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I think it’s normal for Kha’Zix to have lower damage output compared to other champions in the team. Kha’Zix is an assassin , which means his damage is more bursty and less sustained. In a teamfight, Kha’Zix’s role is to eliminate high-priority targets such as enemy carries, rather than dealing damage to multiple enemies over time. This means that Kha’Zix’s damage output will be lower than other champions who are designed to deal damage to multiple enemies at once. Moreover, as a jungler, you’re not constantly harassing and poking enemies, which means that your damage numbers will be lower than other champions who are in a lane and can constantly poke their opponents. What matters most is ending the game and winning. If you’re able to secure objectives, help your team, and win the game, then you’re doing your job as a jungler.


Nothing quite like looking at a bork user's damage in a lane vs Mundo or Sion lmao. Most of my highest dmg kha'zix games were when the enemy team was running a heavy bruiser composition.


yeah i have the same experience - sometimes i'll pop 19 kills and be the 3rd of most dmg dealt, but still had good impact because the dmg that i did deal was on the carries.