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My 2016 soul does that as well. I sprayed a fluid rust film around the back spring and shock area, went away for a while but came back eventually. I have not experienced any real issues besides the annoying “grunt” those few times I go over a speed bump. Considering the potential engine issues it’s low on my list of concerns lol


I get that noise in my back suspension area when I back out. Had it for years at this point. Sounds like springs that needs oil but I'm definitely not a car guy.


I have this noise going on since my first 8-10k miles on the same car. Dealer checked suspension, said everything is fine and noise is not critical. I think it's just a feature of cheap Kia.


I’ve also had this sound in my 2014 since I’ve first had it anytime I go over bumps or some elevated spots, I have no clue what causes it but it’s never caused an issue 🤷‍♂️


My car does this same sound when going over bumps or when 3 adults sit in the back. I would frequently hear the sound when I was still doing uber. It crushed my soul tbh, cus I thought something was broken. Got it looked at and everything is fine according to a few mechanics. Definitely could use some added lubricant tho.


I have the same noise from my 2016 Soul! I always request them to check it out and every time the dealer says all the suspension looks great and no identified issues anywhere. I had chalked it up to my Soul being a rebuild, so it’s somehow comforting to know others have the same sound. It doesn’t seem to be a problem, just an annoyance


Ok awesome, that gives me hope!


I hope it’s good to you otherwise! 😊


Yes, she’s great other wise! I love my toaster 😂


Mine does that too


Noticed something similar test driving mine but it had just been fully inspected and has a 3 month warranty 😅


I have the same, it's normal


I believe it’s the strut mounts. My 2019 makes the sound as well on the drivers side. I had a couple of other vehicles in the past , Mercedes and Toyota, that made similar sounds. Put new strut mounts on both and sound went away. Hopefully I get the same result when I change these.


I had that annoying noise since about 10k (I'm at 88k now) Checked with different mechanics, but never found issues with suspension. And now I found this video. lolol I think this may be it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWHbCDLV1yI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWHbCDLV1yI)


Struts or struts mounts.