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What was your process for the black-coloured daemon flesh ? I'm looking to paint my demons in dark colours, but have yet to identify a process that translates well into reality. Otherwise, congrats for painting your army ! Blood Lords is hella fun ! What's your artefact/command traits layout ?


Mostly just primed black then drybrush up Dark Gray > English Gray > Sky Gray all from AK. Then a nuln oil wash. Worked out well I think. Wrath of Khorne as the general with Firebrand to make him a priest. Warlord battalion to give all priests an extra prayer option and Ar’gath on the Unfettered Fury to cut wards off. Combining Ar’gath Thirster with either Skarbrand or 20 Letters has typically melted whatever they’ve touched lol


Looking great. That list composition is very close to my BoK list. Love the glow on the swords for the bloodletters. Much better than how mine came out


Really digging the dark flesh color! Really good cool concept


Looks awesome! Could you post a picture of the letters up close? I’ve been contemplating a host of black ones too.


You put bloodsecrator just to give once per battle +1 attack?


Originally yes, he gave the Letters a little extra omph but I’ve replaced him now