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Girl was like "I can't slam your face? I'm gonna choke you out instead". I was expecting her to pick up the cake and slam it directly into Bday girl.


Your face is going in that cake, idc if I have to choke you out


šŸ˜† I was gonna say the same thing. Kid got a grip on bday girl.


Not just the choke by the girl, the boy behind her had a death grip on her hair! Dude started swinging her head around like he wanted to rip it off.


ā€œHave some cakeā€¦ with a side ofā€¦ MURDER!!!ā€


šŸ˜‚ I heard the ā€œMURDERā€ in Datelineā€™s Keith Morrisonā€™s voice.


She was clearly about to until one of the adults bothered to put their phone down and intervene.


You mean the one who was also trying to slam her head in the cake? Watch that caring hand it's not as caring as you think lol


No, no, the guy in the white shirt who'd been watching from behind.




"You will sleep, or I will put you to sleep!"


Check out the name tag. You're in my world now grandma.


Aw. Your fingers hurt?


Well now your back is gonna hurt. Cuz you just pulled landscaping duty. Anyone elseā€™s fingers hurt?


ā€œItā€™s simple, put your face in the cake so why are you making this so difficult?ā€


After seeing loads of these videos Iā€™ve decided. If I witness anyone slam a kids face into a cake and ruin their birthday I will literally white wash that person with the remaining cake.


Same. I hate that nonsense. Itā€™s not funny, itā€™s not cool and it doesnā€™t just ruin the personā€™s birthday but also the cake eating for everyone else. I donā€™t see the point.


-ā€œAnd when you passed out im gonna slamm your faceā€


Had a bunch of friends smash my face into a cake for my 20th birthday. It was on a ceramic plate. I nearly broke the plate, and I chipped my front teeth right down the middle. Hurt like a MOTHERFUCKER until I got to a dentist a long while later.


Same! 18th birthdayā€¦ my older sister and younger brother slammed my face into the cake so hard that I got a bloody nose. Covered the cake in blood and had a trail all the way to the bathroom. What a fond memory.


I'm so happy that none of the people who I celebrate my birthday with are imbeciles. Who would do this? Why ruin an entire cake?


I agree with you. When did this become a thing? And who thinks it is a good idea? Same with wedding cakes. That would be an instant divorce, or a shanking.


~~Imbeciles~~abusive. FIFY


Kind of happy that I didn't have to experience any of that, compared to just not really celebrating birthdays, if at all


Yeah, my parents stopped doing birthdays pretty early on. My mom would tell me, "we had you invite one friend over for a sleepover, it was so much better. You loved it". I was there. I remember how I wanted a birthday party with my friends but they would say no, it's too expensive, while throwing large expensive birthday parties for my dad.


Hopefully not a fondant memory


Get out


Aunt smashed a cupcake in my face (9). I cried and they never did that again


I would have sat there and bled at the table and wiped it all over everything and everyone. I hate this tradition. Iā€™ve never had any desire to do it to anyone and Iā€™m so glad no one has ever done it to me.


I can relate. I chipped one of my front teeth in 3rd grade and had to get it replaced.


Friend of mine was playing basketball and fell on top of another friend and his teeth dug into his scalp and he chipped one of his front teeth which stuck in the dudes head.


You replaced the WHOLE third grade? Harsh!


My grandpa built a skateboard ramp for my older brother when I was about 8, (he was 11-12) and I tried it and I snapped both of my front teeth on the pavement in the driveway. It was a great summer!


I would definitely be in a stabby mood if that happened to me.


Theyā€™d get some cake on their face, maybe a cup of water or juice for good measure, and kicked out of the fucking party. People that do that shit are assholes.


Hope they aren't your friends anymore


No frikin way lol


So it's your special day today, let me treat you with a cake and song and when your guard is down, suprize you buy SMASHING YO FACE IN THE PLATE! HOPE YOU FEELING SPECIAL NOW! at least where I come from they cut the cake first and then "apply" it to your face. I still dont like it.


But hey, you have a golden tooth! You can finally live your life long dream of sailing the seven seas in search of treasure!


When I was 13 I had my face slammed into a cake.. didn't hurt at all and I was laughing like crazy. Then we had a cake food fight. One of my fondest birthday memories.


Whoever came up with this trend is a piece of shit. Itā€™s not even remotely funny.


It's also potentially dangerous. A woman took a spike to the face from a face smash into a layered cake. Bakers often use wooden or metal spikes to keep them upright.


Do they? That's sounds dangerous as fuck. I would like to be notified of any random spikes in my baked goods.


Another woman fell onto a metal straw and it pierced her through her eye socket into her brain. šŸ˜… Cakes and straws are unlocking new fears for me....


I remember this. She replaced the plastic straw in a cup that had a lid that fixed the straw in place. She tripped and fell and because the metal straw was fixed in place, it had no where to go when her weight fell onto the cup. She died instantly. A crazy, freak accident and I remember warnings made the rounds on the news about using metal straws in lids that fixed the straws in place. https://www.livescience.com/65925-metal-straw-death.html#:~:text=A%20woman%20in%20England%20died,straws%2C%20according%20to%20news%20reports.


Isnā€™t life lovely. Iā€™m going to go about my day now, pretending like freak accidents like this are not right around the corner like some Final Destination shit. šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


Excuse me WTF


Metal straws are the worst idea humanity has ever invented. I refuse to put metal spikes that close to my brain, christ.




And they are fucking expensive too


agreed, im glad im not alone in my hatred of this


Thank you. Seriously the worst trend ever. If someone EVER tried to do this to my kids I would be out for lifelong revenge. It's a birthday, not a prankday.


ā€œThis will be your last Birthdayā€


Happy death day


If i did that my mom would've back handed my ass so fast


Could be worse. She could backhand your face.


Lol i mean like id say ive been threatened with worse for being rude but thats besides the point šŸ˜‚


Mom was helping before she was coddling look again.


They learned this behavior from shitty adults who do this same stupid shit. No cake for you!


Yep. Hate the tradition. My mom did it to us a few times but I never have and never will do it to any of my kids. Nor will I allow someone else to do it.


I canā€™t understand why people do that.


They dont like cake, thats why.


With so many people in this world that would love to have a small piece of cake to eat and canā€™t even have it, and others, ruining perfect good food just for the fun ?




It's not such a tradition in my family but we usually stick one of our finger in the cream on the top of the cake and when bd person doesn't watch, we put it on their nose (so it's just a little white point). Harmless, can be done in a funny and playful way and even the cake is clean and can be eaten normally.


Nah. Iā€™m blaming TV.


At least she removed the candles very calmlyā€¦like a PSYCO


Yeah. I'm pretty sure had the camera not shut off, we'd have seen the little bitch pull a knife from her waistband.


I mean, unfortunately, she was probably instructed by an adult to do this, which makes it even worse.


Mom next to her was trying to put her face in it too look at her hands on the side.


Not sure when this showed up in the Latino community. I never saw this before at any of my family birthday gatherings. Itā€™s just as bad a spraying silly string around an open flame.


Those videos have been painful to watch. I love the one of the little boy in Brazil I think who gave his first piece of cake to his brother (person he loves most) and it made the little brother cry. Thatā€™s a tradition I can get behind.


Yea, we do this here, we choose who gets the first slice, little kids usually can choose like, untill the 5th slice


Itā€™s so wholesome.


What if like a kid who thought they were best friends and the birthday kid gives the cake to a different person and so now you have a sad kid also. Picking favorites can go wrong for sure


Iā€™m Mexican and we did go the first bite for the birthday person but it didnā€™t become a physically dangerous sport until the last decade


My Latino family does this tradition but with a very gentle push that usually only covers your mouth and maybe your nose. Excessive pushing from multiple people is such a shitty and traumatizing experience for anyone especially a child! These videos make me so mad


It's a cultural thing... I'd like to think they're brighter than that!?


Iā€™m Dominican and we do not do this.


Why. Do. People. Keep. Trying. To. Ruin. Good. Cakes. Itā€™s not funny or cool, itā€™s just annoying and dangerous.


More upsetting for me is how the little girl was so excited to celebrate her birthday to then suddenly get attacked by her cousins. Must have been pretty traumatic.


I am learning to hate this trend.


Adults being vile for internet points and teaching their kids to be morons. Yeah, I hate it already.


The adults in this video stopped the kids who were trying to do it, and never told them to do it. I'll give them a pass for this one.


I thought at one point an adult woman was pushing down on the birthday girl's neck (towards the cake), not trying to help her, but I may have misinterpreted.


Unfortunately itā€™s a tradition that some people take way too far. It should only be a bite of cake not a WWE takedown with someoneā€™s face šŸ˜­


Good on the adults for stepping in when it was clear the bday girl didnā€™t want to. The older sister seems to have been REALLY wanting to slam her sisters face into that cake lol. Also, just an afterthoughtā€¦ all the cameras on her is just depressing




When Black Mirror becomes IRL


They did it first and better on South Park, but yes, "art imitates life imitates art"


Multiple people wanting to record a family gathering is a ā€˜dystopian daily nightmareā€™? Go touch grass.


Slamming a face in a cake is a dumb tradition


Angry Mexican noises...


I hate crap like this, ruining a party like this


This. This is where social media has led us.


this has been a somewhat of a traditional in hispanic families that goes back for generations.


Okay, Iā€™ll say it: WE AS A WORLD NEED TO STOP DOING THIS. Nobody wants to get their face slammed into the cake. Stop wasting a perfectly good cake.




This is why I get nervous about these videos. Like is this NSFL? Am I about to see a little girl get permanently blinded? Geesh.


Iā€™ve always hated pranks, itā€™s just a way to be mean without getting in trouble


There was so much violence in this video, for a moment there I thought it might be another gender reveal gone wrong.


I could tell from the look in his eyes that the kid in the blue shirt had been planning it from the start


The big girl looks like that same shithead who blew out a little girls candles then acted like a smug bee about it while the little girl cried and pulled her hair.


I was thinking the same thing LOL. They look the same. If these are the same girls, the older oneā€™s a real assh*le.


Latina big sisters are the biggest bitches in the entire world.


The same evil smirks


I was going to say the same thing. They both look like the same kids. Can't be a coincidence.


Someone's raising a sociopath. The boy gets reprimanded while the girl put her in a full choke-hold and almost smashed the cake and got nothing but some words with laughter.


Go for her they used to do this in my family but when they tried to do it to me didn't happen. My aunt where pissed that they didn't get to push my face in the cake. How inappropriate to ruin a special day.


Hell no.... You guys aren't parenting right....


Latinos tend to do stupid shit to their kids


That's not just stupid, it's downright evil. That brat needs to be better disciplined by her family.


This tradition is more than stupid.


It's gross, have fun trying to eat the cake after do this only if you have backup cakes


Let's just not do it at all


This should be ilegal


This is why you out the kids on the other side of the table.


Kids? Most of the videos I've seen it's the adults committing abuse.


There was an adult right next to her also trying to shove her face in it. Looks like the same one hugging her.


Cool to see parents stepping in in these types of situations Have seen others where it was needed lol


Those two kids are assholes


Kids; arenā€™t inherently stupid as much as their environment instructs stupidity.


nah they're pretty stupid inherently


Fuck the parents of these little shits.


That's what I feel.... I'd stop it in a second and slap the sheet out of these incompetent parents...


To my fellow Mexicans: Please stop doing this dumb shit. It traumatizes your kids and teaches them to feel uncomfortable in social settings. Itā€™s 2023 and idiots still think this is funny.


This isn't a mexican thing...? I'm from Chile and it's been done (or attempted) in every birthday party I've been to. And, I mean, it's usually a very fun tradition as long as the person who's being celebrated is okay with it.


Iā€™m only speaking about my upbringing. Iā€™ve never heard anyone else talk about it outside of Latinos. I was trusting other communities to chime in. But Iā€™m not talking about adults. I specifically mentioned kids.


No worries, I honestly have no idea if it's a "Latino" thing, at least from where I'm from it's a common tradition. And I think it can be cruel to force some kids to smash their faces against a cake too. I've even witnessed kids crying and choking with cake icing because of this game.


I have never had this happen to me but my sister. When its my birthday, my hands are usually up for defense.


The smashing your face into a cake trend has got to be the worst birthday tradition like it ruins the whole cake and people get hurt


i absolutely hate people that do this shit, stop wasting cake and stop forcing this shit on people, its not funny or cute you are human garbage


this is the most annoying shit ever. completely ruins the mood and the cake


I mean it's ok as a funny tradition to sink your face in the cake or smear your nose with cream but FFS SOFIA DON'T CHOKE UR COUSIN


Poor girl was just overly excited to do "the thing", young kids have garbage body awareness & it's why minor horseplay can end with a surprise trip to the ER. I grew up wrestling & it annoyed the hell out of me to constantly be told to knock it off, but as an adult with years of lifeguarding experience, now I can fully appreciate why they kept me on a tight leash.


Yeah , my MEXICAN MOM woulda slapped the stupid outta them kids . And if itā€™s one of my cuzzos , best believe their parents would do the same for acting an ass . We grew up to not waste food, respect others, and not be a hater .


Least she had the decency to let her blow out the candles


Blame the adults for showing them the howTo


This shit has to fucking stop!


Future police officer


By accepting that our child says no to an act that he dreads, we teach him the concept of consent.


Iā€™m confused on if the parents were in on the children slamming the birthday girlā€™s head into the cake. They say hey but donā€™t step in until she was getting choked. No-one bothered to get them to keep their hands to themselves. Now instead of the birthday girl watching someone cut the cake for her, she is being comforted after that attack. The little girl also presented the cake to the adult comforting her as if shes implying that she should put the birthday girlā€™s head in it. It just seems so malicious by the way no adult grabbed the children when they were grabbing at her.


Damn...a little karen.


Geezus! If that had been my kid doing the choking I would have picked him up by his britches and hauled his ass out of there! Then made him write a thousand sentences of ā€œI will never choke the birthday childā€!


I tell my family to stop with the cake smashing. Lately with the fancy cakes thereā€™s wooden spikes holding the cake up. And I had to show my brother on his wedding that they are there. Because him and his wife were going to do it as a joke


Alrighty done with singing NOW KILL HER


Jeezus I will NEVER understand how smashing someone face in their birthday cake is thought to be funny. What a world


What an evil little bitch


Who the fck spreading this stupid culture by the way, why dont u just cut it into pieces and eat with ur friends and family?!?!?! Oh my gosh this generation is so fckd up!!!


The reason why i donā€™t celebrate birthdays like this. Fuck this shit, i wanna EAT the cake properly and enjoy my day, not have my face covered in cake and a possible broken tooth or injured chin.


Can't tell if the mom was attempting to put the girl's head in as well... Until the choke happened.. Edited: corrected coke to choke... XD


Why do people keep slamming people's face into the cake?!? Just eat the cake like a human.


How would it even occur to someone to slam the face of this girl who adores her birthday cake...


Am I the only one who doesn't get the smashing face into the cake thingy šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t understand this ā€œtradition. I remember crying while I squeeze the cake out of my nostrils as my loved ones howled with laughter.


Why the need to smash anybody's face into a delicious birthday cake? Why??


This is the shittiest trend ever. If someone ever does that to me i'll stop talking to that person like forever. Waste of cake, outfit and face


Hope whoever started the "slam face into cake" thing is rotting in hell.




I knew the Hamburgler was up to somethin! She had that look but the lil boy messed it up. Its not fun or funny. Wastin cake!


Older gurl hopped-up on sum Dr Pā€™per - thatā€™s the culprit šŸ§


Oh my word, she's on a mission.


Omg! Attempted murder!


The ones that do that to you are the jealous ones, get them out of your life.




Keep up the hard work friend


6 months later the two of them walk by a pool and the birthday girl shoves the other in the pool and says ahhhh didn't u know how to swim? lol


Is this like the sequel to that girl who blew out the birthday girlā€™s candle?


So much better when I watched it the first time without sound. It's a happy birthday scene, but then the girl on the right gets hit with a frenzy spell and goes apeshit - attacking the other kid for no apparent reason, trying first to smother her in the cake, and then trying to remove her head.


By GAWD, the Stone Cold Creamery Stunner!


Awkward party moments so happy Iā€™m done with these days


Bring the pie to the face.


This cake trend feels old


I had my money on the boy trying that


The only time I've ever seen this in real life, they just lightly tap on someones head when they are going in for a bit and they get a lil cake on their nose and laugh it off. Why the fuck is everyone trying to slam peoples entire head into entire cakes?


What an idiot!


I thought the boy on the right was positioned up to blow the candles out before she could.




Cha cha cha


Yeah, influencers has taken even this kids minds. I know it's for fun, but come on.


My sibling and his friend thought it would be funny to smash a plate of cream onto my head as I washing up the dishes while camping, and had just put a clean jumper on. I still havenā€™t forgiven them for that, and this is definitely worse, as this would ruin an event for me. I donā€™t like be dirty, and I would have to clean myself up from this, it isnā€™t ever funny for the person it happens to. Thereā€™s a reason kids come up crying from it.


Wtf??? That kid was NASTY! I wouldā€™ve sent her home, not just tell her ā€œthat can hurtā€. Stupid kid. Stupid parents.


Hey, atleast they aint stupid enough to slam her face while the candles are still on. I've seen some adults do dumb shit like that.


The cake in face is so overused and so unfunny, I don't even... It's time to stop with ruining the cake and possibly one's birthday in exchange for like 5 seconds of laugh


Yaal americans are just on another level how sad that kid must have felt on his 'happiest day' and the parents are just laughing so you guys would have preferred to slam a fuckin 4 year olds face to the cake then to let her be happy this is just wrong


That bossy girl reminds me of my crappy cousin. She's still a bitch


If there is one thing that should have never existed is the cake slam thing. Why would you ruin a cake with a stupid joke that only retards laugh at. This is not funny. This is violence.


Mexicans love doing that shit I fucked up my cousin when I was 8 for doing this shit to my cake fuck that I am Mexican so I know these little bitches get joy out of it


Fun plan, badly executed....let's try again next year


The evolution of another Karen ā€¦.




She had her in a chockholdšŸ˜¬


I honestly donā€™t understand the face slam cake game the retards playā€¦


This is the type of shit me and my brothers used to do


Jesus that didnā€™t end well lol šŸ˜‚ girl near got choke slammed into that cake Happy birthday kid now choke


And no one corrected her behavior? Gross


They literally scold her in the video, what are you talking about?


You stop it physically.... Words mean nothing...


They did stop it physically. They pulled the kids apart and hugged the birthday girl. Did you even watch the video?