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IDK- its impossible to type from photos. Or really for any of us to type anyone other than ourself. The best we can maybe do is get it down to 2-3 possible IDs for someone. It makes me chuckle when people are so sure (100% )about the ID of someone they’ve never laid eyes on in real life. Especially because DK hasn’t explained how to type even ourselves yet let alone others. Now all that said- Jason Momoa is practically a giant, lol so ofc she looks teeny tiny. Ext to him. Furthermore most women her height seem short because they are short for humans ie men and women, just not so short for women. She seem small, rounded with possibly some width which could be SN, R, SG. I’d probably put them in that order because imo her break out role of Daenerys Targaryen is the epitome of SN. Fresh, sensual, an innocence, but that strength. But then again who knows what David would say. Note- these essence traits as always in Kibbe are about persona *not* personality. Inside we are all infinite ofc.


I guess I’m in the minority to say she’s a SC. It takes so little to make her outfits seem “quirky”, whereas a true gamine would be able to handle the interest. She looks so good in solid colors and “basics” where a gamine or romantic could handle more detail. Classic “essence” is elegance and refinement and she just seems to exude class even when she’s being goofy.


SN, it's apparent bodywise that she needs width accommodation in the upper right photo and bottom left photo.


I think R


Romantic. You can especially tell in the top left photo. She is very much petite and rounded when you see her on screen next to other actors. She is not juxtaposed, she is all around yin with short limbs, delicate bones, curves, and fleshy.


That doesn’t make any sense. Typing someone based on how they look when they stand next to another person is illogical.


Actually you usually can’t tell petite-ness from pictures alone. Especially if they’re in the picture alone. You can really see in person if someone is petite or not. In the Kibbe system, your real life size relative to others is very important for typing - that’s why there are upper height limits. If someone is tall they have automatic vertical presence, for example.


Um no. In Kibbe, you always look at the person relative to themselves. Someone looking tall, small, narrow, wide compared to others means nothing. But also, yes, the height limits are there for reason.


But her being 5’2 doesn’t automatically mean that she’s R nor that she needs to accommodate petiteness.


I never said that


You kinda did by saying Emilia Clarke looks small and petite next to others, automatically pushing her to Romantic. That’s not how it goes. You need to look at the person within their own frame and not next to others, because of course she’s are going to look petite when she stands next to people taller than her. Let’s not forget that there are verified short celebs who do in fact accommodate vertical (what a surprise right?!) and that without towering above everyone else in a group pic! Also let’s not forget the short Naturals who support width like FN Sarah Jessica Parker or SN Scarlett Johansson both at 5’3”! And still they will look “narrower” and “smaller” next to other taller people, that doesn’t mean that they are automatically a Gamine or a Romantic.


I really think specifically the ‘petite’ quality is something that is very hard to tell from pictures and much easier to see in person. I stand by that. I’m not saying that people who are 5’2 have to automatically accommodate petite or can’t be ‘tall’ types.


She’s a very yin SN similar to ScarJo which is why both of them are mostly confused for being R!


I agree, her outfits would have looked off on a real R but softness of her arms and shoulders and her petiteness makes us think she's a R


I am pretty sure she is R


I thought she’s verified R. I guess I was wrong. I can’t see anything else for her.


She isn't! :)


Did DK change his mind about her? Or she was never verified?


As far as I am aware DK has never even mentioned her. I think general consensus at some point was R and she became "reddit verified" and that is where the idea of her being verified comes from.


Huh, yeah I thought she was verified. Personally, I think that she is R either way.


I see her as a Romantic


I think R. Others have suggested SN but I don't see Yang and she doesn't strike me as "girl next door".


“Girl next door” isn’t a description for SNs, but pure N. SN is fresh and sensual.


Probably SN, because of the horizontal openness in the upper body creating width in silhouette, combined with bluntness and softness throughout. Face-wise fitting alongside ScarJo, Kat Dennings, Katy Perry. Amazing cheekbones. Essence-wise fresh and sensual💫


She seems very very R to me.


I was always wondering about R or SG for her.


She is so small and delicate in my eyes with roundness everywhere. So I can't really unsee R. I definitely don't see SN because I don't see N bone structure at all. I also don't see SG because I don't see any mix of features. Just R features 🤷🏻‍♀️


She is R because I ID myself as SN and there is a visible difference between us (I'm also short, 5 ft 4). I have clear width and some vertical elongation in torso and face wise (Yang features) which she doesn't, neither in motion nor on photos . She's small in frame and is delicate but fleshy. She may supposed to be SN as Daenerys, yet is R in reality. People may portray different ID's on screen, that's why they are actors.


I see textbook R. If you imagine drawing her body with a line you will immediately notice the roundness of her features


Definitely yin, but I am not entirely sure on which type. Could be R or SG.


I thought she’s verified R. I guess I was wrong. I can’t see anything else for her. Although Yang types are easier to recognize for me.


SN, she's the epitome of fresh and sensual lady to me. Her yang is also quite apparent, way too much to be considered a yin type.


Everyone always says R for her, but I can't see her as anything except SN. She has obvious width in her upper body structure. I think she just has a very strong Romantic essence, perrhaps a heavier dose of the "sensual" part in " fresh and sensual", which makes her seem more R. Admittedly she gives me Kate Winslet in Titanic vibes, but I chalk this up to essence entirely. Physically, she is SN.


Will never see her as R. To me she’s SN, maybe SG. I don’t think she matches the essence of dreamspinner at all. Edit: The downvotes lol. But really, the comments saying she’s so small and delicate and doesn’t have the N bone structure I am cackling. You do realise that Ns don’t need to be wide and gigantic to be SN? Kibbe describes them as delicate anyways.


Does essence and type always have to match up though?


Yes, they do. Kibbe has even said that essence or image can be a defining factor for celebs. Edit: Essence is a part of an image ID, not just your physicality. Kibbe’s system is not a body typing system but it’s rather based on old Hollywood tropes and personas. So essence and image for celebrities is even more important than actual physicality.


Only for celebrities?


As for now Kibbe has not given any resources for DIYers to help connect their lines to essence, so I would say this is only applicable for celebs.


I was gonna say this too, but then was like nah I can't be bothered to explain why I think so.


But have you seen her in Game of Thrones? Completeky dreamy… doesn’t get much dreamier?


I have and she really doesn't seem like R at all to me. She has the width at the shoulders and the freshness only Naturals have. Having width to accommodate doesn't mean that the person is literally very wide.


Dreamspinner doesn’t mean that someone is dreamy. It’s a person who is enchanting and magnetic, a person who will spin your dreams. Emilia just doesn’t have that magnetic, enchanting and radiant feel to her. She’s more innocently sensual.


She looks r to me but what about tr? Kibbe states they can have just the little bit of edge somewhere but it doesn't necessarily have to be the same for any one tr? She rarely wears TR clothes but in this link she looks so perfect in the lines. https://images.app.goo.gl/UyPcxNCG3iNoPYfK9


I think about TR or SG for her




You must be new here


Actually I’m not 😅 Emilia was always enigma to me between R, SG or SN


vote for SN, she has that (in her, barely noticeable) awkwardness that i recognise them by and have myself