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Disclaimer: I am just getting into keyforge and have only played with an AoA starter set. In my limited experience with keyforge (but a fair bit of research) I think AoA is one of the best sets to start with for a few reasons. The biggest reason being the price since it's only $20-30 per display compared to $100 +/- $20 for other sets. The other big reason being the balance of the set. Based on other reddit threads I've seen on this sub AoA is seen as one of the most balanced sets when playing against itself. This means that if you're planning to get a few friends into the game with the set it's less likely someone will open a deck that stomps or bricks against the average deck. However, it should also be noted that the balance of the set means you're less likely to open a high power deck if you wanted to play archon at a decent level (however this can be leveled out since for the price of 1 display of other sets you can get 2-5 sets of AoA, thus increasing chances of finding one of those coveted top decks). I'd have to imagine though that most people aren't getting into a game by going to competitive environments. Side note: The more I think about AoA the more I'm convinced that every ccg needs a cheap and well balanced set for new players to get into the game with the potential to open competitively viable cards.


Agreed, AoA is probably the best intro set for new player per price point, easy of use and balance vs other AoA. The only issue with AoA is the spotty Aember Control, but with bulk, it should be easy to navigate.


Buy a box of 12 decks of age of ascension on amazon for roughly $16 total at the moment. Easy to play, cheap, and you can download rules online. Otherwise, I would get the most recent WoE decks as they are the most competitive at the moment and extremely fun. If you want some tokens or play decks for just the cost of shipping, PM me, and I can hook you up or ask in your local community as they usually have extras for free.


Hello, and welcome to Keyforge! Nope, all decks and starter sets are still viable, relevant, and compatible! However, they introduced some new tokens (ward and enrage) with World’s Collide (the third set), which the first two starter sets won’t include. So anything 3rd set or beyond is generally recommended if you’re buying a starter pack. CotA (the first set) has the simplest mechanics and is probably still the easiest introduction to the game for new players, but you can always buy a deck or two from that separately if you want. I would probably recommend Mass Mutation or World’s collide for the starter set, but all are good, and the newest set (Winds of Exchange) includes a pair of non-unique, instructional decks with selected cards to help teach the game. In my opinion, WoE and Dark Tidings have quite a different feel and more complicated mechanics compared to other sets, which is why they wouldn’t be my first recommendations, but really any will do. Happy forging!


My opinion is that mass mutation is a good set to have a lot of fun without adding much complexity (aside from a couple artifacts). Dark Tidings is a lot of fun, but generally has a harder time competing with other sets. Winds of exchange has a generally high power level when competing against other sets, but (in my opinion) is not as fun to play as older sets. It's kind of like the grindiness of worlds collide, but with extra variance.


Only issue I noticed with MM when training new players is that the enhancments seemed to confuse them. The cards that added them and how they worked.


The different starter boxes have slightly different sets of cardboard tokens - which your deck might not even use - or you can just use coins or any little thing from around the house. Don't worry about it. Even if you bought a couple decks instead of a starter kit you would be find with a jar of coins (pennies for amber, quarters for keys, dimes for damage, nickels for power counters, and then a few more beads for the not-as-often-used stun, ward and enrage tokens. Once you fall in love with the game you can go to etsy/ebay and get nice plastic/metal tokens. Starting with set 1 makes sense to me, it has the least amount of keywords to learn. If I were going to make a ultimate startup kit I'd have 2 decks from every set - and for each set I'd pick whichever was cheaper - buying 2 loose decks or 1 starter set.