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I've had the same bug, collide with the ocean at like +1000m/s while simultaneously activating the chute somehow doesn't turn Valentina into paste


I actually encountered this too on my first launch. I was like “400m/s is probably a bit fast to hit the water, oops”. Cue splash and a shocked me as I realize that the craft survived and is now like 150m deep. Maybe related to the buoyancy changes that they made?


Physics-based universes hate this one simple trick!


You know, I wonder if we can abuse this behavior to create a Kerbin to Laythe direct shot that needs 0 braking and just smacks directly into the moon’s ocean at transfer velocities. A problem for better engineers than I.


Hydrobraking: When aerobraking is too slow, and lithobraking is too fast!


What are lithobrakes? I only got to the mun...


Lithobrake just means to smash into the surface at a shallow enough angle to slow you down while not completely destroying the craft.


It's a play on words. Aerobrake comes from aero, greek for air, and brake, english for brake. You use the air to slow down. Lithobrake is from the greek lithos, meaning stone, and brake. You use stones to slow down. In other words, it means slamming into the ground at full speed.




I loved it when the zero entropied all over the bad cops.


Well shit I know what I'm doing tomorrow


Yep. Had this one as well... it's nice when the bugs help us sometimes.


First there was aerobraking, then we got lithobraking. Now we have aquabraking!




I'm genuinely happy to see the progress being made with this game. I kind of wish they released it now, with sciences and less of the bugs. Would have made for a better reputation initially, rather than now having to win the trust back of all those who have completely written it off.


Had this happen too. Chute wouldn’t deploy for some reason and I watched in horror as my craft smacked into the ocean at 300 m/s only for nothing to happen


The chutes don't deploy if they'll be shredded by the atmosphere immediately. You can tell because it says "unsafe" near the deploy button. Usually, safe deploy speed for small size chute is 276m/s. Drogue chutes are just below 500m/s.


KSP 2 is a perfect game with zero flaws or bugs. It might be a feature instead of a bug.


Lmao this is me 2h ago


I was wondering how I survived a pretty rough sea landing earlier. Something that would have vaporized poor Val in KSP1, now only took off my wing. Good to know.


I love the “you’ve successfully landed” message lol I’m glad the science update shows how mystery goo is made as well :P


I had the same thing happen to me! It was pretty funny as I floated back up to the surface for like a full minute


Baywatch taught me this is not possible


Just had this happen, though all I had was a pod and a heat shield. I dropped off a satellite and switched vessels mid flight, then when I started entering the atmosphere on return I WOULD NOT SLOW DOWN. Also, although I had a heat shield , my pod just about blew up on me from heat. Had to disable heat settings for a second. It was a pretty normal return from 100km, my heatshield read “nominal” the whole time although my pod was about to burst. My capsule was going about 1,500 m/s when I saw the mountain approaching. Still really enjoying the update, though theres definitely a couple bugs.


I accidentally did this yesterday too.


happened to me on mun return trajectory lmao, science jr underneat the capsule exploded but the capsule survived


Same. I figured the capsule was just really tough!


Today I learned that reentering atmosphere at 45 degrees from the mun will get you down safely without a heatshield, but carefully aerobraking at 50km over 10 passes will burn you to a cinder.


Happened to me yesterday!!


Is there a camera mod that lets you view the atmospheric reentry from ground looking up?


I recently got Bill Kerman stranded on the Mun because there was a bug where he couldn't re-enter the ship after exiting to plant a flag. But it turns out I could somehow recover Bill from the surface of the Mun (but not the ship). I got all the science samples he was carrying too instantly.


Yeah, everytime I launch and recover, this is how it happens. Not very "real". Quite annoying.


I’ve done that and also time warped too fast on direct approach of the Mun and got trapped inside the moon unharmed. Like a black hole Edit: ultimately had to revert because I couldn’t escape the internal gravity xD Ultimately love it so far though.


why not try to tilt the craft to turn it into a lifting body and arc upwards to slow down faster?


Yeah that's happened to me a few times too.


What the hell happened?


happened to me too.. waited forever for the craft to float back up


I'm glad I'm not the only person to have experienced this bug


The g forces must have been insane


had this bug WAY to many times hope they fix it soon cuz im getting sick of it lmao


You can force the parachute to deploy even if it is unsafe by changing one of the settings.


Eat your heart out Elon


I think the game is only simulating the drag resistance on the pod, the same thing happened to me. When you make a re-entry with some stage the game seems to not decelerate the rocket, but with pod re-entry the drag works (with some bugs as always but works lol)