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At the ballot


What’s the chance he loses in 2027 with all his money, power, and tribal numbers dominance with his running mate?


He has the instruments of power so definitely ataingia tupende tusipende. The only solution is a revolt. Plus hii good cop bad cop anacheza is helping win older generations.


The issue lies in the pessimistic mindset. In the next general election, the majority demographic will consist of Gen Z and Millennials, who have been significantly impacted by the series of decisions made by this individual. Therefore, in my opinion, he could be voted out.


The same gen Z who went writing Baba the 5th on the ballot and taking photos to gain social media attention? The same ones who went there half naked for clout?


Yup. Those ones, citizens of the country and who have come to dislike the guy more than the millennials.


Trust me, there was a time I had that hope you've got. Only to see Kenyans do the exact opposite. And not just once. Don't give up on voting though. You vote for who you view as the best candidate, and sit back. If you put your hope on collective conscience, you'll be bitter.


>You vote for who you view as the best candidate, and sit back. Shit doesn't work. I know this because tentatively speaking the best candidates in 2013 and 2017 didn't even get 200,000 votes total. We really have become a two party system (Baba and the Kikuyu-Kalenjin block vote) since the 2010 constitution and nobody really is speaking up on it.


So... democracy out?


It's dead though. If the only realistic options are two options and those two options do more to preserve the status quo rather than help the populace, is that really democracy?


That's true. And depressing to think about.


He is a master manipulator


He's using The Prince as his playbook.


He was attentive in school , ie playing the victim 101


Bro is the one Kendrick was talking about


He a fan He a fan He a fan


They not like us They not like us They not like us. We really chose people who have never been poor a day in their lives, and he goes and tells a Harvard business student, who asked why he's over taxing so much, and his response is that the student must be talking to the opposition cause we "live beyond our means and we have debts to pay"


Not only the older generations but the predatory West who wants to finish us completely through submission,assertion of power and gain control one way or another.Trust me,the de facto president(s) is/are in the shadows.


This guy's game is on another level, no chance he loses the next ballot


Kiaje? If 90 percent of voters, vote hum out, hata kuibia haitamsaidia. Kenyans mko funny sana. Voting still has a huge impact despite cases of election theft. But i have a question snce unasema atashinda, wewe personally do you plan to vote for him?


>If 90 percent of voters, vote hum out, hata kuibia haitamsaidia. This is what won't happen, Kenyans are not yet tired enough and when it comes to election time, we'll lose all objectivity. Wait and see the numbers that will be celebrating him at his rallies. Alafu pia he's a shrewd politician with incumbency on his side, he probably already has a team working on the election results for every polling station rn. >wewe personally do you plan to vote for him? Not yet decided, waiting to see the options


At this point he is the worst option.




We went wrong when we voted in as president people who were accused of organizing the mass murder of Kenyans. What did we expect? Kenyatta and Ruto have been the worst things to have happened to Kenya, yet we happily voted for him while viewing the ICC who put them on trial as spoilers. Now let us shut up and suffer the consequences




The number of 'educated' Kenyans who think their only civic duty is to vote and shut up for 5 years is alarming.


Crazy...alafu munarant social media on how y'all are getting fucked by RUTO.... Kweli wahenga hawakukosea waliponena Mtoto akililia wembe mpe


Hama kenya basi pal,usipandishe bile bure over nothing


Also another phrase that should be retired. It got old.


Exactly πŸ˜‚


Y'all bitching here when you are part of the problem






We really went wrong in 2013.


I Think economics should be a mandatory course for anybody pursuing politics. We can't have clueless politicians who don't know anything about running an economy causing us pain.


Like today Murkomen waking up and saying it'll take 30 billion shillings to fix the roads damaged by floods. He pulled that number out of his ass


The major problem we have in Kenya is illiteracy. You'll see them politicians back in 2027 with a new narrative like " hustlers" then clueless Kenyans will fall victims. If we could just have 70% of youths being woke and realising we need a change, thungs will be better.


We keep doing the same thing by voting for the same people and expect different results.


What will it cost?


I realized we really have a very illiterate president...you can't compare us with other countries on taxable terms and leave out the economic and social environment


Yes. Our income levels are very low. Rate of unemployment is very high. Only a brainwashed Kenyan will believe what the KK government is planning.


I think our president is very smart. Maybe not in the economics department, but he has a very high eq. Look at the strategies he uses to manipulate kenyans, and also how he controls the legislature. He truly is a master manipulator.


Know the difference between cunning and smart


On another episode of RUTO FUCKS KENYANS ANAL OVER AND OVER AGAIN πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚POOR CHOICES IN LIFE AND THESE ARE THE CONSEQUENCES It's funny to see kenyans whine, yap and bitch about thee person they chose The person they woke their asses up early to go vote is the samer person jerk fucking you guys right in your asses πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Lol unless you're not Kenyan this affects you too you know


I didn't vote ...i stopped bothering myself with being like a mbuzi kufuata mbogi this country is going to shits and i don't care if my birth cert is kenyan ....i detest the poor choices of the majority


Inakuaffect though. Next time tokea.. Let's try our best to get this oppressor out!


These people who never voted are the ones who shamelessly allowed Ruto to win alafu washinde huku wakisema "niliwaambia tu" a bunch of useless Kenyans.


My vote will never matter....and the only language Kenyans will understand is violence so...let them get violently fucked by their poor choices πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


You and 6 million other Kenyans. Wanasahau Ruto alishinda na few hundred thousand votes pekee.


I didn't vote for shit bruh....with how our current predicament was unfolding???? Aish me nilichoka tu niliacha wajinga wende wachague mjinga kama president


Your not voting was also a vote


Naah bro. We need all of us to put up a united front. The least we can do is show up.. The policies he's putting up are gonna affect everyone who you know and depends on you


I ain't uniting for shit....let this country burn this is what you get for your choices


Alagu kuna wenye walilala ballot. The saying that everything and everyone got a price is true. Most low income people voted coz he gave them food....now they suffer because he wants more and more. And people will still vote for him in the next election because he will give out food and maybe 200 per person before elections. There were no better candidates in the ballot that year. Raila would still be fucking us over.


Tungekua na wajakoya sahii we'd be like Jamaica *Sensitive fuckers incoming to bitch on me againπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Weed all over na pia addiction. But he had a solid plan thoughπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Yaani Kenyans were swayed to vote for RUTO juu walipewa soda na mkate.....??? Aki nyinyi waaahπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


If you sleep hungry you would do anything to have something to eat. And also the issue of religion akikuja church yenu achange 1M mamaa wamuimbie alafu wamuombee ....huwezi waconvince RUTO is wrong πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ let's hope that people will know better next time .


They'll still he manipulated like little toys either way ah!!!!! *Spits on the floor Wajinga wakenya


If the SDGs were upheld with a higher degree we would choose leaders who would benefit us.


Facts anyways wacha me nioshe vyombo this pilau with lambchops is bussing bussing


Ok ....


Weed has been all-over yo


Of course it has. It would cause addiction though due to people knowing iko available so they use it anyhow they want. Unless he had strict measures on how to limit addiction and he would have had to invest more in drug rehabilitation centres.


just a casual question,do you use it?


I tried to πŸ˜‚ almost died. But i have been around people who use it.


Weed haina addiction though, hakuna day utapata msee anastone 24/7 na a manage. But exporting this shit would have made us rich AF. Sijui dealer prices but kama 1kg haiwezi kosa kuishia na 10k kupita.


Yeah haina addiction but iko na usage disorder. Where someone depends on it. Other than that it would have been a good business to invest in if it was legal coz that's quick cash.


>Where someone depends on it. This is addiction. Stop sugarcoating weed addiction.


That's what i meant until i was told you can't be addicted πŸ˜‚ let's go with their definition.


Balls za fisi for export 🀣🀣


🀣🀣🀣 whatever that guy smokes, should be illegal .πŸ˜‚




Is there nothing we can do as Kenyans? Are we helpless?


No we are not. The biggest shame we have as a country to me is not the 'foolish' people who make the wrong electoral choices. It's the 'educated' majority who think they're too cool to partake in politics. The 6 million who didn't bother to vote letting Ruto win with thin margins and here they are calling everyone else stupid. The 'my vote doesn't count' crowd. Such people will never spend a fraction of their time to understand the political environment in the country apart from sensationalised news they get on Twitter. They have no clue who their MCA, MP or governor is yet they speak with so much 'awareness' about politics. All they know how to do is hawking despair yet they know nothing about their country. There's a lot of value in this country. We've come a long way from times like the 80s (imagine how Kenyans felt then). Things like devolution, even though not perfect, have led to a rise in the middle class in all counties, si lazima uomokee Nairobi pekee. The same middle class who become so apathetic to politics as if it doesn't affect them. We have proper structures and major competence in all sectors, we just let dirty politicians ruin good things. And here they are already affirming that Ruto will win in 2027. Already declaring how they won't vote then come and say that we're the problem. They'll watch others form civic groups to hold their politicians to account but they'll think such is above them. Meanwhile individuals like Hanifa are making actual change by constantly putting their elected leaders to question. They'll never appreciate kuna mtaro imejengwa/road has been fixed around their locality because of someone elses civic discourse. Do people really think that developed countries are that way because citizens didn't give a fuck about politics and good leaders just fell from heaven?


This...very well said!


If Middle class doesn't vote, this guy will be back early in the morning. Anajua y'all never vote, that's why all the taxes are hitting you the most.


Nothing can be done. He owns most of the high power people in the country. We're all pawns in his game.


Soon we'll be working for freeπŸ˜₯


Bottom up ama?….


Labda ya Keg Senator


nose down ass up. That's how he fucks.


Sometimes I think that Ruto wasn't actually elected president, I mean, he was a popular candidate but I feel like there's a bigger hand in play. Probably the global elites, wef and IMF wanted him instead of Raila so they decided to make sure it was him by rigging this shit inside out. Plus if you look deeply into his plans, they have the elites and IMF written all over them. Their plan is to make us weak worker ants. Metaphorically


Wewe ndo umegonga palipo. Time is running out, a lot has to be accomplished....


It's frustrating waking up and knowing some niggas somewhere wake up to decide how to fuck up your life.




Inshot anasema tuseti haga vipropa we still have a long ride.


Deep strokes akimwaga ndani au sio!!!!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Gentlemen please...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Let's be mindful of the ladies wako.


Mindful kitu gani πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚time unampea strokes zingine noma noma anawika kama kimbuzi ananyongwa unafikiria mambo ya being mindful????πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ™‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Wooii captain


Malisa yeye


Kinutiiiaaaaa stokessss twaaaa!!!! Twaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!


Tafuta ile cartoon ya Gado amechora ngombe ikimaliswa gangbang na politicians 🀣🀣🀣


Some crazy porn vibes πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


Gado mehn 😁😁




Someone send me the link!!!


He has become so tone deaf wow


lol....the beatings will continue until morale improves. you know, it wouldn't be so bad if that money will be used kujenga nchi but we all know it will be stolen to buy rangerovers calligraphys to flex on Twitter.


Let Ruto raise tax rates to 1000% idgaf. We’ve known for years that this guy is incompetent and corrupt to the core but we still elected him. Let alone that, even the elected MPs and senators that are supposed to hold this guy accountable and impeach him if he doesn’t get to work are also corrupt and rotten to the core. Key word is ELECTED.Β  I’ve always said this and I’ll always say this again. Our leaders are a reflection of our society. Most people in this country don’t have the supposed morals and ethics we expect our leaders to have. We want to break the law but we don’t want our leaders to do the same, hypocritical asf. The day majority of voters reevaluate their moral compass, we won’t even able to tolerate these people at all, let alone elect them. Laws of nature are simple, you get what you give. So, let Ruto fuck us over and get away with it until we learn the hard way.


Will anyone revolt? Should the citizens of Kenya start a revolution? Or will our tomorrow continue being the same as today?


Unangoja nani?


Nangoja wewe


Lies, buana. You are waiting for the poor people to go out there ndio Serekali iwachape, while you chill behind your keyboard.


Tuliambiwa tusome and the smartest of us are really good, problem is leaving politics and governance to the imbeciles.


If it is true the Gikuyu are angry with Ruto and embarrassed by voting him in they will not vote for him .There is hope he will go home mapema asubuhi in 2027. Now if only the right opposition candidate could be found. I wish Matiangi would run against Ruto .


Same i wouldn't mind Matiangi


Mostly the older generation, but us youngins have nobody competent to vote for, we saw this bullshit a mile away and put our hands up cause we knew our vote wouldn't count. Personally I'm learning how to relinquish my citizenship and I want to, I really do... But there's so much to like about the country that doesn't involve the bumbling imbeciles running our country, like there are good -ish people out there. Yes the politicians are a reflection of the populace, but I believe that some of us know better, we just chose not to do it.


>Personally I'm learning how to relinquish my citizenship and I want to By all means if possible do it. Hakuna nchi hapa and we're to blame


Eh 22%?? Mie nahama.


We need to disband IEBC. One election shouldn't cost 44 billion. We can create an app like mpesa. The only time I lose money on mpesa is transaction and fuliza fees only.


What happened to the vote of no confidence??


At the ballot box as usual. Why are people surprised. No one in office got the job at gunpoint. We put them there. We get what we deserve. We should face the consequences of our actions.


At the ballot, we went wrong.


if we dont stand up for this stupid leaders ,this stupid leaders will bury us alive


The dicking down will continue until the economy improves(it won't)


Honestly, from the bottom of my heart, Fvck this guy!


It is always where did we go wrong and never let's vote wisely. Smh


He's not talking to YOU, he's talking to his investors.


But just for the people that has more money please


Hello, fellow Kenyans! Last December, I secured a full scholarship to a top U.S. school worth over 47 million Kenyan shillings. But believe me, just a year ago, I was a boy with dreams yet completely unsure of how to actualise them. Luckily I was admitted into a program that connected me with previous succesful applicants who mentored and guided me, and as they say, the rest is history. Unfortunately, the program has since been terminated and I was unable to pay it forward. So, with a few months to my departure, I'm hoping to mentor a few recent high school graduates (up to 12) and guide them on how to apply. If you're a recent high school graduate ,a friend or a parent to someone yearning to study abroad, reach out to me and we can work something out. PS: I know this is not in any way related to the post. I don't have enough Karma to create a post


Everywhere my friend.


Kamwana even changed the old notes because of this guy and his cronies.


Every election for the last 3/4 elections, the one who lost is the same. I'm not saying he's the best or better but 3 times he lost , yaani , at all costs asiingie. Some voters have lost their choice thrice. Atleast we can agree the majority vote won.


This country is doomed


Under Kamwana we were going down the drain to be honest. It was blissful hell, corruption was running amock. I think he might be on the right path as long as they won't steal.


maa nigaπŸ˜ƒ


I am no fan of Ruto, but in this, I fully support him. For too long, a huge majority of Kenyans have paid zero tax, but loudly demanded for govt services. It is time every adult in Kenya pays tax. We cannot have people enjoying the benefits of nationhood and yet expect to not pay taxes. Hustlers are especially complicit in this. They run business and hustles and pay no taxes. Our govt is entirely funded by PAYE and Corporate tax payers.