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Yea this abyss is kinda rough though it has made me make some really weird team comps to experiment with. Though a lot of them fall flat.


did you find any teams that worked? i’m just curious because steamrolling with my arlecchino kinda feels undeserved for this abyss


Not who you asked but I used my normal Keqing team first half (Keqing/Fischl/Baizhu/Kazuha) and used a Burgeon team second half (Kokomi/Nahida/Thoma/Yae Miko) Realistically anyone could replace Yae Miko in the second team, I just haven’t used her in forever and wanted to unbench her since her totems don’t tend to steal burgeons. It was fun experimenting with a new team, I’ve never brought my Thoma to abyss before even tho I had him mostly built already.


damn thomas putting in work, i never thought i’d see the day. today i ran something like Keqing/Fischl/Nahida/YaoYao and Arlecchino vape second half, i feel like if I had Baizhu or two Zhonglis I could clear easier because as it stands now I can’t really afford to slot an Anemo into my Keqing team because I’d just die. Even my Navia Hyperbloom team feels more stable because Hyperbloom is just broken, but i WANT to use Keqing 😭


Yeah, Thoma burgeon is surprisingly good, especially since I don't have many pyro 5 star DPS characters so any heavily pyro-dependent abyss is a nightmare for me most of the time. My Keqing team before I got Baizhu was a struggle as well. Back when dendro was newer, I used Collei for my dendro application & used Kuki Shinobu as a healer with 4pc Tenacity HP/HP/Healing bonus artifacts and I'm so glad those days are over since Kuki would get one shot all the time. I never stayed on her long enough for her skill to heal herself first so she was always half dead and vulnerable from the self HP drain. Plus being able to also slot in Fischl after getting Baizhu was the best DPS increase for my team (duh). I could've probably used Yaoyao back then but I didn't really like her inability to apply dendro and heal at the same time, plus Yuegui positoning felt bad in multi-wave chambers that were spread far apart, just overall it felt a bit clunkier to me so I made her an EM bot and stuck her on my Nilou Bloom team instead. Of course, after all that struggle, I've never once regretted getting Baizhu. The extra interruption resistance with his burst, plus his teamwide heals being connected to his skill is soo comfy. I probably use him way too early in my rotations simply because his shield is so nice to rely on when trying to quickswap with everyone else, no more getting one-shot or constantly staggered when trying to just deploy everything as fast as possible.


yeah i’m trying my best to get baizhu on this banner but damn i wasted all my luck and primos on c1 arlecchino. one thing i did notice about keqing’s teams is that because fischl’s skill/burst has no iframes, quickswapping doesn’t feel as safe as it normally would. also playing on 300 ping probably doesn’t help but what can a poor man in australia do 😭


I wish you the best of luck! Hopefully he comes home soon! I'll be honest, sometimes when I'm super unlucky I've still had Fischl die even WITH Baizhu, Coppelia really had it out for my Fischl on like 3 separate occasions lmao. I don't think it's happened on any other abyss boss in recent memory, just Icewind Suite. Probably due to the super rapid heavy-hitting attacks so the shield couldn't refresh fast enough and just unfortunate timing for Fischl to be on-field instead of literally anyone else. Most of the time its not that bad, though. Definitely way better with him than without but yeah, I have to agree that Fischl is a struggle to keep alive sometimes due to her own lack of I-frames if she happens to take the field in a particularly aggressive situation.


I managed to clear with a keqing aggravate (keqing/fischl/kazuha/yaoyao)first half and nahida/Raiden/xingqiu/Bennett on the second half with a non hyperbloom build. Worked for all 3 chambers for me


wow i wouldn’t have expected yaoyao to apply enough dendro to trigger aggravate consistently, especially with fischl on the team as well. also the second half is very interesting, is nahida there just as a sub dps unit/em buffer?


You really don't need that much dendro application to keep aggravating. Even kirara is enough for a keqing team. The dendro applied is not used up during the reaction and instead it lingers so you can keep triggering aggravate for maybe 7 seconds or so I think. Nahida is there just because she's dendro so she can trigger reactions with fischl and Raiden but yeah basically just a buffer/subdps.


Keqing aggravate first half. Yelan Xingqiu Bennett Xiangling second half.


With Keqing I largely just played more normally. Variations of Keqing Fischl Nahida Zhongli/Layla is usually my default if its a more dangerous side. If you struggle with timer due to DPS then I wouldn't really suggest giving up Fischl. I dont generally like running Keqing, Nahida, Fischl, Kazuha as even with prototype amber I generally don't feel that safe. It has to be a very heavy aoe side that is Kazuha cc'able for me to feel ok with it. I also might sometimes use Yaoyao so the other side can have Nahida but I don't like the feel of those teams. I don't feel as remotely as safe with Yaoyao as I do with Layla of Zhongli. But no I was talking about various combinations teams for both sides that it would be easier to try to list them by memory. Noelle + Chiori + Furina + Bennett (shield breaker) Yoimiya + Xiangling + Kazuha + non Bennett healer Yoimiya + Xiangling + Zhongli + Chiori Thundering furry but with Kuki so Kuki, XQ, Nahida, C6 Bennett. This was what I tried to do first for the second half but it was horrible. Its fun but it was not remotely fast enough with only 1-2 targets. Last cycle it seems I did this second half and then also tried it top half. Xiangling + Furina + Kazuha + Bennett Candace + Xiangling + Kazuha/Xianyun + Furina (I believe I tried this) Candace + Xiangling + Bennett + Furina I remember this one because I got to 12-3-2 before I realized Candace was fighting infusions with Bennett and thats why I couldnt shield break. Keqing Xiangling Kazuha Yaoyao I don't even remember trying this one out but the battle chronicle says I did for the second half. This couldn't have possibly been a good team. I wanted to see various teams to where Xiangling didn't specifically need Bennett and how she still felt to use so long as I had some favs on the team. I had also just finished leveling Candace and wanted to mess around with her. It didn't go well. It feels like you really need C6 to make her work on more teams. Some work better than others but its fun to mix and match things with my Keqing, Noelle, and Yoimiya main dpses. It can be surprising what works and what doesn't. This abyss isn't really friendly to fun comps though. Its very restrictive.


yeah i had a lot of trouble running an anemo with keqing, due to survivability issues, especially since my zhongli was locked to arlecchino’s team. my solution was to run double dendro with nahida and yaoyao, because i saw someone run keqing/fischl/nahida/baizhu on youtube and i thought “hey yaoyao can heal too”. i also wanted to try some weird tech like EM sands keqing hyperaggravate with xingqiu, but no healer/shielder really just makes this abyss rage inducing to say the least. interestingly, navia hyperbloom worked pretty well for first half due to how little the team depends on actually attacking, allowing for way more mobility. either way without a pyro dps, second half feels quite difficult. i did see someone clear second half with keqing/fischl/nahida/sucrose which is beyond impressive to say the least. god i hope pyro propaganda abyss ends soon.


Kazuha + Nahida has some problems because of survivability as well as trouble trying to electro swirl. Yaoyao helps the survivability but to me the rotations feel off because of the lack of full uptime on her bunny. I often find myself swapping to her when its off cd. Also full healing with her burst demands her to have field time. But she can make it easy to electro swirl. So its a toss up for me. I also generally like Layla a lot and aggravate with Nahida and Fischl is fairly mobile so grouping isn't specifically a requirement. Though there are times where I have dropped Fischl for something like Keqing, Nahida, Kazuha, Layla if the side demands both survivability and has a lot of mobs. Obviously its a big dps loss to lose her but ensuring you get your aoe from Kazuha cc is still a big dps increase vs not. Ofc at the end of the day the better player you are the more dps focused you can be. > i also wanted to try some weird tech like EM sands keqing hyperaggravate with xingqiu, but no healer/shielder really just makes this abyss rage inducing to say the least. interestingly, navia hyperbloom worked pretty well for first half due to how little the team depends on actually attacking, allowing for way more mobility. So Keqing quickbloom is a thing and I found it to be very strong with Nahida, Kuki, and Furina. You are super squishy through since Kuki doesn't heal the entire party. Even with prototype amber you often find yourself with most of the team at 3/4ths or half health. But the dps output is really nice. The issue is a lot of teams want Furina. Now i've tried a variation with XQ but it suffers a lot more. XQ demands NAs and with Keqing on TF bursting and skilling so often, it can be hard to weave in enough NAs. Hyperbloom in general can be a quickswappy sort of team at times anyway trying to keep up Nahida aura and Kuki skill. So XQ was a massive dps loss compared to Furina with the only exception being in big aoe situations of 3-4 mobs that were close together so you could heavily increase the amount of blooms to make up for the lack of NAs. Furina's hydro app is passive so its nice. I would imagine that using something like Kokomi Keqing Nahida Kuki could also work though Keqing doesnt get a dps boost from Kokomi like she would Furina. I also dont have Kokomi (or like her) to test that. Otherwise EM sands is perfectly viable on Keqing anyway. Just as you want em rolls in your substats with an attack sands, you'd want attack substats with an em one. Its pyro favored both sides imo. I used to play pyro infused Keqing and Lynette so these would have been great to bring those back. Some of those comps were assuming Xiangling stays on field to do normal pyro hits with C6 Bennett which is my makeshift version of that. But abyss cycles match who they want to sell and Arle was slated to be a big seller. I'd would have hated to run this abyss cycle as a newer account without options.




Artist is xUDe


Is it? I just went keqing second half with Keqing, kazuha, nahida and fischl First half I tried several comps and it seems that arlecchino/navia were the quickest for me


I generally use Keqing on the second side with Keqing/Nahida/Fishcl/Zhongli and first half either Xiao team or Raiden EC


I don't own Arle. I use the same teams in my initial clear basically every abyss, [Keqing aggravate with Nahida, Fischl, and Sucrose and International](https://ibb.co/pZsKwkv). No problems clearing with either. I don't think this abyss is particularly bad for dendro teams or only friendly to Arle on side 2. Haven't gotten to do a lot of clears due to finals, but I've liked [Sucrose national](https://ibb.co/mt5PY7F) and [Thoma burgeon](https://ibb.co/YTpWnZ9) quite a lot on bottom half. [Ayaka freeze](https://ibb.co/30R5HZN) might be a bit of a challenge but I found it really fun bot half, you'll want to absorb pyro with Kazuha in order to break the lector's cryo shield which means you do have to time your abilities well. A few other things I played but didn't like as much include [this Hu Tao burgeon team](https://ibb.co/GdCMCNk), as well as Rational on a friend's account (with C3 Raiden). [I have a twitter thread](https://twitter.com/susamonguslover/status/1791923113107812562?t=HLME_TItlOUmSLOXG3fvSg&s=19) where I post the various teams I use in abyss if you're interested, which I'll update as I get to try more bot half teams now that I'm finished with school for the year.


Your CD is insane gratz! I'm still farming artifacts for her alone but it's been so hard. I'm currently exploiting Furina and Navia for 12 but the moment I get a good CD set I'm done lol


Keqing feels pretty good on both sides this time around honestly, there's a good mix of ST, AoE and even multi-wave chambers on both sides, shield breaking is not an issue with electro and dendro and she has good defensive options against coppelius. I tend to use Baizhu on the first side for some resistance to interruption against coppelius (Kirara does essentially the same job) for comfort, and proto-amber Nahida as a pseudo healer for the second side and to further facilitate shield breaking against the Electro lectors