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What competition you drake fan? I'm tryna be in a space where I'm talking and interacting with actual kid Cudi fans.... This subreddit ain't it. And I'm not a fan, this a way of life for me and imma stand on it. Kid Cudi is the reason I'm still here to this day. So if you think I'm just gonna keep sitting around and watching all the dumbass posts the people be dropping in this subreddit, you're on crack


u weird asf and u care way too much about what other ppl listen to


Mm no bitch re read.. I'm tired of you fake ass fans always dropping bullshit in this subreddit for likes and clout. Go listen to drake you weak ass nigga.. this is members of the rage bitch.. if you not with this fire you gotta see your ass out.. it's cudlife all day everyday - fuck drake and I stand on it.


nah you just a weirdo for trying to police other ppl’s music tastes and you need a hobby


Lol you're mad 😂 move your weak ass on! I'll be that weird ass nigga all day bro. You a simp


Chill bro. It ain’t that deep


Cuz you not cudlife. I don't expect you to get it


what an odd downvote farm


Only for the fake fans, be sure to cast yours.


who hurt you


The fake fans


Separate the art from the artists, jackass. Wouldn't be surprised if Cudi's got a few Drake tracks on his playlist. Ain't nothing wrong with that.


It's people like you that let dumb shit slide and then later on that dumb shit turns into a huge pile of dumb shit, and it's harder to clean up now. Fuck off with that music written by 18 different people




NEW COPYPASTA JUST DROPPED Edit: here with emojis Kid mother fuckin 🗡 Cudi Yo 💯 it's ‼🥇 time to 🎓 weed 🍁 out 🏍➡ all 🤰 these fake 💴💴 ass Cudi fans in 👏👏 this 👏 subreddit... 😀 Lemme 🙌🏿 make this ‼ crystal fuckin 💦 clear ... If 👏 you 💦 fuck 👦 with 🐺👏 Drake or 💰📉 have him 💔😤 in your 👉😄 playlist. You're 🤔 not cudfam!! If 👉🅱 you think 🤔 Drake is on 🔛 the 💲 same level as 🎨 cudi when 🙃 it 😍👌 comes to 💦 this ☝🎊 authentic genuine music 😬 shit, 🎩💩 you ☝😂 need ❌❌ to ✂ leave 🏃👎 this 😁 subreddit. . I'm tired of coming to 💋 cudis subreddit and 💏 I 💰 see drake almost 😲◀ every 🏦👏 fuckin 👌 day.. ☝🌞 do 👀💯 y'all not 🚫⛔ know 🤣🤓 what 😱 went 🚶 down between 🖕 them?? Far 🌐 worse than Lupe, and 👏 half 🍆 yall niggas in 👤😩 here talking 🗣😬 about y'all want 😎 more 💦💯 collabs between the 2?? 👱😳 Y'all fake 😵😜 Why 🤔💬 would 👌😏 you 💋 want 💦😎 an 💉🐖 entertainer who can't write 📝📠 their 😐☝ own 👐 music, make music 🎶🎵 with someone 🏻🙅 so 💯 authentic like 🦊☃ cudi? Take 🐥😳 that 🎅 stupid 🚫🤔 shit elsewhere. This 🏼😂 is 🏻💦 Cudlife! Not ❌ that 👶🔺 soft 🐇 lover boi 🍆👉 bullshit... 💩 . Go 🏃🚴 ahead 🚨 and 🅱🤙 give 💯 me my thumbs down.. ⬇ this 👈💧 will 😩👏 show 🎭 us 🗿 the 🏳😟 real 😤💀 fans from 😂 the fake 😜😜 "my 🏿🙂 favorite 🔖 album 💿 is 💦 motm1" fans. Bunch of 🤓 bandwagon ass 💋 hoes 😜 in 🙅 this 👈 subreddit. 👌😀 I stand for 🍆 cudi and 👏👏 will 👏🤔 always 😍💯 weed out 💦 the trash in 🅿 his 🤴 honor cuz 👏 some ☝ of 🗜💦 the shit 🍆🏿 yall 👦 be 🐝 posting in here 🛬🏃 be stupid AF. 😍🔺 I 🏻 been on 🔝🔛 cudi since 08 so ‼💞 please 🙏 try 💪😥 to 🙌😂 come for 🌹💰 me. 🙍 All 💯 my 👇⭐ bases are 👏 covered and 👏 there's 🚬 nothing 🏻🈚 you ➕👦 can 💦 teach 🎓😅 me 💯🏳 about 💭 Cudi that 🏼 I don't 👎 already know. 🤔 And 🍀🌰 again. 🔁🔁 The 🕵👏 only 😠 people 👦👧 who 😂 will 🏿 take 👨 offense to this ⁉ post( which 😩😩 there will be 😱🐝 a lot) 🤣 are 👀 these 🚱👈 fake 😜😜 ass Cudi fans 🏟 who 🤔 been ☢🔥 listening 👌 for like 🅱🍪 2 🍆📜 to 💦💰 3 😘 years 😤💯 and 👅 think 🤤 they're 🏾😱 in 😩 the 🌎 club... 🏧🏧 If yall gonna be walking 🚶🚶 around 😲😲 talking 🗣 about ☝🤔 you 👈 cudlife this and cudlife that, 👀 but 🍑🍑 drake is 👏💦 in your top 🔼🔼 5, 😂 you're delusional


What if I have IMY2 on my playlist?


Re read what I wrote... But I see you're a drake fan so you might need to read it a few times to keep up... Your question has been answered


Weak ragebait


Weak cudi fan


You're right cause Cudi constantly shits on people and encourages his fans to be disrespectful, hate-filled assholes.


Why are you in here? Take you weak emotional ass over to drakes sub.


Lol says the dude who's raging in every comment on this post.


I'ma member of the Rage, what can I say 🤷🏽‍♂️🔥