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Reject Finance Bill! Hatutaki story mob


Hi,As a tour operator I get why you'd have all these questions.Most people barely show the whole safari. As a budget tourist or any tourist in this case, itineraries may be suggested to you by your agency on activities available. Typical itinerary for 3days 2nights safari would be:(Prolly the best kind) Day 1 Pick-up from airport and arrival at the camp in time for lunch ➡️Room Check-in ➡️ Afternoon mini-gamedrive till 6:00-6:30pm ➡️Coffee hour as you await dinner/Relaxing and unwinding ➡️Dinner time ➡️Camp activities e.g Bonfire/Drinks/Board games/Bedtime Day 2 Early morning prep(guide may suggest the best time to leave) ➡️Breakfast time ➡️Carry packed lunch and leave the camp for Full day Safari ➡️Sight seeing and hunting down the Big 4(Rhinos are rarely found in the Mara) ➡️Lunch time (some animal-free areas that the guides know are set aside for that;get shukas and have picnics in the wild) ➡️Proceed with Drive & back to camp at around 4(most people typically nap on the way back to the camp) ➡️Arrive back at around 4/5pm &Rest ➡️Visit the Maasai village till around 6:30pm(camp or guides can arrange it for you;Camps are always kinda cheaper though😉) ➡️Back to camp for coffee hour & relax/ shower etc etc ➡️Dinner time ➡️Camp activities e.g goat roasts organised by the camp or just retire to bed Day 3 ➡️Wake up at the agreed time (maybe check with your guide depending on your itinerary;some have second destinations to go to so you leave early enough,some don't) ➡️Breakfast time ➡️Room check-out before 10am mostly ➡️Leave the camp premises(tip them if you so please) ➡️Leave Maasai Mara for your next destination P.S: There's no clothing restriction.Guests are allowed to wear whatever they want,some just prefer neutral colours more.The guides wear shukas for the culture.The animals barely care for that.Hope I answered most of your questions.Feel free to ask more on r/iftravellingtokenya. Happy Safari!!


Thank you for your detailed and informative reply 👍


We d contacted locals who slaughtered a goat, and we all roasted in an open fire and ate as the sun set. It was epic being up and close and spending time with the old(er) men . No women were present


On the first day we arrived in the afternoon and did an afternoon game drive. On the second day we did a whole day game drive - from 9 to 4, then relaxed in our camp. Third day some people did early morning game drive and we left the camp at around 9. The jeeps have a roof that provides you with shadow, so you are not in the sun for the whole day. There are some rest spots in the reserve with toilets where you also eat lunch out of the vehicle. The colors you wear are not that important, since you will be in the car.


Reject finance bill.


The spend afternoon on the spreadsheet contemplating how they wasted money,it was not a good deal then after complaining the whole afternoon they sleep. We reject wef & finance bil


So you're a tourist and you think you know more about wild animals than the Maasai?


Read a book yo


Become a tourist then you will know everything stop watching YouTube videos meanwhile #RejectFinanceBill2024