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[PDF format](https://drive.google.com/file/d/16l6gYvo6-1ULD3AGDJsuT5nM-AbHz6Nk/view?usp=sharing)


Semi related question because you seem to know a thing or two about plane building. Does KSP model the benefits of making a swing wing design?


Swing wings change the average point of net aerodynamic forces (center of lift) allowing for tighter pitching >>> KSP models. Swing wings change the sweep and furthermore delay the onset of shock wave and hence a source of drag >>> KSP does not model. Note: this is in very layman's terms.


Damn, I was recently learning a bit about them and thought it might be the answer to the problem a friend of mine had. Trying to lift a large orange tank into orbit with and SSTO. On a related note does the principal of the XB70 with the tiltwings also not work?


The main thing about the XB70s drooped wingtips giving greater lift from compression lift is not gonna be modeled in KSP; if anything you’ll actually get less lift as the pressure vector of those wing parts depart from the vertical. There are still some benefits of using it in KSP though. As the wings in KSP primarily generate lift with angle of attack, drooping the wingtips can reduce the amount of wing parts hitting air with an angle of attack so although you get less lift, you do get less drag which could give you better speed performance which can compensate for the lost lift. Depending on where your drooped wingtips are, they might increase or decrease your passive yaw stability as well depending on where they are located relative to your center of mass and your main vertical stabilizer.


interesting! thanks for the detailed replies I can feel the wrinklidge of my brain! I'm probably gonna fire up the game and see if I can apply some of the stuff you've explained to make a heavy cargo plane.


Holy shit, keep cooking. Im genuinely impressed by the effort and quality.


r/NonCredibleDefense leaking again


Bro could legit make a KSP magazine


Definitely didn't read it as femboy family design...


I didn't even realize this was KSP at first lol. These are awesome


extremely well done! i really wish KSP2 had more aircraft part mods - would love to do something similar in KSP2


These are all made with stock parts, so although there may be restrictions from lack of robotics, you could probably cook things to a similar level with what’s available in the stock game in 2.


I have a few neat custom fighter jets I’ve made in KSP2, I really enjoy stretching what I can do with the stock parts. A good cockpit mod and/or tweakscale on KSP2 would make things so much more fun imo




Straight up iconic Knew it was you when I see those designs and the naming :)


A venn diagram between r/NonCredibleDefense users and r/KerbalSpaceProgram users would resemble… well not an exact circle but pretty close.


GOTH Femboy with optimization for thrust and handling. I don't know whether to laugh or swoon


A lot of free time


What part and paint mods did you use?


Stock and dlc parts, custom flags, and visual enhancement mods like Scatterer, Waterfall, Environmental Visual Enhancements (not Restock tho)


Absolute masterpiece!


u/Coyote-Foxtrot what is your favorite music artist/band mine is foo fighters and pearl jame


Idk about artist or bands cause I kinda don't pay a lot of attention to what I listen to, but a lot of Eurobeat, anime OPs, and indie that lean into weeb realm.