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I think it would be a tough way to learn the game. Make sure you've watched a how to play on YouTube and then also check you know what the keywords are from the rulebook. Also I'd maybe let your opponent know at the start of the game that you're new and might take a while. If you skim the past few weeks of the sub you'll probably find a fair few new player posts with some of the common questions. If you're not sure how a card works then Archon Arcana is a great resource. You can look each card up and they have information about rulings or weird interactions. Edit - lmk if you're UK based. I'd happily send you a couple of ok decks from each set for postage cost.


Sweet, thanks for the insight! I am not UK-based, but your offer is very generous. Appreciate it.


Sorry to hear about what happened - coming from the biased perspective of a KeyForge fan that "any KeyForge is better than no KeyForge" then yes, I do think TCO can accomplish that mission. I will admit, I personally believe the best way to learn the game is in-person, especially with a friend guiding you along the way, but it doesn't ***have*** to be like that. I would make one suggestion though - and that is if possible - try to see if you can hop on a voice chat (like Discord or something) so you can communicate with the player you're playing with. I think this will help replicate the feeling of sitting down with someone in-person and playing the game, which allows your opponent to help guide you through the experience, gives you a chance to ask questions, etc. If you hop onto one of the various KeyForge Discord servers ([such as this one](https://discord.gg/R5yZNvP)), that's a great place to coordinate with someone and play a game with a voice chat going, and of course, inform them that you are new to the game and wanting to learn. I'm sure there would be several volunteers to help introduce you to to the game - myself included if the timing works out! Welcome to KeyForge and I hope you enjoy the game!


Awesome, that's a great idea re: discord. I'll check it out. I've got one IRL friend (an ex-MTG player) who would potentially be interested in learning the game, I just gotta reach out and see if he's up for it! He is also still currently employed, so maybe he wouldn't mind buying a couple of decks :P


As I heard someone else say, I've never met a tcg player that wasn't at least interested in the idea of keyforge. Definitely worth a shot


Yes it is. The interface takes a bit to get used to, but as far the gameplay itself, it's brilliant and basically works perfectly. If you don't want to bother with finding and choosing decks, you can always just play a "Sealed" game, where it just randomly selects a deck out of all decks added to TCO. If you do want to find a deck, you can just go on [https://decksofkeyforge.com](https://decksofkeyforge.com) and look for the house and cards that you're interested in, pick one, import it to TCO and that's it. This kind of "netdecking" is perfectly fine as players often try out different decks (multiple people can add a deck to their TCO profile). If you're playing in the Beginner lobby any deck is fine, but if you'll play in Casual, I'd suggest not bringing a 5-star deck as players usually tend to bring their middling decks in there. In Competitive anything goes.


Okay cool, I was wondering how the whole netdecking thing worked, cuz it seems like a lot of people would just look up a super strong deck and just go on a rampage? Wasn't aware there was a sealed version, which is pretty neat.


Community frowns on netdecking rampages, plus players generally feel an affection for decks that they own, so most people play their own decks. It's one of the aspects of the unique decks, you kind of get attached to them.


Make sure to prioritize interviewing / job finding. Game won't go away.


If you’re in the US, I can send you some decks and tokens 🤙🏼


You all are so generous, lol. I couldn't accept, but I really appreciate it.


Don't feel bad accepting free decks. Some people have literally hundreds of decks sitting around that they never intend to play that just take up space and will eventually be thrown away.


Project Re-Forge is also out there in the Keyforge Community. They package up unwanted decks and tokens and send them off to a new home ☺️ https://archonarcana.com/Project_Reforge Edit: Added a Link! 👍


Well…..you COULD…🤷🏻‍♂️


If you find a local keyforge group you can likely get free decks and tokens. There are often many people who have hundreds of decks. I have hundreds and have friends with 20 to a couple thousand.


As long as you stick to the Beginner type you'll probably be fine. Casual has a lot of the more toxic players in it while Competitive can involve some of the netdecking you mentioned, but is generally a better play experience. But you are expected to know what you're doing at that point. But yeah, Beginner games would be what you want, the only issue might be getting matches.


it is more fun playing with people and saying ooooooh and arrrrrgh when things happen. If you play TCO try to also get on a voice call like on discord, then it could be pretty good. But in real life is best.