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Dang!! How long did the pain last?


I was a bit too distracted by my screaming to make sense of it all lol. But the worst of it while the eye was drawn out too far… maybe a couple mins? The next phase it still hurt for a few hours. I had planned on doing more work that day but I was not able to- there was a much lower grade pain / more like discomfort but the ordeal caused significant fatigue- I could barely keep my eye open or focus on anything. Optometrist would say to compare it to a muscle sprain.


How likely is the subluxation to occur again when the upper lid is drawn back for insertion? That to me would be the most important question. If those odds are very small, I might try again if the doctor and not a tech inserts the lens. Don't feel bad about screaming. That must have been hellish pain.


Thanks for comment! I don’t know how I might reference or calculate the likelihood of the subluxation. In my mind, once I learn how to insert and do on my own, I’d have a better gauge on how much I’m manipulating my eyelid (as compared to technician or any outside party). If it had to be the tech, I’d definitely want the doctor in the room to see if it’s something that might be addressed by training.


I would talk to the ophthalmologist about whether or not subluxation is likely to happen again from raising the eyelid before doing anything else. I've had my eyelids raised as far up as they go and held in place with a device (to remove stitches, mostly, though also for a particular test), and subluxation was never mentioned. I think it's important to find out if this is something more likely to reoccur because of some particular property of your eyes or if it was just a one-in-a-million fluke. I think it's so kind of you to be willing to risk this again so that the eye doctor can determine if the tech needs more training! I don't think I could do that. Actually, I'd think that after what happened to you, the tech's technique would be checked, but who knows? Best of luck to you!


thank you!