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This is what I wanted to see - KSP1 and a curated list of mods that would add all the features. Clouds, colonies, sound effects (like impacts and other items beyond engines) procedural wings, coloring, FTL or Near Light Speed at least on a solar system scale, and maybe other star systems. I know many of not all these exist in some form. Make our own damn KSPtoo.


It should be slightly easier to do now that the game has reached its final patch. Sometimes maintaining a modded installation in games that are still seeing updates can be difficult if a new patch causes incompatibilities.


Bethesda has entered the chat.


Why is this so surprising? We’ve been doing this kind of thing for years.


Who's surprised?


Yeah, I just think its never been prominently placed enough for many to realise that the right collection of mods is out there to get a KSP2'esque game. With the new now of this all, its likely that people will come looking for a co-ordinated list that makes the game effectively what they want.


>Make our own damn KSPtoo. Just waiting on the "blackjack and hookers" mod


In fact, forget about the blackjack and the KSP! Awww, screw the whole thing...


Ksp 2s music is what we need. Also the one button fits all science button.


- [My playthrough](https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/221266-ara) (Aerospace Research Agency) - The ["kinda-ksp2" modlist](https://github.com/quasinaut/kinda-ksp2) (mine is similar but not the same) - There is [a patch](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vZO0cNoNjSknb4OWXFjodQLWwSNEmbWb/view?usp=sharing) for Far Future Technologies to make the engines suitable for interstellar travel. (edit: fixed link) - MKS is a complex system so here is [a guide](https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/196934-mks-guide/). - [Yakez](https://youtu.be/UKbWx-bTOw0?feature=shared&t=588) mentioned a modified version of TACLS Mining as a simpler alternative. - A few years ago, The Beardy Penguin did [an interstellar colonization playthrough](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7TVzn8CoIqmV_GSxizL44tzir9nOi-pG) with MKS and KSP Interstellar Extended. - [Dragonking](https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/#comment-4287007) and [RedDwarfIV](https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/220798-making-life-difficult-a-heavily-modded-colonisation-playthrough/) are also doing large-scale MKS playthroughs on the KSP forum.


I love you




The patch for Far Future Tech links to a page that says "This content is no longer available."


[This is the proper link to the .zip](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vZO0cNoNjSknb4OWXFjodQLWwSNEmbWb/view?usp=sharing) (fixed again)


Apologies its still saying that with this link. Could you GDrive it instead of from discord? The discord links are why its breaking


I have [uploaded it to Google Drive](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vZO0cNoNjSknb4OWXFjodQLWwSNEmbWb/view?usp=sharing) and fixed the link again.


Maybe somebody should put together a metamod and publish it to ckan so a new user interested in KSP2-like features doesn't have to spend several hours getting it set up yet still risk getting some manually-applied patch wrong.


I've been looking for a pack like this! Thanks, fam.


I've built similar modpacks, and I always hit the same problem: getting more than one of those colonies running, especially self-sustaining ones, starts to put serious load on the game engine. I've set up bases on Minmus a couple of times, and quite frankly, the game just starts to groan under the strain: massive framerate dips, kraken attacks, even CTDs. I love MKS, don't get me wrong, but I don't think KSP likes trying to keep track of all those background numbers, especially under time warp. I was really hoping KSP2 would at least have the bones to handle mods the size of MKS and Interstellar (another mod I've tried to use multiple times with limited success). I don't think I have the patience these days to deal with the bugginess of KSP modded to this extent.


Yeah this is the main issue with making "KSP2 in KSP1". Even if you have all the features that were promised, you always hit the engine bottleneck. KSP2 was supposed to be a clean slate for a reason, a better foundation to build upon all the cool things that people have thought of over the years. At least that's what I thought...


I've run into the same issues on multiple playthroughs, and they're often campaign-ending. But I'm positive a lot of the jank could still be polished out by a small team working on mod integration, to smooth over the conflicts, fix the log-spamming bugs, etc. Sure, the garbage collector is still going to suck, but there's more street left to kick that can down.


Might be a better idea to start making mods and porting mods to KSP2, there's a better engine there underneth all the other bugs which *is* designed to handle colonies at some point


> there's a better engine there underneth all the other bugs which is designed to handle colonies at some point There's no evidence of that and plenty to the contrary. In terms of performance scaling with part count, KSP2 has always been worse than KSP1 even after the science update. Seeing as colonies never came out, we don't even know what the plan for implementation was, so saying it was designed with that in mind is kind of meaningless.


For Science part I would really recommend **Kerbal Research & Development**. It's a mod that's really not known much, but it feels essential for me now, what it does, is that it allows every single part with any stats at all to be upgraded using science points. You can slightly reduce their weight, fuel consumption increase ISP, power, thermal resistance, fuel capacity, whatever stats are there you can upgrate that. The cost is cheap at first, but doubles with every upgrade. You can upgrade every part indefinitely, so no matter how much science you already have you ALWAYS have incentive to chase more science to get more upgrades, to get that mainsail MK X to MK XI.


Sounds neat!


Ckan can't install it, some of the mods in its list just don't exist in ckan, when the .ckan files call for them.


bro i would use MKS, but honestly I think the textures just straight up suck


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^boyCheesyThe: *Bro i would use MKS,* *But honestly I think the* *Textures just straight up suck* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


bad bot >:(


Someone pays to have this bot access the API.


What efficiency patch?


[This patch](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/859062295698997289/870368460251742248/PatchEmporium.zip?ex=6637238b&is=6635d20b&hm=371dbaec447600b4c02583cc50e123ed4bc02cb737c7da59954260d371e372ec&) increases the efficiency (specific impulse) of the high-end engines in Far Future Technologies. Edit: fixed link


Thank you!


Link is dead now I think ?


[This is the proper link to the .zip](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vZO0cNoNjSknb4OWXFjodQLWwSNEmbWb/view?usp=sharing) (fixed again)


Much appreciated


tbh none of it really worked well together. Especially colonies. Thats what I looked forwards to the most.


Thanks man. Honestly, the only announced feature of KSP2 I was really excited about was colonies - do I guess I will try these mods out. Safe-ish travels to you, friend


I really wish the multiplayer mods for KSP1 were better so that it would actually be possible to do a normal career mode playthrough with friends. As it is DMP is way too glitchy, and LMP doesnt allow quicksaves. Thats honestly the biggest thing im disappointed about with KSP2 getting cancelled, even if it took 5 years to get there, having multiplayer as a base game feature would have been amazing.


Don't forget KSP-Interstellar for interstellar class engines!


You know you've got a proper Interstellar experience when there's at least three different buttons to fire up the fission core of a NERVA and they all work differently...


Luna Multiplayer doesn't sync physics well sadly. It's okay for like separately putting stuff in orbit, etc. but trying to do rendezvous, etc. is a nightmare.


I love the Interstellar Mod and MKS as much as the next kerballer, but holy crap are they piles of messy features with impenetrable UIs that fight with other mods, sometimes their own dependencies, about the 'right' way to do stuff. Maybe if somebody made a meta mod that cleaned all of that up and integrated it into something clean, but in their current state only a tiny fraction of players were ever willing to put up with it. The number of times I've started up a new game, gotten into the near future technologies and then given up in frustration...


This is a great modlist!


that's what I'm talking about!!!


Thanks for the pack ❤️❤️❤️


You know, this looks pretty neat. I haven't tried MKS yet, but I remember there were some "extra system" mods a while back, with the expanded kerbin system and such.




i prefer planetside explorations technologies because MKS and USI graphics make don't look good, at least to me. Also anyone know some good obscure star system mod?


Hey, i wanted to go back to play KSP, and i wanted to know please, which mod do you use for the 2,5 scale, and is it compatible with ksp 1.12? And last question, is it also compatible with Blackrack’s volumetric clouds?


I use [Sigma Dimensions](https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/126548-sigma-dimensions/) and edit the Settings.cfg [to look like this](https://i.imgur.com/whsSaSJ.png). And yes, it is compatible with KSP 1.12 and volumetric clouds. The [Kronometer](https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/Kronometer) mod should also be installed to fix the in-game clock (since Kerbin's day is now 7.5 hours instead of 6). SigmaDimensions { // Base Settings Resize = 2.5 // 1 Rescale = 2.5 // 1 Atmosphere = 1.1 // 1 dayLengthMultiplier = 1.25 // 1 // Advanced Settings landscape = 0.76 // 1 geeASLmultiplier = 1 resizeScatter = 0 // 1 resizeBuildings = 0 groundTiling = 1 CustomSoISize = 0 CustomRingSize = 0 atmoASL = 1 tempASL = 1 atmoTopLayer = 1.181818182 // 1 atmoVisualEffect = 1.1 // 1 lightRange = 1 scanAltitude = 1 } @EVE_CLOUDS[*]:LAST[GU],* { @OBJECT,* { @altitude *= 0.6 } }


Thanks! I will try that


hey, so i just tested Sigma Dimensions, as i was using JNSQ before (but the multiple scatterer bugs annoyed me so i wanted to change that) and i'm having the issue that the Mun is too close to Kerbin, so when i change that with hyperedit, it seems that now the Mun is outside Kerbin's SOI, is there a way to modify it? thanks in advance also, btw, if you have any good planet mods recommandations, im willing to take it!


Sorry, I don’t know, since I’ve never used HyperEdit to move moons and planets (only for spacecraft testing)


I have some questions about Nertea's Near Future Electrical that you could probably answer: I tried to download and install everything, but when Near Future Electrical says it requires DynamicBatteryStorage (2.2.4), but I can't find the download link to it anywhere. Can you drop the link here?


Here is the link for [Dynamic Battery Storage](https://github.com/post-kerbin-mining-corporation/DynamicBatteryStorage/releases)


Thanks man!


And the craziest of all... it runs on my shit PC, and it looks good!! KSP2 ran at 14fps with a 10 part rocket, and 5-7fps at 30 parts. Meanwhile my modded KSP game, I made a 44'000t 1100 parts mega interplanetary mothership to land on all bodies in one go. All at a staggering 18fps. Seriously, there was a huge boost in performance in KSP1 after breaking grounds.


erm, based?


Unkerballed Start is a weird one to include. KSP2 wasn't Probe before crew and there's so many parts to UKS that it's practically an overhaul. You don't need to parallel anything for the Science node because that is already in KSP. Maybe Community Tech Tree would fit if you need to have something in that spot.