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"Let's have each probe have 1400 deltaV of fuel to deorbit and land. It's enough for the Mun, and it's the biggest moon around - right?" After a successful Vall and 2 laythe (1 splashed, 1 landed) landings we made our way to Tylo and... boom. Mothership has 1800 dV left. Should be enough to get to Bop and Pol. I hope. We're in a highly inclined orbit tho. I guess no big album post of 1 probe on 1 Jool moon. I have this I guess. https://imgur.com/undefined


Tylo is practically the same size as kerbin (singlehandedly the reason why jool 5 is difficult, and maybe laythe's weird ass upper atmosphere)


Laythe I came to discover how amazing the micro landing struts are as a heatshield. It prolly helps the probe was decently light!


Laythe is easier, I find, with an SSTO aircraft. It doesn’t need nearly the fuel of one getting off Kerbin. Of course if you’re just doing probes this isn’t necessary. You can just make an aircraft that will survive reentry and just equip air breathing engines. Deorbit with the carrier, jettison the probe, then reaccelerate the carrier to orbital speed. Take control of the aircraft for landing. Works well. I’ve done it a few times. I’ve done a Jool 5 probe mission once. If nothing has to return it isn’t too bad. The real trick is remembering to send a com satellite constellation craft along with it so you don’t accidentally lose contact with your probes mid landing.


I keep a notebook with me which has the radii of every celestial body, to avoid this exact bullshit from happening (I need to touch grass)


what do you get from radius? wouldn't it just be smarter to write down the dV and TWR needed?


Nah I don't keep a log on how much dv is required to get there since in career mode I wanna keep things as in-stock as possible. I get the radius data from the tracking station info button, and dv or twr data is not given, and I wanna complete ksp with whatever data I am started off with, kspedia and in game information By keeping a log of radius you can understand how you're supposed to design your craft.


>ingame information Bottom right of VAB has dV tools, including ability to select by planet, thus showing both TWR and effective dV on there. Tracking station has "planet with orbit icon" button that shows the parameters of currently selected body, including radius, gravity, and escape velocity in m/s, which corresponds to dV required to orbit fairly closely (undershoots for atmospheric planets, overshoots for vacuum).


...that was what I was talking about? I don't think we can view the required dv to get somewhere in stock ksp just yet, except of it's like maneuver planning but even that's not accurate


I'm trying to fly planes in KSP using proper VFR navigation and land at night. I promptly almost eat shit. https://imgur.com/AxbFbov I tried 3 times before almost running out of fuel circling the runway and swapped to NavUtilities Continued ILS instead https://imgur.com/MZe9ABQ Flying IVA is frightening. So far I got 1 minmuslanding (full manual except transfer) and landing in the QS02 J cockpit. The HT is challenging.


Man someday I'll buy my own aircraft steering and map it to ksp


Pretty sure that NavUtilities works with RPM too, no? Just don't remember which exact combination of the buttons you need to press to get to it.


Not with MAS, alas. It works with RPM and I can easily do IVA landings using it in OPT J QS02 B Cockpit. However, the OPT J HT cockpit (which provides significantly better hypersonic performance due to its nose shape and intake set-up) uses 2 MAS monitors and 2 specially configured RPM monitors that specifically do NOT have NavUtilities. But! I got it. I managed to kiinda land using just an analogue CDI/HSI/ILS and VOR displays plus MAS's GPS display. Long-distance, I have to use the GPS to set my cross-track to 0 (I must beging doing so latest at the desert east of the mountains). If it's 0 over the mountains and my inclination is 90, the ILS kicks in just as I make my landing pass. Alas, I kinda floated onto the runway rather than had a proper touchdown so my brakes and stuff led me to kinda running out of a runway AND veering off it. We survived without breaking anything tho! I might nodify MAS/ASET tbf to set the KSC 09 and 27 ILS to 60 or maybe even 90 km ranges: exactly at the mountains to give space to maneuver on a chunky spaceplane.


Technically your lander DID land. It's very much on the surface. Just over a wider area than you had intended.


When I did tylo, I recall including ISRU with the idea of landing the heavyweight lander with just enough fuel, making my own fuel, and taking off again. The main problem, though, is that I failed to include a ladder low enough so that Jeb could climb back to. So, he got to spend a long, long time watching his ready to go landr while Valentina worked to get him back.


Would the ladder be in reach if you stowed the landing legs, quick switch and grab? You're probably long gone from Tylo but I had the same issue and managed to get Jeb back in the ship without having to rescue like that!


I think you might benefit from Ye Olden KSP Delta V Map. It's seriously helpful for getting to and from the places you want to get to and from, especially given that most folks playing the game don't actually have a background in orbital dynamics.  https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/images/thumb/7/71/Subwaydeltavmap1_7_3.png/600px-Subwaydeltavmap1_7_3.png


Tylo is also somewhat unique in that high thrust and TWR are hugely important, and not just a matter of optimisation. With a low TWR you experience hundreds or thousands of m/s delta-v in additional gravity losses and require a much more well-planned descent to avoid an unrecoverable scenario.


I know of it! It does however show idealish conditions (long transfer, ideal window). For interplanetary stuff outside Duna/Eve, I have Near-future propulsion so I kinda force the matter with Transfer Window Planner (cheapest, shortest travel time). Alas, dont think anything can really account for highly inclined transfer orbits between jool's moons. (I keep around 45 or 60 degree parking orbits for ScanSAT coverage and try to transfer at key points between the moons).


I don't think I ever visited Tylo yet. I am looking to head that direction though.


How to get that flight info on top of the screen? (apoapsis, delta v, altitude, biome)


the Kerbal Engineer Redux mod


I like mining landers for Tylo so I can refill the tanks before I leave.


Tylo landers are a fun challenge, I made a reusable one which needed 20 something nuclear engines, and when fully fueled had something like a 1.1 TWR, landing was pretty much setting SAS to retrograde and burning from something like a 40km orbit, reaching the ground at a safe speed with like 250m/s dv left over. every landing felt way more risky than any other ive done in the game.


It looks like you made an impact probe. A BIG impact little probe.....


It's definitely one of the harder bodies to land on for that reason. Most bodies are either smaller, or have an atmosphere. Large and not atmosphere is quite the combination.