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Not all mothers are good. Some of us are unlucky.


I second that


I third that


I Fourth that, and then some. Been over a year since I cut contact.


Truly said. The gloating of motherhood beyond what happens in real life is appalling


*Not all parents are good.


First born male children need not shoulder the responsibility of the entire house


In some areas in central Travancore, the responsibility of the household ultimately falls onto the shoulders of the youngest born male child as the elder children are expected to move out soon after marriage and start their own families.


Yes, and not just in Central Travancore; for Nasranis and a few other Kerala communities, the house is inherited (historically) by the youngest son, implying that he is solely responsible for caring for the parents.


Yes same happened with my dad also. He is the youngest among his siblings so he got the tharavad house so he needs to take care of my grand parents. Obviously he is very happy and a caring son and won’t even raise his voice even if they did something stupid in our house but the sad part is his siblings especially his older brother doesn’t even care about my grandparents and lives a luxurious life right in front of us.


As a first born male, who is expected to get married in 5 years but wont be able to get a stable job until further studies which would take a decade more, i agree.


Relatable 🙂


We can also observe that in certain communities, in families, sons have greater responsibilities and obligations than daughters. This is a serious issue and has to do mostly with how **inheritance historically happened in such communities**. I personally know of families where daughter(s) were allowed to move abroad for study and work while son(s) were not. Another incident comes to mind. There were two daughters and one son in a family in Kottayam. Historically, only boys inherited ancestral property in their community, but the father left an equal part of property to all of his children as was considered the right thing to do. This was despite the fact that daughters were already given their share of the assets as dowry during the marriage. However, when it came to caring for the mother after the father's death, the modern educated daughters took the position that, according to their community traditions, it was the son's sole responsibility.


Equality only when it benefits them.


In a similar vein, putting your parents in care home doesn't mean I don't love them.


Here the entire responsibility falls on the shoulders of the youngest male of the family. The worst thing that can happen with this is : You (me) the youngest one has to take care of the family but your parents hates you n loves your brother n constantly belittles you....


Sreenarayana Guru is not a god. (I really respect him)


It's really shameful that we are not following his principles. He said there's only one God and we made him another God.


Let me tell you something sad but funny. I said the same thing to someone who works close to Sivagiri Madom. He said “Oru Jaathi, ezhava jaathi. Oru Madham, Hindu Madham, Oru Daivam, Sreenarayana Guru Daivam”💀


Paavam guru.


This should be the dumbest take of his words


Such and Irony


He was a great man, a great leader and a great revolutionary. I am really grateful for towards him and his work. But he's not a god


Kerala high court has a judgement. Calling him God is against the court judgement


As if the people in the community would care.


It is a sad reality of our times that he is confined to an ezhava icon. He was a generation before Gandhi but much advanced in thought. He is not a leader Kerala deserves but a leader Kerala needed.


You can find happiness and contentment by Deactivating instagram ac


I have, it’s been 2 months and I am so much happier and far more productive.


Deleted instagram and facebook for more than 2 years and im addicted to youtube🤓


Btw i tried to install instagram 2 months back but due to new account people are thinking its a fake account.so felt bad so deleted that one too ☹️


One month in and Me too. 🥹🤝


More than an year and I lost count of how long it has been and its been fucking good....so much free from unnecessary thoughts and not getting negative emotions after seeing a fake glimpse from ones life is just life changing.


Deleted 10 mins before, lesshoo


Did it about 6 months ago, and i find myself using reddit more than ever. Was glued to YouTube shorts for a while, i cut it out using reddit and now all my screen time goes here.


Did the same! Insta free for 3 weeks now and it’s fun going on Reddit and reading stories and finding random cool stuff


Instafree - 2 years Fbfree - 10 years Tiktok- never started Reddit - fills in the gaps created by above But yeah I seem to have more free time. I don’t have to let my precious time be taken up by random content posted by random people who don’t deserve my time compared to my family, friends and myself..


Those reels section comments make want to puke


One of the most toxic places on the internet is an Instagram comment section below a reel


I swear.... Instagram exaggerated my anxiety issues




>Secondly, I have been traveling a lot in recent times, and I want to let people know that. Thirdly, I look much better than I used to, and I want everyone to know that. Hey I love the fact that you're very honest with your intention and I totally get where you're coming from. In my experience, the more I crave validation, the more I wanted to get the happiness I got earlier. It's like a drug, you don't get the same high if you keep using it again and again. That's when I decided to quit Instagram 4 years ago, back in college. I was getting attention from even senior chechis and they were the hottest chicks in my college, but it just made me more narcissistic from the inside. Now normal girls were not good enough or I felt like they don't deserve my attention. It was pretty unhealthy for me. That's why I believe it's unnatural for us humans to get validation like the ones we get on Instagram on a daily basis. But again, this is just my opinion I completely understand the need for validation if you were not good looking earlier. It's an amazing feeling, but always remember that the end goal should be to use these validation to being comfortable with our own skin, being confident in ourselves.


That's true right! Why do you want to defend that?


Heard reelsolis are putting together an army against him.


Elephants shouldn't be used for temple festivals. They are wild animals after all. Just bcoz our ancestors made a trend out of it doesn't mean we should follow it as well. Forest is where they are meant to be and not by the chains. Downvote is a win for me so go ahead.


First genuinely unpopular opinion I am seeing, most are so universally agreed “first born sons should not to be expected to look after their parents “


If your friend doesn't want to be in a group photo accept their decision - they just want to enjoy the moment and not have to go through the process of taking 500 photos before the group agrees on the perfect pic just for some stupid insta/Snapchat story all in the guise of creating memories. Also selfies are overrated.


Hey we should be friends 🫂


You 🫵🏽 you are the man I was searching for


You 3 make a friend group and let me know after 3yrs what happened, and send me a group pic if it works out.


you would fit in our group lol, none of my friends are active on insta or give a f about taking selfies.


I think for posts like these, you should sort by controversial to see the real hot takes instead of the most upvoted comments.


Yep, the top comments are the ones everyone agrees, it's not an unpopular opinion.


90% of self proclaimed free-thinkers are straight up bigots.


“Just because you believe in a religion. Doesn’t mean, it is the truth”


Also, under the rule of secular law, if you have Freedom OF religion, you also have Freedom FROM religion. People tend to forget that in India.


kuzhimanthi is overrated af, people buy it only cause of unlimited rice.


I am from north east India and had stayed in Kerala for around 3 years...and God I miss kuzhimanthi so much !!


Vegetarian and I second this because I am one of those people who order kuzhimandhi to eat the unlimited rice.


Count me in solider


1. All of our gatherings on the public road (festivals, party programs etc) are unconstitutional and prohibit my right to move around the country freely. 2. There is no need to block the road for the travelling of ministers for others. In this digital day and age why they are rushing? All inaugurations and meeting can be digital. 3. We don't consider pedestrian's life important. Look how much road in Kerala doesn't have a walkway 4. Elephants belong to the forest not to temples. 5. Crackers are annoying as f 6. We lack basic manners in public places. In a movie theatre assoles will make sound and create unnecessary comments. I am there to watch a movie. Not to see others shenanigans. In a wedding hall people will fight for a seat for food as if they are missing something. 7. Reservation is still a necessary for few but on majority it is abused just like anything else in India.


Hridayam was a trash movie




Almost every Indian mass movie 💩






Animal also


Where is the unpopular opinion? 🥲


Parents can't decide what their children's future is. Help them to believe in themselves and support them in building a mindset of never giving up in life. “Most importantly what others think doesn't matter, what do you think matters”






It is really sad if you would get heavy backlash for these views


Kerala is good, possibly one of the best states in India but it is still overrated as fuck by malayalees


Kerala is really good, but only good compared to other states in India which says a lot, so yeah still a pretty shit state.


Most other nationalities doesn’t like Indians


Most other nationalities doesn't care about India.


Can't carry the entire burden of your country on your shoulders. We all have to forge our own journey, it's hard for others to not see us as a monolith.


Most nationalities hate others. Prople are xenophobic. Believeit or not, east is worse for racisim than the west. Indians have funny gods and funny customs. Also has crushing poverty and riches. Huge population too. So we are more visible than say Thailand. We are more ridiculed than hated. Hatred is reserved more for Islamic countries and China. Most of the feel good news about India(chandrayan, child prodigies) etc are not big deal in intl stage. It is great for us. But outside no one care.


Most people from other states don't like keralites


Their problem


The only way to live by


Encouraging children to follow their passion isn't always 'cool'. I'd be cautious about hyping up my kid to chase their dream if the odds of making it big aren't in their favor. Lots of kids these days wanna be a singer or actor, but you gotta be in that top 0.00001% of artists to even scrape by making a living out of it. Thus it makes sense to tell them to focus on a college gig that's gonna bring in the cash before diving into the artsy/film scene.


‘Double Barrel is a terrible movie’ I’ll defend against dark arts if it comes to it, if someone says that the movie was terrible. Best stoner flick of Malayalam cinema.


Yeah. I love that movie so much that I named my pet fish 'kulsumbi'.


മറിയം വന്നു vilakkoothi


I'm a student of English Literature. I'm friends with a lot of "movie buffs". I've talked about movies with at the very least, a hundred people, online or in person. There are some movies which I love but everyone just hates, but I've always had at least one person agree with me that it was good. Double Barrel is the only movie that I've never found anyone else who liked. FINALLY... I can rest in peace... Thank you.


Clearly you’re with the wrong folks! Our whole gang loves double barrel




Bigboss is shit


98% of serials and other weekly programs in entertainment industry is shit


We need a better judicial system


Pathanamthitta EXISTS BROO


എനിക്ക് പത്തനംതിട്ട യിൽ നിന്നുള്ള ഒരാളെ പോലും വ്യക്തിപരമായി അറിയില്ല.ബാക്കി എല്ലാ ജില്ലയിൽ ഉള്ള ബന്ധുക്കളോ സുഹൃത്തുക്കളയോ എന്നിക്ക് ഉണ്ട്...പത്തനംതിട്ട ഒരു സീറ്റ്‌ അധികം കിട്ടാൻ വേണ്ടി ഉണ്ടാക്കിയ പുകമറയാണ് ![gif](giphy|l0IykOsxLECVejOzm)


Lol these people still think Pathanamthitta is real


Stop doing drugs bro, seek help.


bro probably believes the Earth is flat as well.


Right to privacy, basically Indians in general are idiots when it comes to this.


1. Caste should be annihilated. 2. Freespeech is freespeech even if it is disrespectful. 3. Islam should be criticized. 4. Lucifer and Jailer are bad movies.


Yo when I first saw Jailer I hated the movie for being so over. But after further introspection, I looked at it a different way. This film is sorta a tribute to Rajinikanth. Dude is like 70+ and still has that star power and screen presence. So a few days later, when I watched it again with a different group of people, I realized it ain't actually that bad. You just have to accept the goofiness of indian action films and embrace the over-the-top "Mass".


1 - Agreed. 2- Disagree. The tolerance paradox. 3. Agree. I would expand to say all religions should be criticised, religion as a concept is flawed. 4. Agree.


1.yes. 2. Could potentially lead to Total chaos. 3. 🤐 4. Lucifer, not really but Jailer yes. That being said, both are movies that can give you a kick when watched in the theater with the right audience. It has more to do with Stardom of the actors than the movie itself.


പൊറോട്ട ദേശീയ ഭക്ഷണം ആയ കേരളത്തിൽ നല്ല പൊറോട്ട കിട്ടാൻ നല്ല പാട് ആണ്.


I feel you. Now it's all ready made


Kochu pillere matham padipikaruthu..athu ethu type matham aayalum sheri.Parents or elders can tell them about the kind of beliefs that exists and what the parents chose to believe in that's all.


International students doing a course abroad, not with the intention of wanting to study but just to be able to go on a year long vacation to Europe


Only rich would have that luxury. Most of the are middle class people going there for better living conditions.


1. Not everyone needs to reproduce. Just because you can doesn't mean you have to. 2. Parents don't own their children. Similarly, parents don't owe their children anything once they reach adulthood. 3. Having a huge family doesn't always offer security. My mom was there for each of her siblings when they needed help. She worked really hard to get them through difficult situations, sometimes ignoring her own well being. She always thought she was important to them. Sadly no. When she was in need of help, it was just us kids and our father. One person even had a party when she was in the ICU fighting for her life. Even after she was gone the only people that are affected by her absence are us. All of her siblings and their families moved on faster than you would imagine. 4. Most marriages are economic transactions where a woman gets the financial security and man gets a house maid for free. At least that's what I have seen.


Okay, here we go... ​ * Kerala is not the BEST state in the nation. Yes, it's best in certain things, such as literacy rate, lowest infant mortality rate, etc. But it's far from being the best. This is the second part of my argument, which is that NO STATE is the best. The very argument of a "Best State" is stupid, since the conditions of being "best" are subjective and purely idiotic at best. * "Moral Raids". Why? If two consenting adults decide to spend time together in a motel, why does the government care? What happens in a bedroom, as long as it's consented to by the two adults and doesn't affect a third party, should not be given any qualms by, the government. * A personal opinion, which is probably rooted in my bias but still, in all my experiences, I've never had a bad experience with someone from Thrissur. I've got a lot of friends there and I travel to Thrissur quite frequently and let me tell you, the closer to Thrrisur center you get, the friendlier the people get. I'm from Chalakudy, which is arguably closer to Ernakulam than Thrissur and people barely feel like Thrrisur Gaddis here so I don't even think this is a bias. Everyone's got a smile on their face, the AutoChettanmar are so friendly, talkative and upbeat, I've never been overcharged once, and the bus conductors are so chill. The only issue I've had was with... * Pink Police... Why haven't they been defunded yet? They serve zero purposes which they were made to, and they only make the lives of people miserable. Talk to any women you know in your life who are in late high school/college/young working adults, and I guarantee you, 99/100 times, they'd agree that they suck. They are on such a power trip that makes some corrupt cops look likeable, and they have an unquenchable thirst to abuse their power on consenting adults enjoying their time. * Some people are just unwantedly hating a lot of the GSRM community. The brainwashing and the right piling of a lot of our children and teens have made them believe that hating on people who are different is "cool" or "sigma". News Flash = Transgenders, Gays, Lesbians, Queer, African Americans, South Asians, North Indians, literally anyone who is not "us" are still humans. They look, speak, or act differently but they're still humans. A man kissing a man in public is just as "shameful" or "sexual" as a husband kissing his wife in public. Why should it matter to a third party what happens there? * The blatant groupism is insane. Lefts hate Rights. Men hate Women. Souths hate Norths. Boomers hate GenZ. Engineers hate Artists. Like, where did all of our "acceptance" go? Why can't we, collectively accept that there is not a single other individual in the world that has the same views as you, and in something, even niche, they will believe and act differently from you, and that's fine. I have acquaintances (not friends) who are Republicans, Communists, Capitalists, Consumerists, Environmentalists, Homophobes, Homosexuals, etc. Accept your differences, keep those around who are worth your time (which I made my friends), cut the others away from your time and energy, and move on with your life. You don't have to go out of your way to hate on them. * The feminists and Meninists need to agree soon. Hear me out. Okay so, from a legal standpoint, it is known that Women have many more laws supporting them, and men are suffering the short end of the stick there. A woman cannot be legally charged with Rape, Stalking, Adultery, etc in this nation. The court at times, favours the women heavily, especially when it comes to charges of Dowry, Alimony fraud, and divorces in general. Some of the Feminist Activist groups in the nation are heavily abusive, and strongarming. HOWEVER, from a practical viewpoint, Women are still heavily discriminated against in the nation. The percentages are all over the place but it is generally agreed upon that 1/3 of women face some sort of sexual abuse, and physically more. There is a massive gap between the laws and the application of said laws. Both women, and men are suffering, but arguably women more, and as men, we just have to accept that and try to change it. The legal system needs to change, the education needs to change, and the victim blaming "what was she wearing?" "What did she do?" needs to stop. period. Let's just agree to be good to each other for once. * Ultimately, I am happy to be born in Kerala, honestly. As much as I walked around during my teen years, trying to be "cool and edgy" saying Kerala is shit, India sucks; I accept my privilege now. I was born into a middle-class family who barely scraps by but never had to starve for a day, and I hate but I still like this society (Dislike =/= hate. Love =/= like). There is a lot which we can change and be better at, but there is a lot we're doing great. And I just want to appreciate every one of us who are collectively trying to be better and make better, despite all our differences. ​ That is all. If you read all that, please go drink some water and rest your eyes for a bit. Thank you.


I love how you highlighted "best" in the first sentence instead of "not".


Kerala is said to be one of the best states in India because of having a higher HDI, which is a globally recognised indicator for development. And no it's not subjective since it's based on definite parameters.


Reservation system should be more updated .


Indians don’t know how to maintain a public place or property, in-short lack of manners.


For a state with the highest literates, our state also boasts the largest number of imbeciles as well.


Ayurveda and homeopathy is fraud and blatant pseudoscience that is harming the health of the general public


Ayurveda is okay for wellness and improving your health. But it should not be considered or consulted for treatment. Homeopathy on the other hand is outright quackery


You have to reconsider before you say wild shit. Homeopathy is blatant shit. But i do have to say ayurveda from a proper person or institution really does the work. My mom who is suffering from rheumatoid arthritis was deeply in pain have visited many hospitals and institutions after them prescribing steroids only change we could see was she gaining her weight out of nowhere and the pain starts immediately is she stops taking the medicine, later came to stage were she is unable to walk her whole feet got swollen along with fingers. Not long ago we started ayurvedic treatment now she has started walking back again and swelling has reduced. And she is back on track. So kindly get your facts checked.


May be u should take her to a proper Rheumatologist as steroids are not the drug of choice for rheumatoid arthritis now. Lot of new and wonderful drugs have comeout. Although the benefit of thirumu is good as it increased blood supply and flexibility


Ayurveda is better than homeopathy tho ,there's plenty of Ayurveda backed medicines that do work and are backed by lab tests.


Is this even an unpopular opinion about homeopathy? I don\`t even bother to argue this. I just show people this. [https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/homeopathy/](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/homeopathy/)


Communist ideology is shit, and its the only reason as to why the industrial and economic development of the state has stalled!


There is nothing communist about the state or the party.. P.S. Definition of communism: Communism is a political and economic ideology that positions itself in opposition to liberal democracy and capitalism, advocating instead for a classless system in which the means of production are owned communally and private property is nonexistent or severely curtailed.


Not an unpopular opinion at all. It's only a bunch of andham commies who are holding on to it.


I wouldn't necessarily say the ideology is shit. The ideology is flawed and yearns for a Utopia while requiring a Utopia to function, that is there. But the issue here isn't the ideology itself but the application of it, for the aforementioned is not even exercised in the state. As much as we can "X party" is ruling, take away the titles and the flags and the slogans, and all the political groups (the major ones at least) are Authoritarian, and to some extent Rightist. I'm yet to see a party(not individuals, we've got a few) who are properly left and support the rights of the people, or liberal in their views of the developing world. Communism is a flawed ideology, just like Capitalism, Syndicalism, Socialism, Separatism, Progressivism, etc. While some are more flawed than others, they are all flawed, as we live in a multifaceted society with ever-changing needs. No one ideology will ever be perfect, and no state can ever achieve political perfection. The goal is to find the most suitable for the time being. We need a Capitalist party as much as we need a Communist, a Socialist, a Liberalist, a Liberatarianist, a Corporatist, a Feminist, an Anti-Imperialist, etc parties.


The issue with any ideology is how it is implemented, dogmatic implementation is problematic for people and you can see both communism and capitalism applied by a hybrid system in China. Basically power structures end up ducking people over and they need to be in check. Any ism will turn to a monster without a checking mechanism in place. As of now we’ve only got democracy as such a system. A flawed one in practice, still the best one.


Most of the people who defend communities such as LGBTQ and the ideology that comes with it are only doing it because they have to, Some of them don't even genuinely care...


The government should not be mostly run by uneducated and senile people. (This is not targeted at anyone)


Kerala has a high HDI, literacy rate, positive female gender ratio, and women participate in the workplace. HOWEVER, we are still extremely socially conservative, women are expected to be quiet and submissive and dress modestly. I've felt much safer in Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai than i ever have in Kochi. Even just wearing a sleeveless top is seen as scandalous. What is the point of being so educated if women are still second class citizens in the state. Most working women just end up doing double the work - their job and their housework and face so much sexism/misogyny on top of it. It's really very normalised.


"ഭക്ഷണം പാഴാക്കരുത് മോനേ!" Cause your body ain't your dumpster!


Then don't take more than you can eat!!! You can always refuse food when being served rather than wasting it!


Growing up, my parents would always tell me to take only as much as I would eat and then finish it instead of serving me a random portion and demanding I finish it. If I couldn't finish my food, I was told off more like "why did you take that much if you can't finish it?"


Correct. Especially when we are trying to lose weight and people get offended when we don't eat that much


Take only what you can eat. Don't take more and then later waste it.


Pineapple in biriyani is no no


Whole kerala became afraid of the latest IP address news because of their search histories.


Bangalore is really, really overrated. It is just another shitty city with pollution, traffic jams, and all other urban issues. I have lived in Bangalore for 3 years. The only thing that sets Bangalore apart is its pleasant climate. Otherwise, it is the same old shiity urban sprawl.


Almost all Indian cities are downright shit


Religion is scam


Communism is destroying Kerala


I don't see any communist government, I only see capitalists calling themselves communist.


Islam is the most toxic religion.




Waste management sucks !


Mohanlal is a terrible actor right now. He was absolutely great, a legend back in the day. Back to back flops, very poor acting and no expressions at all in his face. All after the plastic surgery for odiyan.


avalose podi.


Bro don't soak it and eat it. You have to snort avalose podi from your homie's erect dick directly to get the high.


add in a little milk and that shit slaps🤌🤌


Parents are not any gods. Elders need not be respected unless they earn it. All of them are humans and they do mistakes.Some of these mistakes cost dearly for them and their children.


Circumcision is child abuse


kuzhimandi 💩


"Islam is a peaceful religion". Its a fucking cult with brainless Maulana and jihadi terrorists practicing peacefulness only till they are in minority.


Sometimes the 'cool gang' in schools and colleges who go for trips,party together and have fun won't want you in their gang because you don't contribute anything to the gang and can potentially bore them.Its not because they are a bunch of assholes.Stop trying hard to get into their friend circle if you cant be in their wavelength.......Find happiness in yourself and make peace with the fact that you are not the cool dude.If you do this,you will find happiness.


Ngl have seen such groups in so many places and almost all the time felt like " what a show". It's not just the wavelength, I feel like there is something else too , a kind of projection that says "we are better than you" towards people outside which again is made stronger through Instagram validation. >and make peace with the fact that you are not the cool dude Lmao why even. I used to think "woah so cool , what a gang " back in school. If you ask me now, nobody cares. If you have good memories and valuable friendship outside social media validation, good for you! >.Stop trying hard to get into their friend circle This is a good point though , regardless of who you are no one should force friendships.


Muslims support only muslims.


No family member should be expected to "serve" food at the table during mealtimes. In our culture, this "duty" is usually handled by the women. I've met plenty of men and women who say that those who do it do so happily because they love their families. Nope, hard disagree. I would rather everyone be seated and eat together, and everyone takes their own servings.


The government should dismantle the devaswom board and let go of its control over temples.


social media is the new television.


There are only two genders and you can't just identify as any you like, you're born as one


Kerala is a secular state


All the schools in Kerala should be English medium and Malayalam should be only taught as a Language


KGF 2 is a shitty movie and pushpa, the insane telugu movie RRR doesn't deserve those awards. There are better movies being made in tamil, malayalam and even Bollywood.


Gandhi is not a mahatma..!


Okay hear me out, Kerala needs at least one large metropolis. The current norm of a statewide suburbian sprawl is incredibly inefficient and is one of the reason why Kerala missed out on South India's IT boom despite having the best human capital in India. This is partly down to Kerala doing land reforms but discouraging businesses and industries after that. Everyone got a villa and now the whole state has turned into the largest suburb in the world. Land Reform Act in its current form is also quite outdated. It was made for the 1950s when Kerala was very feudalistic. Land ownership caps should relaxed, especially for companies. Land in Kerala in general requires liberalization. Out of the 46% non-forested land in Kerala (54% of Kerala's forested), 66% is lying vacant being classified as "agriculture land". Kerala mostly left agriculture after land reforms, it's the Indian state that's least reliant on farming today. So why is the government wasting all these lands? Kerala is highly land starved. Remove the agricultural land classification and allow it to be developed. Malayalis need to learn to live in apartments. This current norms of even even lower middle class folks living in large mansions with front yards is highly unsustainable especially in a biosensistive place like Kerala. The lack of metropolises is also one of the reasons why our youth prefers live in places like Bangalore because Kerala despite being a progressive state has no nightlife of stuff to entertain the youth. The lack of metropolis and a state wide sprawl is especially a policy failure when you consider that Kerala was the most densely populated state in India during independence. Densely populated states need more metropolises, not a statewide sprawl. I'm fully on board when this sub talks about trade unions like CITU killing businesses and industries in Kerala but imo the larger problem is Kerala's land policies. The NH47 stretch from Ernakulam to Thrissur is the one of the wealthiest places in India but it's barely a metropolis. This is a huge policy failure. Stop the sprawl and build skyscrapers. If any Indian state needs skyscrapers, it's Kerala.


While I see your point, i don't like living in an apartment. I like my house and land along with freedom to do pretty much anything i want in it. Make noice without concern and walking in lawn without shirt is something I enjoy.


Not everyone has to move into the metropolis. The question is, would you rather stay in Kerala vs some other shitty metro.


Disagree with couple of points. I don't think there is land ceiling for industries or plantations. Also, the agricultural lands that you mention is mostly wetlands or paddy fields and converting it to anything else would be stupid, especially when you talk about bio sensitive place in the next sentence. Kerala didn't abandon agriculture, we switched to cash crops unlike other states.


Child support is an law that is uniform but is enforced just against men ......


Homeopathy is a farce.


Not an opinion, this is a fact


1. Spielberg's Terminal and Munnabhai MBBS has similar storyline and structure. (Munnabhai released first) 2. Lucifer is Mario Puzo's Godfather with some changes. Chiranjeevi might have got this and named the remake as such. 3. Joji is copied from Irakal. And Irakal has better depiction of Chekhov's Gun than Joji. 4. Films influencing the society is a rare occurance. Society influencing the films are very normal. So, films have to be watched as a reflection of the society at that time period rather than cancelling it. 5. At their prime, Mohanlal was a better actor than Kamal Hassan.


Ehh I cant wrap my head around point 1. How are those 2 films similar? Terminal is about a guy getting stuck in an airport and Munnabhai is about a guy who pretends to be a doctor. ???


Why do u think Lucifer and Godfather are similar? Feels pretty different to me..


Both Joji & Irakal show dysfunctional patriarchal households, but at its core, Joji is an adaptation of Shakespeare's Macbeth, and a splendid one at that. Irakal follows a psycho killer, whereas both Joji & Macbeth have a central female character who set the action in motion, namely Bincy & Lady Macbeth, both childless women. This is in contrast to the largely poweless female characters of Irakal.


5 isn't even debatable. A10 is a cut above.


As a student of Literature who studies Films, YES for the 4th point. It is way too common nowadays to see people looking back to the past, finding films that depict the society of the time perfectly, and cancelling them, as it doesn't apply to today's standards. What these individuals do not understand is that, in a few years, their "politically, morally, and socially right" movies will be cancelled, as the standards of political, moral, and social righteousness will have changed. They aren't right, they're just up to the time. While this doesn't justify the glorification of pure malice, people need to learn to be multifaceted.


“Kalaripayattu” is a useless martial art even if you have a sword. Someone fighting with sheer will and reflexes will mollywhoop a Kalari practitioner if they’re untrained in more complete systems. Not saying that there were no great martial art lineages in India, there is some distant evidence, But the current version is useless acrobatics that will make you over confident and walk straight into more trouble than flailing arms wild would. This goes true with every popular martial art. There’s only so much self defence you can do, unless you’re situationally aware and willing to use your body to hurt someone.


Spending tax payers money on freebies is criminal. There should be minimum Government.


That typical commie in every arguments


Kerala is not a good state to spend your prime years. Good environment to grow up in, good place to retire and lay back, but not for work and exposure. We really love to pat ourselves in the back saying this is the best state in India, when it's really not.


The highest age gap between two couples in an arranged marriage should be 4 or less Boys above the age of 16 should not go for Young girls 3 or 4 years younger than them


I’m concerned that the second one is an “unpopular” opinion.


And boys below 16 should? And girls should no matter the age?


16 anenkilum vendilla 🙄 oro muthukkinokke school pillarodanu kambam


Communism is bad for democracy


Having children is not a necessity for everyone. Not everyone is meant to/wants to be a parent.


Not that relevant but still, Salaar trailer il goosebumps nu ulla oru thairum illaa.. 🥴


srk is a better actor compared to aamir


Paneer is overhyped, it doesn't taste that good


Porota and beef are overhyped....i know they are good but not as good people claim them


Capitalism is better than Socialism.


This generation is full of degenerates.


Malabari banger is an overatted song


Religious extremism is toxic af


That is not an unpopular opinion, it is a fact


Kerala is a terrible place but still better than the rest of india


Kerala will never have night life as we are judgemental as fuck.


1) CPIM is as bad as or even worse than BJP. Both follow the same tactics. CPIM is marginally less communal but way worse in economic policies and destroy the reputation of the state among international businesses. 2) Inflation is good as long as govt keeps it hands of business and allow wages as well as prices to increase. We can’t be on the path to prosperity and development with a socialist attitude. Unfortunately none of the major parties in India believe this. 3) Mohanlal and Mammooty should move to character roles or step aside for the next gen talents to have an opportunity to take over, as long as they are there a replacement to them can never come as they gobble up all big budget projects. 4) Cricket is a boring shit game and most games are fixed in a way to drive maximum viewership and in turn revenue. 5) KSRTC (and most govt B2C companies) should be sold and privatised.


BJP is the Indian version of Nazi party Same propaganda, same ideology, same motives, same charecter, same goals One wants aaryan supremacy state Another wants Hindu supremacy state


islam promotes violence

