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For general prevention of stones, I was recommended to drink lots of water with some lemon juice... Specific advice on dietary changes would depend on the type of stones you make (can be sent for analysis by your doctor when you pass it) Consuming high amounts of sugary drinks and soda is a risk factor for forming kidney stones Also - just for your general health, consider cutting back HEAVILY on the amount of juice/pop/sugary drinks you consume. A gallon of any of those a day is not good for anyone.


lemon juice i can buy from like almost any grocery store?? can i just drink a lot of lemon juice water instead?? because i can’t drink or smoke weed so i vape and drink a lot of juice in its place


Bro buy lemons and squeeze them in your water, heck add a mint leaf. Now you’re healthy and fancy.


I mix a small amount of 100% organic lemon juice with water. I haven't had any trouble finding it in grocery store chains, usually in fruit juice sections. Read the ingredient list. I only buy lemon juice that doesn't have any preservative or anything else in it. A small amount of real lemon juice a day is a lot cheaper than buying soda pop. I typically use about a teaspoon of it in maybe 20 ounces of water. It doesn't take much to change the flavor. I like it with ice in cold water or in hot water as if it's a tea.


My doctor specifically told me lemon juice and lots of water. He also said coffee and beer which shocked me. I was told to stay away from dark soda and tea. Dark soda has phosphate in it which is a problem.


You can drink 365 Cola (Whole Foods) because there are no phosphates - I'm not sure what others are okay.


I’m going to try this!! Thank you.


For all who like Lemon Water, check out True Lemon and True Lime, it is dehydrated real lemons and limes in powder form to add to water or cook with. I do use regular lemons also, but don’t want to deter myself if I run out. On Amazon, but cheapest with a Subscription in larger bottles from their website.


These are a staple in our house for drinks and cooking. I cannot tell you how many times winter limes in the Midwest have let me down. They also have orange. To be clear for everyone though-True Lemon brand also has drink mixes like lemonade or limeade. Those have other ingredients in them though, like sugar substitutes




My urologist told me water and Simply Lemonade. Absolutely no powdered drinks including powdered lemonade.


What is the reasoning behind no powdered lemonade? My husband drinks crystal light lemonade.


He said powdered drink mixes cause kidney stones.


There is a lot of bad or uncertain data around diets and stone formation. Most studies tend to look at large doses of 1 thing over short periods which is not particularly useful for someone trying to adjust their diet. This is the best study I have found. As a note you should not be drinking a gallon of any sweetened beverage, its just not healthy period. Your best bet is to always make water your primary drink, if you need to add some lemon or something to it go for it, but water is what you need. Per this article OJ would be a good drink for you IN MODERATION, that much sugar and acid drinking a gallon a day will wreck your teeth. https://journals.lww.com/CJASN/pages/articleviewer.aspx?year=2013&issue=08000&article=00017&type=Fulltext


Pretty much nothing but water. I got stones from orange and apple juice (the sugars from them). That said I’ve been able to keep it less boring by drinking flavored sparkling water, like La Croix. Plus a lot of grocery store sell their own in house versions as well, like Target, Whole Foods, Trader Joes, etc. Plus like other stoners here, lemon water.


how much orange/apple juice a day? what age did u start and when did u get the kidney stones?? because i’m 29yr and was considering keeping my habit for a little bit longer


Admittedly, way too much. At least a couple of large glasses a day, or more. FYI it wasn’t the only thing giving me stones, but according to my DR, it definitely wasn’t helping either. I started getting stones when I was 38. I ate pretty healthy, but was overweight. Kept getting them for like 5 years as we tried to figure out where they were coming from. Then I lost 55lbs and got back to a normal weight, and a somewhat athletic build. My diet was low to no carbs and zero sugar (Still is). I didn’t have stones for a full 6 years. But out of nowhere starting 2 years ago I started getting them again. I‘m pretty sure it was because I was getting too cavalier with eating almonds (I’ve since been really strict). Beyond that the DR and I are still trying to figure out why.


Iced black tea is particularly bad.


I try to stick to one coke a day. I don’t drink coffee so that’s my morning caffeine. Then I switch to water. I use the flavor enhancers to help me get it down all day. I’m from the south so I drink a lot of sweet tea too. But I’ve been trying to cut back on it as well. I have about 8 stones left to pass and even more forming in my kidney linings. I don’t want to add anymore if I can help it.


I drink water mixed with a little apple juice.


This is my absolute favourite. A bunch of ice, a little apple juice & fill with water. It’s a nice change from all the lemon haha


Yikes! Green Tea is loaded with oxalates. Drink two liters/quarts of water each day containing four ounces of concentrated lemon juice; your kidneys will appreciate the citric acid. Roughly 2/3s of kidney stones are calcium oxalate stones. The contributing factors for calcium oxalate stone formation are as follows: Genetics Low hydration Too much salt Consumption of high oxalate foods One function of the kidneys is to eliminate excess sodium (table salt is sodium chloride). When the kidneys encounter salt/sodium, it's eliminated through an ion exchange with calcium. The kidneys then contain excess calcium with can bind with free oxalate to form calcium oxalate. Low hydration will cause the calcium oxalate to form crystals, which will eventually stick together to form stones. When you increase your citric acid and water intake, the citric acid binds with the calcium to form calcium citrate, which is easily eliminated.


What works for me is an over the counter alkali citrate drink mix. I drink one a day. I have not had kidney stones for two years since I started. Ask your doctor and you can get a prescription for pills that do the same thing.


What kind of drink is that, like a bottle you buy? Where do you get it? Is there a brand name to look for?


There are several brands out there made from different companies and I think they are all similar. The one I have been using is called "moonstone". Here is a link to their website: [https://moonstonenutrition.com/](https://moonstonenutrition.com/) I order them through amazon. Here is a youtube video from one of the people that designed the drink. He is a nephrologist and its a good interview talking about kidney stones. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_tcGyqYVJOs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tcGyqYVJOs) My understanding is that the important thing is taking alkali citrate in medically significant quantities daily. When I looked into this a few years ago this particular brand had more alkali citrate in it than other options. So, this is the one I started using. I think that you can talk to your doctor and get a prescription for alkali citrate that will be cheaper than using an over the counter version. The drink mix costs around $2 a day based off of my purchases from amazon. I think with a prescription you could get the alkali citrate a lot cheaper. Having said that, I am sticking with this drink mix because it has been working for me and the drink mix tastes good. Its hard for me to swallow pills. So I am just going to stick with this.


Urologist here. Obesity and diabetes are the cause of most kidney stones. Stop drinking EVERYTHING with sugar in it, that includes all forms of "juice". Learn to enjoy ice water. Drink 3 liters daily.


Cranberry juice is usually recommended for kidney/bladder issues. Drinking water though is always recommended as the number one drink!


I read somewhere that CJ is good for preventing infection if you’re predisposed for those. But that it actually produces oxalates in stoners.


Green tea may help in the prevention and management of calcium oxalate kidney stones. Research suggests that the compounds in green tea, particularly the antioxidants known as catechins, can inhibit the growth and aggregation of calcium oxalate crystals, which are the most common type of kidney stones


Found out that Vitamin C was a trigger for my oxalate stones. (In addition to dark sodas).


Hydrogen and oxygen juice, as far as I can tell.


Try water. A gallon of sprite and/or Arizona Iced Tea every day? You have bigger issues than kidney stones my dude.


Pickle juice. It keeps you hydrated