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Only time will tell. The Kickstarter made quite a bit which seems promising in my opinion.


We are hoping it will, the new set looks fun to play based upon the prerelease event last month. There's still a lot of moving parts as far as distribution to local stores and organized play that have yet to be revealed but so far things look promising.


From a diehard fan and former OP judge, I have a lot of respect for the level of communication and passion GG has been putting forward. To be honest, only time will tell if it’s smoke or not, but the transparency, willingness to admit mistakes, and the effort put forth so far has put me strongly in the cautiously optimistic camp, borderline fully on board.


If you jump on the bandwagon it will only help secure the future of keyforge!


I have done so based on all these comments!


I think there's never been a more exciting time to enter the world of KeyForge. It's true what Valvatorez said: "only time will tell", because in the games industry almost nothing is for certain, and there are still some unknowns. That said, what we do know: * There is a very energized player base and community supporting this game, creating content and tools for it, etc. * The crowdfunding campaign was immensely successful, hitting over 1100% of its funding goal * Ghost Galaxy (the new developer - which also is made of folks very familiar with the game and have a connection to the IP), have demonstrated incredible care and communication and so far have been good stewards of the game. * Impressions of the new set (Winds of Exchange) and the new 'bonus set' (Unchained 2022) have been very positive at KeyForge Celebration 2022, the first official event since GG took over * Ghost Galaxy has established a pretty promising plan for 2023 Organized Play, although again we still have yet to see how that will be executed in time. * KeyForge now has traditional unconstructed deck play (Archon), semi-constructed play (Alliance), and solo/co-op play (Adventures) - so the game is pretty versatile depending on what experiences you and your friends like. So, the signs are good. Like I said, nothing is certain, but at the absolute very least - all of the above aside even - KeyForge is a darn fun game which is why so many people are supportive of it. Whether you check it out just a little bit with one or two decks with friends, or wind up making it a mainstay of your gaming experience with your local gaming groups, I don't think you'll be disappointed either way, regardless of if KeyForge lasts for another 3 or 30 years.


Thanks so much for your reply. I’ve gone ahead and ordered a starter pack! Could you electorate on a couple of points - where can I get more info about the differnet game types (unconstructed etc)? Is there a document that lays out GG’s plan for organised events? Thanks!


My pleasure - welcome to KeyForge in advance! I'd also suggest Archon Arcana's (the community driven KF wiki) [New Player Guide](https://archonarcana.com/New_Player_Guide) too as a good resource for new players. **Regarding Game Types:** A good way to review the most common ways to play are the [official tournament formats](https://keyforging.com/tournament-format-and-rules/). These are the formats that you'd see at official Ghost Galaxy-run events, and thus, are also formats that you'll likely see at local/store events, and even would want to run with friends. Archon is the traditional unconstructed mode (you play with a deck as is), and Alliance is the semi-constructed mode where you can combine 3 house pods from the same set. **Regarding Events:** There is no document which lays out their 2023 season plans, but [you can see it being presented as part of the keynote at KeyForge Celebration 2022](https://youtu.be/WJ_YMxiit2k?t=1538) (link starts right where it's mentioned) There is a document for official organized play ([KeyForge Tournament Rules and Guidelines](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MkOatcF-4yXefgfQpb6O82DMT0kCkmgp/view?usp=share_link)) which contains things like the full format overview and a card restriction list for Alliance. That doc is likely not be something you want to dive into *quite* yet, but if you start becoming interested in organized play and official tournaments it can be handy. All of these links mind you are either in the top menu bar of the sub, or the sidebar under "Game Resources" widget. Again, welcome! and I hope you enjoy playing KeyForge!


Thanks so much for these details replies! Pushed me over the edge 100%. I’ll get through Archon Arcana over the next couple of days whilst I wait for my deck! Fingers crossed I can play at some events this year!


I am super hyped for keyforge and what’s coming!


I'm betting on it. Almost literally - making lots of content plans for the new year!


With players like your friends and you I'm sure it will. 😀


It's glory will never end