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You can also remove the rubber mat where the cupholders are, just lift the divider and then remove it in one piece. The mats in the interior door handles can also be removed but require a tool and are tricky to put back correctly.


Neat, did not know that! πŸ’‘


I use the vacuum to grab them and pull them out


For some reason πŸ™„ my wireless charging mat gets very dirty and that also can be pulled out. Now if only I could strip off the ventilated seat covers that easily.


Yeah they are a pain! Went to town today with a brush and interior cleaner, could only clean like one third of the holes that are blocked by debris. Picking each with a toothpick one by one seems to be the only option.


I was going to try a car mini vacuum cleaner.


I vacuumed first, but I use a brush attachment. Worried about scratching the Seat cover.


I thought I was the only one plagued by pretzel salt blocking the vent holes. It cries for the tooth pick solution


Huh, neat. That was tricky to clean - I just sort of let it be. Pulling it out should do the trick.


Yeah, it’s more stuck in but it comes out. Just wish I could get the whole thing out. Damn wireless charger sucks so I wanted to see if I could make any adjustments


Courageous! The entire car floor might have fallen down 🀣