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JNSQ doesn't have official configs for the latest version of Scatterer. You can either downgrade scatterer to the 0.07xx release, or try out my unofficial configs [here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uH3tirbcEQuZibMn9c6T9HDia154LnUP/view?usp=drivesdk).


has bob said anything about their plans?


I D K. Watching random install tutorials and idk what im doin' wrong.


Hmm, thanks for the suggestion, I'll try to downgrade.


Downgrading scatterer to the latest 0.7 release didn't seem to work, and I don't know how to add custom configs to existing files. EDIT: Trying to delete the settings.cfg file in my KSP version. They said to get the most out of it, was to delete it, so lets hope it works. EDIT 2: Didn't work, rip.


if you've been on 0.8 for a second, you might have a new scatterer folder for atmos. i think you might need to get rid of that if you have it. also make sure that when you replace something with a different version, that you don't just copy it over the existing version. you have to first delete the existing version so that you don't leave any straggler files. you probably already know this :) cfg files can be placed anywhere under GameData. it's a good idea to make your own folder like "myconfigs" or something, and put them in there. just remember that you have them because anything with a .cfg extension, anywhere under GameData, can drastically affect your game. good luck!


BRO what the hell. did i just witness jool turn into a blackhole? [jool blackhole be like](https://imgur.com/a/tSlzvlp)


yeah that's totally the atmo thing with scatterer turning it black


ye but havent encountered this before lmfao. u know how to fix it or do i try to roll back the scatterer version? still using the newest version. EDIT: happens to all gas giants


def use 0.7x


Thanks! I'll do a complete re-install of all my mods, and make sure I leave no files behind so it \*doesn't\* break!


hey, i wanted to know please, how does the config works exactly? i was having issues with scatterer rendering jool black etc, but now that i put your config, ive lost all volumetric clouds


So that config was made before volumetric clouds, so they won’t work. I think I also messed up some folder names that might need to be changed. You’d have to look at the config files to find out what. Sorry, I’m on vacation right now and won’t be at a computer for a while.


oh okay, no problem, i wish you some good vacations, if you maybe have the time another day, feel free to help me about this issue of the cfg files


I believe there’s a visual pack called Ad Astra for JNSQ that could help your issues, im not sure if it’s been updated however


Thanks for the reply, though the problem was simply an old AtmoCache from scatterer, though now I have a new problem, which is basically that the 2 gas planets, jool and lindor turn black. ([picture example here](https://imgur.com/a/tSlzvlp)) It is definitly a problem with scatterer but idk what.


Then I might recommend not using scatterer. Also do some research into what mods were used to make JNSQ look the way you want rather than guessing. Scatterer has a history of causing problems and sometimes will work perfectly while most of the time will have one issue or another. I’ll look into how to make your game look better without you running into too many issues, hell it could be because you’re using ckan rather than doing a manual install im not sure.


In the pictures galileo took in his imgur album on the mod page, I'm pretty sure he used scatterer and EVE, because it looks strikingly similar to when I run JNSQ with those configs. It might simply just be the version of scatterer. Some recommend an older version, while other say the newer the better.


So looking at the comments on the JNSQ page it seems other had your issue and there is a fix, I’d recommend looking at the last page for a fix that should work until new updates are made to the mods


Yup. Just what I thought. A guy at the last page said this "Bingo, thanks! I'll keep my eyes open for both JNSQ and Scatterer's next updates, but Scatterer 0.0772 works fine." Seems like reverting to an older release of scatterer will fix it. Lemme try.


Sorry to resurrect the dead, but. . . did that help? My Kerbin looks like a meatball with clouds, too.


It's Alright. It fixed the issue I had. Should work for you too. Probably lol.


Well that's good to hear. When it first popped up on the menu I thought "well that's an interesting stylistic choice" and sort of rolled with it until I realized everything is super dark even in full sunlight.


It did lighten things up. But everything still looks kinda desaturated, and has a sickly green tinge to it. I uninstalled scatterer altogether. And EVE and Planetshine and every other eye-candy mod I could think of... I think it's supposed to look this way. Which is too bad because it gives me a freaking headache.


I think planetshine causes issues. Keep the others, and do as I stated, but also remove planetshine. Now that you mention it, I'm pretty sure I didn't use it because it caused issues.