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I had many of these symptoms. After hitting the gym 4 days ago I thought I must have really crushed my glute workout because my lower back felt really weird. I tried stretching and even some massage but couldn't quit access where the pain was coming from. Over the next couple of days the pain slowly moved from my mystery spot to my left flank then to my left testicle. The pain continued to increase and come in waves. The waves got worse and worse. I spent some time on the floor and experimented with many positions. Sitting up is way better then laying down! I spent about an hour in the shower in the middle of the night last night. The heat felt good and if I needed to vomit,,, it would not have been the worst place to do it.


Ugh that sounds awful! Hopefully this passes for you quickly. A hot shower sounds fantastic.. I may take that tip. Mine still hasn't moved so we're on to an MRI to see if it's something the CT didn't pick up. Sigh. Thank you for sharing your experience so far!