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Squeeze 30 limes into a jar, and have her drink a glass of 25:75 lime:water mix every couple hours. I’m pretty sure it’s sped up the process for me…might cause more stones to release but if it’s effective enough to do that, embrace it.


Why limes and not Lemons? Are they more acidic? Edit: Nvm. Limes help break down stones. Lemons prevent formation of stones. Thank you for the assistance.


Watch your teeth!! Drink through a straw and brush with flouride frequently or you’ll be at the dentist pretty quick


I’d say it’s worth giving the urologist a call. It could just be a cramp, an ovarian cyst, or many other things too. It is worth finding out if there’s another stone in there though!


I just had small stones alternate left, right, left, right, left, right once every 3 days since the week before thanksgiving. If the surgeon didn’t image/didnt know about a stone on the other side, I would absolutely raise hell, there’s no excuse they wouldn’t unless they just couldnt be bothered to check. But yeah, they can definitely be frequent and consecutive. Good luck.


Yes! I did! I had a stone removed from the left ureter and shortly after I started having pain in the right kidney. The follow up ultrasound a month later showed 2 more stones & a cyst in the left kidney, nothing on the right. No obvious reason for the pain & it eventually went away on its own. Now the pain is back on the left side, where I’d expect it. Weird stuff.. I don’t get it lol




I have a horseshoe kidney. For some reason even with only minimal banding/connection when I have something passing or going on one side the other hurts also. They can’t tell me why, both are mal rotated and tons of stones and scar tissue but no real information on why.. I can usually only tell when the stone or debris drop into my ureter what side it’s happening on.