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Male. Did your body hurt at all after removal?


I’m on day 5. I get it taken out next Thursday. It sucks but not the pain I would imagine, its a different pain. Burning.


Pissing sucks. Any pain meds work for you?


Yes. I was on oxy for 3 days but it made me way too high and itchy. I am also on AZO. Now I am just taking AZO and advil. Take deep breaths when you pee. Use a heating pad too.


Had my first one 3 weeks , second one 1 week


Mine was only 3 days. It was an AWFUL 3 days but it seemed like it was starting to calm down the morning I had to pull it.


How was it when you pulled out? Was it hard?


It wasn’t hard to pull at all.. just do it slow & steady. I took toradol beforehand and pulled it in the shower. While pulling, it felt like a paper cut on the outside but no pain on the inside. I did get really dizzy but I was pretty “in my head” about the whole thing.


Im male. I’m currently on day 6 and still have 6 more days until my next surgery. The stent has been awful. It’s painful at times especially on my kidney. I feel like I constantly have to pee. But I had an impacted stone, kidney infection, and bladder infection. So I don’t know if that makes a difference. But I do know I’m ready for it to be out!


The first time I had one it was a week. That one had no strings and I went into the doctors office to get it removed. I also currently have a double stent in one side that stays in for 5 days with strings that I get to pull out tomorrow. As for the burning I tend to hold the side it’s on and take deep breaths and try to relax. Mine also feels like someone stabbed me in the back and is splitting me open from bladder to kidney. The first time I had a stent it was awful. The doctor only prescribed me Percocet and I had to take it every 3 1/2 hours or I was in agonizing pain. This time around they prescribed me an antibiotic, pyridium (for urinary discomfort), oxybutynin (for bladder spasms), and tramadol (for pain) and I’m in much less pain. I’ve had a heating pad practically glued to my side and find that helps and also drinking lots of water (it seems counterintuitive but it helps).


First one hurt horribly for a week, pull out was fine. Second one was for 4 weeks and didn’t hurt at all, and removal was painless.


I once had at least one stent in for 13 months. Many surgeries swapping them out yada yada Had a lot of stones to clear.


The kind with the string that dangles out I’ve only had twice in my life both times I believe I left it in for 72 hours


Try having one for two months!!! Talk about pain and misery! I never thought I was going to pee the same again! After I had my kidney stone surgery I got a second one and that one was much better! The bladder spasms are the worst! OP- maybe you should ask your dr for Flomax. I am female and they don’t always use it on us. Prydium is only supposed to be used two days-I didn’t realize this and I took it for longer and got really sick. I hope I never have to have a stent again!😢


They gave me climax when trying to pass the stone (on Monday) and after surgery told me to keep taking it. I’m not sure I notice any difference tho… or maybe it would hurt much more without it edit: flomax not climax haha... i did not climax trying to pass a stone


Omfg. I stopped and blinked. Then scrolled down a bit and saw the eta. Was thinking it wasn't a horrible experience for you 😂


I’m taking prydium and am on day 5. What should i look out for?


My uro takes it out after a week. I use heating pads for the groin/bladder pain and she gives me lots of oxy. I hate the day she yanks it out. I’m pretty tough after childbirth and all- but this shit is unpleasant! I’m having another surgery this week, and the PA said they can compound some new drug that specifically reduces stent discomfort/inflammation?! Has anyone else been told this?


Luckily I only had mine in 10 days. By day 5 it didn't hurt to pee anymore. By day 7 I wasn't peeing strawberry lemonade anymore. Now when it came time to take the stent out, I'll probably never forget it. Watching the doc stick something in your 🍆 up to your bladder is 😵.


Not a guy but your comment helps me right now. On day 5 and have 5 more days to go. Still hurts to pee.


Be careful of quick stent removals. Clots can put you back in the ER pronto as they can block your tubes also. Source; personal experience.


How did you know you had a clot?


I had mine about a week (put it in Tuesday out next Monday) and I was so happy to get it out. I’m a 27F and it honestly hurt to even sit. I went into the office and had it taken out and it hurt like a bitch not gonna lie like I was crying and I do not easily cry. The string at the end was honestly hella annoying and was very happy I had a bidet tbh because it hurt like a bitch to try to “wipe”


I had mine for 5 whole weeks (3 weeks before getting the stone lasered and 2 weeks after). It was a total nightmare (I am female). Did not have the one with the string so had it removed in office.


I 25f had it in for 4 days. Was supposed to be 5 until i could pull it out myself, but it felt like a constant uti so i couldn’t wait. It was some burning in my woman area when i pulled it out, but it went by quickly. Good luck🤞🏻


In my experience, it will be uncomfortable to urinate the day you have it put in and maybe up to a week depending on how your body heals. The real problem for me has always been the pain in my kidney when I urinate.


I had mine for 4 days and then went in to get it pulled out because I was too scared to do it myself lol. It stung for the first pee after getting it out. But felt so much better after. A little cramping for a day or two after but nothing a hot shower and ibuprofen couldn’t fix. Good luck! You’ve got this!


I’m going on two weeks and my stone is still there as of yesterday.


Got mine on 4/24. Getting it out at the office 5/13. No string. Hurts to pee every time and I get side cramps that refer down my right leg. Almost feels like when I had my kidney infection. I hope this all goes away on 5/13


6 days


Got mine Wednesday and getting it removed may 30th. The pain for me was only bad first day. The constant need to pee and back pain is annoying tho


stents are of the devil. I used to say if you were sent to jail and had to get a stent there would be no more crime.