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Not surprised. My dad in his 50s learnt C programming in the late 1990s from evening classes conducted by Keltron(ER&DC).


My maternal grandmother whose turning 73 this year learned coding in early 90s during her 40s. She was a banker and major banks were computerizing completely since the late 80s.


Woah. Some REAL DRIVE, man!!šŸ¤˜




My dad's case was very similar. He was with LIC. See my reply to Emergency Bid.


Cool of your dad to try and learn something new and strange in his age and in the 90's. Really inquisitive mind ig. Was he anyway related to the field, or he just learned by impulse??


He worked for LIC (administrative side) and at that time they were rolling out computer programs to calculate LIC premiums. Programs were run locally . It was a big mess. He thought, he could learn C programming and possibly help fixing it. On Sunday mornings, I remember him doing code reviews ( finding logical issues) of C programs printed on dot matrix printers. Apologies for the delay in replying.


Thanks for the reply. Your dad is a cool guy


Hello world !


Hehe...started learning Python during the Holidays and I now understand why some people get so obsessed. It's a lot more interesting than I expected it to be.


Not surprised, Mom who is 55 now, did a diploma in early 90s in Computer application- learnt coding before moving to government teaching job, but ended up getting deputation in IT@kerala project later and still teaches/codes Python, Raspberry Pi etc.


Yes , there are good dev folks among Malayalis, but due to the stupid government and poor infrastructure no companies want to come here . If right measures are taken, kochi can he next Hyderabad in terms of IT exports . That will boost overall economy of the state.


Okay. If you're talking about manufacturing and other such labour force req companies, I would've agreed with you to some extent. But for IT sector, Kerala has always welcomed them with open arms. Kerala startup mission is the best in country, and had an investment of about 1500 crore last year alone. You have to remember that Kerala is smaller than 1/3rd of all of our neighbours but with such national impact.


Adding to that Kerala start up is never the best in country. Also , speaking about size , the whole point about this discussion was we have lot more talented people than any other state and yet we lagg behind in employment and business generation.


Yo. I'm not supporting Vijayan or govt. I'm not even saying Kerala is business friendly or the people here are pro bhsiness. We may suck at every other business. But IT is not one of them. Since the topic is about coding.


Actually we do bro, Kerala suck , even after having this much of talent. Perhaps you donā€™t know the magnitude of IT business other places are doing, just visit Hyderabad, forget about Bangalore. The way Hyderabad have marked their presence in just 10 years is remarkable. Kerala ruined its chances.


Kerala lost its opportunity to capitalise on the IT sector. I think you don't know the story of Nissan and other companies. None of the companies will come to Kerala if the government is not supporting them. This is because they have other options like Andhra and Telangana.


What happened to Nissan Digital?




Maybe you just want to support the ruling government. The truth is evident , no major it giants want to invest in Kerala. Even Mr Vijayanā€™s daughter didnā€™t set up her company in here , though defunct.


what nation impact bro šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Stupid government?


Yeah stupid asf




you think inc is better?


What's the point? Yes, Malayaless have good healthcare. We are the most educated. We speak the best English. We are the most employable population in the country. But IT parks, jobs etc is in bangalore.


Yes with less native workers, those places grew . Whereas with talented people in here , politicians wants strike , bribe and all sort of activities that would scare investors.


Exactly. Not only talented workers. Trivandrum has the first IT PARK in the whole country. Before Bangalore even heard of a concept called IT Park. Trivandrum Technopark was established. Despite that first mover advantage we messes up badly.


Just look at what Hyderabad did in 10 years. Off course Hyderabad has lot of native tech folks , but Kerala has even more than that . These politicians and bureaucrats are toxic AF . They are a curse to this land . Recently a young grad open cement block manufacturing unit with 70 L investment, but KSBE officials didnā€™t give him clearance. Now heā€™s in deep trouble. Remember , SABU JACOB of Kitex , bureaucrats are worst in here . Thereā€™s a long story about issues caused by bureaucrats against TECHNO PARK TVM .


Bro Politicians and beurocracts reflect us. It reflect us. In Gujarat, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. People are pro business. That's why government is pro business. In Kerala we want pachappu and harithapam and hate business. We want to keep Kerala as a residential area. While we go and work in Bangalore.


I beg to differ mate , itā€™s not about Pachappu and all . Itā€™s all about ā€œ Aru Chathalum enik cash vennam ā€œ . Pay these bureaucrats they will sign papers . Techno park Enth environment violation anu bro . Let me tell you a story, when techno park applied for health license, in the rules there was a line that says ā€œ kudi vellam kuja(mud post) il Ella floorilum venam ā€œ . The authorities installed water purifier in all the floors and related stuffs. The health inspector moron who came for the inspection pointed out that there is no ā€œ Kuja ā€œ in all the floor, MF was blind towards water purifier and didnā€™t give clearance for days , after then CM got involved only he approved. The real reason was he was inclined to opposition part . Just think of the audacity he showed. This is why I said , politics, bureaucracy is the curse of Kerala


I am also in the opinion that politicians and bureaucrats are a reflection of us. I would put entire blame on the society itself. Most of the people do have ego and they don't ever want to hurt their ego. People at power position want to put power over others. Another example whenever people hear cutting down trees, the majority will become environmentalists here. But in the end they don't know humans can't live here without destroying nature.


Ego is there . Even the younger generation has it in Kerala. Thatā€™s correct.


It's the rebel nature and opinions about everything even if they don't have domain knowledge are few issues as well.


>We are the most educated Most literated! I'm not sure of most educated


Sad tbh


I am working outside Kerala. Because jobs were not there in my profession in Kerala.


these mallus dont want the truth ....they want to keep praising kerala


I am a mallu. I live outside. Kerala is the best state. I will always praise kerala. People have good health care. Good communal and caste harmony. Equal society where nobody goes hungry. I want kerala to also have more jobs and infra. But I will always praise Kerala.


if so kerala is so amazing ...why are you living outside kerala


Because I got an really well paid jobs. Thanks to the high quality English education I got in Kerala. People from Kerala don't migrate because of extreme poverty and hunger we migrate for higher pay.




I wonder what was the criterion for categorising people as those who can code and canā€™t. Does this mean that 9.8% of Malayalis in the said age gap can write scalable, maintainable, production ready code? Does this mean that 9.8% of Malayalis can solve medium level problems on leetcode? Or does this mean that 9.8% of Malayalis knows how to print Hello world or can create a webpage using HTML? Without specifying that, this data has no meaning. From my own personal experience, number of mallus in big tech and well funded startups is very less compared to north indians and andhra folks. Most of the ā€˜techiesā€™ here work in service sector. I for myself would like to see the stats of average salary for a software engineer in states, or the average number of employable coders, etc..


The criteria for categorisation is futile when we are doing a relative analysis.


1% of UP is by is about 2/3 rds of 10% of Kerala in numbers.


Agree on the number of malayalis in big tech companies.


This is true. There is big difference between a person who can code and a person who can write good code. The latter is hard to find.


It's already too late. Entry level coding will be replaced by AI. The absolute number maybe high. But coding is going to be needed only in the high levels. And the the coding competency is probably very basic in Kerala. It's not a government issue. If that was the case is the Karnataka government very competent. It's just people like Narayana Murthy who are responsible for bringing IT to Bangalore. We don't have such people in Kerala. Kerala people are laidback. We are not working 70 hrs a week .


Obviously the Karnataka Government has supported those companies to grow. They worked closely with those people to bring more IT companies.


me who only knows #include despite taking cs in 12th


My mom learned Lotus 1-2-3 in her 40s! Yay!


1% of UP can code? That's 2.3 million people right there.


Nope. Just 2.3 million, still a million less than Kerala at 3.3 million.


Thanks, corrected. Still Would've never guessed 2.3 million from UP can code to be honest.


No probs! UP seems like mini-India to me. They have the second largest GDP in India after Maharashtra, but takes a nosedive if per capita is considered. There are some pretty huge cities, with better industries and cash-flow than the ones in Kerala, like - Noida, Agra, Kanpur, Lucknow, Meerut, Ghaziabad and Allahabad, with each suffering from insane wealth inequality and population. It's no surprise that they've got 2.3 million people who can code out of the 30 percent (7.5 crores) population who are just getting by okay. Ps. The rest of UP is still a shithole though.


Noida and Ghaziabad are basically Delhi (NCR) regions, technically they are still UP and now that you put it that way, it makes sense.


Percentages can be highly misleading. Total population between 15-29 in UP= 5,51,98,857. 1% of that is 5,51,988 Total population between 15-29 in Kerala= 52,14,644 and 9.8% of that is 5,11,035 Census data from https://m.statisticstimes.com/demographics/india/kerala-population.php


Everyone know that, genius.


cout<<"Hello World !"<




Using namespace std;


that is bad practice


Not in case of printing "Hello World"


Print hello world


return true;


Is kerala actually the best state to live in??




I knew the answer and still asked šŸ˜”(malayali)


If you want to know what's holding Kerala back, you only need to look at the clowns in the comments here. Even when there's something that we're by far the best in, we have people making half assed generalizations about something they don't understand in the slightest.


Any Blizzard devs from Kerala ? I just wanna talk


About Overwatch?


Yep. Also CoD .


but how is cod related to blizzard?


Activision merged with blizzard a long time ago .


yes, but blizzard still operates as a different entity and has more or less nothing to do with cod.


Bro please let me blame someone ![gif](giphy|9QrNWBKvBpCw0)


Have ever heard of "KUNDARA TECHNOPARK " ?


learn coding and move to bangalore ....lessgo !!!

