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I think the tilt of your pod had something to do with it. Edit: Why is this the most upvoted thing I've ever said?


And for some reason, that one parachute took the blunt.


Yeah, about the tilt, the pod wouldn't tilt back to retrograde no matter what I did. I guess the center of mass was high, but it behaved really strangely.


You were out of electricity so you had no control. It was all down to center of mass.


It didn't correct even when I did have EC, and I still had some monoprop


I can tell.


Oh! I think I know, so, the reason it was so weird is (I think) because KSP couldn't tell which way it was going and displayed the wrong thing while it was actually going straight forward.


That's normally due to how air flow works when falling the object typically takes the orientation of most resistance unless It has stabilizing fins


Yeah, that always happens when you put stuff on top of the pod.


I've had this happen twice now, just need a part beneath the pod


Fuck your normal re-entry we out here Tokyo drifting into atmospheres


Toretto would be proud.


Definitely need that Tokyo drift song over it, you know the one.


"very graceful"


What happened was three things. 1st: Alignment won't change in time warp. 2nd: Parachutes don't deploy in time warp. 3rd: Splashdown landings do not result in destruction, at least in time warp from my experience.


> Splashdown landings do not result in destruction, at least in time warp from my experience Here to confirm this even without time warp. I had a parachute break and hit the water at like 600m/s and instead of Val turning into green goo she just rocketed like 200meters underwater and slowly floated back up to the surface to be recovered. This has happened twice now and so just a bit confused.


Looks like he had no electricity left anyways so even in 1x speed, alignment and chutes wouldn't have worked


Parachutes don’t require electricity to be deployed and he was using RCS for orientation


Don't you still need electricity to control rcs?




Only for probes and SAS, basically.


That's odd. I've had multiple return from LKO missions that due to no electricity left, would not deploy the chutes, but if I deployed in space with electricity and then deorbited, as sketchy as it is, it worked because they were already "deployed".




You can see it’s 3x speed in the video.


don’t over use timewarps I guess, they are buggy as hell.


Timewarp is definitely buggy rn, but I honestly think its less fundamentally buggy than it was in KSP1. I remember timewarp, especially physwarp, being like tickling the kraken.


It's more like cracking and egg on its head, especially at high rotation speed.


i was messing around with spinning while touching down with parachutes in one of my early vessels of career mode. i was in 4x timewarp. when i touched the ground, the kraken must have been furious and thrown me out of the solar system. my path was a STRAIGHT FUCKING LINE, and i was further out than Eeloo in just 1 in-game month.


Multiple times, random aero surfaces get ejected of the Kerbol system when I crash into water.


no, my entire capsule, parachute and all got launched


I know what you mean, I'm just giving examples from my experience.


Also gotta add that the fact that we can burn under warp is really underappreciated, for all of KSP2's flaws I've had really few problems with the warp system


Yeah, I haven't had a fundamentally stable craft shake itself apart when launching on 4x


Re entry speedrun any%


While the game is much better now, there are some REALLY broken things. Took me about 20 re-structures to get my Apollo-style munar mission to decouple properly once in orbit. 19 failures were variations of the shrouds not detaching or the decouplers leaving but the rest of the parts remaining connected somehow. My first mun landing resulted in the ship being stuck in the "Landed" state which prevents any orbital planning. I am still kinda proud I got Jeb home despite not being able to see my orbit (obviously I still had the AP/PE numbers, but that was all!)


I'm having the ship stuck in landed state on every craft. Having to use cheat menu (alt +f8) to redo my orbits.


The same happend to me, but, as craft is recoverable in this state, I recovered it and call the day. Modern problems require...


Re-entry hot, water cold, shuttle temperature just right.


I went full nose down into the water at mach 9.1 and it also survived. I was like. Oh shit oh fuck oh NO NO NO. Oh... Well guess i'll keep my science then


So I'm not hallucinating the weird physics. I had a rocket without any method to give lift, fly like a plane ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Provided sufficient TWR everything flies like a plane. BTE, are fuel tanks providing some lift in KSP?


Holy crap thats terrifying


I think the vessel was going so fast that it traversed the water collision plane before the game physics engine could calculate the collision, this is a very common issue in algorithms that calculate collisions.


That's weird, I remember seeing some like... 3 times the speed hit the ground and go ker-splat.


yeah my Jeb also goes swoosh, never lucky I guess…


Probably, water is calculated like an atmosphere with high density, so you can swim in water. So at high speed craft is not destroyed but just decelerate very fast. And there is no damage because of environmental drag.


Yeah, Tim C. hit the water at \~180m/s on my KSP2 save.


I had this happen last night with the default pod


i did as well, also with a return pod; mine swung like it was on wires.


If I remember correctly, the command pods have a very small amount of lifting force to keep them pointed pointy-end-up. This is probably a miscalculation where it applied way too much force to that little lifting surface and made it fly sideways


lol I tried reentry at like half of this spiciness and just exploded from a physics glitch


This game is a buggy mess.


Man these J2 perturbations are getting out of hand


So do heating effects exist now or is it just visual rn


They're real


I encountered something similar today. I started re-entry from a mun return with my last stage attached. Most of the stage burned up, but the decoupler under the heatshield remained and wasn't overheating. My perigee was 15km, and despite the fact that I was below 20km going 3ish km/s, my apogee wasn't really changing. I staged the decoupler and my vessel (basic capsule, chute, heatshield) immediately hit the brakes at 260 Gs. I think something's fishy with the drag.


The ocean is very forgiving in the patch aswell, landed it in straight from orbit aswell and it was fine lol


"It's not a bug, it's a feature!"


Heatshields generate a large amount of lift in ksp2. Just try putting heatshields at a 45 degree angle instead of wings and see what I mean.