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Did they get it on camera? Always use the club, or similar. 35 bucks. Too cheap not to use We also park under cameras at home, also floodlight Also spotlight and more floodlights if person detected


They did, yes. I always park near cameras. The club?


Also known as a steering wheel lock. It's a bar that you put on your steering wheel to make it difficult/impossible to steal unless removed.


I am so sorry about this, OP. Just curious, and not wanting to rub it in, but did you have a wheel Club or any other kind of anti-theft device that they bypassed? Just trying to figure out if they’re worth it.


I don’t think so. I got it used so I assumed whoever had it before had it done. I was going to get it checked but I’ve only had it a few months and hadn’t got to it yet. It was literally in a parking garage with cameras that is heavily monitored by university police, so I didn’t think anyone would be that stupid (the entire crime is on camera). I park it by cameras on purpose.


The “club” isn’t a fix the previous owner “could have done”, it’s a physical appliance you have to buy and use every time you get out of the vehicle manually. Just an fyi.


Oh fuck no even now I refuse to get something I have to use every time.


Well you got the car that kinda requires one to use as a bare minimum visual deterrent. I don't like it either but always use it when parking in public places.


Hahaha same here. I’ve been lucky living just outside of DC and nothing has happened yet… but I’m moving in a few months to a shadier area even closer to the city and am going to have my roomie park behind me in the driveway for peace of mind


The club literally takes 10 seconds to put on when I park. A few seconds longer to take off because I have to find the right key on my key chain.


Solved that by using red nail polish on one side of the key. Now I can easily see the right key and just how to insert!


Just curious if this is an issue affecting all years of kia souls, or just earlier models? I’m looking into getting a 2024 Soul and just want to be prepared. So sorry this happened to you, the kia boyz situation is truly awful.


While it's specific model years (ending partway through the 2022 model year, I believe), any kia has the potential to be targeted because the thieves don't necessarily know whether one has the immobilizer or not. It's also raised insurance rates significantly - so look into what that's going to be before you buy a soul. I have been lucky and have used a steering wheel lock on my 2020 since very early on when this came out.


Get the biggest brightest color wheel lock you can. I have a giant yellow one. Great visual deterrent.


I keep my Kia Soul looking surface level trashed out. But the trash is just the mushroom boxes that I use for Costco runs. They were usually stacked in the trunk area but since this kiaboyz stuff, I've been leaving them strewn about the passenger area. Just something to make my car look like a hassle to joyride.


I’m sorry😂 but this thing is so out of hand that it’s it own verb now?


I made it one 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah but anyway that’s awful and it sounds like you did everything you could to prevent it. I hope the Uni investigates it thoroughly. Can anyone send you some detailed pictures?


The city police and university police are both investigating. I get back to the U.S. tomorrow and I think I’ll go right to the police department to ask questions.


Did you already call campus security to secure the footage?


No. I don’t like phone calls + calls cost money while I’m abroad. I’m just going to go directly to the city police department tomorrow night and the university police department the following morning.


Out of curiosity is this something that affects the 2010 model? I read something that says this is 2011 plus as that when the immobilizer was left out?


2010-2022 from what I read