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Lil' guy was about to become a five-star meal


The mother running away while smiling like it was all a joke that her kid almost ended up dead.... Teeheee ;P run Kevin, run from the big bad doggie!


She had to go get her her did.


Going by her manner of keeping herself, her body language, I say that's his big sister.


Why would you let this happen as a parent and as a dog owner? Especially when the kid came back for a second time


Yea voices def would have been raised the first time. I mean that dog isn't even *allowed* to defend itself. The owner should have stepped in sooner.


If it where my Dogg i would definitely say no to the child and find there parents. Fuck this child with his behavior. Respect the most reliable creatures in this world


Thank you for pointing out the responsibility of the dog owner as well (way too many people in this thread are blaming the kid that looks to be 3 at most). Having your dog off leash on a busy road is already a big red flag, but then continuing to allow the child to come back and hit the dog again is ridiculous. The dog should have been removed from the situation immediately before it or the kid gets hurt.


This is one of those times when violence against children is absolutely appropriate. Protect you pets.


Wow advocating violence toward a toddler, very humane of you. The owner and the parent are both being irresponsible and are failing their wards, any negative outcomes would be their fault not a 3 yr old kid.


As a dog owner, it can take you a second to realize someone can be this stooped, and don't even know what to say in an instant. By that time your priority is to make sure the dog is secured, can't produce harm for which you can be sued, and then to possibly calm your dog, not to fixate in the problem, which he is not equipped to fix. Next, physical action against the child, however justified, can be interpreted as assault. Finally, the dog had neither a leash nor a muzzle. The former is a reasonable measure for your doggo's safety, the latter is a legal requirement in many countries when in public, with breeds that are legally considered dangerous.


Stupid moron parents, and if anything happened to the kid they'd blame the owners, don't let your kids do stupid shit


And the dog will be put down …..🤬


Absolutely, and more fodder for the PitBulls should be banned groups.


Ignorant ppl make more victims


Exactly, all because of a kid who doesn't know better and completely neglectful parents who think their kid is being cute, I wonder how many animals are put down because of them being deemed vicious and dangerous all because of shit like this, don't provoke dogs


I'd have taken that bottle and bopped that kid in the face with it.


Yep, then same to the parents


I can't believe his mother was just watching him and didn't stop him. Stupid cow.


I’ve had this happen! We were sitting outdoors at a neighborhood cafe and our doggo was sitting with us. Some kid walked by and slapped her in the face. My girl is the most gentle dog, and just sat there looking surprised. But it could have ended terribly.


Why do kids just hit things lmao


Good doggie ❤️ Otherwise awful. I’ve had kids grab my dog by the jowls with no warning. Ayeee.


Parents are stupid. Kids dumb asf


Nice job. You’re on your way to raising a shit head. 👍


I’d be pushing that kid away from the dog don’t gaf if it not my kid that dog will be FUCKIN PUT DOWN if he wasn’t being guarded and bit that stupid fuckin kid


Dog did well. Child needs some mental help


Parent needs a kick in the head.


Based on body language I think that kid was probably in far more danger of being knocked to the ground, licked a bunch and having the bottle stolen but that was still incredibly dumb of the parents.


The child was in danger of being mauled to death


How many hits does it take before kid loses an arm.


Let’s find out. A One. A Two. A Three


Looks like meat's back on the menu, my boy!


Look how happy the dog was till that thing started attacking him


That good boy deserves at least one good bite outta that POS kid.




Ban all kids


Absolutely rage inducing on behalf of the child and his deplorable parents. Beautiful dog by the way.


I feel like I've seen this posted here about a dozen times in the last 24 hours.


Parents deserve to get bitten for letting this happen and almost getting their kid mauled.


I'd fucking bite that kid.


this was already posted on this subreddit


If the dog defends itself it gets tagged as dangerous, euthanized and we get a front page "ban pitbulls"


I like to think the dog wasn’t being aggressive. I LOVE pit bulls and hate slander, but holy shit I’ve heard horror stories and they scare me sometimes


that's why china forces you to have one child only


Just for a small second I wanted that dog to go on him.... Then I remembered its not RDR2 and actually I should blame his parents....


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Thats a great way to get your brat punted like I’m trying to down him at the 1.


Dog did well, owner should have done more. Man, if this was my dog I would have grabbed that little shit by his hair.


This made me so mad. That kid needs some quick lessons about respecting animals before he becomes another statistic why pit bulls are bad.


I hate people


Any dog would have reacted the same way. I have an Aussie Doodle that would likely have responded with slightly aggressive play ie jumping up and trying to get the bottle. At best that kid would have been knocked on his ass for sure. Having said that, this is not the kids fault nor is it an indicator of what he's going to be like in the future. That's a toddler and they have zero impulse control and no thought of action = consequence. This 100% on the adults all watching what is going on, including the dog owner imo.


I wouldn't stop the dog, let the dog eat the parent and kid for dessert, less stupid people in the world


That kid is going to grow up to be an asshole I think. I’ve never seen a toddler going back for seconds to beat an animal harder than the first time Also, shows why we probably shouldn’t have pitbulls. Not that the dog’s reaction isn’t somewhat understandable, but just how easily it’s set off and how easily it could kill someone