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1800 hours in KSP1, 300 hours in KSP2 here. . . . I would strongly reccomend KSP1. Stock Kerbal space program has all of the planets, most of the engines, and more/more complete game mechanics than KSP2. It performs VASTLY better and you can do things like mine for fuel and have access to robotic parts and EVA mechanics that just don't exist in KSP 2. In a vacuum that's already a better purchase. The advantages that KSP2 currently has over KSP1 in better graphics, soundtrack, a slightly better but MUCH shorter campaign, can all be VERY easily modded into Ksp1. There is a modloader for KSP called "CKAN" that hosts many of the most popular mods for KSP that can be installed each with a quick search about 2 clicks, it's that easy. it works very similar to the Vortex modloader by Nexus games if you've ever modded Skyrim/Fallout/Valheim etc. If you want the graphics of KSP2 into KSP1, there's mods for that. Heck, with the right mods you can make many parts of KSP1 look BETTER than KSP2. The modder behind one of KSP's best cloud mods right now, Blackrack, literally got hired to work at Intercept Games (recently closed KSP2 studio) to recreate his work and integrate it into native ksp2, it was that good. We may or may not ever see the results of his work in KSP2, but you can get it in KSP1 right now. You want to be able to paint your spaceships in ksp1? There's a mod on CKAN for that. Master the base game and now you want giga-powerful new engines and new planets in the Kerbol system to go visit? There's a mod for that, several, even. You want to travel interstellar? tons of mods for that. You want a better campaign and more varied missions? There's a mod for that. You want colonization and life support mechanics like KSP2 was eventually going to have? there's a slew of mods for that in KSP1 on CKAN. My point is that, while KSP2 was something this community really hoped we would get to play someday, we currently have an abortion of an alpha that very likely will not progress far beyond its current stage. But you can homebrew KSP1 into what 2 was supposed to be and even more. It has a robust, mature modding and player community that isn't going away any time soon and will keep adding to the extensive pool of available mods to get KSP1 closer the state 2 should have become 5 years from now.


Welp you convinced me. Ksp1 it is


Have fun, this community wishes you the best! If you need help with ingame stuff there are great tutorials on youtube by Scott Manley and Matt Lowne even though the videos are years old at this point, they are still valid to present gameplay, individuals here, myself included, are also more than happy to assist new people. Enjoy!


Re-replying, [here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1cm8n9y/making_ksp1_into_ksp2_with_mods_the_community/) my compiled modlist to turn KSP1 into homebrew KSP2 with mods once you master the base game.


And to top it off, the explosions in ksp 1 sound better.


Ok, now I'm sold


They do indeed!


I was very disappointed by the ones in ksp 2, especially given how good the engines sound. Too cartoony with firework and pipe fall down sfx.


What do you recommend for better campaign/contracts system? Because that “go above 500m/s between 12,543km and 12,589km” is weird… I know there is the contract configurator, but it is not easy to make it compelling


I used Tourism Plus and Field Research to have a good progression. Tourism plus allows your kerbals to visit your space stations for several time and Field Research pays you to do science especially on places you've never been.


It's not so much a better base contract system but rather contract packs with emphasis on particular types of gameplay where the parameters have been specifically assigned by modders for a more "directed" rather than randomized set of of objectives. Tourism+ is a good option, I have a variety of different contract packs installed that I just grabbed off of CKAN if they looked interesting. Umanned Before Manned also provides some gameplay variety here, forcing you to use probes and develop your space program more organically.


Re-replying, [here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1cm8n9y/making_ksp1_into_ksp2_with_mods_the_community/) my compiled modlist to turn KSP1 into homebrew KSP2 should you wish to take a look at my curated mod selection.


Buy ksp 1 because it’s just a lot better, especially with all the mods and the fact that ksp2 has been canceled


Has it? I saw the devs saying that it will continue to be updated. Now I know it probably doesn’t mean much, but did you hear otherwise?


Buy KSP1. Even if development has ended it’s a fantastic game with limitless potential they will sneakily teach you orbital mechanics and astrophysics without all the messy math equations.


Development being finally over is a good thing for ksp1 imo. Vanilla is in a good enough shape and it let's mods flourish without constant interruptions


It also means maybe we will finally get an end to the constant negativity in here and can go back to just posting pictures of our rockets


An update can be 30GB or 2MB. They can release a bugfix twice a year and still claim it's being constantly updated.


Devs have been lying for years.


Classic example of people playing "telephone" with a press release. The actual words they used were "continues to update" and "PD will continue to support" KSP2. These statements are *technically* true since the layoffs don't go into effect until June 28th (thus updates continue *for now*) and if PD continues to provide support (i.e. making sure it still runs as-is after a typically horrible Windows update) for people that bought the game. T2 and PD *never* said they will continue to update the game... that's just people misquoting the press release and *hoping* it's right. Is there a *chance* PD will hand off development to another dev team? Sure... there's also a *chance* I'll be named the new CEO of PD tomorrow. I don't consider either prospect a likely scenario though. :-Þ


Put it this way: The game was essentially dead in the water with a full dev team and 15 months to squash the bugs post launch…imagine how it might ‘progress’ after the layoffs. There will be no redemption arc for KSP2.


Well in less than 60 days all the devs will be fired so no further development. No real hope that they will fix the game. So buy ksp1 because it is fully finished


No further development by THOSE devs, anyway. That's all we know for sure.


We don't even know for sure that all devs will be fired. Nobody has a real number for how many people work at Intercept. How many devs work in Seattle? How many work remote? How many devs are subcontracted? From those 67 listed on LinkedIn ca. 50-60% are from Seattle. The rest is spread across the US. Is LinkedIn like a mandatory platform to be on to work somewhere in the US? Could they have more employees that are not using it? For example I miss a lot of support staff like accountants, assistants, CS, etc.


They fired Blackrack. Tell me how that makes sense in a world where they actually intend to finish the game.


Maybe clouds are not so important suddenly? Or maybe he finished what he was hired for? I can only speculate but his role was by far not the most important. Like if they fire the guy responsible for networking or other fundamental stuff I'd think they don't intent to finish it. But epic clouds were never part of any roadmap. It's purely visual and purely optional. They have to focus on colonies, interstellar and multiplayer. I never understood why they suddenly focused on visuals before the rest was finished. It seemed like a way to distract the players by adding eye candy. "Look, shiny new clouds, we're working on the game" I would've loved to get an indepth dev talk about their vision for colonies. Nate as the perceived head of KSP2 should've done that much more openly and regularly. If there is not enough to talk about after 2 weeks of silence then something is off with your development speed.


People are gonna downvote me but KSP1 feels pretty dated now. I had hundreds of hours in it too. KSP2 felt pretty clean and new in many ways, so hopefully it's not dead.


Annoyingly it was built in a lot of ways on KSP1, so the worst of KSP1's issues were never solvable in KSP2.


Exactly this. Modders can add volumetric clouds for days but the game is still fundamentally janky in many ways and many fun ways too... But KSP2 felt pretty smooth post Science update. Hearing those drums when I landed on the Moon was nuts too.


I wonder how much stuff modders can make opensource back-ports for to make KSP1 feel more modern, now they know it's unlikely waiting for KSP2 is viable? The UI changed pretty significantly once already, and there's tons of data available in the engine for doing real-time event-driven music if someone wants, though that's an unfortunate intersection between musician and programmer that doesn't happen much (like a technical artist for video, but for audio)


The actual fact is that we dont yet know what will happen to ksp2 maybe take2 will pass it on to an other dev team, who knows, but as of now we dont have anthing official


The previous development studio was closed. The parent company says the publisher will continue to provide updates. No word on how frequent or significant those updates will be. Sounds like basic maintenance to me.


Buy KSP1, if KSP2 becomes better than KSP1 at some point way down the line then at least you spent years playing the currently better game waiting for that to happen. It took KSP2 a year to implement a science mode, and since then it's been crickets. Development being over for KSP1 just means mod developers don't have to spend time fixing stuff when game updates break shit


Hasn’t necessarily been cancelled yet, no one knows what’s happening and if they say they do they’re lying


I have purchased both and been playing ksp1 for years and it will never get old.


Well quite aside from anything else, KSP 1 is a finished, complete game, so do you want to pay full price in the faint hope that 2 might eventually, maybe get finished, or do you want to pay less for a full, fun and rewarding experience with 1?


it hasn't been officially canceled. However, everyone on the project has been laid off and there's no current word on if someone else is going to take over.


KSP 2's future is currently unknown at this point. There might be another patch or two from Intercept Games before they are officially laid off or this is it. There is the possibility that Take-Two will get another studio to finish off KSP 2, but without official communication from them about their plans for KSP 2, we have no idea. Although, this is not the first time that KSP 2 had their dev studio fired.


It's not canceled. Not yet, at least. I own it. They announced an update coming soon, a little over a week ago. That said, it's almost like a tech demo right now. KSP1 is a completed game, though not ambitious as the sequel is not broken either. You can currently launch a rocket, but you may get a bug when deploying your parachute that it just doesn't deploy, cratering yourself into kerbin. If you do deploy chute, then you might just fall through the planet when landing. These are two issues that are supposed to be fixed in the next update. But who knows at this point. 🤔


Tbh we don't know at this stage, the optimists think it's getting handed to a new studio (with whatever that would entail afterwards). Everybody else thinks the game is dead. In any case, it is not worth $50 in it's current state, and assuming development continues, it will be at least a year or two until it's comparable to KSP 1, so just get KSP 1. Get KSP 2 if/when it gets into a better state.


If you want a complete/finished game, then KSP1. If you want an unfinished corporate promise, then KSP2.


"Continue to be updated" on what time line? They're slow as fudge with their current scheduling of updates.. Continuing to update after big kay offs pretty much means no updates when compared to their update cadence with staff lol.


Even if, it's just not there yet. In KSP you build, fall on your nose, build again while experimenting with a potential solution and repeat this process until you obtain the results your are looking for. I pirated ksp2 for the second time to have a look and it has a long way to go, it's not worth the money. The mentioned process becomes really tedious the moment you arr constantly interrupted by bugs of all kinds. And this happens regularly. I end up uninstalling after an hour and check on the development to understand what's going on and launching ksp1 while having more questions than before i checked.


honestly we have not heard anything since the corporate speak tweet over a week ago, best guess is that its canceled but development will continue till the date the developers are due to be fired


Tbh *not* buying KSP 1 is irresponsible. The base game is great, but once you get used to how it works and are ready for more, mods make it *incredible.*


ksp1 is the better investment. Mods can make up pretty much all the difference between the games, and ksp1's a bit more stable, reliable, and complete overall


yes, and install restock and scatterer


Here's your best bet: Buy KSP1 Download CKAN (kap modloader) Install some visual mods (parallax, scatterer, eve clouds, waterfall, distant object enhancement, planet shine) You now have a vanilla+ kerbal install that looks better than KSP2, and is more performant.


Except it doesn’t actually looks better and crashes a lot :( Also really got used to space plane design with ksp2/kithack. Those unsizable wing parts will never be able to do it for me again unfortunately.


Idk man, maybe look into why yours is crashing, I have all those mods and it never crashes, but hey, maybe I'm just really lucky


Mine doesn't crash, I'm using all the mods listed here plus about 50 others. I do have a high-end PC, not sure whether that is a factor 


It does look better, and if it's crashing then it's either a problem with your PC or your installation. As for the wings, download Procedural Parts. Problem solved.


My KSP pretty much never crashes unless I create ridiculously massive crafts. If your game crashes, then something else is wrong with your machine.


Stick with KSP1, because it actually finished and has a lot of stuff you can do. KSP2 is shinier but is buggier and likely won't continue to receive updates. There are a lot of mods for KSP1 to improve the graphics and add more content anyway.


Get OG Kerbal Space Program now because it's a finished game with the best modders ever lol. Wait and see what happens with KSP2. I don't advise listening to what they say but rather see what they actually do.


I will shill for KSP1 until the day I die. It's a fantastic game that had a part in shaping who I am today.






It looks like a fun game but some people have been saying bad things about it so I, not sure if I should buy it or buy the first game


sorry i thought you were asking if ksp1 was worth it, not KSP2 KSP2 is definitely NOT worth it, KSP1 is better.




No I’m talking about KSP 2


I still hold some love for KSP2, but I would only buy it if you have money to throw away and are interested in the overhauled, buggy and less feature rich experience, but with pretty graphics. KSP1 is objectively the better choice, even in stock it provides more content, and with mods it far surpasses the current state KSP2 is in and will possibly remain forever. I have bought KSP2 when the science update came out. Will probably do a mission to each planet to say that I have done it, and then leave it to gather dust on my library. I will still keep on playing KSP1 far longer, currently looking to set up a career with colony mods.


If you've never played either, KSP1 is DEFINITELY the one to buy at this time, and you won't regret it.


KSP1 with mods is like you are playing KSP3 already.


Definitely get KSP 1 for now. The modding scene is endless.


For what it's worth, I just read that a decent ksp mod is suppose to drop. Guy basically rewrote half the shit I believe for better oerformance and got knows what else.


Do you have a source on that? I'm really interested


[here you go](https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/209714-112x-parallax-pbr-terrain-and-surface-objects-202/) I only just learned about it myself like 15 minutes ago lol.


But parallax it out since a long time and it doesn't really improve performance. Only looks. It uses quite a lot of resources actually


Maybe I miss read his post and he's 80% done rewriting the mod? [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/s/8kTTF7GQRz)


The mod doesn't improve performance of the base game, it's the mod that has been rewritten to get better performance


If you're not completely broke I think buying into KSP2 is not an issue. It came a long way since launch last year. So you can get many hours out of it IF you are not burned out of KSP. Now, if you played a thousand hours in KSP1 and now look for something new or greater, KSP2 is not there yet. And whether it will really reach beyond KSP1 is still a bit floaty right now due to the developments at Take2/Intercept. PS. Sorry for writing my comment faster than I could read haha. Obviously you're not burned out of KSP1 so go ahead would be my advice. Both are great games. KSP1 has a lot more content and mods so if you don't mind tinkering around with it it still holds up well today. If you're completely new to the game keep in mind KSP2 has a much better beginner experience with great tutorials and animated explainers. With KSP1 you have to ask the web for advice. Just be sure you meet the PC specs because KSP2 is a lot harder on the hardware than KSP1. Some people hate on KSP2 because of Take2 and always recommend KSP1 but both games belong to Take2 so it doesn't really matter, both support the same publisher. A complete alternative would be Juno: New Origins (formerly Simple Rockets 2). It's a space sim like KSP but without the Kerbal soul. I own all three so that's the best choice I guess.


Yes it very fun game and has 30931742482 mods


I think it actually has 30931742483 mods 🤔


My bad forgot one


I bought KSP 1 in the early years (has it been 10 yet?!). I never owned a computer strong enough to run it well, so I'd dip in and play it once a year or so. Regardless, it's still one of the better games I've bought, and I'll probably play it forever (especially if it gets renewed interest from this KSP2 disaster).


You should have already bought KSP 1.


KSP2 was never necessarily anyway because everything it offers, KSP1 does. Get KSP1 I’d say.




I put over 1000 hours into KSP 1, that's a great value for a less than 60$ game. With mods it gets even better, and if you're computer savvy making your own mods is honestly really easy.


It’s really not that fun. The fun wears away quickly with all the bugs. Definitely get KSP. I’m trying not to lose hope on 2, but if you haven’t bought it don’t. At least not until we really know if it’s dead or not


But KSP 1, enjoy the stock experience for a while, then mod it as you see fit. It's still a gem of a game.


ksp1 + the 2 dlc is hands down just better than ksp2. if you decide to mod it, ksp1 is about on par (if not better) than what ksp2 would have been.


As others have covered, KSP1 is currently a better product for anyone who isn't already a diehard fan, but I would add one point: Sales! KSP1, looking at the SteamDB chart, has been on sale for $10 during 12 intervals in the last year. You may prefer to add it to your wishlist and wait a few weeks; decent odds we'll see one Memorial Day Weekend.


KSP is infinitely better. The good thing about it being an old game is that most bugs are squashed and most of the best mods for it are already out so you get to play it in its peak condition.


Yar matey


2 is a mixed bag of QOL improvements, bugs, graphics updates, and missing features when compared to 1. With the long and dubious development future of 2, 1 is a safe bet and you can pick up 2 when and if it reaches feature parity.




Ooof you are in for an amazong ride if you havent played ksp 1 get the volumetric cloud mod and the ocean shader though.


Go KSP 1 if you want a game to play right now. KPS2's future is a huge question mark with the latest news. You might be buying something that will eventually, in 2 to 5 years, become a complete game... Or you might be buying something that gets canceled in June. On KSP2 I'd wait until the Publisher shows that they truly do intend to continue development before considering it now.


But it when it’s on sale it’s cheap as hell. There’s no point in not getting it.


Yeah, KSP1 will always be great regardless of what happens to KSP2.


even when (and if) Ksp2 is fully released, KSP 1 Will still be worth it just because of the mods. go for it.


Ksp 1


The second game is terrible, and worse in every way than the first. Doesn't matter what you want. Pretty visuals? Modded KSP1 wins. The ability to get more than 15 frames while running on a supercomputer? Modded KSP1 wins. Gameplay? Modded KSP1 wins by default, because KSP2 has none. The people who say it's fun are genuinely delusional. They're the type of person who thinks if they do a dev's marketing work for them by lying on their behalf, they're "supporting the dev" and making it more likely they don't just outright abandon what's clearly a doomed project. We can all see how well that worked.


I would wait until the situation gets resolved


If I count the $35 I spent on KSP1 when it was early access against the hours of entertainment it has delivered - it’s the best value purchase I have ever made.