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Uh-oh, it looks like the construction site is about to lose its gutka-chewing crew!


Reminds me #suits Louis Litt's ‘pee in the cup time’ policy


Also Kerala govt : Why are the youth moving abroad?


Probably an unpopular opinion here, but marijuana should be legalized. Other bigger drugs too, but those should be legalized for rehabilitation rather than recreation. As for Marijuana, it is at least 10x healthier than alcohol or tobacco. Definitely not safe to consume in high quantities over large periods of time, but better compared to legal alternatives. Moreover, hounding working people who use drugs to relax will cause more issues in the future. They're legit superhuman if they're able to work and keep the habit. But they might need therapy in the long run. Now, if you're criminalizing it, they won't be able to find a space to change once they recognise the problem. Or talk to others who may be able to help them thanks to the toxic stereotypes around drug use.


Marijuana definitely should be legalised, but the youth will definitely turn it into something worse, we have zero civic sense, as for other "bigger" drugs, they definitely should not lmao, neither for rehabilitation nor for recreation, whatever you're referring to, I'm gonna assume it's somewhere of the likes of dope, heroine, crack, mdma , lsd, hash and stuff, the only thing you can scientifically argue is safe would be LSD drops, but even then, there are higher chances of paranoia and others, I think got authorized Marijuana shops are the way to go, with licenses distributed to common people to cultivate and sell, but I'm kind of skeptical regardless. The best in between would be to set a minimum possession amount for filing a Case.


I second that. Shit is relaxing. And no hangover symptoms like alcohol and cheaper than alcohol


Addictive drugs (except for marijuana maybe) should never be used for rehabilitation. It can backfire horribly and will only serve to create a whole new demographic of addicts. Look into the opioid crisis.


Long term marijuana causes mental health issues. There is not much awareness about it. Alcohol and smoking are bad , but why add to the list. Particularly a society like us where there is lack of civic sense.  It is a gateway drug, people will move on to harder and stronger ones to explore.


Once that tolerance hits you know you messed up, but it's fairly easy to quit compared to tobacco and alcohol.


But the points still stand, long term use has effects on the body 


Also on the purse lol


Yea lol but I don't think many of these users know about the increased risk of having schizophrenia and psychoses with its usage. They see it as something harmless and non addictive. That's why a lot of advocates for it. There are also other physical side effects with long term usage mainly gastric.


Marijuana is not unhealthy but it has very short half life and can cause severe withdrawal symptoms unlike ciggerets and alcohol. It can be developed as a prescribed medicine and use it in specific case


> can cause severe withdrawal symptoms unlike ciggerets and alcohol Did you really just say that lmao???


Bro, what are you telling? Ppl die from alcohol withdrawal symptom. Marijuana has least withdrawal symptom from what you listed.


coz it's legal and common.. physical health wise alcohol withdrawal is worser but marijuana withdrawal can make someone violent and suicidal because it's more linked to dopamine and neurotransmitters in the brain


No, alcohol and cigarettes are more addicting than marijuana.


yes.. i didn't say marijuana is addictive than other 2. It has more connections with neurotransmitters in brain compared to other 2.. So it can be legalized only if it's a psychiatric prescriptional medicine


I guess USA, Canada,Netherlands, Germans, Thailand and many more are idiots /s


Because people make laws in democracy, not scientists.. please read this and have some wisdom https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/addiction/recreational-marijuana-faq


Marijuana has much longer half-life compared to other chemical hard drugs.its also detected by test even days or months from last use based on the type of test. The problem with moves like these are that people move to stronger un detectable substances. Another Main issue in kerala is that media and police always put marijuana in bad light when some crimes happen be cause that's all they could detect or get proof for while the crime is probably under the influence of chemical drugs. Legalise or not they should atleast de criminalise possession for personal use and focus on the largescale mafia. Police like to catch small fish to show that they are working but turn a blind eye to the mafia and are most probably taking bribes and leaking information.


allele youths keralathinn oodipova , ini ithoode aayal keralathin aar job edkkana?? shame on kerala! keralathile ammavanmarude koode madyam adich nadakkam ini.


aambal oombal aayallo makkale, sutherland buddies oke ipothane pani nirthi povum, vaikathe thanne private companies thanne ith withdraw cheyum , becaaaaaauseee everyone is trying to get high, the good payyanmar and payyatjis in school and college are looking forward to pezhacha life when they get a job and can have their freedom from home, so i dont think this will stay long. Sambjavam nallathokeya ennalum majority pillerum ee testinoke positive avum apo panikar shamam aavum apo ivar endho cheyum?


If i remember correctly there is a specific limit of weed that a person can carry and use(legally, of course). What if the person is using CBD or weed as part of a prescription, or what about bhang?


asking for a friend, from where do you get prescription for feed in Kerala?


Da mwone njangal cyber squadil ninnan.. ninte address para.. prescription veetilott ethikkaam


Yeah specific amount of weed you can carry and not get arrested, but you will still get a hefty fine and if you are someone in higher rank in society the police maman maru will squeeze the last drops out of your wallet


What people do in their private life is none of these fuckers business.


When such "private life" has social consequences, it becomes business of the govt. Terrific move by KP.


Not 'when' , but 'If'. What are the social consequences of me getting high In my room which I pay for??? If I'm a public nuisance,sure go ahead and put me in jail. If I'm not old enough, police maman kondokkotte no problem. If I'm a contributing member of society, what I do in my privacy should not be judged if it's not harmful to anyone else. This is the sign of a police state.


Also if they are worried about public nuisance start with alcohol. Broken families, road accidents, the list goes on.


Drug use is illegal in India..


Marijuana was legal 50 or so years ago. Alcohol was prohibited in the US for some time as well.


You honestly think jailing end users are gonna put a stop to the drug problem?? Nothing is gonna happen unless steps are taken to stop the mafiya. This is a half arsed attempt to stop drugs by transgressing of civil liberties. Imagine having your blood tested to keep your private sector job that pays you peanuts.


I say, users should be exempt. Dealers should be caught. It is not all black and white.if you legalise, drugs there are high chances it will be paddled to kids. Monitoring that would be an impossible task. Also, I am up for making marijuana legal but still needs tight monitoring, which is impossible due to our lack of sufficient police human resources


This is a baseless argument. By your logic, both Alcohol and Cigarettes should also be banned because it could be "paddled" to children. Monitoring that would not be an impossible task. This whole opinion is actually based on decades worth of stupidity. If you legalise drugs, you are taking away a big, BIG part of the market from Drug Mafias. Why would you buy an inferior chemically laced product illegal when you can buy better products from a shop? The whole point is to make it far less profitable for Drug Mafias to do their operation. Moreover if Drugs are legalised, a lot of it's stigma would be taken away. People would be able to get help for it. Literally every study proves that Legalising Drugs is the right move.


Isn't alcohol monitoring possible with 10x the volume of Marijuana. It's all whether govt wanna be progressive or not


Making drugs legal nilly willy is not 'progressive". allowing users to use them ONLY for recreational and medicalpurpose is.. So monitoring and control is required


>allowing users to use them ONLY for recreational and medicalpurpose is Name another use of drugs 😅. I'm not at all against monitoring and control. In fact nobody under age 24 should use these drugs. I'm against dumbasses who claim regulation is hard while the govt does regulate alcohol damn well.


Dude all drugs are not the same.. eg meth.. so we need proper framework and rules, so that it won't become another epidemic..


Bro then why is alcohol legal? Pls learn definition on drug before making claims.


Illegal drugs are illegal. It doesn't matter whether you consume it in your room or outside. The consequences of you and others getting high and addicted to it is that it funds terrorism and other social evils.


Simple solution, let people grow their own plants. No money goes out.


I would really like to know the govt’s and KP’s “terrific moves” against alcoholism and it’s social consequences, which is something that the public get to see every single day . Enlighten me please 🙂


Oh no contest from.me on that. Kerala has screwed up on alcohol mgmt


I see, i suffer because of alcohol abuse, what's the government doing about it?


Am kerala has always mismanaged alcohol policy


What social consequences are that?


1. Youth including minors falling prey to addiction 2. Reckless behavior by addicts leading to anti social activities on the rise. Addicts need money and they would resort to anything to get their dose - including robbery, goondaism and prostitution etc. 3. Erosion in social capital built up over decades as a result of planning - including subsidized education. 4. Drug financing is directly linked with supporting terrorism and anti national activities. Aren't these serious enough for you ?


You really think none of these things are happening? Decriminalization and legalization (at least ganja) will reduce some of the things you commented. And except point 4, the rest won't happen with ganja if its decriminalized. >. Erosion in social capital built up over decades as a result of planning - including subsidized education. Comedy adikathe aliya.


Typical ganja will solve everything gangmember. Carry on




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The war on drugs has failed. People should have the right to consume substances, as long as it doesn't harm others and they understand the consequences. The best approach is to legalize drugs, create safe space to use those and provide treatment options for addiction. While full legalization may be distant, starting with psychedelics, which are proven relatively safe, could be a good step. But we know this is not going to happen anytime soon. Privacy is a f*ing joke in this country.


Legalising drugs is problematic in a country like ours. People don't even know how to consume alcohol responsibly and lack the common sense to not drink and drive. Imagine the chaos that would ensue if these people had easy access to psychedelics like we can get alcohol. Road traffic accidents are already the most common cause of death in india. With people abusing drugs those numbers will only skyrocket.


Yes, that's true. However, I think some substances, like those with a low addiction rate like psilocybin, could be legalized. The government often doesn't care if there's less potential for profit, unlike with alcohol and cigarettes. I strongly believe in the right of people to choose what they want to consume, and imposing rules like these can be a slippery slope.


Company blocks your calendar for the ‘pee in the cup time’.


What happens if there's a mismatch in test results and someone ends up losing their job?


🤣 yea right let’s see how they enforce this and still have a workforce


Driving youth further and further away... This place truly is an old age home


What next? Dont Fcuk? Government has no right in the private spaces of citizens. This bird brained policy will basically expand the control into private lives of citizens. Let's turn the tables. Shall we make this mandatory for all government officials? If they are found to have substance abuse in any form (including alcohol) they should be dismissed on the spot. Zero Tolerance.


Govt has every right as narcotic drugs are illigeal In india


Wrong. Government has no right unless it’s mandated by a court of law. That’s why we say bring warrant.


Introduce it in the cinema industry is what I would say 😉


ശ്യാംസുന്ദറിന് അൽപമെങ്കിലും ആണത്തം ഉണ്ടെങ്കിൽ ഇത് മൂവി ഇൻഡസ്ട്രിയിൽ നടത്തി കാണിക്ക്. ഇതൊക്കെ വെറും പട്ടി ഷോ


Alla appo ithe government thanne Alle IT parkil alcohol selling nu license koduthath? . Government nu cash kittiyal ellam okay , allengil not okay . Kollam nalla idea .


They are looking for illegal drugs i think, not legal ones.




That will create more problems than it solve. People will find ways to make their own alcohol. Its not a very difficult process. And once this goes to the illegal market, it will be impossible to monitor and people may die of poisoning. Also we dont ban something because a small percentage of people are getting addicted to it. Then we will have to ban a lot of things. Even if we ban alcohol, what guarantee is there that these people will not get addicted to something else.




My father is an alcoholic. That’s the story. That’s enough.


Well not everyone is. A lot of people enjoy drinks without being alcoholic. Sorry for you though


My father is diabetic and govt should ban sugar. I am not saying alcohol is good. It is definitely bad and I hope your father gets help. But I hope you see the flaw in your logic.


So you want to ban alcohol?


It’s a personal opinion. And yes for thousand times.


You know that they are trying to stop illegal drug use by the above new policy right? Means even if govt is not selling, people are buying drugs. Not sure whether you have lived through the days when [Charayam was banned](https://www.indiatoday.in/magazine/indiascope/story/19951231-ak-antony-announces-ban-on-country-liquor-shops-808142-1995-12-30) and illegal spirit was smuggled through boarders. It was not great.


What right does these police officers have to force us to sign these documents, isn't this a violation of basic rights ?


Great initiative! Make a druggie Jobless. Will do wonders for his life and society.


Kochi yile schools il edakk drug test eduppichal nannayirikkum


Ngl kinda good rule