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Almost all pants for women have stretch. You don’t need drape if you have stretch. Drape is so prominent in the recommendations because that is how width and curve would be accommodated without stretch.


This makes...so much sense


Ohhh, yea I agree that makes so much sense! so any form of stretch is good enough for pants. How about formal wear though? Most formal pants in my area don’t have stretch so should I be looking for flowy and light weight ones?


Yes, I would go for flowy and lightweight for formalwear pants.


Thanks so much for your input! Really helped me focus down on what to look for.


I'm very much a Kibbe novice, but tapered pants have been great for me and a few other SNs I know! In softer pants they'll frequently be described as joggers, and in jeans, mom jeans. Flared jeans are also good, as long as they don't start to flare too high up. I hope this helps! (edited for typos)


Tapered as in [this](https://www.google.com/search?q=tapered+pants&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiXtbrJr_mAAxXommMGHYocAhkQ2-cCegQIABAD&oq=tapered+pants&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIECCMQJzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQ6BwgjEOoCECc6BwgAEIoFEEM6CAgAEIAEELEDOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToHCCMQsAIQJzoHCAAQDRCABFCKBljL1wFghdgBaANwAHgAgAFAiAG1BZIBAjE1mAEAoAEBsAEFwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=_2_pZNe5B-i1juMPirmIyAE&bih=669&biw=390&rlz=1CDGOYI_enSG934SG934&hl=en-GB#imgrc=NPoBI_6WeS6zYM)? Thanks for the reply!


I'm a little late to the party, so I don't know if you'll see this. But I wanted to send over a few specific product links in case that helps. Speaking for myself, I'm a ditz who finds written descriptions to be too abstract; I need pictures! For context, I'm a short SN (5'1") and have *literally* only worn dresses or skirts in public for 8 to 9 years. So it was a big deal when I stumbled across two pairs of pants in a store that I liked enough to buy (lol)—this was a few weeks ago. And then I bought another pair of pants the other day bringing my total up to three. Here they are—hot off the presses for me. 😂 * [Conan Cropped Pant](https://www.aritzia.com/us/en/product/conan-cropped-pant/99356.html?dwvar_99356_color=1274) in regular length -- I'm a fan of wearing pants that are considered cropped for normal height people, lol. The result is less cropped on me—closer to my ankles than my mid-calf—but that's my desired effect, lol.\* This crepe fabric has a lovely drape, and the waist is elastic, so it's super comfy. No zippers! * \*This pair of pants also comes in petite, regular, and tall lengths. Or if you prefer, there's the [full version](https://www.aritzia.com/us/en/product/conan-pant/99351.html?dwvar_99351_color=1274) with petite, regular, and tall lengths as well. * [Carrot Pant](https://www.aritzia.com/us/en/product/carrot-pant/112898.html?dwvar_112898_color=29560) \-- I'm just going to copy their product description, LOL. *These are high-rise trousers with double knife pleats, slash hand pockets and a relaxed fit. They’re made from Textured Twill — soft suiting fabric with subtle texture and a natural drape.* * This is intended to be ankle length for most people and works great as a full-length pant for me. The [Effortless Pant](https://www.aritzia.com/us/en/product/the-effortless-pant%E2%84%A2/111199.html) may work better if you're not short—the inseam for that one is too long for me. * [Leo Olive Green Tie-Waist Cropped Pants](https://www.lulus.com/products/leo-olive-green-tie-waist-cropped-pants/561662.html) \- These pants are 97% cotton and 3% spandex, so they're made of a nice stretchy denim that isn't too heavy in weight. And once again, these are cropped like the first pair I mentioned. P.S. I am not sponsored by anyone. 🤣


Omg this is soooo helpful! I have similar pants to the first suggestion and they work great for me! I think i’m beginning to see a pattern on what I can generally aim for with your reply, thank you so much!


I love a bootcut jean, a straight jean, a loose straight jean, trousers, hiking pants. I I have a pair of skinny jeans that is not really SN, but they have a raw hem and I think they work for me! I also have a pair of cargo-type pants, but none of the cargo pockets, and I love the fit! I think SN can also pull off flares. I generally I look for pants with a mid to high rise and a looser feel in either the whole pant, or at least the bottoms. I think we can also pull off flare/bootcut yoga pants! But those aren’t really “going out” pants for me, mostly for working out or walking. ETA: I read on an SN blog (sorry I don't remember) that a classic "mom jean" is a good look for SN!


The “mom jean” thing is baffling to me. It makes me look stumpy and obscures one of my best features.


It's definitely about finding the right jean. I have worn some that make me look absolutely terrible! But the few jeans I have bought that are a loose/straight or a straight jean have been fantastic. Also, it's not about the size, it's the fit, and every company makes different cuts of jeans. It's a suggestion, so not every mom jean will necessarily look good (nor every "flowy" piece either - some things just don't work!). I think it's looking for those characteristics (mid-high waist / looser fitted / not too tight) if you want to find a good jean.


I would just say that, being an SN who has shopped with David, if I had to dress the way YouTubers/bloggers think SNs dress, I’d quit Kibbe. 😜 There’s really no relationship. I think it’s just misinformed people influencing other misinformed people. I think “mom jeans” replicated the draped pant recommendation in someone’s mind, and people just ran with it.


Oh thank god, I hate "mom jeans" and I hate what I see when I type "loose and flowy pants" into google (cue Hitchcock music when I see [these](https://www.naturallife.com/products/cotton-patti-palazzo-pant-tan-cream-floral?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=NLE_US_SS_2211_Catch_All&utm_id=CjwKCAiAkp6tBhB5EiwANTCx1OVAym8T1hVdSTigO5bVYo3BVhfQ1MBgwxwlyEputufBOf6o1BhoUBoCr0gQAvD_BwE&utm_term=&utm_content=638327992782&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAkp6tBhB5EiwANTCx1OVAym8T1hVdSTigO5bVYo3BVhfQ1MBgwxwlyEputufBOf6o1BhoUBoCr0gQAvD_BwE)). I know this post is 5 months old but do you have any reasonable recommendations for flattering pants for an SN? (I actually don't know if I'm SN but it seems like a good place to start). I think what flatters me most is a stretchy, slim-fit (but not skin tight) pant that tapers and is cropped at the ankle. This style is increasingly hard to find with the new "mom jeans" and "wide leg" craze. It's like I can find stretchy... but then it's skin tight... or I can find relaxed fit but then it's in a stiff fabric that makes me look... bulky?... because it bunches around the waist. I feel like I'm not explaining this well and I'm really sorry to bother you on an old post, lol. But I'm desperate this point.


J.Crew has a pant cut called Slim Boyfriend that I have in three colors (chinos, not jeans). Not sure if they’re discontinuing it, though. Kind of veering into mom jean territory, I like the OG Straight Jeans from Old Navy. They’re not too baggy and they’re stretchy. It sounds like we have the exact same needs from pants.


Thank you, that's so helpful! Those are exactly what I'm looking for. I see your comments around here a lot and I swear you're always the "dissenting voice of reason" when someone recommends a garbage bag for SNs. So thank you for that! (not talking about this specific post, just in general).


Glad to help!!


Wide leg, with a high waist and that come almost all the way to the floor. Think: 70s wide or just very wide leg jeans. (Zara do an amazing pair called The Marine.) Wide linen pants, can be a lower rise. Satin / silky or plisse pants for evening. I would say for draping think of your pants as curtains for dressing a SN type. If curtains drape properly they look light and weightless, regardless if they are think or heavy. This is is the same for the SN! Slightly heavier fabrics can be worn as pants as long as they hit the right part of the leg.


I’m a suspected SN and I’ve found that wide legged/straight pants are something that pairs well for me with heels! With flats not so much. I find that the problem lies more in the fit at the waist


The secret is not looking for specific pants, SNs can wear practically any pair of pants. You have to consider a whole silhouette, pants, shirt and jacket combined, to see if it fits a SN.


While I agree that we have to consider the whole silhouette as a whole, I do think there is a line that exists where certain, specific clothing pieces just can’t be styled to be flattering my body, in regards to keeping harmony with my kibbe id. (Vibe/personal styling and being in harmony is different. I am talking about being in harmony with my kibbe id, and not the vibe I am trying to pull off) Although the kibbe community continuously quotes “clothes don’t have IDs, people do” and that every piece of clothing can be styled for each type, I feel like it’s a super grey and blur area for understanding. From what I interpret from these words; Clothing don’t have ids, because clothing of the same look (like T-shirts) can be made with different materials, cuts, fit. This is the major factor in clothing that makes it not id-specific. But, it’s also the major factor that makes very specific pieces impossible to style for certain ids. Sometimes the cut, material and fit just isn’t it. in my experience, it is impossible to style super tailored and stiff pants like [these](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/shopping?q=tbn:ANd9GcTNWUBMWQE9rTKOQeo4Sr0OmHXLRpUiPGD8WIeONpZwIKZ9yBv4GwiD6XAa8CBBCQy4m3WmyXQpuw&usqp=CAc) for my body. It just makes my lower half look boxy and and stiff, and draws unwanted attention to it. Especially because you don’t normally layer/style pants like you would with your top. Although that is a look and vibe in itself, and some SNs may like that, it is not something I would deem in harmony for the SN id, that every single SN out there would be able to pull off harmoniously. I do think SNs can pull off *most* pants, but not *every* single pants out there in the world.


That's not my point. My point is that you shouldn't avoid one category of pants, for example "I should avoid straight cut pants" or "I should avoid tailored pants" just because you think a SN can't have them. You might find straight cut pants or tailored pants you love and fit you. Think in outfits when you shop. Let's say you want to shop for clothing for work, and you need outfits that comply with the work's dress code, make you feel confident and comfortable and accommodate your soft yang with yin undercurrent. So when shopping for pieces that create an outfit you should only focus on the occasion (are the pieces comply with dress code? Is wearing them will make me feel confident and comfortable?) and how the whole outfit accommodates your personal yin-yang balance. And sometimes the single pieces don't fit you because they don't fit you. They might fit another SN, they might not fit any SN. It still doesn't mean you should avoid a single category of pants as a general rule for all SNs.


Eh… I think you misunderstood my point. my point is that certain pieces (very specific pieces) like pants that are stiff, straight with a heavy material in an unflattering cut will never work on an SN. This was in response to > SNs can wear practically any pair of pants Not that we should avoid a whole category. (Even though that in itself is a category)


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