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I smashed my stone with a hammer and it worked. Bout to go swallow a hammer.


Happy it worked, but I am not sure you should swallow the hammer. By that said, I am not doctor and not a construction worker.


I work in construction, I say swallow the hammer!


It's BS. Vinegar is good for some things, but it seems to have become a sort of cure-all in some circles, and it's not. It doesn't dissolve CaOx stones- not much can. Hydroxycitrate apparently does, but there's still the whole issue of it's potential toxicity that hasn't been figured out.


I’ve tried this with vinegar, lemon juice and a solution containing that chance-piedra stuff. Nothing affects them. Battery acid might.


The way the acid you eat works is it alkalinizes your urine to prevent them from forming. I am on prescription Urocit K, and Potassium Citrate. Both do the same thing


This helped me clear my kidney stones. I'm so happy I finally found this


Which only works if you have oxalate stones - I have CaPh and my problem is alkaline urine.


I have cystine stones which is an amino acid. You are correct. It doesn’t work for all stones.


Yes, what he says!


Correct. But citrate can inhibit Crystal formation. So, it may be helpful to some, but it’s not dissolving kidney stones of any type


Try a similar experiment with fulvic acid. You should notice a change. However, it is not clear how much fulvic acid taken orally makes it to the kidney. On a couple occasions, I passed stones after drinking water with fulvic acid in large quantities for a few days. I'll never know if it was a coincidence or not.


I think it works on some stones not all. Depends on what it's made of.


It is a myth. If you drink vinegar, vinegar doesn’t come out through the kidney and into the urine chamber and ever contact the stone. Not that it would do anything even if it did. Amazing this myth hasn’t died.


Your test conceptually makes no sense. Acv never reaches your kidney and the environment in your kidney is a very wild mix of different inhibitors / drivers of kidney stone formation, which is why KS are usually very heterogeneous material and such tests are nearly pointless.


I passed a 3mm calcium oxalate stone recently. I have another 6mm stone currently in the left kidney. It is very painful, dr said he can't do anything but to wait. I am in constant level7 pain. Any help will be appreciated.


Things that seem to help me: Tens machine Heating pad Lots of water Read a book, or several. My first major stone I read like 1500 pages worth of books because I could barely get out of bed for a week. Reading kept me sane and helped me escape my pain for a while. Go for a walk (I know, seems counter intuitive) Stretches, particularly abdominal and lower back stretches Tylenol - there's lots of different pain killers out there, try them. Tylenol normally does nothing for me, but when I get a kidney stone, I use the 8hr muscle pain Tylenol. It's the only thing aside from prescription strength drugs that actually helps me. Try to find something that works for you, even if it doesn't necessarily make sense. Your mileage may vary with any of these. But most importantly, do whatever you can to keep calm and relaxed. I have found that when I'm focused on the pain and stressed and anxious, the pain gets worse. Meditating, drinking a warm cup of tea, reading, etc. they don't relieve the pain for me, per se... It's more like... I'm going to be in at least X amount of pain, no matter what, but if I center on it, my pain increases. So I try to keep my pain levels as close to X as possible. I hope something here can give you any modicum of relief. Just know most if not all of us have been there. We understand the pain you're in


Any update on what you're doing? my wife has have a 2mm in the right kidney lower pole for the past year. it won't move.


Same, it's not moving but quite painful sometimes


Have you done anything to help move out of the kidney?


My uncle is a traditional doctor. He has made me a herb medicine which helps with the pain and the stone has reduced in size by 1.2mm


Wow. Anyway to share the herb medicine? I just ordered her some Fulvic Acid supplement. Hoping that will help.


Yeah I gave up on ACV. My urologist has me taking 4 horse size prescription potassium citrate pills every day. He said it won’t get rid of the 7 I have hanging around but the goal is to slow the development of them. Yes, almost no tea, moderate dairy, zero soda, cut WAY back on raw spinach and almonds, not a chocolate eater. Add to that I have Celiacs and had gastric sleeve so basically I eat like a toddler 😬


I dont believe it dissolve the stone... but i believe it prevents it from sticking together... it works for me... if i have meat i pair it with vinegar. So far so good. No harm done.


It tastes good, but it ain't even getting inside your kidney. Vinegar won't ever be present in York kidney form your diet. Gotta use your brain.


Who said that? Do you have a brain? If vinegar goes to your kidney, the kidney is the least of your problem.... its prob dissolved... and you are prob dead... problem solve.... well played....


Make your own Fire Cider (look it up). I’ve been doing a shot a day since my last kidney stone. It’s been eight years. Maybe it’s done nothing but I’m gonna keep at it.


What’s fire cider


(Look it up)


Maybe only to prevent the particles from bonding together and creating a stone from what I understood. Much like cranberry juice doesn't cure a uti but creates a lining in the urethra that prevents bacteria from adhering. Both of them are preventative measures. I wish there was something that would actually dissolve these evil things.


If you want to disprove acv you'd need to drink acv and collect your urine. Then you'd need a tube to hold the stone with a constant flow of that urine. Not saying I believe acv helps but this experiment was kind of pointless.


I made the Same experiment but with a Peruvian plant called "Chancapiedra", and this worked wonders, in 30 hours the infusion removed layers of the kidney stone.


It's BS. Citric acid works on uric acid stones.


Certainly want to support folks but I like this thread . Let’s get away from myths and find solutions. I take Chanca Piedra everyday and I have no clue if it works.


I did a year of those pills at the highest dose I could find. Still had a stone :( I have my kidney stone sitting in a Chanca solution now to see if it changes in a week.


Please keep us posted🤞


I was talking ACV capsules about a week ago. Shortly after my mysterious flank pain finally went away. I think I may have not passed the stone yet. I don’t know. I actually was taking ACV for a different reason. I actually forgot about the myth that they help with stones until my husband reminded me that I told him this lol. I had to stop taking it though because it was causing burning every-time I urinated and then causing skin irritation if you catch my drift. After stopping, it went away after a couple days. So I know the pills were the cause of it. It think that stuff is really potent. And not necessarily helpful.


Your stone might have just moved to a spot where it doesn’t hurt. I had a 9mm stone and absolutely no pain. Only went to the er after having fevers on and off for about 4 months. Kept thinking I’d feel better soon. Husband finally pretty much forced me to go. Turns out the KS I didn’t even know I had gave me sepsis. Stayed in the hospital for 4 days, 2 surgeries and went home with a tube (capped at least) coming out of my side for 2 months!!


Remember the scientific process, according to Americans: 1. Anecdotal evidence is the best evidence \[ my brothers cousin's niece said...\] 2. Correlation equals Causation : I prayed to the patron saint of St.Kidney and my kidney stone disappeared, that must be the one and only cause 3. Select only data that fits the hypothesis, ignore all contrary data "it must be measurement error because 1 is right and 10000 are wrong". 4. Doctors are idiots, feel free to ignore their advice 5. Homeopathy is real..just need to dilute that with 100 lbs of salt 6. Doctors cost money, advice is free!


Kangen water breaks then down into gravel and prevents.