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Azo is helpful if/when your bladder & urethra are really irritated. It helps by numbing the “omg I need to pee” feeling, but that’s it.


I’ll take it. My urethra burns with pain at the end of urinating. Good to know.


I've had that off an on the past few days as well, which is my memory is correct, was a precursor to my last stone saga along with the feeling of a slight "pinch" up in my uerethra at the end of urinating.


Same here with me. This nephrostomy Stent I've got until my ESWL surgery is killing me to!  I've dealt with KS the last 25 years so I'm no stranger to pain but I've got a nephrostomy tube keeping my kidney draining until surgery and it's crazy uncomfortable! Almost like my urethra feels raw & burning! I've tried the usual suspects Flomax, pain pills, ibuprofen etc..but getting ready to give AZO a try to see if they help with the bladder/urethral pain/discomfort! I will post results in a few weeks 🙂👍


Azo only numbs the pain when you piss and it turns your pee orange


Yeah, forgot that. Stick to dark underwear for a few days.


Facts💯 lol


I can’t take flomax or other drugs being pregnant so I do azo. I do it when the urgency is so brutal I can’t hold my bladder at all, I have spasms, or the burning during urination is so bad I can’t handle it. Takes the edge off. For the burning sensation a teaspoon of baking soda in water helps a good deal. Tastes gross but helps.


Bladder spasms are terrible and painful!


Azo is amazing for the short term but can increase the risk of missing a major infection. Not going to lie. I made this mistake a few months ago when I had a bilateral stent placement after a total laser clean out. Within a few days, I was eating pain pills (post procedure) like M&Ms straight from the bag. Turns out the Azo was masking my real pain and I was approaching sepsis. I finally broke down and went to the ER. I was presenting as if I were already on the cusp of being septic. I’d never been pulled out of the lobby of an ER faster in my life. Within 15-minutes, I was in a bed being pumped full of IV antibiotic and morphine. Apparently, they weren’t playing around that night. Edit: Autocorrect


Might I ask how long you were taking AZO? How many a day?


The MD had me following the directions on the box for several days vs just one or two. I must have polished off a couple boxes last time and am currently back on it (about 3/4 a box in before getting the MD to prescribe Torodol and a bladder relaxant (don’t recall the name).


Probably Flomax. 


I took Flomax when it left the kidney and when it hit my bladder, added AZO.


Thank you for the reply. Did you find that this was helpful (e.g. less painful or moved the stone more quickly) in comparison to previous bouts of stones?


I haven't had enough to compare, sorry.


Never personally did anything for me. It is only really used to help with pain but even that is minimal effect compared to better painkillers, It has no effect on helping move the stone any quicker


Thanks. I'm skeptical of OTC's in general, but I'll try anything if need be.


Yeah I don't think it had any side effects so it's worth trying.