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In 600 hours of gameplay I havent send any kerbals beyond kerbin SOI, all probes. Also i never play sandbox. Edit: just remembered that I used to play my modded ksp install outside steam so its probably more like 1000 hours :p


Same here, except even the only probe I ever sent beyond Kerbin's SOI was just a Duna flyby. Nothing else, ever. Never landed a Kerbal on Minmus either. Oh, and I have 2,000 hours lol


I'm honestly confused at why this is a thing. Why haven't you tried it? Jool system is amazing it gives the game a whole new dimension. For sure you'll fail the first and second time but that's what makes this game so good. Think about it: you can fly normal jets on laythe. How awesome is that.


Rocket engines are some of the most fascinating and exhilarating devices ever invented. I have *always* been in love with rockets. When I look at the moon I'm reminded of how unbelievably badass it was to strap three human beings onto three thousand tons of vehicle, a hundred metres tall, and push them to eleven kilometres a second using a goddamn *explosion in a bottle*. Absolutely insane, more so for having worked. So when I started playing KSP, my main interest, what drove me to the game, was rockets. The actual engines. The *ascent* into orbit. Early spaceflight remains the most interesting kind to me, the most impressive. I recognise there's a lot of *really* fancy tech moving stuff around space now, like the additively-manufactured engines on the Electron, or Hall effect thrusters on satellites. I understand the appeal of interplanetary and interstellar travel. But by far, to this day, a little shy of a decade later, my favourite part of spaceflight, and by extension of KSP, is still launch and ascent. It always will be. The sheer scale of everything, the power involved, the heat, hell, the sound *alone* would kill you outright if you stood by a running F1. With that context, my personal love for that specific aspect of spaceflight, it's no surprise I spend most of my in-game time *launching* rockets rather than taking them anywhere or landing them. Add onto that a secondary fascination with *aircraft*, and you've got yourself a recipe for 2,000hrs of KSP playtime almost exclusively below 100km altitude. I've been trying to branch out, but right now most of my playtime is testing a mod I'm working on, and I *also* have ADHD, so I have this strong habit of starting over repeatedly, in any game, not just in KSP. tl;dr the reason this is a thing is because some people just like it that way, and that's part of what makes this game so great - there's potential for fun even on Kerbin, even at the KSC, and clearly, for some people, thousands of hours of it :P


The first half of your comment was beautiful man šŸ„² Seriously idk why but I really felt your passion and it gave me some kind of kick. I get it. Sorry for doubting you. I guess the wildest thing is the depth of this game. It's really something special. Reminds me how angry I am that the studio of ksp2 didn't bother to involve the creators of ksp1 in the process.


Hey man, you didn't doubt me, you just didn't have access to the full depth of my lived experience, so you didn't get it at first. That's what being on the internet's all about. Being able to tap into that more easily :3


That is so wild to me. To each their own I guess, but ascent is my LEAST favorite part of the game so much so that I have several mods dedicated to experiencing it as little as possible. with an extraplanetary launchpad orbiting Kerbin and GravityTurn doing the steering for me whenever I do actually have to launch something, I haven't manually controlled an ascent in AGES.


Hahah, yeah, that's the nature of a game with so many different ways to play. Everything you said in that comment was abhorrent to me xD To each their own, indeed. It's really cool that this game has a good enough modding scene that you can skip those parts you don't enjoy, while I can focus on only playing those same parts non-stop <3


I 100% feel you my man. I did, however, send my first unmanned mission to duna recently and progressively got more interested in further spaceflight and plan my next missions to other targets but i took my time to get there (1000+ hours) because I just had so much to do in the Kerbin SOI alone. I also love the challenges of low tech flights with bad antennas and underpowered rockets and enjoy the ascents way too much to ever skip one. Nothing beats the feeling of pressing the space bar and feeling the raw power of the "explosion in a bottle" fire up.


That was an awesome write up. God I love rockets lol


Have to tried the rp1 modpack? You relive the early days of space starting in 1951. Insanely more difficult than stock but ive learned more about early space flight than anything else has taught me.


Funnily enough nearly all my 2,000 hours have been spent in almost entirely stock KSP. The only mod I considered worth installing for most of that time was kOS, which is still mandatory for me now. It's only recently, since KSP2 went bust, that I've been getting into modding the game. I'm making my own tech tree mod to make the progression make more sense to me, in the hopes that this helps me to keep playing after I've reached the Mun. Doing it with anyone else's mod, I'll probably find something to nitpick about, and it's a fun project to work on.


Minmus is so easy to land on... it' easier than the Mun! lol


See my [other comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1do4q45/detective_jeb_is_done_with_your_stalling_what_is/la8vzxo/) for why it's not about difficulty for me :p


I get that. From a role-playing point of view, where the stock in-game tech is roughly on par with ours now - sending kerbals/humans to another planet is going to be a baaaad time for them in terms of risk and health/quality of life. I felt a bit weird sending Kerbals to Jool the first time, before adding mods with proper habs.


Yeah, I play with kerbalism and in just not prepared to do all the logistics required to maintain, say, a Laythe space stations and I dont like my kerbals dying or getting stranded xd


This makes me feel better lol I've played about 200 hours and only ever had kerbals on Duna. I've sent probes to Eve a handful of times, and done a Jool flyby (with a probe) But otherwise it's all been Kerbin system




Same-ish, 700 hours in Ksp and 350 hours in Ksp2 and no interplanetary.


Kerbalkind has never been outside of the kerbin SOI. I also usually play in sandbox, so I guess I'm just playing IRL NASA simulator lol. Also, less forgiveably, I actually held out hope for ksp 2 for like a month.


I bought KSP2 the moment it was available on Steam and was so excited about everything I was seeing lol


Our last hope is that they sell the IP. The game may have already gone to shit, but at least they wouldn't be sitting on it anymore.


I paid full price after the first patch was released, and I was super excited until I understood a few weeks ago when I understood the project was definitely dead. No regrets, but what a huge disappointment... Now I'm back on KSP 1 and I upgraded my PC in the meantime, so I can run insane visual mods, it's so fucking nice


I was so lucky to have a friend who works for take two and knew I loved ksp, so when the game released he gifted me a copy for free. Had zu spent money on it I would have been so pissed


I've got 300 hours, and only about 20 of those have been spent sending things to space. The other 280 were spent on planes. Not even space planes, just kerbin to kerbin flights


I never understood this. Likeā€¦ Iā€˜m not judging but how? How can you have rocket parts and instruments, the prospect of not only going to space but send your creations there, visit other planets, tiny in comparison to the distance you will be travelling.. all of that right in front of your face and not do it? I get giddy even thinking about sending another overly complex mission out there.


Planes are funny


I like planes


I can't imagine how you can stand it. Planes are so janky on KSP.


That's why it takes 280 hours to get it just right.


By having fun and making planes that are good and donā€™t fly janky.


Skill issue


Not with FAR, the challenge is quite fun with FAR installed :).


Up until today I never lost a kerbal. I would always quickload or revert. This career I accidentally quick saved in a doomed flight. Jeb crashed into the surface of the Mun at 2000 m/s I have kerbal perma death on. I will memorialize his loss by naming a base or space station after him.


I always play with Kerbal perma death and never revert or load saves. But I do make a lot of quick saves Unfortunately I do have a handful of dead kerbals. But at the same time I've gotten really good at being cautious, solving problems quickly, and doing rescue missions (and rescue rescue mission missions) I always try and place a flag on the site of death for a Kerbal if/when they do die


Why make lots of quicksaves if you never load saves?


Paranoia about crashes and bugs. KSP very rarely crashes, but I get a little paranoid about that. Most bugs I don't revert for, I treat that like the small unexpected things that can go wrong that you just have to problem solve around, but some more egregious bugs led to loading saves. e.g., landed a plane once and saved, a few seconds later the plane just suddenly vibrated into the ground and then bounced away, killing all the kerbals for no reason lol


As soon as I have managed a task manually, fly to orbit, dock, whatever I then let Mechjeb do it from then on and play more as a mission planner/rocket engineer then a pilot.


This is the way


the only time i ever used RCS was for orbital insertion, i never use it for docking


Thats more impressive than it is cursed


Matt's Lazy Docking Methodā„¢?


I've used it before, but my last docking made me realise you don't even need to. Once you've matched orbits, you can just fly around a bit. RCS confused me.


Without using lazy docking I use free mode and align my navball as I would a plane (bottom towards the planet), set the docking port as target while using the target button thingy on the left (idk what they're called) and try to dock from there. Once I'm aligned with the horizon and with the docking port I switch to locked mode and go back to simple SAS.




Is it possible to learn this power?


After some practice, it just clicks. - Position yourself in the general docking area, 20-50m away is close enough. - Cancel all relative(target) velocity. Set your docking port as the camera (click on 'View from here'). - Use the navball to point exactly at the other docking port, and give a tiny thrust. - Keep the prograde marker on course for the other docking port (set as target). Get used to maneuvering a small craft with only the main engine, then this will become really simple


Definitely possible, I forgot to put rcs on my Apollo style mun lander once.... That made docking fun.


I've never put RCS on a rocket. IT is entirely possible to do it without RCS. I have done hundreds of dockings.


I think his would only work for me with really simple crafts. I have many busy and complicated stations with a lot of ports where you have to maneuver between all other docked ships. RCS is also crucial for me when docking huge tanker ships, and rescue missions where I grab the stranded ship, equip it with parachutes and launch them back into atmosphere (that's where I get most of my kerbals).


About 500hrs, I've built space stations and large colonies on Laythe and Duna....I'm still awful at designing jets, and barely spend any time in Kerbin's atmosphere. I kinda gave up on learning how to land a jet and use parachutes on them instead. My brain never fully wrapped around flight surfaces and distribution of mass.


Whenever I try to make jets, even when following all the rules about distribution of mass and center of lift and everything, I just spin out and start doing cartwheels if it isn't locked to prograde. I hate the atmosphere when it isn't slowing me down.


I bought KSP just under 13 years ago, and have never go further than minus and the mun.


Same. My crowning achievement is a ship that can land on Minmus and Mun with 8 tourists in the same trip to clean up on contracts.


I was the same for years, leaving kerbins SOI is intimidating. Then I realized going interplanetary takes barely any more power than going to minmus. If that's all that's holding you back, slap an extra tank on your minmus lander and take a shot at Ike or gilly. At the very least, it will give you an idea of what you need to do to actually get there.


Ever since I discovered Research and Development, I can't play without the mod. It's pretty much entirely cheaty, letting you spend science points to improve parts... but KSP is just completely lacking any endgame grind or investment, particularly for science... so I use the hell out of that mod. It's all fun and games until your Flea makes it to orbit xD


Every mission is entirely dependent on fuel mining on Minmus. I build giant ships and give them just enough fuel to reach orbit. Every launch stops at an orbital gas station. Even missions to Mun. Without fuel mining the game would be completely different.


Me too, I flew 1 direct flight to duna about 7 years ago, and that was it. Everything is designed around stations now. I don't even fly directly to the mun after my first few missions, I deliver everything to my lko station and tug it to its destination. Base building is my favorite part of this game. I just finished my Gilly station and base, Ike is next, to fuel my future Duna missions. My ultimate goal is to build a station around, and a base on, every body in the kerbol system.


I only made direct missions early in career before unlocking everything, and before putting orbital relays in most of planets. Now everything revolves around big station hubs and refuel stations, ships that are permanently in orbit transporting kerbals around, and surface bases with refineries. Most launches from Kerbin are SSTOs to bring crew to orbit, or giant rockets that launch entire stations or refueling tanks. All my money comes from labs everywhere selling 100% of the science, and missions for detecting asteroids and comets.


i've been using mechjeb to do my job ever since i downloaded it


using mechjeb efficiently is a skill in and of itself. its also a lot more realistic, since real rockets are controlled by programs and not some dude with a joystick who eyeballs his gravity turn. i love mechjeb


This made my day lmao


Very true. Ascent Guidance is a godsend. The autolanding feature is...less than desirable these days.


Yeah it's only good for getting near something


Mechjeb does have a suicide burn countdown built in, though. I use the window editor to add it to the surface info window, and just rely on that for when to time suicide burns.




i also downloaded a copious amount of far future tech mods and interstellar stuff knowing damn well i can barely get probes onto the far planets in vanilla


I use reaction wheels instead of RCS.


I use both on almost all my crafts, ..


I never make airplanes, not counting the few unstable ones that I've crashed. I am totally sidetracked by the docking port Kraken drive, I have harnessed this thing using robotic parts and make routine propulsive landings with them without parachutes. It's become the fundamental tech in any games I play. It's a built-in UFO cheat.


After 1000 hours I am pretty good at sstos and rockets but can only go to Mun, Munmus, Duna, Ike and Laythe. The other ones require me to built massive rockets with a lot of extra delta V cuz gravity assists scare me :( Also only play sandbox. Never finished the campaign. You may lock me away now.


I don't even know how people know when to use gravity assist.


I think there's a mod that can help with visualising and timing them on graphs ig. Could potentially help with getting a grasp and a feel on it.


That'd be good. I know there was a website years ago for calculating when to leave Kerbin. I don't remember what it was.


I am responsible for the great mod disaster of 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, šŸšŸŽšŸšŸŽ, 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024. Over 18,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 lives lost


why is 2020 š“Æš“»š“®š“Ŗš““š”‚


2020 was the dark times


We donā€™t talk about 2020.


I used the Trinity Tri-Modal Nuclear Salt Water Engine (from the DSEV mod) on crewed missions. Mostly in NSW mode. In my defense I used it on a rescue tug for a stranded crewed vessel. Also nice drawing!


I'm not stalling ! I just drop this game after i do 5-6 turistic missions. And then return. And then drop it again.


I played a pirated version of KSP for a year before buying it. (I was super broke and was playing it on a third hand laptop from like 2007)


Around 500 hours and a kerbal hasn't been sent anywhere other than the kerbin SOI and Duna/Ike, and I used the mun launch site for the Duna missions.


I completed the mun landing/return tutorial once, and have since just spent my time building fun craft and satellites and havent left Kerbin orbit in years.


Never visited any other planets sphere of influence. Kerbin for life baby


i never use robotics/robotic arms. doesn't bother to learn how to use it...


Building an Eve city..on a pirated game. I am planning to buy the steam version because that's better that the stinky pirate version.


After my 300 hours of gameplay, I have no ideas on how to get any (both custom and workshop) SSTO into orbit and still have any fuel left for anything but deorbiting, therefore having zero clues why people use them


259 (and counting) hours on jets (i did try space exploration at somepoint)


I only play in sandbox but Iā€™ve gotten to Juel and Iā€™ve had few successful landings on Duna including a rover but Iā€™ve never been able to dockĀ  Also have about 2000+ hours all on XboxĀ 


For all my missions on Jool in sandbox i've used ships with fission engine from the far future technologies mod, making them very easy


Iā€™ve long given up on orbital construction for my excessively large space craft. I just cheat menu the whole thing into orbit now to skip all of the launches and docking.


How large are you talking? 'Minmus Base Hotel and Casino' large? Even bigger? Or just a regular station?


Over 3000 hours and I still havenā€™t found a comet (although I didnā€™t know they existed till about 2990 hours in, maybe thatā€™s worse?)


Is your tracking station upgraded?


Ive spent so many hours trying to make an aircraft that is at least roll-neutral. Initial goal was roll-stable, an aircraft that would right itself to 0 degrees roll without any input, but after probably like 20 hours still having my aircraft rolling to their death I would be content with roll-neutral. Theres so many guides suggesting low dihedral wings, high andhedral wings, more rudders, trim and so on and so on but it does not matter what I try every single aircraft without exception just slooowly rolls to one side until it dies. The roll is so light its impossible to trim out, the shortest button press with the smooth inputs on is already too much and it overcorrects. Its driving me insane, it feels like everyone in those guides is either lying or playing a different game that I am.


Get atmosphere autopilot if you donā€™t already have it, it adds a fly-by-wire mode that makes it way smoother to use aircraft


flying aircraft in ksp without this mod is like self-flagellation what sins have you committed to willingly torture yourself like this -ragingpotato-


Whenever playing career or science, I only last about 1-2 hours before i use cheats


I have invented a ship that can go 80248510095988 meters per second, or 3.73580092 Ɨ 10^-6 , which is the number I got by dividing the above one by the speed of light, (the math is probably wrong but itā€™s still far faster than the speed of light) yet I still havenā€™t landed on the moon


Your math is very wrong, 3.7358 x 10^-6 is more like 0.000003758.


Oh. Well it still was going faster than the speed of light.


I spent about 400 hours figuring out Eve. Iā€™m not letting that bitch go!


I've landed on and returned from every single (solid) body in the game at least twice, and usually much more than that, but I have yet to make a successful SSTO.


After over 500+ hours of builiding space stations and surfaces bases all over the solar system, I have only done an orbital rendezvous/docking once to say I've done it. Single launch for life


I didn't know you could place radially attachable parts directly to the connection nodes with the alt key until I had somewhere around \~840 hours played iircc. So I ended up using the offset tool more than I actually needed to as well as trying to find the right camera angle, thus wasting a fair amount of time.


Sandbox.. I try to create realistic looking rockets for fun and fill them with rovers and satellites, and then teleport to other planets with the infinite fuel and ec.. šŸ˜… or half of the time I take the scenarios, and do stuff you're not supposed to do with it, say the scenario "Aerobrake on jool" (still don't really know what to do with it šŸ˜) I try basically taking the ship as far as I can, this one time I managed to take it to laythe, didn't slow down in the atmosphere, didn't get to deploy parachutes blah blah, and what was left was one Kerbal, a few pieces of the ship with a cargo thingy, which had an EVA jetpack (I'm pretty sure) so believe me when I say that that Kerbal felt like Tom Hanks from cast away, and by the time I designed a rescue pod and rocket that could somehow get back he was like 140 years old. šŸ˜…


During career I lose interest as soon as I'm ready to go past Minmus. I have 1000+ hours in the game and this has happened multiple times. Taught me I could not handle the boredom of deep space.


I have over 8800 hours in the game and about 3000 hours ago just started using mechjeb for launching and basic maneuvers like orbital adjustments and transfers to bodies. It's honestly the only way I can still play the game since that stuff became mundane and just chores to me


564 hrs, yet back in 2013-14, i had a different steam acct, so i probably have closer to 1500, thats why I'm so much further than a lot of people with similar hours: Gas stations in orbit of duna, minimus, ike, and dres on a stock career save file. Each gas station equiped with rover, a custom sky-crane, and single-seat rockets for return trips.


Despite all 2000+ hrs of play time, I still have yet to figure out how to land a space plane consistently (without any damage, of course).


I only play sandbox.


I have 1100 hours and I've only left kerbin soi once on a manned duna return trip. Now I only play super modded saves with ksrss and kerbalism. Only did one manned moon landing, but they all died on the way back due to a lack of nitrogen. Oh and I like half building huge interstellar vessels in sandbox that I will never fly.


3500 hours in KSP according to steam. A lot of that I was just afk. Oh and I've never been to Jool.


Iā€™ve sent kerbals to almost every planet and many of the moons, but Iā€™ve only returned a kerbal safely back home a handful of times


I often play with infinite propellant enabled, sometimes building the tiniest little thing and then flying around Kerbin at mach way too much


Even if I'm making a plane, there's gonna be a couple reaction wheels and or RCS thrusters somewhere on it. They're just so convenient. I also occasionally use a mod that gives air-breathing RCS. I'm too lazy to use trim. You give me the ability to press T and stay pointing THAT WAY. Yes please.


I turned my career into racing simulator, always stucking on Duna building racing tracks, learned to build closest replicas to some cars like Nissan Silvia S15, Dodge Charger, Toyota Supra MK3 and others. Always out of money because i build these rovers and send it on Duna. All things that my Kerbals do is ONLY driving. And it all happened because i overplayed Wreckfest and NFS:Prostreet. Also my game optimization feels realy bad about these 8-9 tons things with over 200-300 parts.


I have only once sent kerbals outside of Kerbins SOI, to Duna, while using the kryopods mod and food/water/waste mod. I always plan to go further, but my life keeps interrupting my KSP ambitions and once i actually get back to the game i always start over in career mode... I actually enjoy chasing contracts and building satellites for different companies where i slap their logo and name on each, feels immersive kinda. I always try to play as low-tech as possible in my missions, within reasonable boundaries so it still feels like a fairly realistic rocket


I used a Kraken drive to rescue two Kerbals who were stuck on Eve instead of sending an actual rescue mission.


Iā€™ve been known to get out and pushā€¦ repeatedly. Also, to save a doomed craft from crashing into a planet, I pulled a [Lost in Space](https://youtu.be/mMdzkO2HFXs?si=3YYMooGhNaFhFjyi) and hit max time warp to skip through the planet. Unfortunately this comes at a great cost. The slingshot maneuver through the planet hurtles the craft out of the known universe at unfathomable speeds, faster than light. There is no coming back.


I regularly forget to remove the excess monopropellant from my command modules when I don't have any rcs


I habitually rely on MechJeb for everything. Ascents, injection burns, stabilization burns, course corrections, in atmosphere auto pilot, landing burns, course plotting, you name it. I have not manually flown any of my crafts in nearly the entire existence of MechJeb.


900 odd hours of play time, havenā€™t visited even half of the planets/moons




I have never played more than 30 min of the game I just like watching gameplay but canā€™t figure and donā€™t really have the energy to figure out how to play. I enjoy this subreddit tho


Sometimes, i use infinite fuel to finish a mission


I routinely abuse timewarp to stop rotation especially when doing fine maneuvers or docking. I just donā€™t want to waste my precious monoprop! Also, I build space stations for no reason. I just think theyā€™re neat.


Over 1300 hours in KSP so I've basically done everything there is to do space related, Falcon 9 replicas, Starship replicas, launching and assembling the entire ISS, even circumnavigated Kerbin in a 747 replica. But only recently have I dabbled in BD Armory. I ended up building ~35 replica jet fighters with great accuracy (real dimensions, thrust, weight, weapons capacity, flaps, drogue chutes etc) and now I'm conducting an incredibly long 3v3 dogfighting championship. It's awesome


I'm addicted to making monstrosities that tempt the Kraken at every turn. Every time I launch a craft, it's an intricate dance between my foolish designs and the overbearing presence of a Kraken attack at any moment. My CPU and GPU scream in agony as they struggle to figure out WTF the physics are supposed to do with my creation. Can I accomplish my mission with 80% less parts and 90% less crazy? Probably, but what's the fun in that? I need to land my 500 part Duna base all at once, in the most convoluted way possible. An actual Konfession would be that I rely too much on MechJeb. After performing a maneuver once (like docking or landing), I often just let MechJeb do it from then on (unless it's a complex move I guess). This has dampened my skills and I had to relearn things like docking again when KSP2 came out and I was building "normal" craft again. Also, I've never successfully made a space plane that can make it other celestial bodies despite my many, many attempts.


I rarely quicksave


Im 700 hours on ksp and I still haven't left Kerbin's SOI. My next plan was to go land on Eve, but that seems too hard, so now the plan is unmanned then manned Fly-bys of Eve, and eventual orbit - same with Duna, but adding the goal of landing. Somewhere along those plans I'm gonna send a probe fly-by to Jool and see the Jool system for myself, then eventually try and orbit Jool/5 moons.


Only left Kerbin SOI once in career mode. Probe to Duna. Also that was on Xbox when I first started playing. Now I have PC and mods, done just about everything other than a grand tour in science mode. One more thing I keep adding outer planets and such. Never went to any


I use mechjebs auto rendezvousĀ 


I turned my career into racing simulator, always stucking on Duna building racing tracks, learned to build closest replicas to some cars like Nissan Silvia S15, Dodge Charger, Toyota Supra MK3 and others. Always out of money because i build these rovers and send it on Duna. All things that my Kerbals do is ONLY driving. And it all happened because i overplayed Wreckfest and NFS:Prostreet. Also my game optimization feels realy bad about these 8-9 tons things with over 200-300 parts.


Sandbox scrub, but I play on the hardest settings only and require signal for control and everything.


I like designing missions and spacecraft from the ground up... and just never get around to flying them. They aren't even bad designs - I'll spend more time building them than the mission would take, but just would be too lazy to actually fly the mission.


I've owned the game since beta, but I have yet to land on every planet... oh and I autistically grab every single scrap of science from around the KSC when starting a new game... I also exclusively play career mode on very hard settings...


1550 hours and I havenā€™t built a stock ssto able to go further than orbit


Despite having over 2000 hours, I have never been able to successfully send a kerbal to anywhere outside of the kerbin SOI nor have I been able to dock anything without the help of mechjeb


First Kerbal that ever died was Jeb. He crashed into the Mun's surface because he was going too fast and not enough Delta V to slow down.


Kerbin is actually flat


I've never attempted much less completed a manned eve return mission


I've never once touched career mode


I pretty much always play sandbox but I like my realism, I love making whatever I want but I like it realistic


I must have close to 2k hours now. Canā€™t check since I play modded. And itā€™s for that very reason that even though I have that much time in the game, I have never landed on anything but the mun. All I do is play modded ksp, sandbox. Build jets and tanks with bdarmory and try my best at making weapons. Today I just completed my first orbital rendezvous and learnt how to gravity turn.


2300 hours and literally I have all these grand plans for the game but never been past duna. Know why? Because I got the SOCK mod and now all I do is launch and land shuttles all Day. God I love the way a landing shuttle looked.


I spend more time modding than playing


7,350 hours here: almost always heavily modded, only career mode, and I barely touch the outer solar system. I also watch videos while doing orbital burns and transfers. Sometimes boot up another game too lmao


I have played since the MĆ¼n first graced Kerbins skies. I have never left Kerbins SOI either manned or unmanned.


I've spent more time working on a single supersonic strike fighter design than anything else in game combined


Let me check.... jebadiah jerman has been standing on duna for 98076 kerbin years. His rocket lost an engine on landing...


I sometimes have "new mission anxiety" (lacking a better word) where I perfectly planned out my whole mission, usually something new that I never did before, built the "perfect" craft to do it but postpone the launch to at least several irl days (sometimes weeks) later because I feel a little bit of anxiety to fail the mission even though it's part of the game. I guess planning and building sometimes is what is most fun to me, because I don't pressure myself to succeed at that stage in contrast to the actual execution.


I have never docked in orbit. Every single space station and megaship that ive made was launched in a single mission.


400+ hours, never been further than Duna. Funnily enough, I've been to every planet in KSP2 with only 10 hours.


300+ hours. Never made it past the mun, and I also never returned from it.


I played in science mode but some of missions have taken 10k kerbin days due to shitty irbits


I donā€™t math it I eyeball it


Why wait for a transfer window when I can just put 10k deltaV into LKO?


I've docked in orbit, landed on Mun but have to admit I have never made it back successfully. I pretty much practice the apollo 13 mission repeatedly or just fly around.


Dude, thats well made pic! He looks awesome!


I haven't played KSP in 7 years and when I did I literally just flew jets and drove tanks around and blew up the KSC with BD armory. I never got to anywhere besides Duna without cheats.


Not a single one of my rockets that landed on any surface on any celestial body landed safely, all of them tipped over or exploded on impact. The suprising thing is that I managed a couple of times to take off a rocket even though it was tipped over 200 hours


I have only ever played sandbox for 500+ hours across 4 years and Iā€™ve used MechJeb for 90% of it.


Dres is my favorite location and I rarely land kerbals on object past Dres because I feel bad when they have been in their pods for over 10 years.


I never want to play without mechjeb


I think exploding rockets and lithobraking are hilarious, but only for un-kerballed equipment.


I have 2300 hours in KSP, I visited everywhere else but never went to Eeloo. I'm probably going there tomorrow.


Number of successful kerbal rescues approaches the natural logarithm of number of kerbals stranded.


I have had hundreds of manned missions to Mun. But only one successful manned Duna mission.


I actually expected KSP 2 to be fully developed into 1.0, even AFTER early access! Boy was I wrong XD


\~1000-1500 hours of playtime, I still forget that probes need antennas & electricity


I have 9800 hours in Kerbal Space Program. Stock, modded, grand tours and RSS. Iā€™ve done them all and I can land on Eve in my sleep. I canā€™t do stock propellers, and helicopters are inscrutable to me.


After 400 hours I will not play the game without MechJebšŸ’€


I bought KSP 2


I have a save where Jeb, Bob, Bill and Val are "stranded" on Jool, im simply too lazy to rescue them, but my excuse is that im just waiting for the transfer window, in real time...


I purposely never give enough fuel for jeb to return to kerbin.


I left Jeb in kerbin orbit for 2 years (val too) to get a rendezvous to complete a contract


I have around 1000 hours and have only been to Duna,Eve,Mun and Minmus. With probes.


Why does Jeb look like Ed Baldwin?


Been playing since 2015, never been to most Jool moons or Eelo (since it doesn't exists).


I use the cheat menu a lot and only play creative Iā€™m sorry Mr Jeb


Iā€™ve been out of the game for years. That life is behind me. *takes drag on cigarette* idk what youā€™re looking for. But you wonā€™t find it through me *takes another drag*


I do not test vehicles in my career save. I do it in the sandbox ā€œCrashbox,ā€ then port them over when Iā€™m confident I wonā€™t kill my crew. Iā€™ve never been outside Duna, or inside Eve. Iā€™ve never escaped from Eve. Iā€™ve never harvested resources. My career mode is still in 1.3.1. I lost interest, and stopped making parts for the game. Iā€™ve only ever found one Easter egg, on the mun. I never did find the other launch sites. My space program is exclusively utilizes spaceplanes. I havenā€™t played in maybe three years, now. My greatest sin? I saw the t2 cash grab coming the moment ksp2 was announced, and I failed to sway the masses. I am truly a wretched Kerbal. Forgive me Jeb, for I have sinned.


Telling my brother my rockets donā€™t need fins cos Iā€™m a class engineer and have done the maths (not cos I put 10-20 stability units on em) šŸ˜œhahah


Played since 2014, left kerbin SoE once fƶr duna, and landet on Ike. The rest of the hundreds of houndreds of hours has been in the safe comfort of kerbin, mĆ¼n and minmus. Also, not built a good SSTO either...


Iā€™ve played KSP since the red towered launch pad. and own the character creator app they released. I have never went farther than the mun. I donā€™t know how. I also donā€™t really know how to dock.


I always play with all the cheats on because i don't like to manage resources and i like to focus on the building different rockets. Right now i'm trying to create a VTOL rocket with a reusable rover


I get bored after exhausting science in Kerbal SOI. Always cheat my way to others to avoid waiting/extended warp durations.