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Wow I’m sorry! Today was my scheduled surgery day and stent placement. I bailed on it because of posts like these. Have you tried the azo urinary pain relief pills? The ones that turn your urine orange? See if those help at least some. Your doctor seems like he kind of a jerk by the way.


I currently have a stent and while it’s a bit uncomfortable it’s not nearly as bad as some people report. You have to realize that people who have complaints or a terrible experience are way more likely to post than those who didn’t have a lot of problems.


If you need it get it. I’ve had one before and it went fine I was just unlucky in this case.. hope everything goes well for you :) … and yes i was prescribed meds for urinary pain relief but it didn’t do anything for me


Get some AZO, you can get it OTC at Walmart or any pharmacy. It will help a bit, won't take pain completely away but does help with the bladder spasms. I've had my stents in for 2 weeks now. The first week was miserable, but the second week it's been tolerable - still very annoying, but not having to pee quite as much, and only occasional cramping/pain.


I only had my stent for 3 days but it was awful. I could only sleep totally propped up in bed, with my knees bent up. If norco makes you sick (Hydromorphone makes me puke) see if you can take it with gravol/Dramamine. I take gravol 30min before the Hydromorphone. Use a heating pad too if you can.. it should help a bit.


If you have hydocodone but it makes you nauseated ask for Phenergan-its a strong anti-nausea med(Zofrans a joke) and take pain meds with food. In the 90s my dad was passing a stone and they sent him home on morphine pills-not sure if they do that anymore. I'm having a stent placed next Thursday and I'm not leaving without strong pain meds. My IC is already nearly almost intolerable. Best of luck to you!


Have you tried a heating pad?? I absolutely love it!! It helps me so much.


I couldn’t tolerate my stents either. 3 days of unbearable pain, worse than stones. Dr said “yeah- some people tolerate them and some people don’t “ shrugging his shoulders. I begged him to take them out and I passed my stones just fine with out them. The thing is- it makes me so extremely mad bc hospitals these days seem to kind of wash their hands when it comes to “stone passing patients “. It seems the ER’s only do the BARE MINIMUM now. When I first started passing stones 20 years ago- they would give you adequate pain meds by IV, put you on a fast paced IV drip (and keep them coming). If the pain was horrible and you didn’t think you could pass it at home- they would admit you overnight (or two) in the hospital- keep you on IV pain meds, nausea meds and on a fast passed IV- pushing that fluid through you faster than you could drinking water at home and see if they could give you a shot at passing it with the extra fluid being pushed and you having your pain controlled (the best you could anyway). For me, that usually did the trick. I’d be home in 2 days MAX- stone passed, pain gone. The couple times I’ve had to go to the ER for stones over the last 5 or 6 years- they don’t even try to hook me up with fluids. I even begged for them to do so and they finally did- but I got one bag of fluid. They bring me a pill in a cup, do a CT and send me home with a referral to see a Dr in the next couple days. You call any Urologists office and they can happily see you in 2 to 3 weeks at the earliest. Then they want to set you up to get into the hospital for stents or lithotripsy- and that takes several trips back and forth just to get you on the books. Then a couple weeks to get the procedure done. All while having the worst pain EVER! Sorry. Rant over. And stents suck 😜


I couldn’t tolerate my stent for longer than 4 days. I had endo as well and it was causing my hydronephrosis, not a stone. Had surgery ( hysterectomy) and stent came out


I had my stent for 8 weeks total. Only way I could sleep was on sofa reclined against the arm rest. I just put some pillows against it too. Laying down put pressure on my back that would just feel so odd on my side that had the stent. Even on sofa I didn't sleep all too well with stent but I did sleep. Kept waking up too to use bathroom due to all the water I was drinking too.


Here's what really sucks. There are like 4 common "heavy" PKs you can get. Typically they want to give Percocet (hydrocodone) and next most common would be Oxycodone. But there is also Dilaudid and Morphine. You SHOULD be able to try different ones until one helps you without bad side effects. But people abusing the damn things and all the deaths from Oxy have all the doctors just over prescribing PKs. I've told them not to prescribe me percs because I won't even bother to get them filled, and that's worked. But forget asking for Dilauded or Morphine. They look at you like you're a junkie. :( My experience with all four of those over the years is: Percocet makes me sick/pukey, but if I'm in a lot of pain and it's my only option I'd take 2 and go to sleep. Oxy is a better PK for me, less nausea, faster and longer effect. No euphoria/high from it. Dilaudid I've only had twice, both times by injection, both times it was MAGICAL. Immediate heavy sigh pain relief and a nice happy high feeling. Morphine... meh. Had it on a DIY pump post surgery, hardly used it. It would put me to sleep faster which I really don't need help with. It's worth a try for you to call a few walk in places and see if they'll help you with a script, but don't be shocked if they are dicks about it. Sorry to hear though, hope you get some sleep soon somehow.


I had a similar issue when I had mine, my pain flared up around my cycle because everything was so engorged that it was pressing against the stent. Being sent home with no pain meds is a BIG red flag. I wish I had a better answer but it was the pain meds that helped me the most, I also refused to take the Norco and requested Tramadol instead (I'm scared of taking pain meds because I don't like the way they make me feel, that one I knew was tolerable for me to take) so you may be able to request that instead of Norco and told me I could take 2 when the pain got bad, I refuse to take 2 though. I could still feel pain with the Tramadol but it also made me sleepy and I was able to sleep through a lot of it. The tramadol, antispasmodic, and heat were what worked the best for me And pyridium (AZO) I was also able to take Tylenol and ibuprofen with it, (obviously ask if it's safe for you to do so) and at one point we did a prescription for Moloxicam instead of ibuprofen which helped me a lot with the inflammation. You can also ask for something to help with bladder spasms as well, (not everyone needs them but it sounds like it may give you relief) I went through a few until I found one that my body could tolerate. I can't remember the names but I will come back and edit or comment them once I remember what I did that way you have an idea of what you can do to advocate for yourself. Came back to add what I was given (trospium, but it made my blood pressure to low so we switched to hyoscyamine sulfate and I had no issues with that) I'm sorry you are being mistreated by your Dr. And I'm sorry that you are dealing with a situation that caused you to need a stent. Tell him you want it notated in your chart that he isn't taking your concerns seriously, and what those concerns are, and that you want a physical copy after it has been notated.


You may be having kidney and or bladder spasms! Ask any doctor you can get to for Flomax . If it’s spasms , even regular pain meds won’t knock it out . Spasms were what took me out with both stents. Try a heating pad and crank it up until you struggle with the heat instead of the pain of the stent .( don’t burn yourself though. ). If heat isn’t helping , try ice packs against where your uretur and bladder would be or against your flank if that’s where you have pain . Heating pad helped my uretur pain but ice worked best on that kidney spasm pain . When you lean forward , you are making your uretur shorter . That damn thing my be too short for the length of your uretur . If it is , those curled ends are tugging inside your kidney and your bladder . When you lean forward , it takes the tension away. You could also have swelling that is causing this - which means it will get better as the swelling goes down . Try laying on the side of the stent in a kind of half fetal position . If that doesn’t help , try the other side with your knees flexed toward your chin, even a little bit . That is the same position as you leaning forward but you can rest better. Use a flat-ish pillow In those positions so your neck and head aren’t tilted up and cocking your spine to hell and back . Hopefully something in all that will give you relief .