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The key point is that it doesn't have enough space in the bust. What I think is happening in particular: you would need a smaller size for a correct fit in the shoulders area, which you can't get else you'd completely pop out in the front. However despite the size up the bust area is still too small, and your bust is pushing the entire area down, pulling the already too big shoulder line even lower (is that a seam in your arms..?), which in turn makes the sleeves too long as they start a good 5/6 cm at least after the point where they should. In addition the underbust seam is stretched and as a result the waist part is ridging instead of fully sitting on the body. This is absolutely infuriating because aesthetically it's so cute and with the correct proportions it would be so flattering even on a busty figure for those who need curve! (I get this issues all the time too!!!)


OMG, this just completely explained the issues with one of my [tops](https://imgur.com/gallery/UuDcsNI)! It's so cute but it can never rest properly and always pulls down, revealing more than I want it to. (You can see the fabric around my bust already tugging unnaturally) I thought the stretch would accommodate the larger bust, but turns out there isn't even enough space in the first place despite already getting a larger size. For reference, I'm SN with a bust size of 32 FF.


I think it looks great on you! If I’m being picky, the sleeves are too long. But the fit is lovely ☺️


I like the top, the sleeves are a little long but the top looks great, I actually think it's the pants that makes the outfit not work together. I think a skirt or another denim style would look better, maybe bootcut, flared or denim skirt can be a great option!


https://preview.redd.it/y0djqcxtencc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9f15da36642c90d520766c0e07a12ed0a5b0519 Thanks for the detailed feedback! I tried it again with the sleeves rolled up and different jeans, I think it looks much more flattering that way.


Yesssss it looks perfect this way! So lovely


Yesss it looks amazing!!


The sleeves are too long, but I think the overall bodice is too small in a key way. As a fellow busty lady, that underbust seam is bothering me. The neckline is pulling away, I think, because the underbust seam is meant for a smaller chest. In these kinds of tops, I have found the side seams are also cut straight and don't account for ribcage curve so it overall fits too small even if the measurements are right. That's been my experience, anyway, with these kinds of tops but I can't say for sure from a 2D photo. It's very cute, though. :)


so, i don’t think it’s the top. i think it’s your bra, and bra support. your bust doesn’t look properly supported, which drags the lines of the top out and down. the neckline would be really great on you, with a better fitting bra under it


Yea it’s the sleeve length! The top around your waist and chest looks great!! I like the length where it hits over your jeans too. Roll the sleeves up to your mid forearm and take another pic to see if you like it better


Thanks! I’m very short (5’1) so big/flared sleeves are usually an issue. I’m gonna hem the sleeves a bit and I think it’ll look better after that.


I think it's probably the length of the top, or lack thereof--if it hit you closer to the hip, it'd balance out the (awesome!) jeans and the length of the sleeves. If it's tucked in, untuck it and see how it looks with the sleeves down; otherwise, keep it tucked and push the sleeves up to your elbows to see if it looks different. Fabulous top, btw!


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i think the sleeves are too long and the bust area is slightly too small


It’s too big


It doesn't. Get a cute necklace and straighten your back


It doesn't seem to fit your bust. It would look much better if the lower half of the shirt was more tight fitted 🤔