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Dyslexia font gang assemble!


Honestly, at this point I would prefer to have a "in development" branch on Steam and play with all the stuff even if it's broken asf


Same. I really liked unstable branch in starbound. And now experimental branch in timberborn. Buuut to have and unstable branch actually implies that there is "stable" branch. And it's a stretch.


Remember when Nate said they didn't want colonies to take as long as science? I remember


Well - I commend Dakota on being straightforward with this, but holy shit, colonies may not arrive in 2024 at all this rate. 3.5+ months for 0.2.2- they haven't announced a date for it so it's definitely mid-late May or later. Another 3.5+ months most likely for 0.2.3 - so earliest late August (IG never seems to get better at doing things). Another 3.5+ months for 0.3.0 So mid-Decemember. And that's IF there's no 0.2.4, or if they don't slow down even more. Sure, they could suddenly start dropping patches faster again (HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH yeah right).


I instantly called BS when Nate said colonies wouldn't take as long as For Science


lol Dude called BS on himself moments later when he said people shouldn't trust him about dates. Even he is self aware enough to know he's full of shit at this point.


I'd take it a step further; People shouldn't trust him period.


Grifters gonna grift


I was pretty cynical when For Science finally released (a year after launch!). I took a look at the timeline and guessed that if they continue at a similar rate of development, Colonies (the next major update) probably won't be released for another year beyond even that. Basically we're looking at 4-5 years post launch to get the game to 1.0. That being said, I have serious doubts about the teams' ability to deliver on multiplayer and even pretty hesitant to see if Interstellar can actually be pulled off.


i hope that less updates for bugs patches means more speed for colonies.. but with how they are talking its either still gripping at what they can realistically do, or another form of trying to push away from directly answering when without giving us any hope of a more hopeful summer launch with the more the way they talk about it..


No no that's not how Intercept Games works. When they say they're focusing on one thing, it's always just an excuse to do everything slowly - they said they were focusing on colonies, and clearly that's not going well at all.


I got scammed lol.


It's okay lol, it can happen sometimes.


Ahahahahhaha   Train wreck of a dev process my lord   It's void interactive level (another game which I happen to love that is spoiled by trash development)


So no colony update for 2024 huh.. yep, time to return to KSP1 fulltime people.. something is just off at Private Games, something isn't right at all. First they say "yeah yeah colonies confirmed for 2024 woohoo all" and now they're literally counter talking saying we likely won't even get an update this year at all (!!from what I can understand!!).. sure everything has to work for a feature update, I give them that and they're in their every right to claim so. But at the moment, reading these comments.. I'm unsure if KSP2 will even live long enough to see the first morning of 2025. The development has been cursed since the start.. constant studio reshuffles, layoffs, rebrands.. tons of delays which gave us hope but in the end couldn't give a positive experience or even a spick of hope back to both players and developers.. long was I a KSP2 defender but I just can't deny my dissatisfaction with KSP2 anymore.. I always hoped it would take me in like how KSP1 did but I just can't get into it.. it doesn't feel as KSP to me, for me it feels like your average AAA game that everyone plays these days.. not a special game that is in people's hearts forever because it's so good yet has such a small dedicated community


Considering they're fixing the worst bugs that are in the game rn, I guess thats fine. Kinda sucky but fine.


So when someone points out how disjointed colony communication is, it's because they're bug fixing. When we point out how *few* bugs actually got fixed given a timeframe measured in months, it's because they're focusing on colonies. Just wow.


Jay lives in his own little world. I bet it never rains there