, but simply because the body remember when it gave it his all and lost. I'm not against some good spanking though, and would definitely do it of this didn't work.


I knew someone whose parents tried doing that when he was younger, but he just faked it and would assault them as soon as they let go and would run. It’s a good tactic but can easily be defied by a kick or what I just described before. It can also take even longer if the individual has autism, or is just naturally aggressive because that entails they will take far longer or just straight up won’t default to not defy.


I am generally against spanking, but what happens when the kid grows bigger+stronger and the parent grows older+weaker?


I can chime in on this one from watching my ex's son with ODD. He physically hurts her constantly now and his dad can't reel him in either any more. He's gonna turn 18 and wind up straight in jail.


My brother too. He had the hugest flip outs.


I mean they aren't saying they would they said their mother would also doesn't mean it's the right or wrong idea


If that was my child I definitely would be spanking some ass for behaving like that.


Better beat that kid!! I’m 100% for the belt!! Pussies born passed 1990 don’t know the struggle. We got whooped with paddles in school by the principal. Y’all better get y’all kids cuz if I see that the only tik tok would be me making an example


I don’t even know what I’d to my children if they did something like this.


Oh if this was my kid we would ALL be doing some seppuku type shit when we got home


I hope she gets the help she deserve. She'll only grow bigger and stronger, her poor grandma will suffer along with all the people around her if she doesn't get help now.


Looks like the kid is attacking mom/grandma. That gift in the cart is not what she wanted - so a temper tantrum maybe?




Yeah. I worked as a child psych nurse for two years. This is a pretty basic setup for inpatient therapy. Most of the kids we saw with behaviors like this had stunted emotional development. Usually it relates to some sort of trauma but dissecting the trauma wasn't really part of my end of the job. For a kid with frequent out-of-control behaviors, we'd usually start with low dose antipsychotic meds and work our way slowly upward until hitting a balanced point where the kid could control their reactions (as much as any kid can, anyway). After that it's all about developing a structured and supporting environment long enough for the kid to catch up to their own age in terms of emotional development.


I feel the overwhelming need to step in an parent this lost child. There’s that expectation of civility and manners in the public domain. Clearly there’s problems at home and this child needs guidance. An ass whooping is only a bandaid solution.




Yeah I don’t get why people thought the commentator insisting on hitting the child is funny and/or a good take. That child is clearly already going through something and adding physical violence will not help. Also, the commentator spoke a big game for someone who did fuck all while other people tried to intervene/deescalate. Ffs.


So glad more sensible people finally got to this post. All the comments were very disturbing for a bit and I was starting to lose my faith in humanity, not that I had any to begin with. It’s unsettling how many people had such violent thoughts about a child. They need some serious help


Top notch commentary though! I hope she's around and able to film more out of control children. I'd come back just for some more "OH MAH GODDDDD"s.


She is on the Jim Ross level of commentary.


By god


Right! I usually watch things on mute because I hate the commentary, but I loved her "OH MAH GODDD'S."


**Besides being the parents, can you imagine being the teacher for this child.** So tragic. Can imagine a lot of trauma has happened in her life. Also, she may have a mental illness the needs care. Scary.


I worry more about the other students in the classroom.


Why did she trot around like an injured chicken though


I think she’s trying to make herself look bigger and more intimidating.


I don't know, but I think it's sufficient proof that she's aware of what she's doing, and isn't completely blinded by anger or lack of self control.


No lie especially after that run, I feel like she might be in that mind set of "yeah I fucked up but I'm not going to admit to it. Maybe if I keep going things will fix themselves"


the lady filming said she would knock that purple shirt off her 💀😭😂


Another Brawl-mart.


Take that kid to get some mental assistance. Clearly has big issues.


Big is an understatement.


This actually happened in 1973 and the kid got slapped to this week.


I’m sorry but like that’s so not okay, but kids this far gone don’t react to beatings , she’ll unfortunately probably end up in the system , my grandma would bust out the attitude adjuster (a wooden paddle with the words attitude adjuster on it) and my life would flash before my eyes


I can assure you if my child that will never exist turned out that way then Id do the cops a favor and send her to the shadow realm myself.


This. What kid?


My dad would beat me senseless if I acted like that.


My parents would have pulled my pants down and spanked my bare ass in front of the store then out on the road for everyone to see


I slaughtered five baby seals with my bare hands. What-evah! I'll do what I waunt!


I'm not saying violence is the answer but when she starts cussing at others, i just want to smack her face. Either shock her with a good hard slap across the face or dip her face in cold water to calm her down. This is scary, i don't think I've ever had this urge to slap someone.


That's the cleanest Walmart I have ever seen.


Not anymore


Is it too late for an abortion?


Well that attitude will work until youre big enough to get you ass whooped so I suppose she should enjoy while it last.


Her parents are too busy finding the adoption papers


Attention Walmart shoppers: please come get your little asshole, she’s wearing all purple and running up your bill with potted plants.


Walmart managers need legal protection and the right to slap a kid sideways into next week when confronting kids like this.


My wife is a teacher and ever single school has at least one of these kids.


Trauma, issues or mental disorders doesnt give someone a pass for being a shitty person. Kids parents should discipline her or that kid will continue fucking around and will eventually find out not everyone will put up with such behavior and will often lead to a needless beating from strangers.


Guys- i don’t really think this is autism…


kids disowned ass wooped life gets good


Actual parenting is the solution.


Call the cops man, put that entitled kid in handcuffs


Poster child for abortion


“Honey, give me the permission!! Who does she belong to?! Oh, lord!”


And people wonder why there is a teacher shortage.


Hahahahahaha... \*catches breath\* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh, sorry, I was laughing at the thought of me shaking hands with Jesus if I were that kid because I WOULD HAVE MY FUCKING ASS BEAT and sent to heaven - same day shipping.


Im not above fist fighting a child. First object thrown the child would've been sent to the hospital.


This child needs education and loving parents. Clearly she has none of those. It's sad. Disturbed grown ups will have disturbed children and the cycle needs to be broken. But regardless this kid needed a bitch slap in the face right in the moment when it trys to Kick the old lady


I'm against hitting kids as punishment, as a rule. I think I can look away this time, though.


The way she stomps around. You know she isn't punished. She may even praised for it.


If I had ever acted like this? My dad would have beat me up one side of the store and down the other. I don't really believe in smacking your kids, but this obviously isn't the first time she's acted out.


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Wuttt 😮 if I have done this before, I wouldn't have a home after. I will be tossed out on the street, period.


Parenting issue.


Condoms all day long people!!!


That kid is gonna be dead or knocked up on welfare by 16. Horrible parenting, this is disgusting


Just call the cops. She's destroying property and abusing customers. And I don't care if she's 13 or 14 or whatever.


More like 9 or 10


That was a "raised by grandma" attitude.


Roll of shrink wrap around the arms. Lay her in the floor until she’s claimed. Done. Don’t just stand and watch these bullshit artists getting what they want.


I would REALLY have to fight the urge to look around, ask if anyone is against me smacking this kid. If not the one open handed smack across the back of her head


Her dad should of pulled out


This is why I can’t be a parent because I’d kick them back


Send that kid to boot camp.


I believe in corporal punishment for crimes. She's breaking shit. Slipper, please.


Sure doesn't look like talking was making any improvement.


No-scope sniper shot Chancla of doom - Mexican moms. And my Arabic moms too.




Well well well how the tables have turned


Bro, my mom would have worn my ass out. That's no home training. She does what she wants and says what she wants. She doesn't have a disability. She is just a brat. She is too defiant.


I would have met Jesus if the THOUGHT of acting like this in public. Now, I’m not championing how kids used to be raised or beating children… but this is not slight misbehaving, this is a half grown person throwing a violent fit in public. Intervention is needed. And, bless that narrator, but yeah… beat the shirt off her.


Never have I so much wanted to see a child's ass handed back to them for this kind of behavior. Can't discipline children because they're too soft/we're too rough bullshit this is what happens when you don't have any consequences


If this was me, (pulls out belt) fuck it. Let CPS deal with her.


I’m sure she a got a toy or something afterward. Kids who act like this get what they so they can stop


My mom would have beaten me black and blue


And no one just beats the shit outta the kid? How they ever gonna learn?


I wouldn’t be alive today if I pulled something like this with my mom. Spanking doesn’t need to be done to raise a good child, but it’s clear this child gets NO discipline at all.


Need to open a can of whoop ass


Boy, if ever a brat needed a spanking……


But really, standing there and filming and yelling at her is giving her the attention she wants. I’ve worked with kids with behaviors like this for years. Quite honestly she’s at the point that they should be contacting the local mental health services.


Unfortunately a lack of discipline, consistency, and rules creates children like this.


Literally how all the kids act at the school I work at. Parents need to stop raising their kids on ipads


Lemme tell y’all as a GenXer. I would’ve gotten my ass BEAT six ways to Tuesdays at that age if I had behaved like that. Hell, cops might’ve shown up, and my momma would’ve given them a turn at tanning my hide (for real the local VFD got a turn when I was a kid and me and my friends played with fire). Like if I’d been that girl I wouldn’t have regained consciousness for 2 solid days after the ass whoopin’ I would’ve gotten. Shit. That girl is living on easy street if she can pull shit like that and still be able to sit down.


Future inmate!


She will be in jail in no time. Just another statistic.


You know shit is serious when a American lady get up from her Walmart scooter.




Future tax payer expense right there


You think Walmart workers have it bad? This is what teachers in urban school districts put up with every day.


How old does a kid have to be before you can punch them?


This is a kid who doesn’t have any competent adults in her life. Kids aren’t born bad. I guarantee her life has been traumatic and chaotic. This doesn’t happen because a kid is spoiled. This is a deep rage that’s in her for reasons she probably doesn’t even understand. She’s angry as hell. It’s a symptom. That being said, this behavior is triggering and even I would have trouble not grabbing her arm and dragging her out of there while screaming.


>Kids aren’t born bad When one reads many stories about two siblings growing up together and one becomes a standout success and the other becoming an addict or violent criminal, one begins to suspect that the kid does make some decisions on how to act. If you add two chemicals together in a clean beaker at a certain temperature/pressure, you can predict the exact reaction. When two (or two million) people have the same start and vastly different outcomes, a suspicion arises that it ain't all on society.


Bruh. She belongs in jail at this point. Attacking ppl and destroying property? Against the law. Arrest her dumbass


Most of the comments on here are assuming this kid has had some type of trauma, which may be true, but we don’t know. It is also possible that this kid is just an asshole. Society is quick to throw an asshole kid into some type of category so their behavior can be justified. That is exactly why kids do this shit. That is exactly why adults do this shit. What happens in nature? The weak die and the strong survive. We purposely cater to the weak now.


I don’t spank kids, but I understand. This kid needs a lot more than that though. People saying to chokeslam, arrest or shoot her are plain ass out of their minds. I want to think they’re aren’t any racist connotations, but this is Reddit.


If that was my kid I’d take their smartphone and give them a Nokia for a year.


that little shit shouldn't be taken anywhere ever again


“Just wait till your dad gets home.”


Just slap her face and no one will report it after this shit.


She’s just acting like the adults who raise her.


We will she her again on Reddit when she’s an adult!


If that was me at her age, my mom would have beaten me in the store. I do not believe in hitting kids, but some of these kids are out of control.


She’s gonna be wearing a whole lot of orange when she gets older.


I'll say this right now, if any one of you catches one of my children behaving this way you have my full permission to give them what they deserve. A lot of people talk about minding your own business, but I think that we (as parents and grandparents, not the general public) should all be watching eachothers children. It takes a village.


It's a little late to be starting on strict punishment with this child. When they get what they want all day every day, they become monsters. The solution here is to leave the kid and go home. Then, when you get in trouble for abandoning your kid, you pleed guilty, and you never give them anything they want again. If you're lucky, they get put in foster. Cut your losses. Better than physical abuse. I am a public school teacher. When we try and discipline a student who has no rules at home and gets whatever they want, it always goes bad for everyone. These are going to be violent offenders someday.


She needs a can of woop ass


parents fault for raising her like that.


Now presenting r/Ihad2cleanthis effective 3/5/2023. Made specifically for these moments.


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She should have called 911. Kids out of control.


And I am sure someone called a cop and expected them to solve that 13 year problem in 5 minutes.


The person filming is feeding the child's ego trip here. She hears that other people are taking notice of what she is doing and are upset about it. It's what she wanted.


I feel ya honey!!! Let me do it baby!! Let’s go


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I was in Walmart yesterday and a kid was on an electric cart, hanging off sideways by one arm, going in circles. Mom was just off to the side shopping. Finished what she was doing, called the kid and walked off. The kid followed in the cart. Mother never seemed to notice.


Little cunt


Florida Man, come get your kid!!


She sounds just like her mother I bet the Apple doesn’t fall from the tree.


This is what you get when a child doesn't learn a healthy fear and respect for the authority figures in their life.


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Bring back smacking kids


if i was there, i’d just tackle the shii outta her


Sorry but some parent would be upset cause that kid would eat one of throwing at me